"After Roswell"
by: A.H. Roberts
During the year of 1946 numerous sightings of unexplained objects were seen over small cities in Western Europe. Government agencies couldn't explain these sightings. Even countries like England, Russia, and China reported these objects in the sky and had no explaination. Logical conclusion? It could be secret Nazi technology. In the late thirties, Nazi Germany came to the belief of the paranormal and the unexplained to further their goals of world domination. Hitler himself sent expeditions to find ancient relics that could empower him more. Some relics weren't relics at all, but wreckage from one these unexplained objects that had crashed landed. Hitler used the existing materials, leftover from the crash, to advance his aircraft for ulitmate air superiority. But since fighting a war on two fronts, he was unable to produce any workable prototype and those projects were terminated to hide their secrets. Soon after the bombing of Japan and victory against Germany, the Americans began to witness these objects in their own skies. Reports from small farm houses witness these objects lift cows and other livestock from their properties, leaving evidence of their landing behind. Soon more populated cities starting to see these objects land in nearby neighborhoods, flashing all kinds of bright lights. People became frighten and many books were written about these sightings. Later these unexplained objects were label as UFOs "unidentified flying objects" and the military began to look more into these sightings from above. Most scientists believe these visitors from space might be drawn into our new technology. In 1938 are first broadcast was transmitted around the world and into the dark unknown. Even the bombs we dropped on Japan sparked huge readings of radiation that could have made us detectable to these visitors from another world. They could be interested into what we are doing? Want prop the military to take action against these possible threats from space, happened in July 2 of 1947. Which caused America to form a special organization and facility to deal with anything relating to the topic of UFOs. After a few years the facility constructed would be named Area 51 and this very incident started the whole UFO phenomenon in America.
Near a ranch in New Mexico a UFO crashed into the desert, gashing a narrow trench about two miles long, before coming to a stall. The UFO was badly damaged after the incident, barely recognizable. A rancher stumbled upon the wreckage, which happened not too far from his property. He dismiss it as nothing more then a meteorite from the sky, something he recounted in an article from a magazine. He waited to report the incident to local authorities, never bothering to examined the wreckage. When state police arrive to the crash site they couldn't make out the wreck. They knew this wasn't a plane? Being unfamilar with this kind of task they decided to call in the nearby Air Force Base to handle this type situation. What the rancher and police didn't know was that the military had already been out to the site. High-ranked military officers waited to recover the wreckage so they could put a team together. When the "higher-ups" arrived to the site, escorted by the Air Force security unit, they talked to the rancher and police to piece together the full story of what happened. Stories of the rancher and police were similar but a little difference emerged. State police said that two charred bodies of something that weren't human were lying near the wreckage and another still alive, but had trouble breathing. Debris from the wreckage and the bodies were put into trucks and taken back to the base. These "higher-ups" approached the rancher and police with paper and pen. They inform the rancher and the police what they have witness was a weather balloon and some test dummies. Nothing more and nothing less. They all agreed. What they all don't know was that there was a fourth passenger aboard the UFO and it had escaped detection. It darted to a secluded location before anyone had arrived. It observe the military working quickly to cover-up the incident. He watch as the military loaded up the wreck and bodies. Taking off in their vehicles, leaving nothing behind. With reading the above how could I know all about a fourth passenger?
In the sixies I was an agent for a secret organization, which will call "Unit 137". I got the oppourtunity to interview the alien that fled the scene. I won't go into details of how we stumble upon him. But it was a golden chance to know about another race of intelligent beings. He told me about the time he enter our system, what happen during the crash, and how he spent most of his life after the incident. This alien even gave me insight of how we could fix our own problems and take care of our planet to live in a better society. If we could unite together the alien believed we could develop the technology to explore the cosmos. Maybe one day we could visit his people? The alien gave me detail coordinates to his home world, of course in a understanding for someone like me, so when the time was right we could make contact. Certain higher-ups within the agency wanted to see him dead. But since talking with the alien, it has me feeling small doses of sympathy for him. A smart and knowing being who can give us a perspective into those unanswer questions that linger on in our minds. So I decided to go with my gut. I assisted in his escape to get back home. In his years here, he was trying to transmit a message out to his people. A rescue attempt to reunite with his loved ones. I suppose? Alien or not he has become more human then any of us could imagine. His character and mind are unique. So true this statement is, that I've become attracted to him. Not in a sexual way, but like a moth is attracted to the light. Its sad to say that I wish we could of meant earlier. Our society had scared him to the point of total seclusion. Forcing him into the outcast of civilization. Which is the only way he could have protected himself. Now he has had enough of the violence and chaos that has fester all around. He has decided to leave this planet then die here all alone. But still something almost forbids him from leaving us. He feels obligated to stay with us, to better are knowlegde of the unknowing. Not to dream but live for reality. In this brief time I've known him I could imagine myself in his shoes. Landing on a mysterious planet, feeling utterly alone and isolated. Surrounding himself with alien figures. Desperatly seeking the right moment to reveal his secret amongst us. Finally giving us the answers we all crave and desire. He could assist some of our scientists to build better technology. Help us live in a clean environment and preserve the life on Earth. Form a peaceful unity with other nations and stop all the wars which could lead to our extinction. That we can build a better future for all generations to come. Lets us not only be remember in our history, but the entire galaxy should know of our existence. I hope by listening to his accounts and life experience on this world, that maybe we'll better understand ourselves and find a special place in the universe.
(Tape Recording): "I will be recording the alien from the Roswell crash of 1947. His story of how he got here is geniune and true. At least to my knowledge. He has presented certain facts that the agency who discovered the wreckage only could know. He also has demonstrated abilities that no human could ever perform. His mind and body are like one, able to read thoughts and move objects. He has also shown me simple experiments to prove that he is an alien and the body he possesses isn't his true identity. He seems to have used are DNA to create some kind of "human suit" making him blend into are society. He is very intelligent. Dwarfing the minds of all humans on Earth. Over time he had aquired an education while stranded here. He had learned about us pretty quickly, including our nature. He is fascinated, but sadden by the fact were too distant from ourselves. That we seek a resolution to the madness that blankets us. Yet with everything going on in our fast pace society, nobody has taken the time to listen. Hopefully with time and patience we can learn something from his story and give us a better outcome for our future"......(recording stops)
Chapter 1
"Fire in the Sky"
Cmdr. Ebe O'nce(Ist Command: Master Commander): 25 Medals of Councilship, Recommendation for a seat on the High Council Command, Over 200 worlds explored on record; plus 80 sub-worlds or Planetary Satellites; Alliance Argon Ambassdor to 44 civilizations; Deity Status over 800 colonial establishments.
Log Entry- 63084: Exploratory Mission 0280
Planetary Survey and Recon(1st Regiment)-Crew:3
Mission Status: High Council Command Operation
Crew Names:"Classified"
Pilot One(Spc.First Class): 3 official commendations, Merit for Devotion of Duty; Savior Award: Saved the lives of 200 Argonians during a colonial transport mission; 80,000 sessions of completed SpaceFlight, not including Flight missions
Navigator(N3-2nd Command: Intel Officer): 2 Medals of Councilship; Cadet Graduate of the High Council Academy; HIghest Mind Attribute Award: Scored 3600 Mastery Points; Survialist Achievement Status.
Prior Duties: Top Scientific Officer on the Colony "Hoarfrost" Colonial Code-CE{80}
Pilot Two(Neophyte Class-SpaceFlight Cadet Trainee); Pilot submits request for recommended Advanced Training; Top Academic Achievement Award; 2200 sessions completed of SpaceFlight training.
Prior Duties: Medical Technician of the 30th Division Med-Evac ship.
7-2-1947 14th hour (Krajiny's Date and time)
Scan Completed:
*70% of the planet is cover by a liquid substance (possible H2O)
*oxygen detected in the atmosphere and other trace chemicals
*probes have indicated other familar elements (others unknown to the archive)
*extreme radiation detected in two areas (probably from a weapon)
*traces of flora and possible fauna on the surface
*heat signatures detected in certain areas(possible major industrialization)
Landing Zone: desert region to the west of the planet
Mission Objectives: collect samples-capture and catalog specimens- perform research- test around the landing zone
Secondary Objective: abduct any intelligent lifeform (if possible)
We are approaching the Araw System, still picking up faint transmissions from the planet Krajiny, are destination. Many worlds we've passed to get to this one. Cosmic debris, ice giants, and gas planets that resemble stars. These giants outside the inner system have many satallites rotating around them. Some have geological activities visible on their surfaces. These features might be from the tug and pull of their respected planets they orbit and are bound by the planet's gravity. These gas giants have their own systems as well. This is a solar system filled with worlds. Soon we are viewing the four terrestial planets that orbit around the star. The one we've chosen to land on is the third planet. If calculations are correct. It has the proper temperture and conditions to support primitive life, even possible intelligent lifeforms. Their star seems to be the right mass and has the energy stored to support this theory of intelligent lifeforms. Scans have determine that this star's lifespan could remain stable for a few billion years, even ten. Unlike the gas giants, who have their own internal heat source, this planet needs the energy of the star to sustain life. We are getting near the planet when pressure and heat start to build around the ship. But the shields seem to be holding up.
"Keep the ship steady Pilot one, begin landing procedures and take it in". I give the command with the rapid beating of my hearts as we get closer to the planet's atmosphere. Pilot two begins to worry. "Commander I've got all kinds of movement in the throttles." Pilot two is inexperience and this his first mission so far from the homeworld. I gain control of the crew's focus and try to land safely to the surface. "Engage thrusters Pilot two and minimize speed. We need to reduce as much damage as possible". Even with lights blinking in the interior of the ship. I ignore the warnings and proceed on with the mission. Soon a alert light emerges in front of my screen, indicating a hull breach. "Commander with have a hull breach in cabin three, but were holding steady". Pilot one pumps the valve-closed lever to seal the cabin. Soon are shields and gears get stripped from are exterior, heating me and my crew on the inside. "Switch to emergency procedures! Were getting ready for a crash landing!" I turn to the officer behind me to coordinate a safe landing spot. "Navigator find us a soft target to decrease damage to the ship". He seems at peril. Since there isn't much he can do. So he rapidly tries to find a suitable location. This ship must remain intact for any chance back home. Getting stranded five-hundred trillion miles away is not a option for me.
As we enter through the atmosphere the heat outside becomes relevant inside, as the control console explodes, burning the pilots. Safety shields engage to protect the navigator and myself. "Emergency protocol, take the helm Navigator. Get us on the ground in one piece!" He takes control of the ship and hits the stablizers to straighten out for a rough landing, instead of head first approach. The ship begins to balance as we are currently at thirty-thousand feet above the surface. I hit a button on my command screen. Soon fire and smoke vacuum from the ship clearing the glass portal infront of me. While looking out the glass I realize we are going too fast. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" The navigator lifts the nose of the ship up and carves through the desert surface, speeding along with great momentum. The safety shields inside shut off. We're going so fast that pieces of the ship tear off and debris inside starts spraying at the navigator. Some pierce his chest throwing him off his seat and we finally come to a rest. Smoke and sparkage is visible from the ceiling. I fully open my eyes. Not knowing if I'm hurt or who is still alive. Near my shoulder I flip a switch. A relay shuts off the mangled wires, and the venting systems clear the rest of the smoke. I exit from my command chair, with no sense of direction. But I hear a active monitor alert. Lights and hazard sounds are going off in the ship. Which means some power is still intact. I hit the "reboot systems check" to get a damage report. Everything is down, only basic instruments are working. Transponder, life support, and critical power are non-operational. I open the hatch which is warm to the touch. I back my hands away. I tear a small piece from my jumpsuit, to grab hole of the hatch. Throwing the hatch to the side. I stare out into a blank and dark desert background, viewing nothing for miles. Its cold, almost lifeless around me. I feel scared, but rises a feeling of positive energy inside me. A relief that I made it. Caught in the slight amazement I get back to my duties as commander. Entering back inside I locate the pilots and navigator to perform medical. One by one I pull the crew out, lying them near the ship, with no time to spare. I hurry inside to get the emergency crate. Once outside I get right to work. Examination of the pilots shows they are severely burnt and have no signs of life. Walking toward the navigator their is slight movement. By close observation he appears injured and breathing shallow. I give him some H30 and meds to deal with the pain. He is so hurt to stand that any further movement could increse injury. So I'm going to "coma shock" him to perform surgical procedures. "I'm putting you in a coma to perform surgery." He shakes his head allowing permission and his eyes close for the procedure that will procure.
With the navigator in coma. Small fragments are pulled from his body, except for one fairly big piece that has embedded in his lung. Its risking, because pulling it out could kill him. I put plasma on the fragment to hold it in place and inject more meds to erase any pain. My first priority is to move the bodies for "detonation protocol" and gather any useful supplies. I need to retrieve the battery cells. These cells generate all the power for the ship. It also can become useful for our rescue. But I can't stand around this location. Must eliminate any evidence of our existence. I take the secure plate off which houses the explosive for detonation. I punch in the codes and turn the dial for the timer. On the screen I see the CPU has denied me access. The procedure is not available. Detonation explosive is not working because of the impact to our ship. I start looking for a location to conceal the equipment and navigator, in case something shows up. Taking a good look at the hunk of metal that remains of the ship, I understand how I'm a ignoramus commander for letting this happen. Never in my three-hundred years as a explorer have I lost a crew member to a decision that most would have aborted. Not all hope is lost. Certain equipment still works and the navigator is alive. In the distance I see a rocky formation that could be used as temporary base-camp for our rescue. If their is any chance for one? I hurry with crates in hand and salvage the comm systems to transmit a SOS. Usually were not the only ship traveling around this part of the galaxy. Matter of fact this is how we came across this world in the first place, from other civilizations who never bother to explore. With little intel themselves they didn't see the potential for resources. Main goal for my people is to explore, colonize, and form alliances with new species. Harvesting and depleting planets isn't in our plans. I was picked for the mission because of my experience but now I'm in a position of desperation. I stop for a moment and take off my face shield. A breath of bad taste flows through my body. Pressing a button on my wristband indicator I scan the surrounding environment. Oxygen levels are normal but show signs of other chemicals. Way different then want I'm use to. It seems that major industrialization has been establish here. I can smell it in the air with unnatural toxins lingering in the atmosphere. Could explain the heat signatures? I've landed in a dry environment to decrease detection from intelligent lifeforms. Who would live out here, nothing flourishings, how could you survive? I pull my LVS, "Long Vision Sights", from one of the crates and scan the desert. Moving several clicks to the right is when I finally focus in on something. I spot a structure or dwelling of some kind. I could be wrong about this location, their is definitely something here. With the ocular device still in my hand, I take a more excessive look. Farther to the right I spot another structure, which lies about a few clicks from the site. Must move quickly not knowing want resides in the dwellings. As I'm walking back to the crash site I start to feel sick and blood starts to trickle from my nasal passage. Might be from the toxic air? I inject some meds into my arm to counteract the air quality and take a rest.
