
Chapter 1 - School Here I Come (Part 1)

"Wake up Alissa" called my mom in her motherly tone that she thought was empowering from downstairs. Me on the other hand thought it was just plain sweet. I yelled back in a low tone and said "5 minutes please" then fell a sleep again only to be woken up by my older brother Damon pouring a bucket of water on top of me causing me to wake up in full rage.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I screamed so loud that I think I broke the glass on the nightstand beside me. "Just wanted to wake you up. I warned you before I did it, so calm down. We have school today, so hurry up and get ready. Be down in 25 minutes or you're walking to school." I nodded and he walked out the door making sure to close it behind him.

I got up, and walked to my closet. It was huge with red doors, and black handles. I searched my whole closet before deciding on what to wear today. I decided on a strapless top that was blue and white and flowed down to my waist, a pair of black skinny jeans, and white gladiators with silver diamonds at the top. I laid my outfit on the bed and walked to my bathroom.

Yeah, you heard right. MY bathroom. This family was rich. My dad was a doctor at the biggest hospital in town, while my mother was a designer who had designed dresses for most of the hottest singers out there like; Selena, Nicky, etc. They both made a lot of money, and me being their kid got some of it too.

I got into the bathroom and made sure to lock the door. Last time I forgot to lock the door Damon, and his friends; Liam, Zayn, and Justin came in and took my bra and taped it to the front bulletin board for everyone to see at school. It was so embarrassing.

I turned on the shower to warm, and waited a few seconds before I got in. When I got in, I closed the door. I stood there for 5 minutes letting the tiny drops slid down my body, then down into the drain. It helped relax my sore muscles. I then grabbed the soap and glided it over my skin. I put it back in the holder, and washed the soap traces away. Next I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed just enough out. I massaged my scalp, until the liquid turned into a foamy substance. Then I rinsed my hair out and turned the tap off.

When I got out, I grabbed 2 of my soft white towels. I wrapped one over my body then another over my head. I walked into my room and went to my draws to pick out my underwear. It was a black cotton bra that had silver lines running at the top all the way to the back, and the underwear had the same design. After I slid them on, I got my jeans and pulled them up to my waist. Then I took my strapless shirt and slid it on over my small head.

I walked to my little table in the corner then held all my girl stuff like; my straightening iron, make-up, and other girl things. I plugged my curling iron in and put it down on the table to wait for it to heat up. It was taking a long time, so I grabbed my make-up bag and took out the necessaries; eyeshadow, with lip gloss. I stroked my finger over the light blue eye shadow and rubbed it onto my eye making sure it was light. Then I took my lip gloss and smeared it onto my perfect lips. I was already beautiful, so I didn't need to much make-up. I had diamond blue eyes, with a hint of silver in them.

When I was finished applying make-up to my face I started to work on my hair. I had night black hair that stopped up to my boobs. I curled each piece of hair the way I like it. Not to curly, not to fat. Just right. When I was done, I got up and walked to my body length mirror. I looked at my appearance, and liked what I saw. This would so shock those kids back at school; the guys who picked on me, and the girls that called me fat. Smiling I grabbed my gladiator and back pack with my cellphone and ran downstairs.

In the kitchen stood my mom at the stove making her breakfast, while Damon was already at the table with his friends. Me and Damon both looked a like except he had chocolate brown hair with hazelnut eyes, he was 6'2 while I was 5'6, and he was a year older them me.

At the table sat Liam who was 6'1, had black hair like mine, was really good at sports, had a 6 pack, and was a total hottie. He was really popular with the girls, and I secretly had a crush on him. Next to him sat Zayn. Zayn was 5'1 like Liam, had brown hair with one black streak, and yet again another hottie, but he already had a girlfriend named Katy. They were engaged right now and she went to the same school as him. Last Justin sat at the end. He was alright, he had blood red hair that could pass as brown in the sun, ruby red eyes, with a hint of silver. He also had a 4 pack.

When I finished eating, we all rushed outside to Damon's car. I called shotgun. The boys were fighting for it, but I got in first causing all three of them to sit at the back. It was a 15 minute drive there. While we were in the car, the guys all made small comments about how I looked. "Alissa you look smokin' hot today, but that's no surprise 'cause you're always hot." Said Liam. I blushed, and turned my face to the window so he wouldn't be able to see. "Thanks, you look hot yourself today!" I said casually but inside my head I was screaming it.

When we got to school, all the guys were staring at with lust in their eyes. I smiled and waved to them. Then I saw all the girls looking at my bro, and his friends. They all were really popular with the girls here. I said bye to them and told them that I would see them at lunch, then I walked into the school.

(A/N: Heey guys, its Leesia ... the author! This is just the beginning of my new book, and I wanted to know what you guys think of it so far. As most of you may know, I base whether I will continue a book on what my readers say. So if you want me to continue the book all you have to do is heart and/or comment on the book. IF you guys want me to write more I assure you that there will be many exciting events that will be happening through out the book :)

Chapter 1 - School Here I Come (Part 2)

I walked into the school step by step. As soon as I was inside, all the memories came flooding back to me. There were the good ones of me and my actual friends, then the bad ones of me getting bullied and called names. I felt a single tear drop roll down my face when I thought of it. I whipped it away quickly and told myself that I was no longer that ugly girl that always got bullied. I was now confident, strong, and most of all BEAUTIFUL.

I took a deep breathe then replaced my frown with a big smile. I still remembered this school pretty well. I knew where everything was already, but I noticed that they had made a little few changes since I was last here 3 years ago. I walked to the office to get my schedule. It was all the way upstairs, so I had to climb 3 sets of wooden stairs, then walk through a small hall.

When I got to the office, I opened the door and walked in. The secretary was still the same but looked different. If I remember correctly her name was Mrs. Seith. She used to be 4'5 and had short blonde hair. Now she looked to be about 5'6, had shoulder length black hair, and could pass as a teenager. When I walked in she didn't see me because her face was stuffed into a pile of paper.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, and it worked. She looked up at me and for a moment she looked shocked. The next thing I knew she was hugging me. I hugged her back too. "Omg you must be Alissa, the returning student. You changed so much! I'm so happy that you are back, I missed you soooooo much!" She practically yelled. I laughed and said "Heey Mrs. Seith. Yup that's right i'm back and I missed you too."

She finally let go of me, and we chatted for a bit. We talked about my life when I was gone, and some new things that happened around the school. When we were done she told me to take a seat while she went and looked for my schedule. I just stood up for a few minutes, and took a good look at the office. It was all changed. The walls were now painted a light blue color, while the whole office had chairs made of leather and tables made of wood. It looked better then before to tell you the honest truth.

It was taking her longer then expected so I sat in a black chair that was up against the wall. My eyes were closed now. They hurt so I was relaxing them for a few seconds. When I opened them I noticed that next to me sat someone who I recognized as Mason. I didn't like him, I ABSOLUTELY HATED HIS GUTS! You might think i'm being mean right now, but I have a perfectly good explanation. But that will have to wait.

He just looked at me and smiled. I tried to be as polite as I could when I said "What do you want?" but it came out as an annoyed tone. "Just wanted to get to know the new student, and I dont know maybe ask her out?" I looked at him with pure disgust. "Sorry, I already like someone, and you will get to know me better as the school year passes by." After I said that Mrs. Seith was back with my schedule. She handed it to me and then turned to talk to Mason.



Mrs. Seith had asked Mason to show me around the school, but I told her that it was okay I still remembered where everything was. But fuckin' Mason agreed to it and now he was showing me around. He grabbed my schedule and read it. "You have all the same classes as me. So just follow me until you get used to where all your classes are." After he said that he walked me to my locked and I put all my books away and grabbed the ones I would need for the morning.

When we walked to my first class which was Math he didn't bother talking to me. My guess would be that he already read my name off of the schedule, and he didn't know what to say. While we were walking in the hall, we passed a lot of guys. They whistled and me, and some even gave me their numbers. Mason kept growling every time one of the boys looked at me. I literally laughed out loud causing Mason to stare at me like I was crazy.

When we got into math class I went to the front of the room, and introduced myself. Before I said anything all the guys were just staring at me and drooling. I smiled and said "Heey everyone, my names Alissa. Some of you may remember me seeing as you guys bullied me back in middle school, some may not. I could see all of their faces now turn into a shocked expression I just wanted to let you all know that payback is a bitch. Thanks." Before I walked back to my seat I looked at Mason and smirked at him. With that I walked to the back and took a seat next to a hot looking guy named Tyler.

Mr. Sean the math teacher just looked at me with an approving look. He then began to teach the lesson for today and I payed attention for the whole thing even though I knew it all. I wrote notes down too. When the bell rang signaling that it was time to go to our next class I walked out the door leaving Mason behind. I walked all the way to study hall then sat down on a chair and began to listen to my music and sketch in my notepad.


(A/N: WOW this was a long chapter. Next chapter is gonna be a little bit more intense, and hopefully not to long :) Thanks for reading!

Chapter 2 - What The Fuck!

I was listening to; Want you back by Cher Lloyd when all of a sudden someone pulled my headphones out and threw my notepad across the room. Then I heard the doors lock, and the lights turn off. Ugh. I looked back to see who did it, but was surprised when some moist smooth lips crash onto mine. I didn't know who it was at first because it was to dark to see. I pulled back quickly and took a few steps back.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked. They said nothing and kept coming closer to me. I found myself backing away till my back was against the wall, and I had no where to go. That person was now in front of me. I tried to push them away, but they didn't budge. Instead they grabbed my arms and pinned them about my head. I opened my mouth to scream and protest but yet against there lips were on mine.

