
Chapter One

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
"Secrets" - One Republic

Lisa's POV

I hate this! I hate it when everyone looks at me like that! Today was my first day at Forks High and the beginning is very bad!

“seriously? Look at that girl”

“well, she’s pretty”

“mmh, she’s the new toy”

I heard all these audible murmurs flying around the hall I was walking in. I was blushing so hard!

“Lisa Brandon?” I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see an old lady in her late forties staring at me with curiosity “um, yes” I said.

“I’m Mrs. Tennes…. Welcome to Forks High. I suppose that you might want to collect your schedule?” She asked me.

“uh yeah sure” I said nervously and bit my lower lip. I followed her to her office. She was a kind lady.

She cleared her throat while handing me the schedule “Are you related to the Cullens by any chance?” She asked me awkwardly. Who are the Cullens anyway?

I decided to use my power to know the truth behind her action. The power that is naturally found in me. I never know why. Weird, I know.

Truth: Cullens are the weird pale ones. Mrs. Tennes doubts that Lisa belongs to the rich and the popular Cullens.

Oh! I have not heard about them a lot. I have just now moved from somewhere in Mississippi. Don’t get me wrong. I lost my parents when I was young. My father died in a car accident when mom was pregnant and my mom died giving birth to me. I never knew what happened to me after that. And then I was found and adopted by a lady named Dehlia. The person I live with now.

“No” I said simply. “ok, have a good time in Forks High” She said. I nodded and walked out of the hall.

“Oh my god! Are you Lisa? I’m Amy!” An unknown girl with straight brown hair and blue eyes exclaimed and let her hand out for me to shake it. I looked at her as if she was crazy. Why is she so excited to welcome me anyway? I used my power again.

Truth: Amy’s intentions are to hang out with the Cullens so that she will get popular. And so she thinks Lisa is one among them.

Oh, come on! How many of them can think of me as a Cullen? I haven’t even met them for God’s sake! And getting popular in a school like Forks High, aren’t my intentions at all!

Before I could say anything, she interrupted “You’re one of the Cullens, right?” She asked me. God!
“um actually no” I said “I haven’t even met them before”

She looked disappointed “Oh! I’m sorry… I thought you were one among them” She said sadly. It was almost sad for me to watch a hyper-active girl who just turned into a sad girl because of me “but anyway, I would like to introduce myself… and it seems like you don’t even know the popular newcomers who just joined here yesterday” She said.

I was quickly interested in this girl. But not the Cullens.

“Yeah I guess I don’t” I said uncaring “well, do you see a group of people over there? They are the Cullens. They were adopted by Dr. Carlisle” She said looking behind me. I carelessly looked behind me to see a group of eight gorgeous people standing near the entrance. Wow! I thought.

I saw three guys who looked slim and muscular. And the girls beside them were the most beautiful and gorgeous women I have ever seen. They looked like models! They possessed all the features of a sports magazine model! Such a cool family!

“Hot aren’t they?” asked Amy. I raised my eyebrows at her “I meant the boys” She said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“they’re pretty” I complimented.

“Do you see a blonde guy over there? He’s Jasper and that large brown haired hulk is Emmet. That bronze haired guy over there is Edward and---” She started explaining to me about the Cullens and what they do.

I wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation at all.

That was when I noticed that they were all looking back at me curiously with …golden eyes? Now that is weird! I blushed and turned away to start talking with Amy.


The rest of the school went by so fast. My heart screamed in joy when the lunch bell rang. Thank god!
I sat with Amy during lunch. She was not a very bad company to have. I think I can initially call her as my friend.

“Amy, stop staring at them. They’ll think that you are weird” I warned her. She quickly turned her attention from the Cullens to her plate,

“Excuse me?” We both heard a voice behind our table. I turned around to see the Cullen girl (I am guessing) Alice with the short spiky black hair.

“Yeah?” I asked her.