After several minutes I begin to come back around and pick myself up, heading toward whats left of the ship. Kneeling next to the navigator, I notice he is alive. I try to wake the him in hopes he has improve from his injuries. He still is DMS "deep medical sleep" and start to drag his body back from the site for easy transport. Need to act quickly and clear the site. Before I can make attempt to move the navigator, sounds are heard from behind the ship. I peer from the side and witness four-wheeled machines rolling toward the ship. With hastely speed I run behind a boulder, but not far from the view of the wreckage. Locking onto the machines with my "protonic blaster" they come to a stop. Hatches open up from both sides all at once and these lifeforms emerge. With careful examination these lifeforms look armed. I'm positive those are weapons. But the bright lights from the machines are beaming infront my face. It has blocked my description of the lifeforms. No intel of what I'm dealing with? Oddly enough they seem to be different heights and mass, but look relatively same lifeform. Looks like scanners being flashed ontop of the scatter debris. Command module is carefully scanned as well. Bright flashes are popping from every direction. In the middle of the wreckage two higher commands are discussing something of importance. I'm unable to make out the language and my "echoe ear piece" is just picking up static. I take it out and continue to watch as they circle the ship. Hopefully they don't discover the navigator and harm him in some kind of way. He won't give up much intel for the sake of our species. Usually great deal goes into protecting are ship and its "high priority personal" which includes navigator and me. After some time the machines and lifeforms roll away. Right now I can't help the navigator or risk mission for the possiblity of their return. I go back to the base-camp were my supplies are located and get away from the crash site. At this time their is no evidence of myself being relation to the crash. I will proceed with mission and beam a signal out to get rescued.
Food rations are slim as I open the crates. But we can go years without eating any nurnisment, so I'm not worry at this time. Water on the other hand is vital. Earlier scans suggested possible H20, which isn't to different from are H30. We have the immune system to eat alien foods but this world's water supply must be within safe readings for are consumption. But for time being I have enough to last until then. Thats the good thing right now going for me. Time is plentiful. I could afford to sit and wait being effective during severe isolation for long periods. Not the first time it has happen. I was trapped on a nearby uncharted location within our own system for four pera secs, thats four years to you. Being a explorer puts you at extreme risks, thats why most of us don't form families. We end up forming a social connection within our crew to minimize stress for long duration. Only problem with my situation now is that this planet is located far from the central galaxy. Actually the only habitable one out here. Comm systems must be fixed so I can perform other task during my wait. Mission assumes no matter the problem were facing. Unfortuatly, checking the systems reveals little strength in tranmitting a signal out into space. Must return to the ship and salvage more parts. Being outnumbered doesn't make it safe to return. I'll sleep through the rest of the night and make plans during the day cycle to organize myself. Which inturn I'll come back ready next night to salvage more parts from the ship. Hopefully they don't return. Waiting for next cycle I huddle against the side of a tall peak, watching the stars move through the dark. I hardly can sleep as I try to find my homeworld in the mass that forms the night sky. As their satallite orbits the planet, I create images in my mind from the craters and black patches. No rotation from this small body as one side continues to face my direction. Fireballs by the thousands streak across the background vanishing in seconds. Stars change color the longer you view them. Showing the life that breathes when the light retreats behind the planet. My eyelids are tired as I try to fight them to stay open. I try to remain at guard. Because noise from no point of direction is heard all around. Wild sounds have appeared that weren't there earlier. I soon fall asleep, but still I keep an ear out for the unknown threat that lurks in the dark.
I wake up, not getting much sleep last night. Just waiting for the star to come back around. Most of the sounds from the darkness of the desert didn't permit me to fall asleep easily. I'll take the day to prepare myself waiting for the star to recede back into the horizon. I will take a look around but won't wander too far. Have to stock up on useful instruments to put into my pack but at the same time trying to align myself in this foreign place. After all the instruments are packed away I lean up against the rocky formation watching the star move through the sky. I stay there most of the day. Scanning the distance landscape, I don't spot any other structures besides the two I saw the other day. I feel scared not knowing the future outcome that will arise the longer I'm here. Every step must have careful approach and I can only handle one situation at a time. Even the day frightens me because of exposing myself in the open. Soon light fades as I begin the short walk back to the wreckage. When approaching the crash site I hear all types of commotion. On a small hill overlooking the damaged ship I kneel down watching from above. I'm alarm to find more machines at the site. These ones have bleaking lights on the top and are joined by the ones from before. These new lifeforms on site are armed as well. A stander with no danger present in his body is also at the site. Might be the one who occupies the structure I seen earlier? Most of the wreckage had been hauled away with more pieces being put in the back of the machines. It seems any parts that could be salvage have now been stolen. Even the pilots and navigator were taken. If my theories are correct these might be intelligent lifeforms. Especially those with technology. I could take something from them to fix the comm systems. After some time the machines and lifeforms depart from whats left of the site. I scout the area to find a residence of some kind who might have useful resources. This area around me is cover by mountainous terrain with a lifeless background. No color and nothing spectacular about this location. Also it's not a populated zone and I have to figure out the closest populance near here. This lifeform not far from base camp might have the technology I need to repair my transmitter. I have to perform some surveys around the proximity of the base camp to see if any materials might be lying around. When I return to base camp it seems that the environment yields no materials and I continue my search. I move to the unoccupied structure which seems more like a suitable location to use for permanent living quarters. The structure could belong to the lifeform but hasn't gotten much use. While opening the hatch its come to my attention that its in need for repairs, being neglected over the years. I enter getting the smell of other past organisms. Judging by the conditions they must have been "animalistic" lifeforms who called this home. An intelligent being wouldn't live here, there is dried-up material covering the ground and a contaminated water supply. But this structure has lots of space, so the location will do. I head back to the camp to gather equipment and begin the process of setting up quarters. While setting up I look out the glass portal. From this location I can view the other structure and able to keep my eye on the lifeform that occupies the dwelling next to me. If "It" decides to investigate I'll be ready. I can handle one intelligent lifeform.
(next day cycle) My place of operations have been set up and materials lying around proved to be helpful. I look through the glass port and watch the lifeform perform labor duties around his structure. Picking up discarded waste, tending to the landscape, and what looks like feeding some primitive lifeforms. Examining his character and work ethic this lifeform might be a masculone, male of the species. I decide to call him Koiras. After I've noted Koiras's profile I watch as he goes back into his dwelling. I continue on with my work of analyzing some ground samples. I'm still without the much needed parts for the SOS. Hopefully when the star goes down I could slip into the masculone's structure undetected and look through his dwelling. Our people have the knowlegde to use almost anything to work within our equipment. Nothing goes to waste in my world. With the star coming down he leaves the confines of his dwelling and hops into his transportation machine. Trailing dust and dirt as he rolls away. I move to the location and look all around for anything watching me in the open. I turn a knob, pushing the hatch open and as I slowly enter the dwelling. This location looks primitive. Old organic material used on the ceiling, floor, and walls.....doesn't feel I'm in the home of a intelligent lifeform. Some more looking around I view several advance upgrades. Metal enclosed container for drinking water, comm device, and a heating element machine for cooking food. Switches for artificial viewing lights and a time device are located on the wall. Maybe these lifeforms are just starting to explore into new technology? For the first time I've discover a civilization in mid evolution. Yet with this new data about them its hard to phantom the idea of advancement. The planet couldn't evolve such species so quickly? I head into the living area. This were this masculone spends most of his time. Scattered empty containers litter the area containing traces of alcohol. But its distill into something with toxic abilities to eneberate one self. Increases pleasures for the amusement of leaving ones body. Strange new intel about these lifeforms? Heading up next level I've found what I'm looking for. A primitive transmission device. The findings were correct, the faint signals are real and still broadcasting. I turn on the device. No technological response. Could be non-operational? Either way the device is too bulking and Koiras could suspect something if gone missing. I need something more compacted and won't alarm Koiras. So I continue my search up the next level.
Near the top of the next level, I'm standing in some sort of corrider leading to many living quarters. Hatches are closed and I detect no signs of life. All this space and no others dwell with him. Sorry existence for a hardworking individual. Haven't witness any Feminates, or females around the area. I'm still curious about the society they have formed? I choose a hatch and walk through the entrance. I've chosen the right location for possible technology. Its the masculone's living quarters. He spends some great deal of time in here as well. Clothing, flith, and organic decayed matter fill his quarters. Several minutes looking around I found what I was looking for. A small transmission device with tuning knobs and what looks like frequency meter. This might be some use? I put in my utility pack for futher investigation. Numerous tools and other instruments are scatter along the floor and the closet area. I take those as well. While going through his belongings a creature crawls on my arm. I jump at first but settle down to examine the specimen. Its crawling with six appendages and has exoskeletal features. Could be vital for data and place it in qurantine tube. When exploring on top shelf a item falls down and discharges some kind of projectile. It breaks the glass port across the sleeping quarters, making the situation unstable. Looking around frantically I snap out of it, realizing nobody is in the distance to hear it. I pick up the weapon and carefully empty the rest of the projectiles in my hand. They look weird. But by what I have witness, they can do some damage. My crew and I couldn't really imagine any lifeform with such weapons. Smart choice to bring mine on this mission. Before leaving I re-enter the projectiles back into the weapon and return it back onto the shelf. Even though I would disarmed this individual, this could be his only protection out in this part of the region. A vacant stretch of desert with nobody to assist you if something goes wrong. I chose to leave his weapon. I'm just worry if I made the right decision? I don't want a conflict that could result in bad attentions. At this time I don't see the harm of letting this masculone keep his weapon. My hand begins to vibrate. Looking at my wristbrand indicator, I sense the time is up. Koiras might be coming back anytime now. Later I will take a more extended look around the dwelling, but satisfy with my findings. While walking down level I take a quick peek through my utility pack. Taking a brief examination of my findings. These parts I took are odd and some are just useless. Two pieces have some signifant value to making the comm systems stronger in emitting a transmission. Has to be a primitive power supply connecting the masculone's dwelling that I could use? As I make my way outside I notice something about a dozen paces from me. From the top of the dwelling, black wires connect to wooden rods from the ground, lining up forever. The wire and rods get less visible with distance. I'm guessing I could link up with his supply. Ofcourse not to disrupt his power needs, and get the energy I need to run my equipment. From the corner of my eye I view lights coming from the high hill and beam onto the dwelling. I sneek around the corner and realize that Koiras has return. He exits the machine, walking out like a drugged up patient. Near to the entrance, he stops to vomit the disagreement with his solar plexus. He stumbles into the dwelling, hearing him inside as he knocks over objects. Feeling he has gone up to his quarters, I bolt back to my enclosed location. I enter inside and retreat to the bedded I've constructed in the corner. The dried-up material isn't bad but makes my epidermus uncomfortable. In the star's wake I will begin some other mission objectives. Maybe research Koiras's behavioral patterns to get better intel on the individual? As my eye passages close for deep sleep I absorb today's viewing in my collective mind. I hope of sending some kind of telekinetic communication back home. If I focus hard enough, a small connection could pass to another in my world. But the distance would be tough. I'll just relax and consentrate to my abilities.
Last night cycle I could feel small vibrations on my cortex. It could be that a small connection made it to the home world. No way of knowing if I made any contact or who receive it? With the navigator probably dead, I throught of only one who would be listening, my lifeblood, my son. I'm sure its been some epochs since I've seen or heard from him. Hopefully he got my message. I should have expire my duties and settle on my home world for good. Making up lost time with my lifeblood. I've explored the cosmos for a long time, always returning to the same world, but new era in time. Strangely enough, this cycle by calculation is my one-thousandth life period. Stories I've told to many back home. Some about the encounters with deadly creatures. Which I've captured and intregated a handful of species into our society through domesticated breeding. So with a new cycle beginning and have lost some track of time in this alien world. Little intel provided on earlier examination of the dwelling. Viewing material or collective writings of these lifeforms could be helpful in understanding language, concepts, and other data. Maybe Koiras has something of that nature inside the dwelling? Got to find out more as its the only resource I have. When I'm outside, I realize every direction is the same for miles. My barons aren't enlign with this environment, the navigator is dead, and my technological hardware has cease operation. My insides tell me to reveal myself and convince this masculone to aid me in my departure from this world. Never know? I might make a conscript assistant out of him and he'll join me on the rescue ship. Secondary objective is becoming a possibility?
Chapter 2
"First Encounter"
While sleeping in his quarters. I secretly enter his dwelling. Looking for any intel I could use to get a map on the territory I'm stranded in. Need to locate useful technology and reach operational capability. As I enter the dwelling, the smell of food rises my feeling of hunger. Absent substances in my solar plexus is turning against me. My nasal passages pick up a scent behind me. On the heating element machine is a pot with a top over it. I take the top off. It reveals seeds smothered in liquid. My handful of the substance feels strange. But similar to what I've tried before. Can't be any worse then the other things I've consume? In my mouth the food taste bland but it starts to develop a taste. Toleration builds through my mind and the solar plexus eases up. Up above the heating element. More food rations exist in storage boxes hung to the wall. I open a hatch and pile more food into my plexus. Not even caring or tasting before I eat it. Its becoming addictive in the process, causing crumbs to gather below my feeding. I clean up the evidence and proceed as planned. While leaving the "food preparation room", a papery material lies on the ground near my foot coverings. I pick up and scan the material as writing appears on the papery object. (Translation not recognize) But the writing looks familar? Visitors to our world share information about other uncharted worlds in exchange for trade or resources. I've came across this language before. But unable to remember what it could mean or say? Analyzation process encodes the language for further research later. I require the language to understand everything about their culture. A sense rises in my mind as I hear steps coming from above and prepare for Koiras to come down. A better close-up examination is important. Usually weaknesses are expose the closer you move toward a target. But for this one. I respect a wise distance. Can't risk alerted Koiras at this time. I watch as Koiras barely makes it downstairs. Pain is apparent on his body's frame. He has the physique of a lifeform who has been abused over the years. For his age appearance. Those task he tends to could have cause those marks. His bones look frail and worn down. Even his face has suffer some abuse. Time has most certainly work against him as he resembles a creature living on its last energy. With his back turn, I get closer. Unusual, as I begin to note his next behavior.
He finally reaches the end of the stairs picking up empty bottles, tapping the end to taste any substance left behind. It appears nothing is available. He starts to look through some discarded items. Throwing the objects behind him. He shows expression for what he was looking for and shows relief that he found it. I carefully note in my mind the movements of the masculone. Looks like an intelligent lifeform? But the way he is acting. Its not that easy to believe any complex brain resides within. He takes the glass cylinder-shaped object filled with a brown substance and he puts it to his lips. Taking huge gulps, nearly finishing the bottle. He begins shaking his head from the toxic consumption. He waits and takes another drink while reaching into his pockets for something. He pulls out a small pack. He removes a slender object out, about the size of my finger. With the slender object securely placed between his lips, he lights-up the object. He starts to inhale the burning material. He exhales smoke and feels relax. Temperature readings indicate somekind of stress relief. Also, the readings detect discomfort, causing physical and mental complications. He covers his mouth and begins to cough violently. Some particles of blood stain his hand. Coming to the conclusion he is sick. Some disease has infected his body. He has nobody to take care of him. Being alone with no help can make the most experience explorer lose his state of mind. I should give this individual my medical treatments. It could improve his health somewhat? With careful aim I release a biotic dart into his leg. Too small for his eyes, keeping him from tampering with it. Should help him sleep better tonight. Our scientist and medical technicians have rid are planet of harmful microbial life. We've been living in a ninety-eight percent clean environment. No major outbreak or disease in over thousand years. The scans in his dwelling are infested with pathogeans and those creatures I discovered earlier. I see him go back up level and fall into his bed, meaning the alcohol has taken effect. So I goad through some data and intel. Huge amounts of input containing useful information. Some have historical value and depict their past cultures. I view and scan with great admiration in learning new material to share with my species. l leaned toward a stack of viewing material and spot something important. A glossary of words matching accordance with their language. I put the material into my pack for further analysis later. Gandering into some more of Koiras's collective writings I find material of untrue stories. At least by my observation. Imagitive minds these lifeforms have. How their intelligence strives for more better future. But they have much to learn.