Whoever these lips belong to was a great kisser. I found myself melting in their arms. Their lips were so smooth it felt like I was kissing a bow of silk. Something wet slide across my bottom lip, and I noticed that they were asking for entrance. For a few seconds I didn't respond until I felt him bite my lower lip. While I gasped he took that as his advantage and slide his tongue into my mouth. It felt like I was a piece of paper; both fragile, and weak because he was carefully moving his tongue; exploring my mouth.

I pulled back for air, and then the lights turned on. What was standing before me shocked the living hell out of me. It was Mason. He had just kissed me, and I let him. Smiling like he just won the jackpot while I fell to the ground. "Alissa will you go out with me?" I pulled myself up from the ground holding the walls for support. When I was up, I looked him up and down, and said "You gotta be kidding me. I FUCKIN HATE YOU!" Then I walked away and grabbed my stuff.

It was finally lunch time. I walked to my locker from study hall looking all flushed. When I got to my locker you couldn't believe who was standing there. It was Mason. "UGHH, what do you want now?" was all I said. "Okay, I know you think bad of me because of what I did to you in the past, but i've changed. If you gave me the chance I could prove it to you. Please just one chance." "Fine just go away now" was all I said before he left.

Opening my locker I stuffed my books in. I waited at my locker, until I saw a familiar brunette, and with her was 3 other people I recognize. I walked up to them and said "Heey, you guys miss me?" They all turned around, and when they saw me their eyes lit up in excitement. "Alissa?" Was all they said before the gave me a big group hug. All of them were my best friends three years ago when I was last here. They were nice to me, and were my actual friends.

"Yup its me. The one and only Alissa Martine" I smiled a bid smile showing my perfect white teeth. "Oh my fuckin' gosh you look amazing!" said the brunette. Her name was actually Emily. "Oh My God" was all the blonde boy said. He was Alex. The other two just looked at me speechless then said "Whoa, you looking sexy baby gurl!" It was from Stefan and Lissa.

"You all look so amazing too." After I said that we went to the lunch room and lined up at the lunch line. I grabbed a slice of pizza, with an apple juice. Then went all the way to the cashier and paid. Emily, Alex, Stefan, and Lissa paid for their lunches then we sat at the table that was in the middle of the lunch room. We talked and talked and talked. Then Liam came up behind me and kissed me on the cheek. I turned around and pulled him closer to me. Then I stood up and hugged him.

"Heey Liammm wassup?"
"Nothing baby gurl. Me and the guys are going to the movies after school, and since they all are bringing a date and I don't have one, I wanted to know if you would go with me?"
"Suree, wait for me after school near my locker?"
"Okay. See yah."

Liam walked back to my bro and the guys, while I sat back down and continued to eat my lunch. "What was that?" asked everyone at the table. "Nothinggg" I replied with. They all looked at each other then screamed "Alissa Like Liam, Alissa likes Liam!" I turned red and waved my hands in the air trying to make them shut up. "Okay, fine I like him. Gheesh!" "I knew it yelled Emily and Lissa." Congrats you knew. Thanks god that Liam and the guys already left. If he heard that I would literally kill myself from embarrassment.

The bell rang, and all of a sudden my stomach was starting to hurt. My group went back to their lockers. Emily and Stefan said that they would meet me in period 4. I ran to the bathroom quickly then came out 5 minutes later. Walking back to my locker, I noticed that someone was standing there. "Stalker alert!" I yelled in a joking tone. Mason looked at me like he was mad ..... uhm like what did I do?

When I was a few steps away from my locker, he grabbed me and pushed me against the lockers. Heey that hurt! He looked at me and practically yelled at me saying "What the hell was that in the lunch room?" What the fuck? "Uhm that was me hugging someone." Anger was clearly shown in his eyes as so was some other emotions that I couldn't clearly make out. "Is he your boyfriend?" when he asked that his hands were tightening around mine. I pulled back and said "That's none of your business"

He was beyond mad now. Words couldn't describe what he was feeling. "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!" I was mad now. How dare he yell at me and waste my time. I clenched my hands into fist and punch him right in the jaw causing him to fall back. "Don't you dare talk to me ever again! Got it?" Then I walked to my 5th period class.

When I got their the class was already running laps. I ran into the change room and quickly changed into my gym cloths; some short shorts with a white t-shirt. I came out and proceeded running laps. I sprinted the first 5 laps then jogged the last 2. Yay I was the third one done out of 60. Stefan finished first, then some other kid named Steve, then me. Lissa finished after me.

We walked to are bags and grabbed are water bottle and chucked down all the liquid remaining in the bottle. When we were done we played a one on one game of basketball and I won. The period was finally over, and now it was time for art. This period flew by fast. I loved art, it was my favorite subject because I could express myself through different methods like; pictures, coloring, etc.

When it was done I went to my locker and saw Liam waiting for me. I ran to him and kissed his cheek. Then we walked to his car. It was a shinny red Jeep. I loved it so much you don't understand. He walked me to the passenger side and opened the door for me like a true gentlemen. I got in the passenger side while he got in the driver side then he speed off to the movie theater.

(A/N: Whats going to happen to Mason? Is he gonna try and win Alissa's heart or forget her? And whats going to happen at the movie theater between Alissa and Liam when their together in the dark watching a movie? Stay tuned to find out :)

Chapter 3 - Movie Theater.

Before we left to go to the movie theater I saw Mason staring at us. He was looking at Liam like he was some piece of trash. He looked at me, and I could see in his eyes that he was on the verge of crying. I looked away because I didn't want to have to deal with it now. Then Liam speed off to the movie theater.

"So, who were you with at forth period?" asked Liam. I looked at him wondering why he was asking. "Uhm no one really." I answered with. "Oh really?" "Okay it was just some boy named Mason. He was just asking me about stuff." Liam was quiet now. All he said was okay. It was so quiet that I decided to turn on the radio.

Carly Rae Jepson - Call me maybe started playing so I sang along.

I threw a wish in the well
don't ask me i'll never tell
I look to you as it feel
and now your in my way

I trade my soul for a wish
pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this
but now your in my way

You're stare way holding
rip jeans skin was showing
hot night wind was blowing
where you think you going baby

I just meet you
and this is crazy
but here's my number
so call me maybe

its hard to look right
at you baby
but here's my number
so call me maybe

I suddenly stopped singing when we pulled into the movie theater. I turned the radio off and just sat back in my seat. Liam looked at me and said "You're a good singer Alissa." I smiled and said "Aww thanks." Then we got out of the car and meet up with the guys and their girlfriends.

Apparently we weren't all sitting together. We were just watching the movie together. Each couple sat in different parts of the movie theater. Me and Liam got the back, Zayn and Katy were in the front, Justin and his girlfriend Celine were at the side, Tyler and Veronica were at the other side, and my brother Damon and his girlfriend Elena were in the middle.

When the movie started, I could already see Justin and Tyler making out with their girlfriends. Damon just had his hand on Elena's shoulder while she snuggled up next to him. Me and Liam were the only ones not really doing anything.

Then when I least expected it Liam entwined are fingers together. I looked at him and he smiled. Next thing I knew he pulled me on top of him and made me sit on his lap. I blushed but thank god that it was dark so he couldn't see my face. He moved some of my hair from my face and put it behind my ear. Then he whispered in that sexy voice of his in my ear saying "Alissa"

I turned around to face him and then are lips meet. He gave me a gentle yet passionate kiss and I found myself wanting more. I snaked my arms up to his neck and began to play with his hair. He hand his arm wrapped around my waist. I bit his bottom lip asking for entrance and luckily he granted access. My tongue slid into his mouth, and his meet mine half way. They danced together in a ba-ba-bam rhythm.

I pulled his hair back lightly and he moaned. I smiled against his lips. Then he did something weird. He pulled back and pushed me off of him and back onto my seat. For the rest of the movie he didn't look my way, and then when it was time for him to drop me home he said nothing. I was so pissed now. I mean you kiss me, then ignore me? Whats up with that?

When we were finally back in my driveway, I grabbed the handle to open the door. Click was all I heard before I tried to open the door. He locked it. I took a deep breathe and said "Open the damn door before I break it." He stayed quiet then spoke. "Only if you promise to forget everything that just happened at the movie theater." I was shocked. He was asking me to forget EVERYTHING.

My blood was boiling now. "You know what, I thought you were different but I guess I was wrong. You're just what the rumors say. Consider everything forgotten." I walked to the front door and opened it with my key. When I was in my room, I slammed the door shut and ran to the bathroom. I need to take a shower and get my mind off of what just happened. When I was in the shower I couldn't help but cry. The person I used to look up to, and loved just broke my heart.

My tears weren't visible because it was blended in by the water. I sighed and began to washing my body. Then I came out ten minutes later. I went to my draws and took out a bra and pantie. The color was purple. I slid them on then put on my pajamas. They consisted of a; blue tank top with white shorts.

When I was done dressing I got into bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. I fell into a deep slumber a few minutes later.

Chapter 4 - Ignoring With A Hint Of Jealousy

Beep, beep, beep. Ugh that stupid alarm clock just wont shut the fuck up. I was still half a sleep when I tried to hit the snooze button but my hand slipped and hit the hard floor. "Owww" I yelled then got up, instantly holding my hand making sure it wasn't broken. I looked at the alarm clock with hatred written all over my face then took it and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and shattered into about 250 small pieces. Great I thought. Now I need to buy a new one on my way home from school.

I was still not feeling good due to what had happened on the previous night with Liam. I just decided that it was best to move on and ignore him. Walking over to my closet, I opened the doors and picked out my outfit for today. It was a green mini skirt with a red silky bow in the middle and a red tank top. I laid my outfit on the bed and walked to the bathroom. When I stripped my clothes off I picked them up and put them in the hamper.