“Well, I and my family just wanted to know whether you could join us for lunch as we are new to this school…. Your friend can come too” She said looking at both of us with a hopeful face. Amy looked very interested.

But I wasn’t. I noticed that everybody in the hall was looking at us, including the Cullens who sat across our table.

“Um, I’m sorry. It’s not that I need some help in this school. I’m fine thanks” I said, realizing that I was rude. But I tried to ignore the Cullens as much as I can. I didn’t want everyone to start gossiping about me being with the Cullens. I wanted everyone to like me for me.

Alice’s face fell slightly, but she disguised it with a bright smile “It’s okay” She said and walked towards her table. Amy pinched me “Owch!”

“Were you insane? Why did you miss such an opportunity like that? You must feel like you’re one in a million to get a chance to at least talk with them!” She yelled lowly.

“I just don’t want to” I snapped and went on eating my burger. Amy just stared at me with her mouth open and didn’t say anything.

After that, the Cullens never even looked at my direction. They acted as if I was not there which made me feel guilty for what I’ve done. But that was helpful in a way.


I sat under a tree at the entrance of Forks High and started drawing some mystical creatures. Vampires and werewolves were not really my thing but I still liked to draw them as they were mysterious.

“You can draw” I heard a sweet voice-like-bells behind the tree. I quickly turned back and recognized who it was, Alice.

I blushed and replied “Yeah, but they’re not really good…” I said. She sat next to me. Alice was the only one who wasn’t ignoring me like the rest of the Cullens. She seemed friendly.

She widened her eyes “Vampires, huh?” She asked me showing my drawing to me “Looks great anyway” She complimented.

“Thanks” I said back. She suddenly dropped my drawing and stiffened. I raised my eyebrows. After a while, she then calmed down and glanced at me. Her eyes were filled with fear and curiousity. Awkward.

“You… okay?” I asked. She sighed “I’m fine”

“Alice!” called the blonde haired guy, Jasper. His eyebrows were lifted up and he looked scary. Woah! Maybe he didn’t like me spending my time with his sister…

“Coming!’ She yelled to him “See you later” She said to me and ran off. Okay, now that is weird…

Ms. Dehlia didn’t come to pick me up… She probably must be at work. So I decided to walk.

It started raining heavily. I knew that I was probably going to reach home later than usual. And Dehlia would throw a fit. But I couldn’t even see what was out there because of the massive rain.

So I headed towards the forest to reach home even faster.

I stood under a tree to protect myself but I was still wet.

Suddenly, I felt the air change around me. I looked around and found no one. I felt scared. I wrapped my arms around my chest and tried to protect myself from the cold.

I swear that I saw a man wearing a black jacket walking towards me. My heart was beating faster.
“Lisa… Brandon I see” I saw a pale white man with bloodshot red eyes staring at me. I was breathing heavily. This man was… scary. Who is he?

“Y-Yes” I stuttered.

He smirked widely as he inched closer towards me “Well Lisa… Let me make this straight” He started “I have come here for… revenge” He whispered in my ears.
Revenge? What? I stared back at him blankly and silently used my power.

Truth: Revenge for killing his mate.

For killing his mate? I gasped. I have never ever killed anyone. I have never even seen this kind of a truth. And I had no idea why…

“Are you ready, dear?” He asked me and placed his feather-light cold pale hands on my cheek. I didn’t know if it was because of the rain. He was unbelievably cold!

“W-what?” I blurted out scared. My heart was beating faster. Am I going to die?

“Stay away from her, Eustace!” I heard a cold voice threaten. I slowly turned my head to see Edward Cullen standing in the pouring rain. He barred his teeth and his fists were clenched. Woah!

“Come on, Lisa… Let’s go” Alice was suddenly beside me. I didn’t know how to move until Alice led me the way. The rest of the siblings surrounded the stranger, Eustace. What was going on? Why were they all looking as if they were going to kill each other?