I examine more material and reveals maps to other far off regions. More material reveals information on their art, important figures, and historical events. I piece together some other data to what I've learned and it tells me I'm not too far from other regions. A more populated area lies just north of this location. I think? Viewing the map still leaves me no clue of name or actual information of this location. So I pack everything for further research. With careful approach I climb up onto a case filled with other material. I stretch to grab something high out of reach. I step one leg up on the edge to gain reach for the material I want. The edge gives way making all the materials crash to the floor. Noise alerts Koiras from his sleeping quarters down to my position. I hide behind some clutter to avoid detection. His head moves from side to side trying to find whose responsible for the mess. I think he has spotted me staring hard near my direction. He creeps forward with my eyes locked to his. I take the chance to escape out the glass port behind me. He comes close and I quickly jump through the port concealing my direction from Koiras. Koiras runs outside with weapon in hand looking for my trail. But he is confused on which way I took. He then steadly goes back into his dwelling, looking behind him as he closes the door. My hearts are racing as I almost gave myself away and the mission might have failed from that point. Being in his condition I'm positive he didn't get a detailed description. Glad my mind work fast to escape in that corner position. No matter what, I still have made myself aware to his knowlegde. I fear the location I've established here. It might be his next stop to investigate who was in his domicile. Just got here and I'm already risking mission because of my curious nature. Bad idea to set-up base near his dwelling with knowing the risk. My insides are tight, making me unable to breathe normally. A rush of panic comes to my awareness that has been hidden inside me. Don't remember a time I felt like this before? With the masculone gone from sight I run back to my base-camp. Too much to handle at this moment not knowing what to do next. Taking my blaster from the holster I put the setting on low. He isn't a huge danger but might need to take him down to protect myself. Through the night I remain locked on the door, not taking my eyes from that direction. Most in my position would have kept running. I ignore the old instinct not wanting to get lost in this unfamilar world. Also my equipment is still here. Don't want my technology falling into wrong hands. Even with my skill and experience the long hours is taking its toll. Eating and gorging on the food source is making me tired. Need to catch thirty winks to prepare for a plan.
Light floods my eyes and it quickly wakes me. Not knowing I even fell asleep, my weapon comes out, pointing at nothing. I was completly exposed and didn't seal up the quarters. I regain vision looking out the glass portal. Koiras is outside heading near the structure. I lock the entrance, placing a temporary seal around the hatch. I start throwing the dried-up material over my equipment. So to mask the set-up inside. Coming infront of the door he can't open or break the seal and seems puzzled of how it could be. He returns back to the dwelling. I'm sure he'll return with a alternative to get in. One reason to return it does belong to him and suspects something inside. My seal won't hold up for long. Even the most simple tools he'll find a way to break through and find me for sure. I look from top to bottom and left to right. Which dawns to me how time and space work around here. Concepts of light and dark emerges a pattern I begin to calculate for my understanding. Just as I throught he returns, only this time he is gripping onto a sharp edge object. Its attach to a sturdy wood handle meant for cropping up material. He runs with a striking force at the entrance. The seal continues to hold. Several more crops and soon stress builds up. A couple more forced blows to the entrance and the insides become exposed. He peers through the structure and looks around. My well hidden set-up doesn't give optimal view and dismisses it has nothing. He hasn't been in here for some time. Standing near the entrance with no bother to make any investigation. He makes his exit. When viewing the individual anger is detected by his body language. He slams the hatch to his dwelling shutting it with a rough pull. That whole day cycle he never comes out of the structure. Still I have worries about his return. Maybe he actually saw my appearance? He might alert some kind of authority personel to my location. But with not knowing want to expect next, getting rescued has became my top priority. Never came to my attention to beam a distress signal when we starting to have problems on entering the planet. My status for being a elite commander has made errors in my choices. Thinking of my own endeavors with no regard for my crew's safety. All I wanted to accomplish was not to dissapoint my superiors. Find out the existence of intelligent lifeforms and report the findings. Foolish not to abort because of science alone. Yet good results have surface from this incident. Finally found life on the outreaches of the galaxy. I will return and make my fellow Argonians proud on the lifeforms I've discover. On how the dangerous journey uncover a remarkable find for our species. I must remain strong and focus. Need as much intel as possible to further my chances of survival. With the set-up operational, I perform system checks. Also I have some intel to look over. Want to find out more about this masculone.
Next day he tends to more labor duties and feeds his lifeforms. I've examine the reading material and the language is starting to interpret in my mind. These "animals" he feeds are consider to be his livestock and the structures that the masculone and I inhabit are a farm house and barn. So interesting what I've read and the material has been very useful for my records. Even though I want to read more, have to start getting busy on repairs. I use the parts obtained from masculone's house to put toward good use for the comm systems. Signal strength is weak but has improve from before. Just missing some other parts and I'll have this running in no time. Need to explore more territory away from this location. Next time Koiras enters his machine I'll hitch a ride along to see where he goes. If I'm right he'll lead me right to a place of interest. I could secretly explore the new location to find more parts returning when Koiras decides to leave. Notations have been well documented about the masculone's behavior and routines. He has provided me with huge intel. I watch him for a couple day cycles. He just wonders around his property. Doing the usually duties of the day. Some strange sounds that weren't him were playing inside. I could hear Koiras keeping a tune and tone with the sound. Most of the day he keeps to himself inside the house. In the late hours he just remains in complete silence. Besides the primitive lifeforms, he barely makes a whisper. He finally begins to leave the dwelling. Rapidly I maneuver behind the machine to stow-away for the journey ahead. I'm going to a new place with little intel. What I'm looking for might not be there in the first place. Utterly blind for this lunatical endeavor but have to take the risk. We take a dirt path road that many machines have passed through. Which explains its shape. It has wide turns and when the star is falling it looks difficult to navigate. Dirt and rocks are being thrown from the spinning of the wheels. This journey took a bit of time. But we finally arrive to a closed-off section of area that is connected by many structures. Lining up from two sides it resembles a primitive plaza to trade, buy, and sell. He exits the machine after pulling infront of the buildings. I get clear sight to hide near some stacked up crates to make my investigation. Star light falls off the edge and night is approaching for better concealment. He enters a area for possible eneberation purposes and let out the daily stress he endures so often. I start to feel some sort of compassion knowing he is suffering from sicknesss. He hasn't made any attempts to seek medical assistance? Something is plaguing his mind that keeps him from reaching out.
With the night acting as concealment I move swiftly from corner to corner looking for anything of importance. Finally something catches my view. Its a primitive hard-tech supply depot. I enter when a sound overhead (bells) gives alarm, so I rush to a shelf containing machine parts. With careful watch I wait for a sentry of some kind. A masculone comes to investigate. He opens the hatchway and looks left to right for the perputrator who disturb the alarm. He turns looking around inside trying to figure out the cause for the ring . He checks the alarm above the door making sure its working properly, flicking the device which makes the sound again. Keeping my feet silent I step slightly on the floor. Moving backwards facing the man. While he was investigating the disturbance I wander down the isles grabbing all kinds of parts, placing them into my pack. Taking everything I can carry. Time is pressing at this point so examination of the parts has to wait. With my utility pack almost full, I leave room for other items. If Koiras has writing materials, he had to have gotten them from here. His material is valued, just need alot more selection to choose from. Organization is not appreciated with the masculone I dwell next to. Reading the glossary index I found earlier prove to be of most help. Their language is beginning to be more fluent with my mind and can now understand the context I've encounter from Koiras. Their language has changed from time to time never permeantely settling in there culture. They seem to create words from nothing. Finish with the necessary obtained parts, I sneek outside. With swift haste I wrap around the corner and enter a place containing many reading literture. When looking around I find what I'm looking for. Huge amounts of information flood my view. Excitement is arousing fixation to filter everything all at once. A massive rush of information engulfs my mind causing me to be mentally stimulated. I settle the current mood and continue research of the structure to find a straight point of focus. I see material relating to the intelligent lifeforms. While reading I come across some definitions on their species. "Humans" is the classical term used for these lifeforms, so humans they should be called. They are bi-pedel organisms, reasonalble large mind, and have complex religious cultures. They seem to be very separated from each other. Many regions beyond this one crossing many seas to get to. Their colors and behavior within their socieities makes them all unique but same species with different goals. Worshippers of many cultures pray to invisible entinities from above and below. They have traditions all accustomed to their boundries. So much history in so little time. These humans have envolve dramically in a short period. I take the following material, as it could provide more insight into their world. I can get a better detail of leadership and hierarchy within their society. A better knowing of higher power means who to discuss a alliance with. It seems many cultures in the species could be offended by our mass arrival in generations to come. I truely hope this species has the endurance to survive for our future meeting? Briefly looking at the material my species might have to wait until a contact could be establish. At this time are culture and technological advancement might make us a threat to their well-being.
(Beep, Beep, Beep) It's my wristband indicator alerting me to depart for the transport back to my quarters or the barn. I head outside staring at the location were the machine was stationed. I find that the masculone has left me behind. I misjudge his move, hoping he would have remain as timed desired. He must have fill his pleasure early and return back to his "house" as I've learned to call it. My feeling is warry as I miss my chance for a easy depart and now have to walk a distance back to the barn. Being in this situation I could read the material while returning down the path. Picking up possible specimens for further data. As I'm walking down the path, carefully trailing the masculone's machine tracks, I witness a remarkable creature slithering on the ground. A reptialian of some sort.......A SNAKE! Thats what I absorb from the material in the store. This snake seems odd but a familar creature I've encounter on many worlds. But approariate examination tells me it's from this planet. It takes some convincing to put it in the tube but I manage to slide the organism in for cataloging. Some worlds have massive desert regions with little to no life present. This world seems to provide these deserts the necessities to support organisms within this dry environment. This life, from simple to complex, has been able to evolve beyond most worlds I've explored. My people back home will be much intrigued by what I've found and reseached. Humans could form us a huge bridge of unity beyond the confines of our galaxy. These human's solar system rest on the sprial arms of the galaxy. Nearly touching the emptiness of space, but providing the stepping stone into a new galactic region. I continue along the path finally reaching the safe proximity of the compound or farm. I see Koiras has left his light beams on again. I've been tempted for some time now, it's well over seven semanas and I want to operate the masculone's machine. As you heard before, input is very valued and for explorers like us very risking. We must make calculated decisions on such a venture. Every step we take could be our last one. With hesitation I wait for a moment. Still undecided at this time?
After thirty passes I slowly walk to the machine. Its internal combusion processer is activated and his engage keys are still in the machine. My body is shaking from the shock of operating something so primitive. No research on the proper piloting skills to operate this machine? In other worlds, some technology is slightly similar to the next. Most civilizations we encounter live in respected distances to each other. So alot of different intelligent civilizations have already mastered space travel. But these humans are far from it. With decision in mind, I step into the machine and get seated. I'm preparing for a test around the perimeter. Koiras is too enerberated to sense his machine is going for a trial course in attempts to understand it. These simple gauges reveal fuel reserve, temperature readings, and velocity. Brake and accelarator pedals are similar and its machinism are a little alien. But I think the figuration of this machine can be learned fast. I look for a engagement lever for moving forward. I damble with the controls for a minute. A lever in the middle of the machine, next to steering instrument, propels me forward. I brake and accelerate until I gain knowledge of the operation. Soon the machine and I are moving as one. With a relax grip on the steering instrument I let the wheels guide the path. I loosen my grip on the steering, so the instrument flows freely, when making a turn. But I'm still in control. The machine begins to move faster as I push the pedal for more power. I plan to test the limits of this machine to see the power these humans have. Even by these humans standard I doubt this machine is from this present time. Its more primitive as the combusion slows down from my exertion on the machine. Labor efforts begin as my physical strength is put into action. Now I have to push the machine back to its original spot. Some of my people are born with strength or mental attributes, I'm rare I have both. I push the two tonnellates, or tons, of machine back to were it was at before. I will secretly assist the masculone with repairs the following day. I return back to the confines of my quarters. Tired from the walk and pushing the machine. I fall back into my straw bed cover, staring at the ceiling. I'm able to see some light peeking through the cracks in the roof. Wondering if that star is the one I call home? I have only been on the home world for about hundred years of my thousand year life cycle. Always feeling empty space, not knowing the ones around you. When I return from an exploration my arrivals are not long visits. Just delivering reports from my missions is the only reason on my world. Most of the time I would always be reporting to a new higher command above me. I never questioned about what happen to my previous superior. Usually promotion, death, and exile had the most part to do with a new face of command. I only had one superior who lasting in the position for some of my missions. He would always brief me about the lastest stories circulating around when I was gone. Sometimes he gave me information about my son, informing me on his status. My son join the Colonial Army when I was on a exploration some time back. Since the departure to travel here it's been years since I've talked to my former commander, retiring after a previous mission. So remarkable how the memories that fizzle inside your mind could induce sleep. Dreaming about those times I tried to forget.
New day rising as I'm learning much about these humans since arriving, or crashing on their planet. I became inept to look more suitable to their image. I start to wear their attire that I snatch from Koiras's quarters. Even extracting useful DNA to bind with my code. If my body accepts the code. I'll molt into human form within considerable amount of time. Helps with diplomatic affairs and research if we blend in with the population. A evolve technique only explorers like me inherit. This transformation is temporary. So I can molt back once I meet with the scientific personel back home. At this time the procedure is on stand-by. I have taken the DNA for data and plan to summit the strand to my superiors. They'll clone some kind of representative for future contact when the time is right. I don't have much intent to become human right now. It seems at the thought of being human is waiting for downfall. How many cultures were eliminated to perserve just one idea and purpose? Bloodshed and war have intregated their socities into becoming dominate over another. Stealing resources or ebolishing another culture from existence. When stretching to limber up for a new day I view Koiras enter the machine, trying to engage the combusion inside. My playful amusement for learning just interrupted this masculones way of life. Like promise I will repair the machine, because I need it as much as he does. His resources become my resources. Feeling of symbolic relationship as merge our species together exchanging information mentally between. He has no idea. But I feel his emotions and the pain he endures. Lately signs of the disease is slowly decreasing his lifespan. With no medical advice or attention I doubt he knows his condition. Even on his home world he is isolated and alone. How can you live like that? Rare occassions I slipped him some meds in his meals. To get data about him he has become my patient without his knowing. I've overlapped are concepts of math, time, and dimensions to calculate his expiration........three months to live.
Chapter 3
"Making Contact"
Much information has been gather over the past two months on my neighbor. His movements, routines, and different contacts he has met in town. Because of my knowledge on their language, I overheard his contact, or friend refer to him as Hank. Hank sounds more human. Better name I gave him earlier and its better to refer to him as Hank instead of masculone. Every day draws closer to the point of exposing myself to him. He can learn new knowledge from me, at least gain a education so we can approve are diplomatic relation. With little time to spare it's possible that he might get some answers before he dies. That he could die knowing he had someone looking out for him. These so-call "friends" don't know Hank like I know him. His history and complications for the life he lives has been detailed to me. Still there is something that bothers him? A tramactic experience that he buries deep inside. Hasn't occured to me that its been weeks since I've seen Hank walking about the property. No trips to the town and his animals have shown signs of being neglected. Clothes and accessories will disguise my features so I can tend to his duties he has ignored. Feed the livestock, pick up waste, and tending to the landscape. With the duties finished I approach the steps toward the hatch or so I've learned to call a "door". I enter the house not knowing what to expect but in desperate need to see if he is alright. Entering the living room I hold breath to the rotten smell of food left in the open. Next I enter the kitchen to find it more of mess then usual. Dust and dirt are visible which indicates its been awhile since he has been down here. I have been curious to check up on him but afraid earlier to enter. Some distance has been put between us because of my research, not even realizing if he had came out of his house. It rises a feeling when something isn't right, our minds have been disconnected which gave me the feeling. With more investigating it doesn't reveal Hank is down here. I turn my head facing straight up to his room. There is a heedful moment to go any further. I remember his primitive weapon I discovered during my investigation. Start to second guess my decision to leave his weapon. My hand wraps around the grip of my blaster preparing for a stand-off if necessary. Not knowing these humans well enough it points a different perspective about Hank at this moment. He might be waiting for me to walk up the stairs? Putting an end to the mission and my life.