Then I walked to the stand-up shower and turned the tap to cool. When it was perfect I walked in and closed the door behind me. I stood against the wall letting the water run down my body then down to the drain. For a minute I could of swore I heard someone open the door to my room, guess it was just my imagination cause I saw no one. When I was back in the shower I grabbed my watermelon scented soap and scrubbed it onto my body. Then I took the matching shampoo and massaged my scalp. I rinsed off and came out 2 minutes later.

I dried my skin off and slipped my clothes on. Then I walked over to my little table and decided to just straighten my hair. I plugged my straightening iron in and waiting for it to heat up. When it was done I split my hair into different sections and began to work on it. 18 minutes then I was done. Next was make-up. Hmmm green eye shadow with some clear lip gloss I thought would look good. I took it out of the make-up bag and slashed some eye shadow on, then rubbed some lip gloss on my smooth lips.

Now all I had to do was eat breakfast and I could hurry and get this day over with. I walked downstairs only to find Liam and Damon sitting at the table. What great luck I have. I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of orange juice and gulped it done. Ahhh that was refreshing. After I kissed mom goodbye and walked to the front door. I could hear foot steps behind me and I could already guess who they belonged to.

"Alissa wait. I need to talk to you about the other night" I didn't make eye contact with him. I just said "Sorry uhm do I know you, and what are you talking about?" Then I walked out the door. Outside waiting for me was Mason. He had wanted to talk to me for a while now so he texted me today, and I told him that he could pick me up and we could discuss it on are way to school.

When I left I saw Liam staring at me. He looked beat red. I didn't care though. At least I wasn't the one who was being a jerk. I hopped into the passenger side and buckled up. Then Mason pulled out of the driveway and proceeded making his way to school.

"Sooo what you wanna talk about?"
"I just wanted to say sorry about everything. I know I have been mean to you for the past couple days, and I was wondering if I still had that one chance left to prove it to you."
"Okay, how about you prove it to me today?"
"Suree, today after school are you free? I want to take you out somewhere special."
"Yeah, I am. Sounds good. I'll wait for you by the lockers then after school."
"Okay, I promise I wont be late."

We were finally at school, and Mason parked right next to Liam. Damn it. I got out and saw Liam leaning on his car staring at me. I looked away, and just continues talking to Mason. When I passed him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Let go of me please" I said not daring to look him in the eyes. He wouldn't let go, so I pulled my hand away from him in a quick movement and continued walking to the lockers.

When I got there, Mason had already left me. I opened my locker and stuffed my books in. Then I grabbed the ones I would need today. It was a short day schedule meaning we only had 3 periods in the morning today then we could leave. My periods for today were Art, Gym, and Science. I got my books then closed my locked and proceeded to my first class art. When I was half way there, someone grabbed me from behind and held a cloth to my face.

I was going to scream and push them away but I didn't have much energy. Next thing I knew my vision was getting blurry, and all I could see now was the color black. I felt myself drop to the floor. Then someone picked me up bridal style and carried me somewhere.


When I woke up I realized that I was tied to a chair. What the fuck was happening? I tried to move my hands but they were tied tight. I looked around the room that I was being held in and recognized it. It looked like Liam's room but painted a different shade. "Hello?" I called out ... but no reply.

The doors suddenly flew open and I saw Liam walking in. I screamed and said "Liam untie me this instant or i'll kick you in the balls hard when I get out of here." He laughed and said "Nope, But you can try." I raised my leg to kick him, but I failed to do so. UGHH!

(Liam's POV)

I was downstairs while Alissa was upstairs. I was making her something to eat, seeing that when she woke up she would be hungry due to the effect of the drug. I didn't want to hurt her, but she wouldn't listen to me. Instead she ignored me. This was my last option.

I saw her walking to her first period class, and no one was around. I took that as my opportunity to capture her, and get her out of here before anyone noticed. I loved her, and I needed to tell her that. When we were at the movie theater I kissed her. It was the best kiss I ever had in my whole entire life. Her lips were so soft like an angels from heaven. I wanted more. But then it hit me.

This was my best friends sister. What the hell was I doing? I quickly pulled her off of me and pushed her back in her seat. Through out the whole movie, I tried not to look at her. It was so hard cause she was right next to me and she kept staring at me. I manged somehow though. When I dropped her home, I asked her to forget about everything. She looked broken hearted and said I was just like what the rumors said about me and that everything was forgotten.

I felt terrible. I couldn't sleep that night. All I could think about was Alissa and what I did to her. She must hate me right now. I went to her house the next morning and she continued to ignore me. I was literally pissed now. That's where this plan came in. I had already talked it out with Damon, and he told me that it was cool. He noticed that I had deep feelings for Alissa and he felt that I was holding back because of him.

He said that he wouldn't mind if I dated his sister, but if I ever hurt her he would cut off my baby maker. I was glad that he was okay with it. It makes this a whole lot easier. Now all I had to do was explain myself to Alissa and hope that she forgives me.

"Okay you have five minutes to hurry up and explain yourself before I start ignoring you forever." That was all I said to Liam. I was mad. Who in the fuckin' hell would kidnap someone and then drag them to their house? Well apparently Liam would. Hes reason better be worth my time. I have to meet Mason in a few minutes and here I was stuck in Liam's room tied up. Nice eh?

"Alissa just please hear me out."
"Untie me first!"
"No, if I do you're going to run."
"I wont run I promise. Just untie me please."
"Okay fine."

Liam finally untied me and when he was about to speak, I headed for the door. I ran, while he chased me around the house. A few more steps and I would be out of here. When my hand was on the door, Liam grabbed me and turned me around. He pushed me up against the door then crashed his lips onto mine. Oh my god! His lips were warm and feel so soft. I found myself responding.

I snaked my arms up to his neck and played with his hair, while he snaked his arms around my waist holding me. Both of are eyes were closed. This kiss felt so special like it was meant just for me. Are lips molded together in perfect shape like they were made for each other. Liam bit my bottom lip and I happily parted my mouth for him.

He slid his tongue into my mouth slowly and began to explore my mouth. I pulled on his hair lightly and he moaned. Next thing I knew we were on a bumpy surface. My guess was a bed, but how did we get here? Liam continued to kiss me, he turned us over so he was now on top of me. We pulled apart for air. I just stared into his chocolate brown eyes, while he stared into mine. Instantly I smiled.

He smiled too and showed his perfect pearly white teeth. Then he kissed me again, but this time it was a gentle yet passionate kiss. He pulled back and began to trail kissed down my neck. When he got to my collar bone he sucked on it. I was moaning, and I couldn't control it. It felt so good. Before he could do anything else I turned us over so now I was the one on top.

I sucked on his neck and gave him a hickey. I smiled like I won a medal. Then I did the same thing he did to me. Sending kissed down his neck and then sucking on his collar bone. He moaned while I just laughed. I got off of him and laid down next to him. "So what are we now?" I asked out of breathe. "Were boyfriend and girlfriend." said Liam in a confident tone. Oh really? I thought. "Okay if were girlfriend and boyfriend then I have 1 condition." I said.

"Okay name em." Liam said. "I don't want to be a secret couple and I want us to act like boyfriend and girlfriend." I said a little embarrassed. "Okay babe." I kissed him again but this time it was a little longer then a minute. I pulled apart when my phone rang.

"Alissa? Its Mason. Is are date still on?"
"Oh ... hi Mason. Sorry i'm gonna have to cancel."
"Cause I have a boyfriend now. His names Liam." When I said that I looked at Liam and smiled.
"What the fuck?"
"Okay well byee." I said and hanged up.

"Who was that?" asked Liam. "Just Mason. we were suppose to go on a date today, but I already have a boyfriend so plans got cancelled and I guess hes mad now but oh well." Liam looked pissed. "What? You were the one who told me to forget everything so I decided it was time to move on, but then the next day you kidnapped me and made me fall head over hells for you again." Now Liam was smiling like a doof.

"Okay well its getting late, so can you drop me home?" I asked. "Okay" was all he said. We walked back downstairs and out the front door to the car. I got in the passenger side while he got in the driver side. It was a 10 minutes drive to my house. When Liam pulled up in the drive way, he got out, and came around the side and opened the door for me. I got out and grabbed his hand entwining are fingers.

When we walked in Damon was Elena were in the living room along with the guys looking depressed. I walked in and asked what happened. Then everyone turned to me and they started screaming in amusement. "OH MY BLOODY HELL YOU TWO ARE DATING?" asked the guys. I just nodded my head and pulled Liam closer to me until are lips were touching. I kissed him and then turned back to face them.

"No fair. How come Liam gets the hottie?" Yelled Justin. I literally fell down laughing. "Because I love him. That's how he got me." I answered that question. Then I saw Liam's face light up like a baby when they first see candy. "Whats up with you?" I asked. "You just said you loved me!" I blushed and nodded. He grabbed me and spun me around. "I love you too Alissa Martine." I smiled then he put me down.

I said night to the guys, and went up to my room to go sleep. Liam just followed and I let him.

(A/N: Heey so what did you guys think about this chapter? Next chapters going to be short and all about Alissa and Liam ..... in bed. Can't wait. Stay tuned. Next chapter should be out either today or tomorrow :)

Chapter 5 - Truth or Dare

Me and Liam were both in my bedroom. He was sleeping over tonight. I was wearing a white tank top with black shorts to sleep. Liam on the other hand had stripped out of his clothes only leaving on his boxers. He got into bed with me, and pulled me closer. I rested my head in his chest and fell a sleep a few minutes later.

"Get your ass up Alissa and Liam, were playing truth or dare night version." scream Damon from downstairs. I covered my head with the pillow trying to block out all the sound. It didn't help though 'cause two seconds later all the guys; Justin and Tyler were up in my room dragging both me and Liam downstairs.