“Where are you taking me?” I demanded Alice. She kept quiet. This was frustrating! What is going on again?
“She isn’t related to us by any chance and you know it, Eustace” I heard the faint voice of Edward talking to Eustace, behind me.

“Let go of me Alice!” I hissed. She never let go of my hand.

“The Brandons killed my mate, Paris. And Lisa’s one among them. She is related with Alice!” He shouted coldly. His voice would have made many humans flinch and I flinched too, in spite of Alice’s hold on me.

I stopped. I am related to Alice? Alice let go my hand and I turned back to look at the Cullens’ who were standing still. Eustace turned to me.

“Remember Lisa… There’ll be a day when you’ll die like the rest of your family. There’ll be revenge” He warned with the same fierce tone. He glared at me and the Cullens for a long time and walked away from our view.

“What?....” I trailed off “What is going on? Who is he and what am I to him?” I demanded the Cullens.

“Lisa, we’ll explain” Said Alice.

“What are you all?” I asked them. Alice tried to shush me but I yelled “What are you!”

“She has to know” Jasper announced “She has the right to know”

Alice turned to me and sighed.

And I waited….

“We’re vampires” She declared.

* * * * *

Chapter Two

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue,
Just boiling in my blood.
But, you think that I can't see...
"Decode" - Paramore

Lisa's POV

They’re lying. You’re dreaming. Wake up!

I kept chanting mentally as Emmet drove his jeep. Alice, Rosalie and Jasper sat in the car next to me, silently with pin-drop silence.

How would you normally react if a group of people tell you that they vampires? And on the top of it all, the Cullens were now taking me to their house to explain it more clearly.

Even though on the outside I was all sweating and fearful, on the inside… I was laughing as much as I can in disbelief.

Vampires, really? They surely don’t exist. I think.

This was all weird; weird, because I was getting forced to believe these horrible truths after the first day at school, when I merely knew the Cullens.

The car came to a stop before a Mansion. Wow! I thought, when I took a look at its size. Of course, I heard that Carlisle Cullen was a doctor so they must be rich.

“Come in!” I almost jumped when I heard the chirpy voice of Alice, “We’re not going to bite you, Lisa”

Jasper and Emmet chuckled. Rosalie, however, didn’t look like she enjoyed the joke.

They led me inside. I couldn’t help but let my mouth fall slightly open at their huge interior. However, I closed my mouth soon, to avoid embarrassment.

“Hello Lisa” Mrs. Esme Cullen greeted me, smiling warmly. The rest of the Cullens soon assembled in the living room and Dr. Carlisle began his speech.

“Well, Lisa… As we’ve already told you about” He cleared his throat, “who we are. We would also like to explain about how… Eustace is connected to us and… you”

I hesitated to take it all in, but then I nodded for him to continue.

“Eustace had a mate called Paris. They both fed on humans and-“ Dr. Carlisle revealed and I gasped. Did these people really suck peoples’ lives out? Like how vampires do?

Could this be real?

“And they just lived like that for many years” Dr. Carlisle continued, “Until one day, when Eustace’s mate, Paris never came back for three days after hunting” He sighed.

“Eustace searched for her; Searched Paris for a whole week only to find out that she was dead. After that, he became a loner and a wilder person that he’d ever been, making revenge a part of his life; and till now, it still is”

The Cullens held an awkward look on their faces and some of their eyes were on me. I had a very strong urge to cover my face with my hair but that would make the situation even more awkward.

“His life became even harder when he knew what the reason was for his mate’s death. There was this group of people, who gained some… mental powers within themselves. They-“I cut him, as I realized that these horrible statements were off from the limits.

“So now wizards are in your story too? What’s next? Fairies, mermaids and werewolves?” I asked and noticed that the Cullens stiffened at the last word, “You all are crazy! I can’t even believe that I let you to speak this instant!” I screamed.

I took a step towards the door. Dr. Carlisle stopped me by speaking.

“Lisa, we all know that you don’t remember your past” He revealed. I gasped.