I head upstairs viewing the corrider. I realize the waste room were Hank does his personal business is left adjourn. That room is never left open? I begin to compute a different image. Maybe there is an intruder? Hank could be hurt? I enter the waste room to find blood covering the sink, like Hank had succumb to a nasty cough that produce vomitting. Not a good sign. Recent research has indicated he is suffering from a deadly type of cancer. Possible inhalation of cigarettes have produce this disease? Still not sure why one would engage in a activity of pleasure to only suffer future medical complications? No intel on dangers of "smoking" available to them? As I turn around, making my way to Hank's room. I feel the sudden discomfort to the knowledge of my only friend on this rock might be dead as I enter. The door isn't shut all the way as I push open to view Hank lying on the bed. Blood stained pillow underneath his head. Sheets covered with blood lay over his body. A horrific scene resembling one of there stories I've read. He shows life as his chest cavity rises with breath. My cloths masked my appearance in his weaken state as I examine him up close. My first face to face encounter with my friend Hank. I pull some meds from my pack and inject Hank to lessen his pain and discomfort. He shows minimal improvement and I move the stained sheets and pillow from around him. His face is pale with signs of a fever, as sweat is visible peering from his pores. Shakes in his body gives rise to the medical knowledge of infection running through his body. Prognosis of the situation looks grim. I doubt Hank can even live another night in this condition. If I hadn't showed up at this moment he surely be dead within the next hour or so. My arrival has spared him for now. I take a temperature reading spiking over the normal range with the possibility of causing him to seizure. With the foreign medicine I gave him earlier my meds might not work well enough for his human body. I'm taking a sample of his blood to accurately count his T-cells production. It could give me direction of medical treatment on the aliment. Got to be something in my pack that might work? (Blood test completed). Not a good count in his blood, meaning the T-cells are not fighting the infection to the point of stability. Going through my utility pack I find a dose of anti-viral meds that could do the trick. After he takes the meds I will clean his face and the area around him so the environment is decontaminated from germs. A contaminated area could cause further complications at his weaken state.
Returning to the waste room I find a towel to wipe clean his face and return his dignity. I enter back into the room. I unbutton his shirt, putting a clean one on that was hung over the chair. As I'm cleaning him up his eyes flutter, trying to focus on the figure that is treating him. Soon shock reveals in his eyes as my appearance surfaces from the disguise I wear. He is too weak to escape or hurt me at his frighten level. I cover Hank with a warming/cooling gel to eradicate the virus. I pull my blaster from the holster. Setting it to the lowest level. I can't guarantee it will work, but a small dose of radiated protons could minimize the cancerous tumor. Aiming at his chest area, I place the laser-sight on the spot where the tumor is located. I pull the trigger, zapping him with a stream of protons. X-ray scan of his insides shows some improvement. After treating him. I notice his deameanor becomes relaxed to the point his feeling of me is non-hostile. I think he had some knowing of my existence? Because of extreme intoxication he could of thought I was a illusion when he spotted me and discover things missing. But that was the best way to approach him. During his intoxication from the liquid consumption. I was able to move more freely around him. On many occassions he had the feeling I was watching him. Since the time he barged into the barn he hasn't been back to investigate. They say the mind can play tricks on you. I'm sure Hank was thinking the same. He begins to fall asleep. So to gain strength for our first conversation. Treatments I gave him has extended his life for the time being. Right now I'll let him rest until next day. Hopefully he survives from the blood lost that occur earlier in the waste room? I pull a chair along side his bed, watching him struggle for every breath. Coughing and slight tremors will persist through the night. A mild side-effect from the mixture of meds. Heart rate is improving, he seems to be stable. Infection seems cure for the moment as temperature returns within the safe zone. He was burning up from a severe fever that could have killed him. Letting him rest, I go downstairs to form a synopsis to explain myself. Get some answers as time is drawing near. I've made plans to go forward with the metamorphosis into human form and steal.......I mean borrow Hank's blood. I need to mask me as a person instead of five-foot grey-skinned alien. First time I've morph into another species without consulting my higher commands back home. Usually DNA is traded by pirates or other civilizations so we can conceal are true nature. Even these humans, complex of course, still are primitive in design and evolution. How hundreds of years will pass before they can manipulate their own DNA. My facial features and body structure was an evolutionary conquest for our scientist. It became a perfect design, it made us immortal against the unknown elements. Many explorers before me died going to uncharted locations, usually from airborne diseases and other complications. Some were lost never to return again, while others died in colonial combats. Political ambitions played a huge part with DNA coding, making our people live longer and increase us physically. Genetic modifications have became a norm on our planet. War veterns who lost eyes, legs, and arms regain those missing parts because of genetics. Learning more about genetics gave birth to cloning. I'm a product from cloning. I basically have no birth parents. I was grown from an embryo. Egg and sperm were donated from selected members in the High Council Command, they in sense are my parents. We mostly refer to them as the "Elders". Also certain instructors were responsible for the modifications on my own genes. These "mods" produce certain attributes. Entitled me as SBC officer. It meant I was a "Speciality Breed Clone" for astronautical exploration. I was born to be a leader and an exploror. Taught from an early age to be strong and careful on the decisions I make. Soon I prep my mind and close my eyes to store the collective memories of todays events.
I wake from the kitchen dining area, fully alert, still maintaining my posture when I sat down earlier. Getting up from the chair I proceed to check up on Hank's condition and maybe exchange some words between us. I hope he made it through the night? Life signs are detected as I hear his sonorous aches as he wakes from sleep. He seems to be feeling better but pain has surface. Opening the door with my palm around some medication, I hide the treatment to lure him into a comfortable encounter. I show him my graditude by offering him medication he had store in the waste room. His intelligence floats out when he extends his hand to receive the pills. These pills look familar to him. A reason why he took them without hesitation. Even though the encounter is awkward and no words are spoken, he remembers me slightly from yesterday. Conclusion utters out after he ingest the pills. "Yer da creature from the that meterorite. Yer be fooling around my house taking stuff." He reveals a smile that is not part of his character. It takes him some effort to form one. I'm shy to respond, fearing want I've learned might not make sense to him. I want a fair balance understanding I don't feel I can deliver. I try with the sake of having this oppourtunity arrive for the first time. Its crucial I respond. "My name is Ebe On'Ce from far away." I point to the ceiling giving reasonable but not technical direction were I'm from. Hank responds, pointing up at the ceiling as well. "Yer from up there...right....another place with others like ya." I respond with gesture of the right answer. I give him a name of the world I call home. "Argon......my home" He responds but with little understanding. "Yer home, thats your home. Whatever you say I don't have kner idea were that is. I aint that edbucated partner. Just me, my farm, and the wildlife that surrounds me". He was talking a dialect I couldn't put together. No logical thought toward the comment. So I just stood there, remaining silent. He begins to yawn. During his tired release of exhaustion, I prink his arm with a medicated needle. As his eyes shut, I sit near him. Instead of going back downstairs, I'm trying to think what else to discuss about next when he awakes. I take a biological scope across every part of his body. Recording data about the human body in full detail. During the first encounter with Hank I was able to take samples of skin and hair that clinged to his clothes. Now with him sedated with pain relievers I take another sample of blood containing his genetic DNA code. Further examination of the code will draw a complete picture of his genetic history. Hair and skin samples are great, but its blood that we have total understanding about. We have a complete DNA archive of every single species we've encounter. Thousands of years in our medical science we have engineered blood. Are own world is on the edge of demise, but our historical bloodline will live on. Our colonies will preserve our legancy. We have develop a clever way, in our near future, to understanding the true beginning of the universe. Analysis is complete. It reveals the blood is red when expose to oxygen as my blood turns green from exposture outside the body. Also his T-cells are getting back to the proper numbers to fight the rest of the infection. His code is remarkable. Nothing like I've seen before. I will test and study it more later when I get to the barn. Sitting in the chair next to Hank has brought a new experience that I don't usually form on most of my explorations. This experience has stricken my brain with sorrow for the existence of another. Even with small conversation I'm delighted that my people's hope for a future visit with these humans might ease their curiousity. Some great work and effort to set forward on a mission to a world so far away. Were the hazards had the potential for no return. It's been fifty years of research on the blue dot that orbits in calculations comfortable to our planet. Those findings excited the whole population. Yet it was so far away we couldn't be sure if anything was alive on the planet. We set-up orbital stations far outside their solar system. Researching the planet from a safe position. It took some information passed along by traders that gave us the go ahead to start a mission to the faraway world. As I'm pondering next to Hank, my mind begins to travel from my body, making visuals appear infront of me. My mind tries to focus on the images that show buildings and my people roaming around massive statues that bring me to the illusion I'm home. I've tapped into a telekinetic source. Somehow a communication has interconnected me to my lifeblood, making his eyes as the receivers. I struggle to keep the images which seem to be mixed up and trailing into another memory. It feels that my lifeblood is sleeping. I'm receiving his unconscious thoughts. More memories flood my mind until I fall in deep sleep.
My eyes open as the sun shines through the window. I look over to find Hank is missing and fear the worst. Maybe he try to use the waste room and die right there? I quickly open the door and run down the corrider. He isn't here either. I'm worry that he went outside and died of possible exposure from the dry environment. He could be sot-faced again and I suspect he got lost? With quickness I jump from the top of the stairs and straight to the floor. While running outside I hear Hank's voluminous voice and stop. "Hey der friend!" I turn around as he is in the kitchen behind the heating element machine or oven. "I was making us some breakfast while yer up der passed out. Got hungry waiting for you to wake up." I smell the familar eggs and bacon as they call it and with watchful eye walk toward the plate he prepared me. I take a seat with a timid resistance to take a portion of the meal. I don't want to offend his offering so I injest some eggs followed by a piece of bacon. "How yer like it der fella. It aint dat bad. Yer probably have something like dat back home". I feel better after no ill-effects and actually start to enjoy it, taking more portions from the plate. "Jezz yer sure are hungry. Its been serm time since you ate something". After the meal he takes the plate and puts it into the sink. I feel alot better since he is standing, walking around. There seems to be acceptance with the peace offering I just endulge in. What I've read is that some people feel euphoric before they depart from their world. This might be the last time I see him alive. This could be his last brief conversation with me. So I try to understand him to the best of my capabilities. "So friend. Yer ship that crashed. Was yer only way back? Any others looking for ya"? I respond, knowing he is smarter then he looks. "My equipment is damaged. Need something to send a message back home. You know of anything like that.....you know to send a message?"He consentrates hard on my response, getting as much information as possible from the words that come out. "Well....we've got anteni and radios, you know stuff like dat. Maybe yer be able to send a message dat way"? I happy to hear that he isn't to scared of me, that are "friendship" has finally became complete as he tries to assist me with my problems. A way to give back the kindness I've shown him. It seems Hank doesn't have a idea what kind of "person" is in his house and the lengths of travel I came to just investigate any lifeforms at all. My grey skin and alien appearance has no possible effect on him. Hank is a simple character. How the surrounding society is far from here and it hasn't bother him in slightest touch. His isolation from others has cause some mental defects to his mind. That reality is not constant in his mind. Time and space around him have a different function that unables Hank to move from his position. He is stuck here just like me. Something is anchoring Hank to this location were no human on this planet could take it from him. He would have to die before he let it go. This property around him seems to have huge memories of something great in his life. If Hank moved away he might just forget. A similarity has emerged in our lives that Hank and me are the same being, just reside in different systems. After cleaning the plates and utensils the human called Hank takes a sit across from me at the table. Pouring alcohol in a small glass, Hank drinks one after another. He burps and removes a cigarette from his top shirt pocket. A light of his "puff-of-death", has lit up his glazed-over eyes. Only a true warrior would do constant battles with death before they actually face it in war. I wait for him to speak.
We sit opposite sides of the dining table, staring at each other with great amazement. Another shot and he puts out his cigarette. He pours another, again he lights a cigarette. He begins to smile. Showing a connection with me. Finally a void has been filled. Once again he starts the conversation. "So tell me a little about yerself. What brings you to good Ole' Roswell?" Since he has open up the conversation of interest about me. I begin story of my voyage to enter his system. I babble on in technical terms on objects I've passed, how my people want to know about the lifeforms that inhabit this world, and the distance traveled to get here. He carefully listens to my explanation and seems astonish by the journey I took to meet them. "Holy, shit! Did you just say five-hundred trillion miles away. Why da hell would you want to travel that far anyway to land in some fucking desert"? I'm confused because Hank seems so uninterested in the length it took just to meet them. That his religion supercedes his understanding for the cosmos. That the universe is on a larger scale, even for his god. I begin to explain the big picture."Look Hank, this world and my home are separated by years of travel. Your system is one of many in the galaxy, it just lies on the galactic edge far, from everyone else". He soon comes to knowledge of want education he didn't process on the subject of systems, stars, and other planets. He totals up all the things I just discuss with him. "So yer telling me your not from Mars or like those close-by objects that I see in the sky. Yer saying I can't see yer place with those big fancy binoculars. I realize that his view of the cosmos is only want he has observed out in the desert, not having accessibility to a magnified scope. "Correct their is more then meets the eye.....you understand that saying"? Hank is surprised for my understanding of human phases and responses. "Oh yes fella I understand. Yer tellin me dat der are more then just speck of lights in the night sky......like something behind it". My conversation with him is odd, like I've met him before in another time. Conversation has develop more meaning as each word is spoken. I agree with his explanation."Yes Hank, but more like beyond it not behind it. My world is pleasant like a dream you might experience". He looks up at the ceiling trying to pull a memory of a pleasant time. He turns his attention back to me, his eyes expanding in size. "I had a dream that I was on some kind of island.....no a paradise were nice people are all over the place and I'm living like a king". I remember that word....paradise, it was spoken through conversation on another exploration. "Paradise is a good word to explain my planet. No violence, peaceful society, and kind beings who welcome all to their world". I stand from my seat. Telling him that I have to get something from the barn. "I be right back". I decided to give him a offering. A memento as you call it. Entering the barn I try to remember if it was packed on the trip with me. This item is what humans would call a lucky token that makes one feel safe. Since I receive it I never left it back on the home world. One day I was going to give it to my son. But I feel it benefits the mission that I give it to Hank. Even he if dies, this will be bury with him. It will be a transmitter that will keep track of the planet. If we decide to explore it later? We use these medallions as time vessels, for another explorer to retrieve information about the so-called world. It contains memories and actual data from the previous explorer. But this item could bring light to these humans as well. It has brief intelligence about the planets and civilizations that span the galaxy. Places I've explore are imprinted on the item that I feel Hank should receive. These places might be the dreams of a paradise that Hank had envision before. I feel it benificial that he get a chance to know about such places. That his dreams can be reality when the human race is ready to venture so far and make the leap into the cosmos. Finally I found the item. It was tucked in my secured case. Luck as they say was on this trip. I was suppose to turn it into High Council before I excepted this mission. If I happen not to return from this mission they would be able to obtain certain information I didn't record in my log. I just wish this luck I speak of would have worked for my crew.