The door bell rang a few minutes later. I had invited some of my girl friends 'cause I knew they would be up for it. At the door stood; Emily my bestie, and Rachel one of my close friends. We all hugged, then I pulled them in. Everyone sat in a circle.

"Okay i'll go first." said Tyler. "Truth or dare Rachel?" Rachel literally was smiling a big ass smile. "Dare" she picked. "I dare you to strip and kiss three random guys on the street." Rachel smile turned into a smirk. She striped her clothes leaving on just her bra and undies. She walked outside and we followed. Walking on the side walk were 2 cute guys. She walked up to them and gave them both a kiss on the lips. Then there was an old man looking to be about 45 years old. Her smirked dropped to a disgusted face. She ran up to him and kissed him though.

When she came back she looked at me and said "Truth or Dare?" My smile suddenly dropped. I hated her truths or dares, and stupidly I didn't think she was going to ask me. "Uhm .. . Dare" I replied. "I dare you to have a one on one make out session with Liam right here right now." I looked at her like she was finally insane but got up and moved to Liam anyways. I sat down facing him then I pulled him closer until are lips were touching.

This was a hot steamy kiss. It left me wanting more. I crashed my lips onto his and gave him a passionate kiss. It was long and sweet. He bit my lower lip till I granted him access. When I did he slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored it greedily. He pulled me onto his lap with out breaking the kiss. Then he pulled back and started to leave a trail of kissed done my neck all the way to my collar bone. He stopped and sucked it. I was moaning like crazy when finally the guys pulled him away from me.

I was a bright red now. I looked at Justin and Tyler and said the famous three words "Truth or Dare?" They both picked dare and I said I dare you both to french kiss everyone in this room. They looked disgusted but did it. When they kissed the girls they didn't want to break a part. It was like 2 magnets glued together. I pulled them a part and said okay you guys are good. But they grabbed me and pinned me down. They both kissed a side on my cheek then let go go. "Ewwww now I have a whole bunch of spit on my cheek." I ran to the bathroom and washed it off.

When I came back Emily was answering a question. "Emily is it true that you love Tyler" Justin asked. Emily was now red as a tomato. She turned her head and nodded. Then Tyler's eyes lit up. I already knew those two liked each other but they were both to scared to admit it. Tyler decided to make the first move though. He got up and walked to her. He pulled her up then closer to him, and kissed her lightly on the lips. She snaked her arms up to his neck and played with his hair. While he grabbed her waist and pulled her even closer. She licked his bottom lip and he granted her access making sure not to waste a second. He slid his tongue in to her mouth while she did the same. Then they pulled a part to catch their breathe. They just smiled at each other.

Then Tyler did something so cute. He said "Emily will you be my girlfriend?" Emily lit up like a shinning star and said "OMFG YES!" she hugged him and they updated their relationship status on facebook. Now the whole world knew those two were together.


Everyone left a few minutes later, while I walked up to my room and laid down on the bed. Liam was right beside me. He held me in a tight embrace. Making sure that I wasn't going anywhere. I turned around and hugged him and said "Goodnight baby, Love you." He smiled and said "Lovee you more." Then I turned back around and started to count sheep ..... 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep. By the time I got to the forth one Liam took out his blackberry and handed it to me. I looked at it and saw that he had changed his relationship status. It now said "In a relationship with Alissa Martine <3" I was so happy now, that I got up and kissed him on the lips. Then I fell a sleep a few minutes later.


(A/N: Awww wasn't this a cute chapter? Anyways next chapter is a continuation from this one. If you read my little note in the previous chapter you might understand what I mean when I say: might have some sexual parts ... just a warning :)

Chapter 6 - Pleasured

Actually I wasn't sleeping. More like I couldn't. In the room next to mine I could hear Elena and Damon moaning. Liam decided that it would be okay if we went to his house and I slept the night. Me being the idiot I am changed into black skinny jeans and a white tank top and left the house just like that.

When we got to Liam's house, we went up to his bedroom. He walked over to his draws and pulled out a white long t-shirt. He threw it at me and pointed to the bathroom. I walked over to it, and closed the door. Then I began to strip my clothes off. When I was done stripping I slid the white t-shirt on. It had Liam's scent all over it. I loved his scent. It wasn't like all those teenage boys scent; smelly and gross. It was a rich lemon smell. My favorite.

I picked up my clothes and folded them into a neat pile. Then I opened the door and saw that Liam was already done dressing. He had on some blue boxers. He wasn't wearing a shirt so his 6 pack was clearly visible and OMG he looked so hawt just laying on the bed that I started to drool. "You can stop drooling over me now." said jokingly.

He walked over to me, but I ran away from him. I ran all the way back into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Then I heard him say "When I catch you i'm going to do wonders to that body of yours." I blushed and ran out of the bathroom using the other door. Liam was hot on my trail. I re-entered the bedroom, and ran to the bathroom again. Just a few steps away.

Before I could turn the knob a strong arm wrapped itself around my waist and pushed me on the bed. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Liam's neck and pulled him closer to me until are lips were a mere inch away. I closed the space between are lips and kissed him on the lips while his arm re-wrapped itself around my waist. He pushed his body closer to mine trying to close the space between us. Closer, closer, closer until we were pushed up against each other, and are bodies couldn't move anymore.

I turned us over and straddled him without breaking the kiss. Then I pulled back and started to leave trails of kisses down his neck. I stopped at his collar bone and sucked on it. He moaned and that turned me on. I then passed my hand on his rock hard abs sliding them up and down and then I stopped and made my way to little Liam. Little Liam was getting taller. I pulled off Liam's boxers and before I did anything this was what Liam said "Alissa don't do it. If you do watch i'm going to get you back." I grinned but did it anyways.

I opened my mouth and started to suck on his dick. It was so huge that I was surprised. It was hard to get all of it in, but I had half of it in my mouth already. Liam was moaning like crazy now. I used my tongue and slid it up and down his dick. While Liam held my head and was guiding me in. He pushed my head a bit, causing me to take in more of his dick. I pulled back and then smiled at him. I was getting up when Liam pulled me back down on the bed.

He was now on top of me. "Where do you think your going so soon? Its my turn." He said then pulled my t-shirt off of me and threw it to the ground. I looked at him in the eyes and wrapped my arms back around is neck "Haha now let me go." I said but he just smiled and started to move his hand all the way up to my bra. When he got to it he pulled it off and threw it to the ground. The next way he was going was to my undies. He also pulled them off and threw them to the ground.

We were both nude now. He gave me a soft kiss on the lips, then pulled back and sucked on my collar bone. I moaned and he smiled. I could tell he was having fun. Then he used the tips of his fingers and slowly caressed my boobs. He moved his head all the way down there and sucked on my nipples. I let out a moan. He then bit them lightly. "Liam, Bite them h-h-harder." I said. He was making me feel so good inside.

He pulled back and then slowly came back up and kissed me again on the lips. This time it was a rough kiss. It felt like he was sucking the life out of me. He slowly stuck a finger into my core, then another slowly followed. I was making noises against his mouth. I cant believe these things were coming out of my mouth this loud. Lucky for me no one was home to hear. Another finger went in, making me really wet now.

He pulled his fingers out while I got ever wetter. Then he looked at me and asked if he could. I nodded and he slowly pushed his dick into me. It was now fully in and it hurt a bit but then everything was okay. He cummed into me but lucky for us he was using a condom. "I love you Alissa" Liam said. I smiled and kissed him then said "Love you too." He was now thrusting his dick into me. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. "Ugh, ahh Liam go fuckin faster, and harder." He did as I said then pushed his dick into me for the last time.

I was soaking wet now. He glided his hand down my pussy then sucked it. "You taste great." was all he said. I so didn't understand him now. He then glided his hand back down but this time he did it by surprise causing me to jump. He pushed his fingers into my mouth and now I knew what he meant. All I could say was "Wow." After he pushed his dick into me one more time and I wiggled my hips to give him a better angle.

When he pulled back, we both collapsed onto the bed. "That .... was .... awesome ..." I said out of breathe. "I ... know ... I love ... you Alissa." Liam whispered. I just smiled and cuddled up next to him while he wrapped his arm around my waist. Then we both fell asleep into each others arms a few minutes later.


(A/N: Wow that was a really hard chapter to write. Anyways what did you guys think of this chapter??? A few chapters from now Liam reveals a very shocking secret of his, that could wreck or make their relationship better. Find out soon. That chapter is likely to be the final blow for this book, and its coming soon. :)

Chapter 7 - Secrets

I walked into the classroom, and took my seat. Liam was not here yet; at school and that upset me because for the past few days he hasn't returned my phone calls, text messages, or even emails! I'm really worried about him. What if something bad happened, or maybe he just doesn't like me anymore?

Thinking about this was hurting my brain so I stopped. A few minutes later Mr.Fitz walked in and began his lesson. I wasn't paying attention though for two reasons; one I already knew this stuff, and two my brain wondered back to Liam. When the bell rang signalling that it was time to go to are next class I got up and walked out the door to the parking lot.

I was being followed but I didn't care, I had to go see Liam right now or I would die. I walked all the way over to my car, and got out my car keys from my bag. When I was about to open the door someone grabbed me spun me around. It was Mason. Oh no is what I thought.

"What do you want Mason" I asked trying to hurry up. "Where do you think your going?" he asked instead. "None of your business!" I nearly yelled. He was wasting my time and I was literally dying. He took my keys and threw them in the grass then back me up against the car. "Your not going anywhere and I don't care. Look what Liam is doing to you. Don't you think it would be better if you were my girlfriend instead? I would reply to all your emails, text, and even phone calls."