How did he…?

“We know everything” Edward spoke, “The true you is in our hands. You’re in danger, Lisa. We’re protecting you from danger!”

“What am I?” I brought myself to ask, feeling annoyed.

“You belong to that group of people, who killed Eustace’s mate, Paris! That group of people is the real Brandons; and you are one. That’s why Eustace is after you!” This time it was Alice, who spoke. So now, she’s gone nuts. I thought her mind had enough stability than the rest of her family did.

But no, I was wrong. After all, she belonged to the Cullens. The crazy, pale ones, who proclaimed to themselves that they were some freaky monsters.

“Lisa, you need to understand-“ I cut off Alice by letting out an “Ugh!” in annoyance, as I knew that the Cullens weren’t giving up.

I headed out to the door and just as when I was about to open the knob, I heard a wolf’s howl. It sounded as a call. I gasped.

What. In. The. World?

Was it really a wolf? Did they even exist in Forks? And since when? Questions kept running in my mind as I stared at the Cullens, blankly.

“Lisa, we could explain… “ Dr. Carlisle trailed off.

“Werewolves do exist; and we’re hearing them right now” Rosalie said as she looked out of the window and at the forest. The word ‘werewolves’ came out of her mouth in such disgust that it sounded very unpleasant, “Stupid dogs! They’re always after us” She muttered.

“Rosalie” Dr. Carlisle warned her and turned to me, “We really wish that we could get things easy on you, Lisa. We’re trying to do that. You just need to let us do that by believing”

Believing? In them?

That was it. I started breathing so hard. I felt like I had no way to escape out of this by running somewhere far away. Even if I did, the Cullens would track me down. I didn’t know what to do.

Unable to take it all in, I fainted. Blackness consumed me.

* * * * *

Chapter Three

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find,
To fix the puzzle that I see inside!
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile,
When I find you It'll be alright.
"I gotta find you" - Jonas Brothers (Joe Jonas)

Seth’s POV

Patrolling remained the same. Nothing interesting, really.

The members of our pack’s minds were also the same. All of them thought about their imprints and how badly they wished to see them right now, instead of getting stuck in this lonely, abandoned forest.

I sighed. Even though not all of the wolves imprinted, I couldn’t stop thinking about how imprinting would really feel; to feel the love’s intensity passing down through my body every time I see my imprint. Every thing about imprinting seemed interesting and created the urge in me to feel it for myself.

“Don’t worry, dude. You’ll imprint soon”

“Ah! We all know that someone is waiting for you, somewhere”

“Too bad, that fate can play with our lives!”

I heard the pack thinking. They were all right. Imprinting and fate. These were the major parts of being a shape-shifter.

I pressed my paws on the ground, here and there, without knowing what to do.

That was when we heard a howl. It was a call. It was Sam. The pack became alert and then we heard a thought.

“Sam just smelt a human in the Cullens Mansion. The Cullens are up to something bad, we need to save the poor human!”

The Cullens are up to something? No, they aren’t that bad. The Cullens never hunted humans or harm them.

But still, why should they have a human in their house?

“Maybe, Carlisle knows the human. We all know that they don’t hurt humans”

I thought to them. The boys huffed, mentally, not taking my statement for a proper answer.

“Jeez, Seth!”

Jared thought, “When in the world did you become a fan of the Cullens? Man, our job is to protect people from those leeches! Now, we have a reason to fight for! Why the hell do you have to wait?”

This time, everyone was on Jared’s side. I had nothing to say. My pack members were wrong. All they wanted was an opportunity to fight against the Cullens. But they couldn’t fight because the Cullens never violated the Treaty.

Jared, Paul and Jacob started to run first and then others joined them. Embry stayed back.

“Dude, you coming?”

He thought.

“Sorry, No”

“As long as you don’t mind getting scolded by Sam, then it’s alright”

Embry thought to me and ran away in an inhumanly speed.