I return to his house and meet him in the kitchen were he waited for me. I hand him a medal I receive on my first voyage from the home world. It was bestowed to me from my former commander. "Here Hank, thought you might want this. As a gift from one friend to another." He reaches out to except the token, deeply moved from my offering. "Hey der fella this seems something that you worked hard to receive. I couldn't take from you". His heart seems geniune and he heads upstairs to grab something in his room. He returns and hands me something similar just with different writing. "My son receive this medal in World War Two. It was a big war with them Nazis and Japs. He got it for bravery". Tears develop in his eyes as he continues. "He got it for saving his friends before he got killed". I feel emotionally touched, of something with so much memory and history. It was bedded into the medal, perserving the legancy of his son. He has given me a offering that has made it more comfortable toward the species my people will soon visit. Making this trip one for the record. With the medal in hand I have plans to embace it in my quarters were I'll cherish it as he did. Also had no idea he had any family. Which concluded why his physical and mental stablity is so weak. A lost of that magnitude could make any tough warrior kneel to the ground. "Thank you Hank. But I can't accept this, it belong to your son and you should keep it". He wipes his face and pushes the medal back to me. "Don't worry fella I got all kinds of stuff to remind me of the boy. His room is just as I left it. So when I'm feeling lonely I just go into his room". He goes outside to feed his animals. As I gaze at the medal. It seems that in war and conflict there can be good and bad at the same time. Hank's son in that moment of time was fighting for a better future. Defeating a evil force that was threating innocent people. Many wars have spawned in human history. From the primitive ways of battle to the technological weapons that killed whole populations. War for humans brings a emotional break-down throughout the whole social system. How governments overwhelmed by the enemy lose all control and a new history begins for their society. It seems the intelligent minds serve more of a purpose to destroy instead of create. One mind can determine the outcome of all military conflicts. Useful minds back home serve the order of creation. But death can result in good intentions. Sacrifice is rewarded. Which brings some hope for their species. One individual can make a difference, especially if that person had meaning. Hank's son threw his dreams and life away to save others in his unit. He might have saved somebody that he didn't even know. Split decision to fight instead of flee made him a hero. Now every person he saved will have to praise his name. Recalling the story of why their alive today. This very praise is what continues his legancy for a better tommorow for the human race. I'm leading toward the idea of revealing myself to the public. I have solutions that could prevent future problems.
While he is tending to his duties I head upstairs to his son's room. I enter looking around the area. Pictures of friends and family are hung to the wall. His son's room has items containing past and future. Like a child and man occupy it. But are the same body. In the room there are toys, items from the war, and letters before his death. I realize on the drawer there is a women standing next to Hank and the boy. This could be the mother who gave birth to the son and was Hank's companion. What happen to her? Since being here I haven't seen or heard about this women. I'm confused why Hank hasn't mention her? While I was in Hank's room I didn't notice any pictures of her hung to the wall or placed on his drawer. I look out the window watching Hank as he feeding and talking to his animals. It looks like he enjoys these animals as though they were his friends. Never in my world could we ever imagine talking to creatures that are so below us in the evolutionary picture. How can they even understand him? Still haven't learn enough to comprehend this behavior. Because of his sudden revival I won't bring up the topic of his companion. When he enters his house I head back downstairs to meet him. He comes forward with an idea to have some fun as he puts it. "Hey fella you do some huntin' back were yer from. Once in a blue moon I do some huntin when feelin bored." In my world we don't do much hunting since their is no need for it. Matter of fact are foods are created or cloned in factories and carefully tested for contagiens. Eating the wildlife on my world can be very harmful to your health. I figure tagging along couldn't hurt. As its research anyway. So I agree to accompany him on this hunting expendition. "Sure Hank I'll do some hunting." He goes into the closet in the living room unearthing material that has accumulated over the years. Hiding the item of interest which is buried underneath. He pulls out a weapon of a bigger caliber then the gun in had stored in his room. My examination of the weapon gives detail of how these humans have advance from typical swords and blunt objects. These weapons seem civilized but then their power can still show no mercy for the one that is inflicted. He takes projectiles from a box loading the weapon with great anticapation for the hunting that will follow. Pointing the gun straight toward the window. He aligns the sights to make sure target is accurate. Digging through the closet again he comes out with another weapon. He hands it to me. "Here fella take this one. Not like the one I got. But if something short range is in view it will take any critter down just as easily". I take the primitive weapon, holding it with two hands. It has some weight and probably serves its purpose. But I decide to hand it back to him. "My weapon will do just fine Hank. I really don't have any attention of killing anything". He takes the weapon from my hands quickly. He replies with a angry bantam tone for turning down the hunt."Well if thats your pickin, you got the right fella. Just don't get to close to me when I got my sights on something. Don't want you to get hurt". I nod my head. Knowing in my mind I have the skills of markmanship better then this human on a sober day. We walk outside to gather some more equipment from his vehicle.
Because of the internal damaged to the vehicle we walk to his hunting grounds and talk during the way. His passion for the outside environment has him very excited. His body language supersedes his explaination. "See fella being out in nature is how a real man should experience life. Killing for the sport and trophy of knowing you tooken down the beast." Then in the open, backed up against some boulders, he aims at a four-legged creature with a verocious appearance. Hank closes one eye. With his weapon on the beast, he fires. Boom!!! "You see that Ebe. I shot that Jag from a mile away. Come on lets go get it". With wild movement in his legs he goes to investigate his kill. "Look at that. Got it right in the heart. That bastard didn't even see it coming". With Hank as the leader. I ask the usual question in this situation. "So are we going to cook and eat it. Isn't that why we killed it". He looks at me and releases a guffaw sound of laughter. "Ha ha ha ha! Hell fella we don't eat no Jag. Just want to keep and display that for show". I ponder this for a moment. Why kill an animal with no food value? Is it for sure amusement and entertainment? He picks up the dead animal and stuffs it into his stack. We head back to his house to prepare the trophy. When we enter the kitchen he puts the animal on the counter. He places the gun against the table, in a hazardous way. Since our walk back he was showing pain through the grinding of his teeth. Knowing of something wrong with him I still continue to talk to him on the way back. Not bringing up the fact he showed pain. My feelings on Hank's new behavior are joyous and glad he had the chance to release some energy. He brings me close to the dead animal showing me the careful way to skin it. He starts to grab his side as he is coughing. He takes out a hankie from his back pocket, spitting the discharge into the hankie. When putting it into his pocket, traces of blood were apparent on the hankie. Once again I kept this to myself, so not to arise a different mood in Hank. His careful explanation reveals my good student nature toward him. Like this even brings him back to time with his son. Soon he puts the knife down and leaves the carcass on the counter. He then walks pass me into the living room heading upstairs. "Hey fella kind of feeling tired, going to head upstairs to take a nap. Hey if you want to eat the Jag it ain't going to bother me". He goes to his room and closes the door behind him. "Alright Hank.....I'll be down here when you wake up"! I extend the volume of my voice in hope he heard me through the door. I roam around the living room trying to busy my mind. I have nothing else to do except go back to my research but told Hank I'll be here when he wakes up. I wonder around and see a device with a disc ontop and activate it. I begin to hear the needle touch the disc and a singing voice is heard in my ears. I sit back in the chair and try to enjoy the sounds these humans listen to. After awhile just looking at nothing I fall asleep.
Waking up to the sound of the needle hitting the edge of the disc. I yawned scatching my head. Why did the music stop? I'm trying to figure out why it didn't reset itself? I find out from examination its a recording of the human singing on the disc. Fascinated by such primitive technology. I turn the disc over locating more possible recording. I hear more music being played and stretch for a moment. I head into the kitchen expecting Hank cooking some eggs and bacon again but he is no were in sight. I call his name. "Hank are you up yet". I go outside thinking he might be outside feeding the livestock or doing his usual work duties. Same results out here. So I return back into the house and run up the stairs to wake him up. Walking and hunting might have made him exhausted and could still be in bed? "Hank are you in your room. I'm coming in so don't be alarm". I open the door and enter his room. He is sleeping by the looks of it and then I notice his chest isn't rising with breath. I hurry to his side trying to figure out the cause. I put my head on his chest. It reveals no beat. So with their knowledge in mind I perform attempts to save his life. I pound on his chest in hope of waking his heart. Several pounds on his heart doesn't work. I use my energy within to electrocute a heartbeat and get his lungs air. A minor shock to his heart. I do this several times, pushing more energy on every attempt. My efforts at saving his life have failed. I was too late. He must have died in his sleep. It could be possible he died that moment he went to his room. I take his hand to feel the last warmth of his body. Experience one last brief moment. I pull the sheet over his face and something falls from his hand. Its the medal I gave to him earlier. I'm moved by the fact he kept it in his hand till he died. Taking the medal off the ground I pull the sheet back over to put the medal around his neck. I exit the room with a feeling of emotion express in tears I can't produce. One heart in my body begins to ache from the lost of Hank. Since my encounter with Hank McDermont I can honestly say that he was a good friend of mine. Back home we will enshine him as the first ambassador of Krajiny or as I know now as Earth. His contact with me was brief but a good experience. These memories I will store in my mind to view later back home.
Chapter 4
"The Transformation Begins"
Before I commit Hank's body to the ground I put on a simple ceremony in his honor. A ritual his people do when someone special dies. In the casket I have buried certain belongings that were important to Hank. If there is such thing as life after death, he'll have items of memory to take with him. I also at this time need to measure, scan, and collect data from Hank's body so I can begin transformation into a human. Internally I'll still be alien but externally my appearance will be human to those who view me. Mentally I'll process more mind power then their smartest human, but physical limitations will be present. My body has a natural sunblock to keep my skin from being burnt by the amass protonic force the sun pours on the Earth. Since I'll be human their skin will not tolerate such radiance. Wearing clothes is one of many things they use to protect their sensative skin from the dangers of UV rays. Also hats are worn to protect ones head surrounding the mind. My strength will decrease and must build mass in the new body to gain that ability. This procedure will take alot of preparations until I can begin metamorphosis into my new body. I must eat and drink plenty when I begin the decoding sequence. Much lab work must pursue to get the human DNA within understanding. So our skins can bond together. Human skin will mold around my alien skin creating a suit. Only consequence for morphing is that the suit won't come off while I'm here. Its a one way procedure that can only be undone back on the homeworld. This metamorphosis will resemble the stages of a insect, with skins beginning to intwine as molting will shed off the layers that harden around until....well it's pretty complicated. Anyway my "costume" will look human and show physical human traits including bleeding, sweat, and other discharges that exist out the human body. I will have to learn more about the human anatomy and what to expect. Some of their characteristics are alien to me and must memic human expressions to act more like them. Speech will approve over time as I'll communicate more with their species.
Unforturately I wasn't born with human feelings or emotions. Smiling, sadness, and madness aren't part of are facial features. Our ordinary appearance make us unapproachable to some and they get confused on our attentions. Over time I will have to learn about these human emotions. With the samples collected from Hank's body I bury him into the ground. Closely absorbing his face into my mind, watching him as I pile the dirt ontop. That will be the last time I see Hank. I place a symbol of his burial place. Maybe one day I'll visit him and pay my regards to the open generosity he showed me? I return to my quarters and start analyzing the DNA code. It will be a slow progression until the easy part begins. These samples will carefully be tested making sure everything is nearly a match. Sometimes when we don't get the right code and proceed with the metamorphosis it can exploit defects that could give us away. While the computer systems test the code, I head to my bed. A wondering stare at the ceiling, remembering the details of the brief friendship with Hank. Also while I'm waiting, this will give me time to form a story of believability about Hank's departure. I have no idea about who regularly checks up on Hank or if he has any other relatives that might be worry about him. As much as I want to reside here. I can't dwell here for long. My security given by Hank has died with him. If somebody does check on him they should know about his departure. So proper notification can spend around. With this notification of his death. I have some time to vacant the premises. Mind is still puzzled about his wife and what happen to her? There wasn't time to ask. Its better some stories aren't told. Only knowing it could bring up horrible trauma. Maybe the reason he never had any pictures in his room? Something he was trying to put behind him. Why did he stay so isolated from others? With his son and companion gone there wasn't any meaning to life for him. Maybe he did know about his cancer? It felt like he was waiting for someone like me. To enter his life and give meaning to the big picture above him.
I wake up and look at the screen to check the results.....the computer is still analyzing and doing a second test. I decide to go outside and tend to the duties my friend Hank would be doing if he was here. I still have questions that he could answer for me. Never really knew the man for who he was. How he was here one day and gone the next. With the computer still testing I think about a story to piece together. An alibi as they call it to explain myself when I turn human. Sooner or later somebody is going to check up on the property. The police have been out here before. I have to be careful. To this day I still fear those vehicles will return again to take me as they did the navigator and pilots. Even every step I took from that night of the crash still scares me the most. Its been over a few months now since I arrive here. Since knowing how their calender works it's been three months and some weeks stranded here. Amazed how time goes so fast when you don't think about it that much. With are brief time knowing each other I liked Hank alot. To the point I chose not only to assume some features of Hank but his son's name. Lucas McDermont is my new alasis from this time forward. As my story shows structure with mind pondering. I collect any materials on Hank's son to rehearse the right things to say if ask any questions relating him to me. Little friends means not too many know his past life. I doubt his drinking buddies even have any idea that good old Hank had any offspring. Company for Hank was only when he wanted them around him. Why he often visit the bar. A feeling of a socialable atmosphere that the establishment offer? Sometimes he didn't enjoy those so-called friends at the bar. He came home intoxicated, slurring his speech about the idiots he was drinking with. People in town treated Hank harshly when they approach him. They buy Hank drinks to point of making him impair for there entertainment. Hank did idiotic things when he got over the top. I think Hank was glad to encounter me. Finally a "person" to open up certain topics he didn't discuss with his buddies at the bar. He lived one more time with actual happiness that was so invisible inside him. Might have been want he was looking for? A friend to spend some time with before his end. Hank would have rot and decayed into nothing before anyone came knocking. Another stroke of luck as they put it which united us together. Because contact was made in just days landing here the population on this world could be in the billions. Some research on census reports could provide some answers? Much lab work to be done on the DNA sequence. Waiting hours, days, or even longer before its complete.