"Shut up. How do you know something bad didn't happen?" He looked at me like he was trying to debate whether he should tell me something. "Just spit it out!" I screamed. He hesitated for a minute then said "Nothing bad happened .... I know that because were brothers. We didn't tell you because we were worried about what you would think" Mason said quietly.

I was on the ground now laughing my ass off. "Haha your so funny, don't think i'm going to believe you with out any proof." He took his cell out and called Liam's house number. His mom answered and said "Hello" Mason replied and said "Mom, its Mason I was wondering what time do we have that family thing at. I forgot and i'm coming right after school." The women on the other line said "Hey dear, its tonight at 4:40pm. Liam's going to be a little late though. Make sure you dress nicely and bring a date." Then she cut the phone off.

I was literally frozen on the spot. Did I just hear her right, or am I deaf? Oh my god! Mason held me up while I dropped to the floor. He say me down inside his car then when I was finally okay he began to talk "Okay so anyways the reason why Liam's not here is really unexplainable. I think it would be best if you saw instead then heard." I just stared at him and said uhm okay. "Will you be my date for tonight only?" He asked and I hesitated before saying "Yes."

"Okay were gonna cut class early cause we need to get dressed properly before we meet up with them." I was confused. Wasn't what I was wearing okay enough? He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. It was a long 15 minute drive to where ever we were going. When the car came to a stop I got out and noticed we were at one of the best dress store in this part of the area.

Mason walked to my side and grabbed my hand. I was a bit weak still so I didn't pull back. We walked into the store and he picked out a nice blue dress and some heels for me. The dress was strapless and stopped 2 inches above my knee. It was blue, and at the top there were bead patterns of hearts. Then around the waist was a tight belt that hugged my body. The rest of the dress just flowed down. It was a very unique, yet elegant dress.

The heels were another story. I loved them. They were black, and at the top were diamonds. The heel was about 5 inches off the ground. They looked beautiful, yet empowering. Every time I took a step it made a light clack sound on the floor. "You look breathe taking." Mason said causing me to blush. "Thanks." I replied in a calm voice.

When I was done getting dressed, we walked over to the cashier and paid. Well ... he paid even though I had insisted that I should but he wouldn't let me. All he said was "I'm the one who forced you to come along so I will." The total came up to $200 since it was designer brand. When we finished paying we hopped back into the car and drove for another 10 minutes.

We pulled up in front of a nice store. It was for all boys I guessed seeing as the name represented them well. We walked in and Mason told me that I could pick his outfit out. I smiled and ran around the store till I found the perfect outfit for him. It consisted of; a white dress shirt, black skinny jeans, a nice silver watch, a black tie, and some converse to match the whole outfit. He changed into it, and when he came out he saw me drooling. "Haha Alissa's drooling over me."

When he said that I brushed my hand over my mouth just to be on the safe side. Phew no drool. "Nuh-uh." was all I said before we walked up to the cashier and paid. The total was around $175. When we were done with all that, we walked back to the car and Mason began driving again. This was the longest drive ever, I swear. We have been stuck in the car for the past hour doing nothing but driving.

Finally the car came to a stop, and Mason got out and came around to my side. He opened the door for me and I got out. He closed it then held out his arm. I held onto it while he lead me into the fancy looking restaurant. Inside was painted a light pink color. It had pictures all over the wall of many different things. The floor was made out of perfect white tiles, and the tables were arranged into different positions to give off a very romantic yet peaceful look.

The waitress came and showed us to a table. When we got to the table, I was shocked. I wanted to run away but I couldn't. Liam was sitting at the table on one side and had a girl wrapped around him like glue. She had light brown eyes with short black hair. When Liam saw me his eyes widened in surprise.

I took a seat and Mason sat beside me. On the side of the table sat both Mrs and Mr. Matthew. This was really awkward. Mrs. Matthew broke the silence. So Amy you and my son have been going out for how many months now? I'm guessing that was the name of the girl that was sitting beside Liam. "Uhm we just started dating about 2 weeks ago actually Mrs. Matthew." she replied with acting all innocent.

When I looked at Mrs. Matthew she had a disgusted look on her face. I already knew why though. She didn't like Amy. Amy looked to be more of a slut then a girl. She was so clingy to Liam that I got so mad. I decided not to make a scene here though. Mrs. Matthew turned to me and said "Hello dear. You look absolutely gorgeous in that outfit. I'm guessing you and my son Mason are dating?"

I looked at her surprise and before I could say anything Mason spoke instead he said "Yes mom, were dating." Mason did something unexpected next. He kissed me on the lips. At first I didn't respond but then I did. I kissed him back as gently as I could then pulled back to breathe. I smiled at her and said "Yes, we are. I love him with all my heart." Mrs Matthew smiled and whispered to Mason "Shes a keeper. I love her already." I smiled and just stayed silent.

The waiter came and took are order a few minutes later are food arrived and we ate and chatted. I got to know Mrs. Matthew a lot better. She even insisted that I call her by her first name which was Seara. When we were done eating Seara and her husband Paul left along with Amy and Mason. I told Mason that I would text him tonight. I was now alone with Liam. I didn't really want to talk to him seeing as he cheated on me with a slut.

I mean like if your going to cheat on me, at least do it with a human being! Not a fuckin' slut! "Were through." was all I said before I got up and left. Liam had not tried to explain his self, and he surely wasn't running after me. A tear slip down my face, but I whipped it away then walked outside. Outside waiting for me was Mason.

He ran up to me and hugged me. I cried and cried while he held me. Then he drove me home and asked if he could stay the night. I wasn't in my right mind but I said he could. When we got to my house, he cut the engine and walked with me up to my door. I opened it and walked in. We tip-toed up to my room seeing as everyone was already a sleep.

I went to my dresser and grabbed some sleeping clothes out. Then I walked into the bathroom and changed. I was now wearing some shorts with a t-shirt. I came out of the bathroom only to see Mason already laying down on my bed only wearing his boxers. Oh my god! He was sexy. I know I shouldn't be thinking this but I cant help it. He had a 6 pack. I climbed into bed with him then turned off the light. He wrapped his arm around me and I didn't move it. He pulled me closer until we were so close that I was having trouble breathing.

I turned over to my other side so now I was facing him. "Alissa lets make a bet." Mason said. He knew I loved bets and I would back down. "Okay your on. Whats the bet about anyways." I asked. "Give me 1 week to make you fall head over heels for me. If I lose I promise i'll stop and give up on you. If I win you have to agree to date me." When he said that he would give up on me I felt a little glum and my heart felt like it was getting smaller. I don't know why. "Okay fine." I smiled then turned the other way and feel a sleep a few minutes later in masons embrace.

A/N: Heey guys, i'm not going to be able to update this book for the next few days due to some family stuff happening. Add me as a friend, and when I update again ill send you a message. It will make life a lot easier trust me. Anyways bye bye till the next chapter :)

Chapter 8 - The Bet

The Third Day:

I accepted the bet between me and Mason. For this whole week Mason had been acting like a gentlemen .... to be. Now that was kind of weird seeing he hardly showed this side of him. He was always there next to me in the morning, siting next to me at lunch, and always waiting at my locker after to driving me home. He never once tried to touch me for these past two days. But today after school were going on a date. Were going to the movie theater then I don't know.

After School:

The bell finally rang signaling it was okay to leave this hell hole for today. When I was walking to my locker, I saw Mason leaning against the lockers looking smexi. He had all the girls falling over him, and yet he choose me. In a way he made me feel special. I loved what he was wearing today. It consisted of: Black skinny jeans, a lime green t-shirt, some converse, a silver watch, and a chain then hanged low onto his jeans.

His hair was messed up giving him the hot bad boy look. I thought it looked cute on him. When I was at my locker, I gave him a quick hug then proceeded to put my books away. When I was done, Mason grabbed my hand lightly and entwined are fingers. I blushed a bit but hid my face so he wasn't able to see what he was doing to me. We walked to his car and I got into the passenger side while he got into the driver side. A few minutes later we pulled out of the parking lot and were on are way to the movie theater.

Movie Theater:

After a 10 minutes drive we were at the movie theater. I got out first then Mason did. He walked to my side and held my hand again. I was beginning to get really nervous. I honestly don't know why. My heart was thumping hard against my rib cage like it was about to break. Weird feeling huh? Was Mason doing this to me?

We walked all the way to the line still hand-in-hand. It was a long line so we had to wait 10 minutes before we were able to get are tickets. When we were up front, I let Mason decided on the movie. He asked for two tickets of "Couples First Love" It was a romantic yet full with humor time of movie. When we got into the theater we sat in the middle row. That row was known as the best place to sit in a movie theater because you had perfect view.

During the movie you could see couples already making out, while others just sat there looking into each others eyes or doing little couple movements like; holding hands, snuggling, etc. I could feel someone staring at me. They were burning holes into the side of my face. I turned and looked at Mason. He was looking at me with lust filled eyes. I just smiled and turned back to the screen.

It was a pretty good movie. I only saw half of it though since my mind had wondered back to Mason. When the movie was finished we walked out of the theater and made are way back to his car. I was in the passenger seat again while he was in the driver seat. He started the car and drove all the way to his house. Sorry I forgot to mention i'm staying there due to some family issues.


I walked all the way upstairs to Mason's room and sat on his bed. A few minutes later Mason came up. He was surprised seeing me on his bed because usually I would be in my room. He walked up to me and cupped my face. He was moving closer until are lips finally touched. A soft kiss was what he gave me. I responded not wasting any time. I kissed him back, but passionately. Then he pulled me closer trying to close the distance between us.

