hi my name is ellie and my mom are wizards i am just going to go right out and say it i am going to be a wizard too some day but i havent got my powers yet my little brother or in should say bother is 8 years old and he already has his powers OMG!!!!!! icant believe it my brother just duplicated a bunny i am so jealous i should have got my pwers first but as my dad calls it i am a late bloomer. My dad uses old sayings my grandpa is even more modern than he is can you beleive it now i bet you are wondering why i havent mentioned my sister well she died last year i really dont like to talk about but, since you are my diary i am going to tell you all about it my sister was going to get candles for my birthday cake because my dad forgot to get them so, she went to the drugstore and she bought the candles and a water bottle she was drinking it on the way and turns out the guy who sold the water bottle to my sister he had piuosoned it and she died bye check out my second book
Publication Date: 05-26-2011
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