While working on other projects it took weeks to complete the sequence. But the computer's test are finally done. Data reveals the following: skin samples show genetic compatibility, organs and muscle tissue are a eighty-three percent match, DNA bond sequence has zero defects. With the necessary fluids and substance in my stomach. I'm provided with the nutrients to establish the metamorphois process. During the transformation I will be at a time of vulnerability. I lock the door so not to be discover or disturb. This makes the morph go more easily since disturbances can kill me as I'm molting. I carefully lay back in the chair. This chair belong to Hank. The one he had passed out in many times. I still feel the warmth and impressions of his body. A feeling he was just here. I take a needle that is filled with the merged DNA and inject it into my arm. I sense the fluids running through my body all around from head to toe. Slowly making my skin grow thick. Bulging to a extreme breaking point. A shell forms around the skin becoming bittle as the process continues. Cracking of the shell starts to happen and my insides move around to the respected positions. As I'm lying there the shell flakes off piece by piece revealing human skin underneath. My face shows rough human characteristics forming. Muscles in my body and face move freely making the shell break off more. After a couple hours I start to stretch my arms and legs to start some mobility and prepare to bust the shell off my body. Gripping the arms of the chair I stand making my joints break free from the encasement that form around me. I brush wants left of the shell from my body. I move and articulate the alien body I have now form into. Its weird but these humans have folicules of hair on every part of their body. My head, face, arms, and legs is cover with this stuff. I exit the barn when the wind blows a brief air flow wrisking through my folicules, causing sensation. A tingling feeling reveals itself in my facial expressions. With mild excitement I loose my balance. Mind and body have not become fully connected. Misconcept of left and right as I stumble around falling to the ground. My eyes are fuzzing and hearing is muffled. Entering Hank's house the transformation has develop a strong connection with my mind. It seems the metamorphosis has worked. Vision and hearing have intuned together reading out the environment in human interpretation. I see their world differently now since becoming human. Touch of objects around have more feeling as I get detailed information as I palm these items. Getting accustomed to mass and weight through the new body I occupy. Because of the fluids and substance injested I'm now going to experiece human waste discharge. Upstairs to the bathroom I go. Running as I'm unable to hold the excrements and urine building inside me. Barging in the door and closing it behind me feeling the moment of relief as these by-products exit my body. With the experience subsided I continue the investigation of my new body. Playing music, looking at pictures, and consuming the alcohol Hank had store in the cabinet. Music sounds more pleasing as a human being. Picking up the musical instruments composing the piece. These pictures seem more vivid through the eyes of a human. Alcohol is burning as I take another sip. I'm trying to understand the point of these leisure activities. I'm wondering how to get social acceptance? Me personally, especially want I've encounter so far, drinking is way to break the silence. As I'm walking around the house, exercising my new body. I feel in need for a celerbration. So I consume the rest of the bottle. Grabbing another from the cabinet. I open up the bottle of alcohol and consume more of the burning liquid. In a compulsive and drunken state, I keep the bottle to my lips. No longer can my stomach hold any more alcohol. My legs cripple. I pass out falling to the ground.
Last night I drank too much alcohol. Trying to feel the effects as Hank felt them. One thing is certain you don't wake up in the best of shape. My head is hurting from the heavy drinking. A plastered conditon as they call it. I had stumbled to the ground staying there all night in a passed out state. Gathering myself together I start the beginning of a new day. The effects of the alcohol has blurred my vision and deafen my ears. I sit to regain focus while rubbing my face. It feels like my body is melting away. Knock, Knock, Knock. I hear it at the door. Which explodes me into panic of who it could be. "Hey Hank yer in there, hadn't see ya in the bar in weeks.......HANK!" I remain silent hoping the stranger at the door leaves the porch. I look out the window as the individual makes a puzzled move with his shoulders and then returns to his vehicle. With the stranger driving from the property. I crack the door watching the vehicle retreat in the distance. I'll open the door next time he comes back, giving him some kind of explaination. I have to sit for awhile until this hang over runs its course. It took Hank some time to get over the effects after drinking. Staying in his house all of next day. I know why now? In the kitchen I try to explore the art of cooking. I take the eggs and bacon Hank had prepared me before. Placing the bacon in the fryer I hear the sizzle as the meat cooks on the pan. It takes no time as I flip the pieces over to cook the other side. Still confused on how to cook the egg? I shake the egg, hearing and feeling the vibration of fluid inside. Putting my mind power at work. I crack the egg causing the insides to spill on my clothes. I take another egg and crack it. Using the physical approach, this time over the frying pan. I hear the sounds of the fluid cook once it hits the pan. This egg is actually the unfertilized offspring of a bird or chicken. Hank kept chickens in a constructed house around back. While eating the bacon and eggs it tasted overcooked. I still need more experience on the proper cooking procedures. After the meal I head outside to fix the vehicle's damaged engine. Going to take some work and time. But I got plenty of that. Machines parts I took from the store have the configuration to work in the vehicles engine. With these new parts the engine will have more power than ever before. Alterations to the vehicle makes it more reliable on longer trips. This vehicle is now my transportation to new regions beyond this one. I will use the vehicle to it's full extent until another is available. Has to be other more advance technology out in the other regions? Most of the morning to afternoon I ticker with the engine using every part available to work within the vehicle. I even fix the exterior creating a look more appealing to others. It takes most of the day to finish the repair. With some final touches tommrow I'll have transportation that can get me around this alien world. Looking over my shoulder. Nightfall is near. A idea spawns in my mind.
With the vehicle working by the sound of its engine. I decide to head into town to meet some people. Check if my human appearance fools anybody. As I'm driving down the path I begin to feel my body language fall into its own character. I slowly start to feel myself becoming more human with every move. With the new experience for being human I relax more, losing my tight posture, freely seated behind the wheel. I even drive with one hand as I seen Hank done before. I enter the town and park the vehicle next to the bar. This bar is the only local establishment. So Hank did much of his drinking here if not his home. I open the door. As soon as I walk in I take the nearest seat. A person approaches. "Hey buddy, how you doing. What can I get ya?" He washes the counter infront of me while waiting for my response. "I'll have a whiskey with water please". He takes a glass and fills it with whiskey and stares at me for a moment. "That be one buck buddy!". I'm familar with their currency and take out Hank's wallet. Stealing isn't part of my persona, but needed the money. I lay out the paper currency, watching as bartender takes the purchase for the drink. With one motion I take the shot and feel the whiskey go down my throat. I take a sip of water to dilute the alcohol. Once again that burning sensation starts, this time I prepared for it. I signal to the bartender for another and like that he pours me the drink. I look around at the scene and view the crowd gathering in conversation. Certain groups form around each other with many talking all at once. Noise fills the bar unable to get a focus who is saying what. Then without my knowing a women speaks into my ear. "Hey handsome. You here all alone. It looks like you need a friend". I'm happy to know that my appearance has blend me in perfectly into the social gathering. This women has no idea who really lies behind this face. I respond back. "Just came for a drink or two. Kind of new to town". She starts to feel me with her eyes, scoping me up and down exchanging slight sexual flirtations signals."Well I seen you across the bar and thought I introduce myself. My name is Margot". She puts her hand out. Which I take with firm, serious grip. "My name is Lucas McDermont and its nice to meet you". She gets the bartender to order another round of shots. I sense she is getting comfortable talking to me.
After many drinks and conversation. She starts to put her arm around me. It arises a feeling I've never felt before. I do the same, not making her feel awkward. She gets closer and kisses my cheek. She then whispers in my ear for us to leave. "Hey you want to get out of here and go somewhere. Like maybe a place more private". I realize this is a moment of personal connection. Like she wants more than caressing and kissing. So I suggest such a place to her. "We can go to my house. It's not to far from the town, just down the dirt path". She likes the idea. Slowly putting her arm through mine to lead her out of this place. We exit the bar heading toward my vehicle and I feel the effects of the alcohol. My body leans from side to side unable to walk straight. She ask me for my keys knowing I can't drive. "Hey I'll take us back to your place. You seem not in the best shape to drive. Don't drink much do you"? I hand her my keys and try to get in the vehicle. I begin having some trouble getting my body in the seat. A few more times I finally scoot in the passenger side. Heavy eyes as I try to keep myself awake for the ride home. She is drunk, but probably has done this on numerous occassions. While hopping in the driver's seat she begins to have a difficult time putting the keys in the ignition. Soon the woman gets the vehicle started. We drive down the path back to my house for a first time experience. Which I have some idea want it could be. We finally arrive to the house as I slip in and out of the drunken state. I don't know if the alcohol has any effects. A human attraction utters to thought. I can see she is a beautiful women. Not only a visual perspective, but a physical one as well. I think I'm ready for human courtship. The alcohol might be the factor why I'm so comfortable right now? This human body has connected well into my cortex. Devouring me into a translucent state of unawareness. We then enter the house as she has my arm over her neck. With her help, I'm lead upstairs to Hank's room. With a possibility for sexual intercourse.
This will be my first sexual encounter with another species. But felt I've read enough to prepare me for this event. She puts me into the bed, taking my shoes and pants off, exposing my underwear. She starts to take her clothes off as well. We kiss and caress one another to get the mood right. Then I get a human erection. I knew this would happen, wasn't really prepared for how it would feel. Hormones and sweat course through my body as I'm nervous if I will even satisfy this female. She doesn't really care of my experience as she is comfortable doing most of the work. She sits ontop of me putting......well you get the picture from here and the intercourse begins lasting about a hour. It feels great and releases lots of stress. I'm was so caught up in the sexual emotion that I passed out from the euphoria..... and being drunk. She realizes I've passed out and puts her head on my chest falling asleep after time goes by.
Once again the sun shows its face beaming radiance on my eyelids forcing me to wake up. With eyes still adjusting I feel for the female named.........I can't remember and realize she isn't in the bed. I lean over. Barely unable to slip my shoes over my feet. I'm half asleep and awake, trying not to make any effort of a productive day. I've came to the solution that I'll try another type of alcohol that works for me. Can't keep waking up like this. I make lazy approach to the bathroom to take a much needed clease of the body. In hopes that it would make a difference. I sit in the tub for about thirty minutes absorbing the smooth warm water around my body. It releases the toxins inside of me. I get out of the tub to dry myself off and get dressed. Taking a look in the mirror I notice my face needs a shave. But you know want I think I'll let it grow out. I'm heading downstairs to take a look around. No trace of the woman at all. It flashes to me that she has my keys to the vehicle and might have tooken it. I burst outside to find the vehicle still there with the keys in the ignition. I'm mistified if the sexual encounter even happen. Yet I still have memory of it last night. How did the woman get back to town or for that matter her home? I open the vehicle's door grabbing the keys and return back inside. Where she went doesn't matter. I still enjoy the experience and plan on doing it again. Once inside I notice something. A aroma that I've sense before. On the stove with steam rising from the pot I realize its coffee. She must have made some before she left. Hank drank a few cups after a night of drinking. I've heard drinking this stuff gives you a rush of alertness. I take a sip of the coffee feeling the rush. Its stimulates a jolt of energy up my body. Drinking more begins to ease the hangover. I start to feel a little better. Still my head continues to pound from within. After getting motivated I begin the new day trying to find a better way to get out of this entire location. Reading and researching the maps to reach a bigger city. It seems that Roswell is not prime territory for such information I require. Also potential knowledge of real estate has surface infront of me. Hank's property is worth a considerable amount of money. Recent accounts with a individual to the property try to offer Hank cash in hand for the land. But good old Hank refused. If that happens again I might take the offer in behalf of Hank. Thinking he would want me to have the money. Making my way out of the house a vehicle is approaching in the distance. After staring at the vehicle it was the man that came knocking for Hank. I was hungover and didn't anwser the door earlier when the man came yelling for him. He drives up to the house as I back toward the porch. Slight fear keeps me distance from the man. He notices my timid reaction and stops short of the porch.
"Hey fella how you doing? I'm Sanford. Is Hank home. I haven't seen him in the bar for weeks". He puts his hand out to mine for a casual introduction. Having this in mind since the transformation, I reply. " Hank died about a week ago. I'm his son Lucas". I shake his hand as he is trying to remember any topic relating to a son. "I didn't know old Hank had any kids. I know Hank from a times back. We worked in the mine together". I pull my hand away staying posted infront of the house. "I was in the army and just got back a week ago. When I enter his room is when I found him dead in his bed". I memic some kind of emotion. Pretending the belief I'm Hank's son. He continues on with his being here."Well sorry to hear about your father. I was a good friend of his. He didn't have many here in Roswell". He takes out a suitcase containing some documents. "Look your father is sitting on a gold mine out here. This land is good real estate for anybody looking to make some money out of it". He is right about the property. I'll take my time to accept the offer. I don't what to look desperate."I've heard my father mention you but might have to sleep over night on a final decision. A chance to look things over. I don't plan on staying here much longer." This man has a small flare in his eyes. He must have not like my answer. So he hands me the documents. "I understand. I won't take to much of your time. Sure yer got some other business to handle. So here let me give you my number and address to reach me at". He hands me a business card and the documents containing the deal for the land."I'll look these over later tonight and give you call." We shake hands after I take the business card and documents. He enters his vehilce and politely tips his hat." I hope to hear from you soon Lucas. Sorry about your father". He drives back down the dirt road. I return back into the house to look over the documents and make preparations to leave Roswell for good. While looking over the material, this land could provide me the funds necessary to relocate anywhere. At least near a more stable power grid, containing a larger population. Need to observe and encounter more interaction between humans. I will wait several days before calling Mr. Garfield. During that time I'll gather supplies to leave the property and begin a new exploration.
Chapter 5
"The Journey Starts"
A week and some days pass by. I pull the business card out to make the call about selling the property. Below the name on the card there is no company or description of job title. It appears to just have a name, address, and phone number with nothing else of suggestion. I pick up the phone and make the proper connection, hearing a few rings. Soon someone anwsers the other end. "Hello this is Sanford Garfield". I hesitate. Since it's my first time using the primitive communication device. "Yes this is Lucas. Hank's son. We talked earlier about the property". He responds. But for a moment forgot about the prior conversation. "Excuse me Lucas who? Oh yes Hank's boy. Yep I remember. Its been awhile, have you thought about the deal". I look at the paper work again making sure I'm right about the decision. "Yes I think the offering is a fair agreement for the property. Would you be paying in cash. Since thats the only way I accept the offer". With sure attitude over the phone he answers. "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll see you in a couple days to finalize the deal". He hangs up the phone before I could respond back. This Sanford Garfield character seems a little shady. He could be organize with a group I rather not encounter. But I'm glad just to be leaving from here. I take a second look to make sure equipment and other belongings are ready for the move. I secure and organize the things that will be coming along with me. I have no reasonable direction or location picked out for the move. This money that I will receive is want I need to get away from this location. Everything else will be a spontatenous decision. Some have mention in a magazine that California is beginning to develop into something big. Certain locations might prosper. One thing is for sure it can't be any worse then Roswell. I don't see much of a future or reputation developing here. Researching the California area reveals that it has the resources that could further my chances of getting me back home or at least provide me with more information. Recent studies suggest that huge migrations of humans have been making the effort to get to California. Got to head west. I sit in the kitchen waiting for Mr. Garfield to arrive. Sitting there for two whole days.
WACK! I dozed off hitting my head on the countertop. I rub the bump. Its doens't seem to reveal much bruising. So I head outside and with perfect timing. Mr. Garfield had just pulled up to the property. "Hey Lucas. Good morning to you. Hope yer ready to get this deal done". He exits the vehicle and approaches me with arm around me. "I'm glad you made the right choice. We should go in the kitchen to sign the papers and I can give you the cash". We enter the house and seat at the table in the kitchen. He hands me a pen as I'm reading the material that I've gander at all last night. Already sure with my answer. I waste no more time. "I think everything looks in order. I have no problems with the papers Mr. Garfield. Looks like a done deal". I sign the documents which he grabs quickly. Placing the papers in his pocket inside of his jacket. I stand up shaking his hand to end the business arrangement and he hands me a briefcase. I only can assume that its full with money. I watch him go out the door were I follow him out."So Lucas I'll give you a few days to pack your father's things before I come back to secure the property". Since my stuff is packed I've decided its better to let the property and belongings die with Hank. Most of it doesn't have any value to me. So I reply. "That will be fine. I don't plan on taking anything from the house. You can take care of anything left behind. I'll be leaving tonight". He gets into his vehicle with a creeping grin and waves while driving away. I head back in the house to look more closely at the money and get an accurate count. The papers indicated a deal worth eighty thousand dollars. If that is correct. Its more then enough to get out of Roswell never looking back. With all the money accounted for I pack up the vehicle. I start the engine and press the pedal, kicking up gravel on the porch. With a long glance at the side mirror. I watch the house get smaller the further I drive away. I decided to leave a little early and get out of here before anybody else stops by. I come to a sign pointing the direction to the next county, going west to a possible better location. Anywhere from here is definitely a good start. I take the right turn and head toward the open rode. In hopes of finding a new location and possible rescue from this world.