We were now on the bed. He was on top of me kissing me. He pulled back for air the began sending kisses down my neck. I moaned in pleasure. He took my shirt off while I helped him take his off too. A few minutes later we were in bed naked. I blushed at the thought. Mason kissed my neck, and stopped at the way down to my boobs. He stopped there and caressed them with his tongue then he sucked on them. All you could hear was me screaming his name in pleasure. "M-M-Mason!" I screamed repeatedly.

He then stopped and pushed a finger into my core. Two followed later. He was twisting them, spinning them in circles. I cried out in pleasure some more. Then he pulled them out slowly making me very wet. I switched positions so now I was on top. I copied him. I kissed his neck a few times then sucked on his collar bone. He moaned and that turned me on. I moved my way down until I was at Little Mason. Little Mason was happy because you could see him growing taller by the second.

I smiled then sucked on Mason's dick. It wasn't that big thank god. I pushed more of it into my mouth. At least 3 quarters of it was into my mouth now. Mason was moaning like crazy now. I don't think he was able to control it. "L-L-Lissa suck h-h-harder." Mason said. I did it though. He held my head and guided me. Lightly he shoved it up a bit causing me to take in everything. I pulled back after a few seconds.

Mason did something that surprised me. He started thrusting his dick into me. Back and Forth a few times. At first it hurt but then it was okay once the pain subsided. He was in me still and then I felt him cuum. He brushed his finger tips against my boobs and sucked them again. I moaned his name. Then we pulled back both collapsing on the bed. I was at his side and just used my fingers and traced his 6 pack. I was still shocked he had one but that made him even more sexy.

We were quiet for 10 minutes and I had thought that Mason had fallen a sleep already but I guess I was wrong. "A-A-lissa does this mean I win the bet and your my girlfriend?" he asked out of breathe. I smiled at the thought and said "Yes." Then kissed him lightly on the lips again. It went back to being quiet then he handed me his phone and I looked at it. He was on twitter. He twitted about his new relationship status. Underneath I saw all the comments. They were all about people congratulating us and some hating on me but I didn't care.

I also saw that his new bbm name was "Alissa+Mason <3" I looked at Mason and could see the joy now in his face. He looked like he just won $1 000 000. I just kissed him goodnight and said "Love you Mason" he replied and said "Love you more babe!" Then I fell asleep in his warm embrace. Dreaming about .... well that's a secret :)


A/N: Heey guys. I was finally able to update today. Here was the first chapter I promised, the next one will be out later today. :)

Chapter 9 - Cheating?

I woke up the next morning feeling very ill. Mason had his arm around my waist protectively. Gently I moved it off trying not to wake him up. I ran to the bathroom and began to barf my intestines out. Mason walked in to the bathroom and knelled down beside me. He held my hair up and rubbed my back while I was barfing. I whipped my mouth and got up. Then I pushed him out the bathroom and then did my usual routine.

I stripped my clothes then picked them up from the ground and threw them into my hamper. Then I walked over to the shower and turned the tap all the way to hot. When it was at the right temperature I walked in. I just stood there letting the water pour down my body drop by drop them into the drain. It was helping me relax since me and Mason just did it last night. I was a bit sore. My muscles were aching and the hotness was just what I needed.

Five minutes later I started to cleanse my body. I grabbed the soap and rubbed it over my body. First my arms, then chest, and then legs. I washed the soap traces away then grabbed the shampoo bottle. I squeezed some out then massaged my scalp. It was turning foamy now so I washed it out. When I was done I turned the tap all the way to off then walked out. Mason was already in the bathroom brushing his teeth. When he saw me his eyes widened. "What, you've seen me named before." I smiled.

"Just liking the view." He smirked. I grabbed some clothes out of my closet and started to dress while Mason stared at me. "Stalker much?" I said not looking at him. he walked over to me and turned me around. Then he kissed me on the lips. I responded and kissed him back. Are mouths were molded into each other in perfect shape. I pulled back and told him to get ready. While I slipped on a knee length summer dress.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a nutrition bar from the cabinets. Then I sat down and waited for Mason to come downstairs. While I was waiting my phone vibrated and I looked at it. It was Liam. I just stared at it a few more seconds before answering.

"Alissa .. heey its Liam uhm look I was just calling because I wanted to say I was sorry about everything that happened that night, and I just wanted to know if you and Mason and ... actually t-t-together?"

I was a bit shocked. My throat was running dry and I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth, but then closed it moments after. I tried again then said "Yeah, were together. Sorry Liam but I really don't want to hear any of this." Then I cut him off. I heard footsteps behind me then turned around to see Mason looking mad. Did he just hear the conversation and why was he mad?

He grabbed an apple from the fruit basket them walked outside to his car. He got in and just left me standing there by the door. I was mad now. What the hell was wrong with him?
Because of him I had to take the bus, and he knows that scares me. One time when I was on the bus some guys were staring at me. I didn't think much of it at the time. Then when I got off the bus I noticed that they were stalking me. I was scared for my life.

I turned the street and ran as fast as I could. I was backed up in an alley and one of the guys were moving closer to me. He had a knife in one hand and was walking closer to me. I just stood there, no place to run. Then all of a sudden I saw Mason come to my rescue. He knocked the guy out unconscious while I cried. He held me bridal still and took me home. After that day I swore I would never ride a bus again but here I was in the bus freaking out.

When I got off I ran to the school. What I saw shocked me. I saw Mason and his ex-girlfriend sucking each others faces. So many emotions were running through me now. I was angry, annoyed, and just wanted to beat the shit out of Mason now. Just yesterday we had sex and he told me he loved me. Now he was here doing this stuff.

I walked up to him and patted his shoulder. Right now I had my two best girls friends beside me. Emily and Lissa. He turned around and I ended up screaming at him. I said "I FUCKING HATE YOUR GUTS. JUST YESTERDAY YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME AND NOW YOUR SUCKING FACES WITH THIS SLUT?" He opened his mouth to say something but I just cut him off "DON'T YOU DARE MAKE ANY EXCUSES. WERE OVER! DON'T EVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN." The tears were falling freely now. I ran to the bathroom while Mason chased after me.

I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I could hear him screaming for me but I didn't care. He broke my heart after I decided to give him another chance. I don't think i'll be able to trust him again. Both him and Liam were messed up. A few minutes later when the screaming died down, I walked over to the sink and splashed some water on my face then when I was okay I walked out of the bathroom. Mason was still there. When he saw me he tried talking to me but I ignored him. He grabbed my hand and ......


A/N: Cliff hanger! I wont be updating tomorrow depending on whether or not i'm home. So right now all you guys can do is imagine what happens next. Fun eh? I know. Anyways till next time byeee :)

Chapter 10 - Slut Alert!

When he saw me he tried talking to me but I ignored him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He held his hands over me making sure that I couldn't escape. My back was faced against his chest, and I could feel his breathing. Slowly rising then dropping down fast. He took a breathe and then began to speak "Alissa, please listen to me." I exhaled loudly making sure he heard.

"Fine you have 5 minutes cheater." I said sounding a little annoyed. "Okay. What you saw back there is not what it looks like. We weren't kissing, or at least I wasn't. Mason explained. "Haha. Don't you dare lie to me. I saw what I saw. You already lost my trust so don't think i'm going to believe you so quick. Plus you just left me there at the house this morning. I had to take the bus, and you know how I am with that idea. If you really cared for me then you would of came back but you didn't!" I half yelled at him.

"I would never hook up with that slut again. Your the only one for me I swear. She came up to me and forced herself onto me. I tried to push her away but she was just to clingy. Also I left because I was upset. You didn't tell me you and Liam still talked. I came back, but you weren't there." Mason said nearly out of breathe. "FUCK YOU AND YOUR SLUT. 5 MINUTES IS UP SO BYEE." I yelled then used all the strength I had in me and pulled away. I continued walking to my 1st period class.

When I got there, everyone was looking at me. I seriously didn't need the attention I was getting. Quickly I walked to my seat and sat down. Then something weird happened. Some guy who I recognized as Keith locked the door and everyone turned around to face me. Oh boy I though. Whats happening? They all spoke to me and explained what happened to me in the morning. Some girl who I used to know said "Alissa that slut was all up on your guy today. He really did try to push her away but then she kissed him. He fought back and pushed her to the ground but she got back up and clinged to him."

Next Jason and his boys who I were really close to spoke "Listen Alissa just take him back. That slut was the one who kissed him and he did try to get her away. You know me well so you know I don't lie when it comes to Mason. After both my girls; Emily and Lissa told me the same thing too. Everyone actually did say that he didn't kiss her back and she forced herself onto him. I guess I was wrong. I got up out of my seat and walked to the door.

Just when I was about to turn the knob Mason appeared in front of me. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him closer to me then crashed my lips onto his. At first he didn't respond but then soon later he did. His arm wrapped itself around my waist. I pushed him to the wall then played with his hair. He bit my lower lip and I granted him access. He slid his tongue into my mouth and gentle slashed it everywhere. I also did the same to him. In the background you can hear the guys and girls cheering for us. I then pulled back and looked into his eyes when I said out of breathe "I-I-I'm sorry, take me back please?"

He smiled and picked me up off the ground and twirled me around. I was laughing. I hit his back lightly while screaming for him to put me down. Moments later the teacher walked in and cleared his throat. We froze and looked up at him. "Please take your seats class is about to begin." He said in his strict teacher voice. We listened and took are seats. After when the class was done me and Mason walked out the classroom hand in hand. I was so happy. My mood shifted when I saw .....