I didn’t care about Sam scolding me for what I had done and I was very aware that he could still hear my thoughts.

God knows what will happen with the Cullens as my pack had a goal to fight against them… The Cullens deserved to be left in peace. After all, we didn’t smell any human blood. It was just the sweet aura of the nature.

My furry body headed to the East, where La Push was; where my home was. I passed by the trees in a blur, leaving all the problems behind.

But, I actually felt a feeling deep down inside; a pull, which almost took me to the place where the Cullens were.

I didn’t understand for a second. Why did I feel as if I had to go to the Cullens desperately? But nope, I still won’t leave this place or else it would be as if I am betraying the Cullens!

Even though, I never liked to give it a thought, all I really wanted was to just turn my body to the other direction and find out what my heart was still missing…

* * * * *

Chapter Four

The world is coming down on me
And I can’t find a reason to be loved
I never wanna leave you
But I can’t make you bleed if I’m alone.
“Arms” – Christina Perri

Alice’s POV

Lisa was still unconscious. Her body was completely still and her eyes were tightly shut. This was our fault. Our entire fault.

Lisa was a typical teen… until we entered into her life. Her past could’ve just been a secret, but that would make her more miserable than she is now.

Why was I the only one in my family who cared about Lisa, as if she was my sister? Well, that was something which had to do with my dreadful past…

I sighed. The wolves had already found that Lisa was with us. Carlisle, Edward, Jasper and Emmet were waiting for them to arrive downstairs to confront them.

“Ugh, humans

. They always get us involved with that group of dogs!” Rosalie muttered softly but loud enough for me to hear her. She said the words ‘Humans’ and ‘dogs’ with disgust. I knew she meant Lisa; and I suddenly felt angry at Rose but controlled myself.

“You can’t change something that is meant to be, Rose” I said softly. She huffed.

Suddenly, we all heard a group of wolves howl. The pack was here. Rosalie, Bella and I quickly rushed out of the mansion to see Carlisle asking the pack to come in, while they seemed to hesitate. They looked extremely menacing in their wolf form.

“Please… Let us talk and make a decision” Carlisle announced calmly to them. They continued to glare at us with barred teeth, reading to attack all of us.

The black wolf, whom I presume, is Sam, turned his body to his pack members. It looked as if he were communicating with them. The pack obeyed their alpha’s command and they all ran into the forests.

For a second, I thought that they were not going to come back, but I was wrong. They came back in their human form but looked threatening, nonetheless.

We stood in front of our mansion, getting ready for any upcoming attacks. Surprisingly, Sam spoke sternly.

“We have not come here to talk” He let out a low growl and continued “We are here to end everything, as we know that you are all about to kill an innocent human”

“We are not going to kill her. She is very important to us. A part of our family, actually” Carlisle replied.

“Yeah, yeah. As if we’re gonna believe that!” I heard Paul mutter. I could see Carlisle trying to be as calm as possible. He sighed.

“You can trust us. Lisa is not someone normal… We need to discuss about this patiently. How about a Quileute Tribe meeting? It is better if we have the Tribe leaders with us too" Carlisle suggested. I looked at him questioningly, with a raised eyebrow. The pack didn’t have to know! It’s not as if we were going to violate the treaty by killing or feeding on her.

… Or maybe change her into one of us.

Can we even consider that thought? Now that Lisa knows our secret, we might be changing her into a vampire soon.

Or else the Volturi kills her.

So, it was a life or death option for her. We forced her into this.

The pack exchanged looks for a long time, silently communicating with their eyes, whether to give us a chance or not.

Finally, Sam spoke “We accept your offer. But on one condition: Until the meeting, the human must not be harmed; if you lay a finger on her… We will not hesitate to kill you"



Text: © All copyrights reserved. The plot and characters are owned by the rightful author.
Publication Date: 03-21-2011

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to my fellow Twilight fans! I hope this is worth reading. Feel free to give your feedback &... ENJOY!

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