I'm driving down the open stretch of rode watching other vehicles drive past the opposite direction. Its wonderous to see the ways of travel these humans take. Many roads leading to other states, cities, and regions. These places have a different past and monuments depicting certain events. Some of these people make the long travel not knowing were they'll end up. Also for others they speculate what kind of life to expect. These people move to a new location for many reasons. Some being personal. Others have a financial cause. Making more money has alot to do with it. People looking for better jobs or oppourtunities that can further their chances for a better life. I'm moving for more resources and the chance for more interactions between the species. I want to know more about these humans. I have many talents. I can use them when I arrive to California. Making temporary stops along the way to get information from the locals around. I can get a more detail of the place I'm going. Others might have been out to California and might have some info? Looking at the map earlier I notice a place call Utah. I could head there and maybe learn about the Mormons I've read about. Also there are some natural wonders to observe. There is "The Great Salt Lake" were everything floats on the top, because of the salinity. But consider to be a wonder in that state. There is a city named after the lake. Which gives it some importance. As I'm driving down the road the fuel level reads low. I look for a sign leading to a fuel station. I'm driving down the road when a green sign appears. It indicates a station off to the right. I pull off the road driving down the path leading to the station. I park up to a dusty worn down shop with pumps lining up in the center. The location looks vacant with nobody in sight. So I yell for assistance. "Hello! Is anybody here!" I look around when a voice comes from the outhouse. "I hear yer sir. Pinching a loaf. Give me a minute". He comes out from doing his business. Walking over to fuel my tank. He examines me up and down. The man is dirty with grease and oil on his overalls. He also smells like the outhouse he just got using. The tank is filled by the bell that rings. He takes the pump out and reads the meter. "That be two bucks sir. Can I do anything else for ya". I give him the money. Not responding at all to his question. I get into the vehicle and continue west toward California. If I encounter something of interest I might check it out. Still driving down the straight long road. I can see a fire in the open desert. A tent shining in the blaze. Once closer to the tent I can see a man dancing around the fire. A man with a dark complexion. A type of human that I've never seen before.
I pull off the road to get a more better look at this odd human. In the brief time I known Hank never did I see him do this kind of behavior. As I pull closer to the fire. The man stops his dancing with the fire burning behind him. The fire gives the man a deadly glow as his stance looks that of a warrior. His hand is holding a axe of some kind. He is looking right at me, even with the lights flashing on his face. He doesn't blink or give way. I shut the lights off and come out of the vehicle to meet this man. Try to find out about his practice or ritual. I start introductions. "Hello my name is Lucas. I seen you from the road. I'm just wondering what are you doing? I'm kind of curious". He looks at me and tilts his head. Confused about the human language I just spoke to him. "Do you speak English". I've read a little on the specific location I'm stranded on. Its a country called United States of America and has many different cultures here. He might be from here. Its just that he speaks a entirely other language. With no response. It still remains a peaceful interaction. "I can comprehend that you have the language of another". I pull some recent information I gather on some of the local civilizations that inhabit the American west. The populations that exist in this country are a certain type of American. The Native Americans. Much detail was available on them. Included in this information was the numerous tribes that were around and the little numbers that exist today. Its sad to say that these tribes were mighty people who took care of the land and the air they breathe. Now a new culture flourishs today. One that controls the fate of this planet. Soon the man starts to circle me, trying to sense who my real character or attentions might be. I have some worries if this "indian" knows my true identity and has found a flaw in my costume. He speckles a fine dust on top of me. I feel the effects of a trance arising within. I see the surroundings start to drizzle in and out of my eyes. Things show up in the scenery around me that were not there before. I'm under an illusion, a technique of the primitive man. I don't fight it. I let the experience flow through my body causing my legs to buckle. I take a sit on the log thats infront of the fire. He starts to talk as my ears begin to understand what he is speaking. Like the dust has given me the power to hear his language. So I listen carefully to words he speaks. He says a blessing to my arrival, throwing dust into the fire. With this dust he makes the fire rise taller in the pit and then recedes back to normal state. He is mumbling and I'm unable to make out some of the words. This language he speaks was located in some material that I read. This language is Southern Athabascan. I finally hear him speak more directly as he turns facing my direction. "You are not from this world. I can feel and smell your true soul within". He takes a good look at me, trying to unmasked my face with his eyes. "The gods tell me you don't belong here. I feel that you must be lost, trying to find a place that you belong". I can't believe that this man of little knowing could actually be able to read my thoughts. I reply."Some of want you say is true. But my features lie way deeper than you could imagine. You are correct in knowing that I'm lost". He continues his dancing ritual from earlier and circles fast around the fire. While performing this erractic behavior he explains his odd behavior."I will help you regain your focus and let the gods guide your way back home". He even jumps through the fire and throws pieces of wood and more dust into the pit. The fire gets bigger as he prays to his gods above. Requesting they give him thunder and rain in their response to helping me. Then a flash of lighting strikes nearby us. He stops dancing and praying. The fire goes out from a quick wind. Above our heads the sky feels with dark clouds. Within seconds a down pour of tremendous rain follow by stentorian rolling thunder. We seek cover inside his tent. I take a sit away from the entrance. Inside I see his craft and artwork arrange neatly around his living space. My first encounter with this man and I judge him wrong. He seems to have the insight beyond the plain he exist on now. We sit and stare until he breaks contact to grab a pipe tucked underneath a red cloth. He takes the pipe and with a strike of a match lights the end, taking in huge amounts of the substance. He exhales a ploof of smoke. He hands me the pipe as I'm remembering what this substance can do to ones health. But he looks at me insuring that it is safe to take the offering. "Its alright friend, were only trying to get in touch with the gods on the other side". I exhale the substance puffing out smoke, filling the space around us. Coughing insues, coming to my attention this isn't tobacco I witness Hank smoking. I lay back feeling another illusion before blacking out.
CLAP! I wake up with the indian overtop me gesturing to me to come outside. I move the flap of the tent over to the sight of the Sun coming down the mountainside. The beauty and pleasure of the colors these humans enjoy. Such a shame they don't notice these things around them. I shake hands with the indian before departing. Giving him a warrior stance as I head back to my vehicle. I start the engine heading on route to my new location. Still waiting to see more structure beyond what I was around before. Soon the desert begins to show some monuments in the distance. It looks like a city with big buildings towering from the location. I take a path driving up to a sign reading the City of Albuquerque. Once getting closer to the city I view balloons taking off from the ground. I pull up to the fields. The whole area is filled with many onlookers watching the event. Shutting the engine off. I take visual memories of their human endeavors to reach the skies. After a few moments, I start the engine and continue my journey. As I'm driving through into the city. I can't belive how many people are walking around. I can only speculate about the acutal population. Some are talking near the corners. Others are entering and leaving different buildings. As I'm driving observing all these human interactions, my stomach starts to act up. Seems the human body doesn't hold nurishment for that long. So I pull up to a eating establishment. I enter this "diner" and watch as the small gathering forms around the counter. Tables are arranged in rows, with some bathrooms at the far end. I take a seat up front. I immediately, without looking at the selections, I order some eggs and bacon with a side of toasted bread. The person takes the order and summits it to the cook in the back. I turn around. Observing the different people in the diner. The man who took my order taps on my shoulder. "Excuse me. Did you want something to drink?" I put the cup under the pitcher and receive the coffee. I drink it, as I continue watching the other occupants of the diner. This environment is way different from the desert region of Roswell. I turn around to the sound of my plate touching the counter. I eat the meal fast but slow enough to absorb the flavor. Its becoming my favorite human food. With the plate cleared. I leave the diner paying the bill. I head out the door to find a place I can set-up my equipment. Maybe take the chance to explore around the city? I spot a location across the street. I enter this "motel" and approach the desk with a glass window. I ring the bell infront of me. (Ding, Ding) A man comes from the door behind the glass and buttons his shirt."How you doing stranger. What can I get ya?" I answer."One room please. I plan on staying in town for more than a day. Whats the cost"? He points to the board to his right shoulder. "Its ten dollars a night. But for you, thirty for the week". I agreed to the offer and pay the man for the weeks stay. I figure I have more than enough to spend on some valuable research. Lately on the road I was pondering in my mind about the feeling of being with a female human. How the experience was something learned. Some reason not understood. I crave the experience again.
I get my equipment out of the vehicle to bring inside. Might have some luck while I'm here to grab some useful parts. Entering the room. It has a more civilized taste than the living room at Hank's house. Clean beds, with perfect laid out sheets and pillows. They have no wear, meaning my neck might get some support. Set- up infront of the bed is a small stove with cabinets above. It might not be as big as Hank's kitchen but looks cleaner. I set the comm systems up near the corner pointing out the window. I feel this area has the power necessay that can supply the comm systems. With enough strength to transmit any kind of signal. I only have one bit of tranmission to deliver. Which means I have to give brief but detailed information through the transmission. I have ample time to let the comm systems configure itself. So I'll take a visit to the local bar and wonder around the scene. My disguise and character have mixed together well. Making me as human as possible. Now I have to act a little more stupid and not above the normal perspective. I have trouble relating to the fact I'm human. When I communicate with others this makes my intelligence overshadow my appearance. As I walk out of the motel and down the corner. I realize this place not like the Roswell area. Hank's town only consist of farmers and passer-bys. This city has more vibrant atmosphere. As their clothing has a way of bringing them out from the crowd. I enter the bar, squeezing through the door as people start to push out. I take a sit like usual near the entrance I came in. It makes me more comfortable knowing I have a sure way to escape. Then near at the other end of the bar. I see a beautiful red-haired women drinking her beer. At that moment I take the chance to engaged in conversation. I make a move toward the end of the bar to make a pass at her. I'm walking near the end of the bar, having no plan at this time. You have to take a risk just to evaluate your accomplishments or failures. I have to come to grips that not all women will make the first move. For a feel of the experience again. I must hunt for it. I'm against hunting for the sport but seems that women are like prey as well. A man must hunt down the right female or even one that he desires. Now I take my sit near the woman. But not entirely next to her. A little distance will do fine. I order a shot and beer from the bartender. With the motion of a professional. I take the shot. I muster up the strength and make the move. With the beer in my hand I approach her."Hi ya doing. My name is Lucas. I don't think I've ever seen you in here or in this city ". She replies. I'm not from around here. I was just driving through". I continue the conversation. Since she has told me this much. "Well let me buy you a drink". I slide her the glass of beer. She stalls the glass. She grips it, taking the whole beer with one sip. She slides her glass to the bartender. Throwing three dollars on the table. "Leaving early Susan. Thought we could talk and get to know each other". She looks at me for a moment. "Ugh....kind of got things to do. But thank you for the beer". She heads to the door and leaves the bar. I'm still trying to figure out if I did something wrong. Like she was offended by the offering? Looking confused, the bartender leans over and says. "I think the lady wasn't interested in the farmer type". I'm not sure what he meant by that? I forget it even happen and order another beer. I've never had it before. Hank never had any around. Or he probably just finish all the beers before I could discover them? Now I took a shot earlier. But I've decided not to touch the stuff. I take the sip of beer. A taste of something bitter. Yet still refreshing at the same time. Doesn't burn like whiskey. I drink some more. Finishing the glass, having the urge for another. Alcohol content is the same. From what I can taste? But effect hits you in a different way. The beer seems to make you little more social. I'm able to consume a little more of the beer than I was able to drink the liquor. I drink about five mugs of beer, feeling some effect. I take slow stroll, with a little stagger out the bar. Once outside. I store the visual memories of the surrounding area. These buildings are little bigger than the structures from Roswell. This city has been expanding for some time. I watch as this nightlife has a spark to it. If I keep driving from this direction. I truly believe there is something more out there. When taking a circle around the block. I feel tired from the walking around. Probably from drinking the mugs of beer so quickly. I just wanted to get a feel for the new city. But feel its better to get some rest. Soon I approach the motel. I go through the lobby and up to my room. I enter and go straight to research. Performing test and going over my recent data. I usually read a little before going to sleep. I might make some introductions with the locals tommorow? I'm finding some true promise here. There alot power sources nearby. Way more than Hank's place. This city has the an efficient amount of energy to run my equipment at hundred percent. Which makes me glad I pulled off the road. Finally finding something of interest. After my research. I pull a book that I had taken from the shop at the plaza. A story of Abraham Lincoln. What an interesting human this Abe Lincoln must have been? Reading deep into the book. Knowing about a man who stood for freedom and peace throughout. Even further in the detail like of this man I admire this individual. Soon I'm exhausted from the mental stimuli I had sponged into my mind. I fall back into the mattress. Unable to read no longer. I'm feeling the moment of comfort that makes my body absorb the firm bedding. Its like I'm floating on a cloud. My eyes soon become lazy and finally they close.
Last nights researching around gave good indication I'm on the trail to getting rescue. Also drinking the beer at the bar didn't effect my mood when waking up. I was drunk. But my body handled it well. In need for some fresh air I walk to the window. I open it to the sound of the morning crowd. Even in the day they seem to be a active population. Near the window. My check on the comm systems indicate that the power meter is fully charged. But a problem shows up on the screen. The satellite uplink is not working. I take a close up look on the device. Only to find out it has some damage. This will now profuse problems. Since this device is non repairable. Like Hank said before. There is anteni and radio equipment located on this world. Maybe even near this location? Those electronic devices Hank talked about earlier might be useful. If I can locate the source of the broadcasting? Since my way of transmitting a signal is useless to none. Those primitive transmission devices that Hank had in his house. They had to have been receiving the broadcast from another location. Somebody around this city might have something like it. I go downstairs to the lobby. Still tucking in my shirt. I take a look at the far wall. Right on target. Its a bulking radio that I seen back at Hank's place. I go to the device. Completely drawn on the anticipation if its works. A turn of the knob engages the power. I hear some static and tuning sounds as I'm operating the other knob to reach frenquency. Soon voice and song appear through the fuzz over the radio. Honing in on the point of clarity. I'm able to hear the bands instruments and the voice. I've heard of him before. Hank had a record of this very piece of music. Closing my eyes. I remember the face of Hank. As he passes in and out of view. I snap out of the day dream and continue to turn the knobs. Tuning in on the other stations. I'm hearing a variety of other music. Some is classical and others new to the period. I find that many cultures have equal chances of hearing their favorite music being played. My feeling toward the technology is a future advancement these humans can't even imagine. How radio will not only be able to be heard around the world. But these very signals will reach others in space. If we have heard the broadcasting. I'm sure others are listening, only waiting to respond.