A/N: Heey guys. I just want to thank all my readers out there who are still currently reading this book. You guys rock! Anyways who do you think is ....? Here's a clue; This person has appeared only once in the book and in one of the last few chapters. It so obvious. Next chapter will be out tomorrow :)

Chapter 11 - The Fight

I was so happy but my mood shifted when I saw Macy ... the slut from this morning make her way to Mason. She grabbed onto him causing me to fall down on the ground. It was so funny seeing her try and get into his pants, while he was looking disgusted. He looked at me and pleaded for help. I smiled and did nothing. Then she tried to kiss him. I was mad now. I got up and pulled her off of him. She fell to the ground and looked up at me like she wanted to rip my guts in half.

She got up and did the least expected. I felt the sharp pain on my cheek as her hand collided with it. Mason was behind me so he was able to grab me before I hit the ground. He looked so mad now. Along with the crowd of people surrounding us. They wanted to kill Macy for what she just did to me. I got back up on my feet and said "Hey hun. I'm not the girly girl so don't think I wont hold back." I punched her in the face and i'm pretty sure I heard a crack. She stayed on the ground crying holding her nose. "y-y-you broke my nose!" she yelled.

"I just did you a favor, stop being a little bitch and be grateful." I whispered in her ear. She pulled my hair. "Okay listen little fucker. No one in this century pulls hair still. They fight and clearly you cant do that. So i'll show you how to punch someone out if you don't let go of my hair right now!" I said staring at her hard in the eyes. She flinched but let go. I walked away when I heard her scream bitch. I smiled and turned back and said aww thanks for the compliment. As you may know bitches are dogs, dogs bark, bark is from trees, trees are apart of nature, so you just called me beautiful :) Her mouth was wide open but before she could say anything some girls punched her and knocked her out.

I laughed and went back to Mason. He looked at me one last time and told her that if she ever lays one hand on me again he will tear her to pieces. I was happy now I kissed Mason and then we headed outside to the parking lot.


(A/N: If I have some free time i'll update another chapter today :)

Chapter 12 - Two More Days

"Dear Grade 12 student. You have received an invitation to the prom that will be held for you and your other classmates this week Friday. It will be held in the gym. Everyone is welcomed. Oh ... and bring a date :)" As I read that little note over I couldn't believe it. The school year had finished so fast in just a blink of the eye. I was excited yet sad. I would miss all my friends, and I don't know whats going to happen between Mason and me.

I put the note back in my pocket and waited for class to begin. Prom was only 2 days away and I still hadn't picked out a dress or asked Mason. I thought he would ask me but ... I don't know whats up. If we do go together we have to match no matter what. The teacher came in a few seconds ago slamming the door against the hard brick wall. I jumped and snapped out of my thoughts.

When he entered the classroom he was soaking wet. He didn't look very happy which was not a good sign. "Class today you will be writing your last assignment. It will be about why students should respect there teachers!" Everyone groaned out loud. No one wanted to spend the last few days writing an essay. But we took out are laptops and moments later the class was silent. All you could hear were the clicking of keys.

I thought for a bit then started to type. "Okay .... students should respect teachers because they are older then us and will be teaching us a lot in the future. The information provided will not only help us in the future but will also make us more eligible for a job." I stopped to think but then got annoyed by the teachers talking. His voice was so high pitched that sometimes I wished I could clip his vocal cords together.

I continued the essay. "Fuck this shit. Who cares about this essay .... its fuckin' stupid! Sure sure we should respect are teachers sorry if we don't. The end. By Alissa Martine. I smiled at my self like I just won a gold medal. Alex was siting beside me and he saw me smiling so he looked at my essay and when he finished reading it he burst out into laughter. The teacher looked up and started to walk to are seats. I quickly erased the last part of my essay before he could see it.

When he walked back to his seat, I looked at Alex and made a LOOOL face. We did a low high five then continued writing. A few minutes later the bell rang and all you could hear were students cheering for their freedom. I walked out the classroom and saw Mason waiting for me at the lockers. I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips then pulled back. "I missed you baby." I whispered in his ear. "I missed you too!" Mason whispered back into my ear making me shiver.

We walked hand-in-hand to study hall and then when we got there we sat down on the couch. The teacher wasn't here so that meant that we could do anything. Instead of studying we did something else. I snaked my arms up to Masons neck and pulled him closer. He crashed his lips onto mine and I kissed him back. Soon I felt his hand crawl up my shirt and to my boobs. He gently squeezed it causing me to moan against his lips. I pulled back and said "None of that here baby, maybe after school." He frowned but put me down.

He looked so sad so I decided that since the teacher wasn't anywhere here we could have a little fun. I moved my hand all the way down to his dick and suddenly he got excited. "Heey what are you doing? I thought you said not in school." I laughed and whispered in a seductive voice "Hmm maybe just a little is okay." He smiled and pulled me onto his lap. I moved my hand so now it was inside of his pants soon entering his boxer. I looked at him and he was enjoying it.

I then gently squeezed his dick and he moaned. "Shh not so loud. Don't want to disturb anybody." I said quietly. I pulled my hand back and soon I found Mason straddling me. He was on top of me he held my hands above my head while his hand re-entered my shirt. Click. I heard my bra strap fall off. Mason slowly pushed his head up my top and stopped at my boobs. He sucked on them and I had to fight back a moan. I couldn't help it. I moaned out loud and he smirked. Then he pulled away.

"Heey why don't we ditch the rest of the school day and go to my house?" Mason asked. I was totally okay with that seeing as I had that stupid teacher again. We gathered are stuff and headed out to the parking lot. I got in the car and soon he did too. We drove to his house while we talked about the stupidest things. When we pulled up I got out and ran to the front door. I opened it with the spare key Mason gave me and walked up to his room.

I waiting and soon later he was up there too. I walked up to him and pulled him down onto the bed. "Payback" I said then pulled his shirt off. I threw it to the ground and then moved myself down to his nipples. I used my tongue and slid it in a circle pattern then sucked on them lightly. He moaned and I smiled. He then flipped us over so now he was on top of me. He pulled my shirt off and my jeans leaving me only in my underwear. He looked at my body first then licked his lips. He pulled my bra and panties off then went crazy.


*30 Minutes Later*

We were spread out on the bed like star fishes breathing heavy. "That was the best sex I had in my entire life." Mason said. I agreed with him too. Then he asked me something I have been waiting to hear for the past week "Will you go to prom with me Alissa?" I got up and hugged him. "Yes! Oh my god what took you so long to ask?" I replied. "I was so busy that I forgot actually." I laughed and then stopped after a while.

We were in his bedroom and there was an awkward silence. I turned over and looked at Mason. He was already a sleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping. Like an angel. I took out my phone and snapped a picture. His eyes fluttered open and he asked what I was doing. Oh nothing I said. He then grabbed my phone out of my hand and blushed when he saw my wallpaper. "Take that off now." He pleaded. "Nah. I like it." It was the picture I had just taken.

He signed and gave me back the phone. "Aww baby" He pulled me close in one attempt and wrapped his arm around my waist while I laid my head down on his chest. He had me tight in his embrace. It felt warm and loving. I smiled to myself and moments later we both fell asleep.

Chapter 13 - Getting Ready

Emily, Lissa, and me were at one of the best dress stores in this town. Prom was only tomorrow and so far we haven't been able to find the perfect dress. We searched high and low for it but with no luck. That's when I spotted the perfect dress for me. It was white and 2 inches above me knee. There was only one strap and it was cut into half circles both spread out of each side. The dress seemed to hug my body. It made all the good features stand out. There were beads scattered across the brim that was made to look like a heart pattern. It was absolutely perfect.

I found some matching heels. They were silver and were about 4 inches off the ground. At the front of the heels they were beads scattered over it too. So it fit the dress perfectly well. I went in the change room and tried it on. Moments later I came out out the dressing room. The girls just stared at me in pure adoration. Hmmm they like it then? "You look amazing Lissa" Emily said. She then handed me some earrings and a necklace that matched. "Perfect!" Lissa chanted.

I smiled then walked back into the change room. I stripped the dress off then put it back on to the hanger. Then I re-dressed my self with my other clothes. When I got out I saw that both Emily and Lissa had gotten their dresses picked out. Emily dress was baby blue. It was long all the way down to the ground. There were no straps so it was glued to her body with magnets. It made all her good points stand out and it actually gave her some boobs. (Not that i'm trying to be mean) In the middle of the dress there was a slit so her right leg was fully exposed. This dress would so make Alex drool.

Lissa's dress was red. (A/N: LOOOL whoa I didn't realize the name until now ... sorry but just go along with it.) It was as short as mine. The back was fully exposed though with straps. At the brim of the dress there were little golden beads. It was a strapless dress too. The dress flowed down to her knee in an odd fashion. But still it was nice.

When we all were done dress shopping, we paid at the cashier. My dress ran up to $250, Emily's was $235 while Lissa was $232.45 When we finished paying we walked out to the parking lot and got into my car. It was a sliver Mercedes. I loved this car with all my life. Everyone was buckled up and the bags where already in the car. I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. "So where do you guys want to go to eat?" I asked. "Susan's kitchen. Remember were meeting the boys there."Emily replied. I turned the radio on and are song came on; Just A Dream - Nelly

We sang along with it and by the time the song was done we were there. As you may know I am a fast driver but i'm safe. I parked in the only available space open the climbed out the car. The girls followed and we entered Susan's Kitchen. I saw Alex, Taylor, and Mason chatting and sitting at one table so I skipped up to them. I was behind Mason now. I put a finger to my lip begging the guys to keep quiet. Then I bended his head backwards and kissed him on the lips. He smiled against mine and pulled me onto his lap without breaking the kiss. Then I pulled back and said "Heey missed me?" "More then you know" Mason replied with and kissed my lips again.

I smiled then the waiter came around and asked us what we would like. We agreed on a cheese pizza. When it came we all dug in. The were no slices left because we all ate two. The waiter then came back with are drinks. I was sucking on a mint and gave one to Mason. The waiter was looking at me now checkin' me out. eww I thought. I mean he was okay looking but I had Mason. Mason saw what he did so he pulled me close to him and crashed his lips onto mine. I responded not missing a second. When the waiter saw this his face dropped to a frown and he left.

"Haha your so funny Mason" I said. He still held me protectively. "I love you baby." He whispered in my ear making me shiver in delight. He smirked and then pulled away.


*1 hour later*

Mason and me where in his car. He was dropping me home, while Emily was dropping Taylor home and Lissa was with Alex. "Soo can I see the dress you bought for prom?" Mason asked casually. "Nope, its a surprise. But you have to wear a white tie." "Hmm so its white?" he asked. "Yeah its white. No more info." I said. He just smiled and agreed. By the time we arrived at my house I had almost forgot that the dresses were in my car that was with Emily. I called her and told her to come over early and bring the dresses. She was okay with it.

Before I exited the car I pulled Mason to me and kissed him. He kissed me back the I opened the door and got out and closed it. I was leaning on the door and said "Love you, be at my house by 8pm tomorrow" He nodded and said "Love you too, and oh I can't want to see my sexy babe." I blushed and walked to the door. When I was on the porch O waved goodbye to him as he drove off. I opened the door and walked in.

Mom was in the kitchen talking on the phone with some of her clients while dad was a sleep on the couch. "I'm home." I said casually talking to no one. "Welcome home sweetie, dinners in the kitchen if your hungry" Mom said but I just nodded and walked up to my room. I was so tired after a day of dress hunting. I collapsed on my bed and thought about how tomorrow would work out.


(A/N: Heey guys. This is one of the last chapters of the book. Unfortunately I will not be making this book into a series. Oh also I would like you opinion for my next book. So here's what I was debating over; a book about werewolves, A bet between players, or a total hate-love type of book. What do you think? Message me telling me which one you would be most interested in reading. The one with the most picked will be my new book!

Now back to the story; What's going to happen at prom? Maybe some major things you wont want to miss hehe till next time byee :)

Chapter 14 - Prom (Part One)

It was 6:30pm at the moment and both Emily and Lissa were at my house. I cant believe tonight was prom! Only 1 hour and 30 minutes until Mason arrived. The girls and me had gotten are dresses out from the car and they were now sitting on my bed. I went to the closet and got 3 clean cotton towels out and handed two to Emily and one to Lissa. Then we left the room and each picked a bathroom to take a shower in out of the three bathrooms I had in my house.


I stepped into my bathroom and made sure to lock the door. When it was lock I stripped my clothes off and picked them up from the ground and threw them into the hamper. Then I walked over to the stand-up shower and turned the tap all the way to warm. I didn't feel like taking a hot or cold shower. Just a warm one would do for tonight. When it was at the right temperature I got in.

The water felt so warm like how you feel when you first wake up on a cold winter night; Soothing and relaxing. The crystal clear liquid sprang out of the silver faucet and flowed down to my body. Drop by drop. Gliding down my body then down to the drain. I grabbed the soap and rushed it all over my body making sure that I didn't miss a spot. Then I washed it clean. Next I grabbed the shaving cream and smeared it onto my legs. I took the shaver and slid it from down to up making sure that all the hair was completely gone.

When I was finished I turn the tap off and walked out of the shower. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body and then out to my room where I started to get ready.


I walked all the way downstairs to the other bathroom. This one was painted a baby blue color that matched the glass door for the stand up shower. I walked over to it and turned the tap on to hot. Then I pulled my shirt off from my head and then slid my jeans off. I picked them up and folded them into a neat pile and left them on the counter.

The temperature was perfect so I got in. I let the water just rush down my body in a fast speed then down into the drain. Then I grabbed the soap from its holder and rubbed it onto my body. I put it back and grabbed the shampoo and squeezed a bit out and massaged my scalp. When it turned foamy I washed it out along with the soap trails still on my body. It took about 3 minutes. For another minute I just let them water continue to run down my body then I turned the tap off.

I stood in the shower for a bit then pulled the door open. The towel was right beside me on the ledge so I gabbed it and wrapped it around my body then I grabbed another one and wrapped it around my head. When I got out of the shower a cold gush of air flew to me making me shiver. What was that? I picked up my clothes and walked all the way up to Alissa's room.


I got the other upstairs bathroom. Thank god because I didn't feel like walking all the way downstairs. Instead Emily got that one and i'm sure she was okay with it. I turned the knob and flicked the light switch to on. Then I walked in and closed the door behind me making sure that I pushed the button on the door down to lock it. When it was lock I stripped my clothes off and walked to the stand up shower.

I turned the tap to warm. Actually it was more cold then warm. But I was okay with that though so I walked in. I grabbed the soap that was on the ground inside an emerald holder and slid it over my body then I bended down and put it back. I washed the soap traces away then took the face cleanser and rubbed it onto my face. A few minutes has passed and I washed it off because that was what the product instructions said. "Wait 3 minutes, then rinse"

When I finished that I turned the tap off and grabbed my towel which was hung up on the glass door. I dried my self off then walked out the shower. My clothes were still on the ground so I picked them up and slung them over my shoulder. Then I walked out of the bathroom and back to Alissa's room.


Emily and Lissa had just finished showering and now they were in my room. We all picked up are dresses and began to change into them. Mine hugged my body, while Emily's and Lissa's dress flowed. I had to admit we all looked fabo (Fabulous) in are dresses.

I walked to my little desk in the corner and got out my make up; some eye shadow and lip gloss. Emily had just chosen to wear eyeshadow with a hint of mascara and Lissa had chosen to wear a dab of eyeshadow with some blush. We applied are make up to are faces and when we were done they looked professionnellement fait et magnifique pourrais-je ajouter! (professionally done and gorgeous might I add)

Next for are hair we all choose the same style; straight. I got out my three straightening iron and plugged them in. When they were hot enough we straightened are hair. It took about 25 minutes before everyone was done. Oh the necklace I though. I spotted it on the bed and walked to it and grabbed it. Emily put it on for me.

Okay now everything was done. We had are hair done check, make up double check, and dresses on triple check. I walked down stairs with my heels in my hand then both of them walked down too holding theirs. We sat on the couch flipping threw channels until we heard that familiar sound. "Ding Dong!"


(A/N: That was part one, part two will probably be out a day after tomorrow, oh and since your still here why not check out my new book called "I Hate you!" Pretty please with a cherry on top? Thanks :)

Chapter 14 - Prom (Part Two)

I immediately got up and opened the door. There stood three handsome looking men. I recognized them though. It was Mason, Tyler, and Alex. I called the girls and they all came into the front. "You look beautiful Alissa, and you two ladies too." Mason said and handed me a wrist band with roses attached to it. (Sorry I forgot what it was called) "You look handsome that I wasn't even able to recognize you at first." I said to Mason. He smiled and pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips gently. "Snap" I turned and saw that Emily had the camera in her hands and she just took a picture of us kissing. I blushed and hid my face into Masons chest.

"Okay, its time to go ladies the limos waiting for us." Alex said and then walked out the door with Lissa by his side soon Emily and Tyler followed. I could hear him whisper to her in her ear saying "You look gorgeous babe." She smiled and hugged him. After I walked out the house with Mason and locked the door. We opened the silver handle of the limo and got in. It was only a 15 minutes drive cause the school was close to here.

When we got out we noticed that the school was decorated and looked nice. At the top held a banner that said "PROM" in cursive letters then there were streamers at the side all different colors. Everyone had split up and were now talking with the teachers and other classmates. Me and Mason walked in and saw couples dancing, while some just standing there wanting to go home.

He grabbed me and pulled me onto the dance floor. A slow song started to play. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist with his hands. I followed his lead. one two one two. He then pulled me closer and I rested my head onto his shoulder. "Alissa." Mason said. "Yeah?" I replied. "I love you." He said. I looked into his eyes and could see the love that was held in them. "I love you too." I smiled.

He then did something I never expected. He pulled out a small white box and got on his knee. He opened it and said "I love you Alissa Martine, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to give you all my love and always stay by your side. Will you marry me?" I was shocked. The crowd had gone quiet then you could hear them screaming saying "SAY YES! SAY YES!" I got onto my knee and said "Yes." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Then he pulled me up and placed the ring on my finger.

I gasped at its beauty. It was a very beautiful ring. It was silver and in the middle there was a blue diamond that shined bright in the light and surrounding it were little silver diamonds. It matched well with my eyes. I looked up and saw Mason smiling at me with lust in his eyes. The crowd were cheering. They all congratulated us. I was pulled a side from mason and the girls all looked at my ring in awe while the guys pulled Mason away from me and props him.

They then pushed us into the middle of the dance floor and the DJ played are song. "Just A Kiss - Lady Antebellum" We danced to it and when it was over Mason kissed me again but this time it was a kiss filled with so many different emotions; love, lust, one, etc. I could feel the sparks erupt inside me. I was truly happy and madly in love with Mason and nothing would ever change that :)



A/N: Awww its over :( But it was a great book don't you think? Sorry if the prom chapter was not exactly perfect. I have never been to prom before seeing as im only 15 so I don't have any experience writing a chapter like that. Ooh and I want to thank all my readers out there who hearted and commented on the book. I Love You Guys So much!!!!! <3 I wouldn't have continued this book if you guys hadn't supported me :) Also if you loved this book, why not check out my latest one called "I Hate You!" Thanks and bye bye till we meet again :D <3 #Alissa&Mason 4eva

- Leesia


Text: Leesia
Images: Google
Publication Date: 06-18-2012

All Rights Reserved

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