I leave the motel and begin to look for a opening of employment. Extra money only helps me on my mission. Walking down the bar I plan to ask if this owner might need a extra hand. I'll work for cheap, if I have to. Once through the entrance. I see a different bartender, washing some glasses. I put my elbows on the counter."Hey excuse me sir. Are you the owner?" He doesn't give much body language to the question. He stop entirely what he was doing. "Yea. So what you want?" I just put the story infront of him. And when I mean story I mean story. "I just got here with little money left. Need to make some extra cash to get where I'm going". He looks at my attire. Knowing my clothing are things a country boy would wear. After some pondering last night. I knew want the bartender said last night. That she wasn't into the farm type. I figure more interactions. More I can blend into bigger populations. I listen as the owner gives his decision. "There isn't any vacant positions here. But on Fridays and Saturdays, during the night. I guess the lady that works those shifts wouldn't mind a little help". I look with ample approach. Shaking the gentlemen's hand before I even get the job. He backs up for a moment. Like I was cover in deadly germs."Well hold on son. I didn't give you the job yet. But we got the balloon races coming up and tourist come through for the races. So business is more business then usual". I respond."Sorry about the excitement. Just really need the extra money. But if I do get the job. When do I start?" He looks at the calender behind the bar, above the glasses."Well it's Wednesday. I guess you can start this week. Be here Friday night. We could use your help". He shakes my hand with the job given. With the job situation being accomplish earlier then thought. I decide to take more excessive look at the city. With the job I'm able to investigate other people. Gathering intel for my records. Observation and engaging with others gives me more information about the species I resemble. Feeling of acceptance within the bar atmosphere makes me aggressive to speak to others. We have some common ground in the effort to get drunk as possible. Being out of ones body or unwinding from the daily life these humans struggle to understand. They seek more for themselves in the future. Most of the people in this city are university students. Who at the time are taking off the semester. Little easedropping explain the influx of people. Walking further down the street. A crowd has formed on the sidewalk. A performer of some kind is trying to get the people's attention. "Alright folks please gather around me as you will see a magician at work". He is holding a deck of playing cards. Shuffling the deck he asks a person in the crowd to participate in a trick. "Okay sir. I would like you to pick any card from the deck. My job will be to figure which card is yours". The gentlemen takes a card from deck, revealing the ace of spades. "If you would please sir show the crowd the card you have in your hand". He shows the card to the nearest people around him. "Alright. Now sir please put the card back in the deck". He shuffles the cards one more time. The magician closes his eyes. He answers the crowd. "Is this your card. The ace of spades". This man is amaze that the trickster was able to pick out the right card. The whole crowd begins to applaud. Throwing a little money in the magician's hat near his feet. "Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. But my time is finish for today. I will perform more on the local stage later. If anyone is up to witness some more magic than card tricks". I realize that he isn't a mind reader at all. He is only able to trick the crowd with slight of hand and simple distractions with his body movements. My feeling for the simple magic is something that I could do. A piece of artistic performance. I think my people will love it.
During the free time in the city. I purchase certain items to take back to home world. Gifts for friends back home. After that a enjoyment of movies that were showing at the local threater. Since I was already seated. I stuck around for the magician's show. He is very good at his talent while performing on the streets. People believe in the magic infront of them. I've found out that most of these tricks I can learn quickly. Probably even better. The money this magician makes is a pretty good sum of cash for a simple performer. He must make constant trips around other cities or outside the states region. I have research him well. Sticking around for the entire show. With the performance over. I exit around the back alley. I'll spark a conversation with him, in revealing some of his secrets. I might be willing to show him mine? I stand in the back loading area. In hopes of catching this magician and exchange some words. When he comes out the exit. I approach the man."Hey pretty good show. You had a good crowd tonight. Better crowd than had form earlier". He seems busy and not willing to engage me in conversation."Thank you very much. But I've got another show. So I have get moving". He starts to pack his belongings in his vehicle for the trip out of town. I stay persistant. "Can I ask you a question. He stops from the packing. I realize he is becoming agitated. "Whats your secret? Those tricks that you perform tonight". I know that this question has surface to him many times. As he is straight forward and aggressive toward such a question. Pressing his two fingers into my chest. He answers."Look buddy. I don't like it when people ask me about my tricks. Its a magician code not to reveal". He continues to put his belongings in the trunk. Its when I decide to reveal a trick of my own."I know you have a card in your left pocket. Its the joker, isn't it". He digs through his left pocket pulling out the card I determined was the joker. "How the hell did you do that. I didn't even know I had a joker in my pocket". I put my hand out to shake his hand."My name is Lucas. I'm sort of magician myself. Just trying to get some new material. If you have some spare time. I'm staying at the motel down the street". He shakes my hand with a dumb founded expression. Hypnotize on how I guess the card in his pocket. After several minutes. He replies." I have a little time before I hit the road. Still don't know how you did that". I walk away heading toward the motel and give him another taste of my talents. I hollar to him from the end of the sidewalk."YOU MUST LOVE YOUR WIFE ALOT. SINCE YOU KEEP HER SO CLOSE TO YOUR HEART". He opens his coat. In his hand is a picture of his wife. He looks for me down the street. But I'm gone from view.
Few hours later. I'm in my room when I hear a knock at the door. Its probably the magician? I get up from my seat to open the door. The magician come through. Very eager to know my magic. As he is nervous and probably in a rush to get on the road. I explain to him about a proposition."I've decided to expose my magic to you. If you do the same for me. Also give me some details about where you have been. My tricks are simple to learn and a man of your talents surely knows that". I take a seat, pointing the offering to him as well. "I know how you perform your tricks, somewhat? Just wondering how you got started. He seats down explains. From his youth, into his adult life. On how he fell in love with magic. Everthing from his first show to how he made it big. He even gave grandiloquent information about certain venues he had visit. Some of the places he has performed were across Europe, Asia, and as far down in South America. In his pocket he kept things he found while performing. A penny of President Lincoln that he found where he perform at. It was the threater were the country's leader was assassinated. As well as a button that he found while performing infront of Adolf Hilter . He said witness the button fall when Hilter was making his rounds with the other officers. His pocket was filled with many other items. All having a story to tell. Its the reason I wanted to know from the magician about the places he had performed. Trying to gasp a hold of the many places that exist outside this country. Its better to get information through direct contact. I really didn't have interest in his magic. Since I knew I could accomplish his tricks on my own. This magician has given me alot more detail about other regions. California might be just temporary journey? With knowing of this new information. I need to visit these other locations. After the conversation with him. The magician pulls a deck of cards from his shirt pocket. Then he teaches me the simple card tricks he perform in the street and the acts he did in the threater earlier. I find that the tricks are simple as he puts it. There is only two techniques. Use your hands and small distractions to keep the focus off the crowds attention."So those are the tricks I perform on a regular basis. You can learn more from books of other famous magicians in the library. But most is what I picked up from others". He gives me a deck of cards. Still sealed in the box, and directions of how to perform the trick. He finally gets to the question of how I performed the mind reading trick."How did you know about the joker and the picture of my wife in my pockets. There was no way you could of known that". He is so in a hurry to know the secret. I have to keep my end of the bargin. Since he showed me the secrets of his skills and locations. I explain the skills involve."You wouldn't believe me if I told you. There not as simple as the tricks you shown me. It takes the power of the mind". Anger reveals in his face. He feels I scam him. "Look I show you my magic. Its time you really stop screwing around and tell me the secret"! He pushes me while in my chair. Getting up from his seat. A twisted, crazed expression. With his hands clutched in a ball. I laugh in my head. Only if this human knew my true character behind the curtain. So I grab his shoulders, pulling him back into his chair."I won't exactly teach you. Look just hold out your hand and I'll sort of pass it on to you". I take his hand. I will begin to flow my energy through him. A powerful rush of energy. I focus. Slowing my heart. While keeping one pumping at a rapid pace. Soon my eyes turn white from the electrical currents building up within. He raises from his chair with feet barely touching the ground. Split moments pass, as the transfer is complete. His body falls limp as I let his hand go. Falling back into his seat with head shaking from the power. He regains his mental balance. A brief silence as he finally speaks."What the hell did you just do there. Never saw that before". His hair is fizzled and the shock hasn't totally left his body."You have the capability to read the minds of others. Just focus on the individual and the rest will follow". I escort the magician out the door. He is still feeling the effects and looking at his hand. When he is turning around, trying to catch one more glance at me. I close the door on his face. I can hear him from outside, persuading me to open the door. "HEY! You didn't answer my question. HEY OPEN THE DOOR!" He eventually gives up and walks away from my room.
I'm not worry about the transfer of power. He will only be able to use it for a short time. The power will be enough for him to make pretty hefty sum of cash. But felt it was better he not know that. With the magician gone from my room I decide to hit the bed early. Get a good start on my first day of work. I stare with blank expression, trying to predict tomorrow's experience. I'm unable to fall asleep. Its daunting to know I now live two lives. Being human in this world and still holding onto myself. I try to forget who am I at this moment. A way to blend in better. So hard to push my own memories aside. Just to feel more human. I put a mental wall up. In effort not to give something away. Still I want, more like I need a possibility of returning back to the home world. Finally the last mission of my career. I might just end up being a human forever. Force to move with flow of time that isn't my own. Only months have passed and years have gone by in other worlds. Day after day my chances are either improving or getting worse. Yet I have to stand strong for my people. Inform them that a society has formed out in this part of the galaxy. It has eluded some of are greatest minds back home. If a civilization could even form at the edge of the galactic system. Difficult to expand when you have no other contacts around you. Confining you in a environment with no way to escape if needed. Thats why its important to make contact with these humans. They are building telescopes, developing radio equipment, and making advancements in the study of space. This means their making some attempt to reach something beyond their world. Even with this all on my mind it means nothing until I get back.
Chapter Six
"A Change"
I only got two hours of sleep last night. Really anxious to get the next day going. I have hours before my new job starts. Might take a look around the shopping district to buy some items of interest? These items will have purpose. Some will be offerings for the higher commands. Others items for the researchers back home. Also my attire is out of place within this city, I could use a upgrade with my clothing. Shoes on my feet belong to Hank. Which he wore everywhere he went. Being Hank's only pair. Both soles have been seen its share of rough times. Changing my image only prepares me more when I leave the state. Keeping myself moving, looking for anything worthy of use. I head down the lobby when the man behind the counter is having trouble with the radio. He is kicking the bulking radio with extreme force. Primitive way for them to get something working I guess? From behind the man. I ask to give assistance. "Need some help with that? Doesn't seem to be getting any power". With the device plugged in I give it a zap. A jolt of energy gives power to the primitive device. Bringing joy to the old man. I use a little slight of hand. Hiding from the old man my skills. I turn around to face the old man."That should do it. I think you'll get better frequency now". He takes my hand. A forceful shake for my good deed. "Thank you fella. I believe that deserves a free stay". I give a mute response. Nodding my head for the service. Our brief encounters have made staying here pleasant. With time pressing, I walk out the lobby toward the street. Heading directly to the shopping district to get some new clothes and expand my wardrobe. Developing a character by the clothes you were makes impressions without words. Creating a lure for other humans to engage in conversation. Activity picks up further you get from the country environment. Away from the wildlife that inhabits there. My first interactions with other humans had the thinking that I was a farm boy or worker on a ranch. Well I did stay at one. Soon the shop containing attire is in view. I enter the door being greeted by a employee or owner. "Welcome to Walker's Attire. We sell everything from shirts to pants. Also by the looks of it, you could use a new pair of shoes. We sell those as well. If you have any questions. Feel free to ask". I look at the man who stands much shorter then I. With clothes that look like they came right off the rack."Just browsing around right now. Looking for something new or at least better than I got on". He bows his head with hands cup together."Well dress jackets and shirts are near here, down the wall. Other items are in the back of the store". He points to the left and back aisles containing pants, shoes, and other attire. Quite a selection of shirts to choose from and many colors are available. Shirts with short sleeves and some have long sleeves. Some with designs, others just plain. Shirts with two pockets instead of one. More room to store items. Hank had one pocket for keeping his pack of cigarettes from getting crushed. I make two selections. Both the same style of shirt just different colors. I head near the back of the store containing other items. My feet stop short toward the direction of the pants section. With my eyes grazed on a particular item of interest. I'm trying to think of the word.........a leather jacket.
In some literature I've read. Heroic figures dawn the leather jacket as symbol of their character. Wearing a leather jacket gave you strength, making you tougher than the rest. Stories of travelers on motorcycles. A ride on the open rode. With a chance for new adventures. Other. have wore it during battle. Famous pilots who fought couregeously in the air combats of World War Two. Taking the jacket from its hanging position I remove the hanger, putting the jacket overtop my shoulders. This jacket goes well with my ego to the characters of Earth I just describe. Those traits suit my personality, marking my appearance with the jacket I wear. Good craftmenship went into this piece of attire. Almost custom fitted to fit me. In other explorations I have came across pieces of armor, shields, and skin that were a symbol for most cultures. Some cultures would take or even cut off the pieces of armor encasing their victimes. Draping over them, wearing it as a symbol of victory. With your opponent dead. You now own a piece of them. Enforcing others to respect you. I continue to wear the jacket. Constantly I admire the piece of clothing as I'm walking toward pants section. Need to find pants that have durability and have a loose fitting. I have to let air circulate in a certain part. If you know what I mean. I take a pair of pants off the rack, sizing them up against my legs. Two pair of the same brand I droop over my shoulders. Near the pants, hang some belt. I take one that doesn't stick out too much. Hank wore a belt. One with a huge buckle shaped like a horseshoe. It look ridiculous. I choose a belt that has simple features, costing little value. I make my way down the aisle containing shoes. The bottom of my feet ache. From a lack of comfort with the ones I have on. Cowboy boots are not my taste. Can't believe humans would even enjoy wearing these odd shaped shoes. Displayed in the open is a pair of boots that are made for treking. Design and material have the durability to withstand the elements. With many to choose from. My eyes finally have the purchase in mind. The proper attire is complete. I'm not going to be satisfy until I try on the clothes and make sure my shoes go right with the attire. I blurt out to the short man. Unable to find him through the maze of racks around the store."Excuse me sir. Can I use a room to make sure everything fits right?" Close to the front. I see a hand rise. The man directs me to the back corner. So I head that direction with clothes in hand. Once in the changing room, I try on the new clothes.My shirt and pants go well together. This shirt allows air to breathe through. The pants are good length and have loose fitting so the joints move freely. These shoes have good foot support. Almost better than the foot coverings I crashed landed with. A quick look in the mirror. Adjustment of attitude. I feel ready for the outside world. I exit the changing room, grabbing my other selections. I put the clothes on the counter. The man gives a smile. Happy to see another dollar go into the store."Will that be it. Can I help you with anything else?" Almost forgot about the clothes I was wearing. I make sure he charges for these as well."Oh yes make sure you add on the clothes I'm wearing. I forgot I had them on". He shows a slight laugh, knowing that I had them on."Of course sir. Thanks for your honesty". I hand him the money and he rings me out. Letting him keep the change as I walk out the door.
Arriving at the motel I head upstairs to drop my clothes off in my room. I like the way these new clothes feel on my body. Might take another visit and buy some more items. Could use a second pair of shoes. When coming back down into the lobby the old man I help earlier approaches me. "Hey fella. Yer good with your hands. I need help with the light fixtures upstairs. Thinking you could use another deal." Our new arrangement between us could serve well for a longer stay than I planned."Sure. I will take a look at the room when I get time. Kind of got a busy schedule". He shakes his head in understanding. I know he isn't trying to make this a everyday thing."Of course. Yer still a guest in this motel. I shouldn't be asking you for such favors. Just thinking you could use the discount". I like the business deal to the degree I might make this as way to pay the room. "That will be great. It doesn't bother me at all. When I get the time I'll take care of that for you". I walk out of the motel. Excited with the way things are moving along. Being human has taught me alot about the interactions that unfold when one person turns to help another. When you offer assistance. its wonderful how the return is something you never expect. But your glad you offered. I'm starting to enjoy living in a grand city like Albuquerque. With people having something to offer or need. My traits for helping others with the knowledge I've iccumulated over years makes me feel very wanted. I like the feeling with the rewards that follow. I only hope all or most of the human population is this nice. Once out the door. I walk toward the diner for a quick bite to eat. Put something in my stomach before I start work at the bar. Maybe I'll make a friend or two? As I'm eating my meal, bacon and eggs of course. I feel a sensation on the back of my mind. A prediction that something bad is going to happen. A reflection of a truck on the metal napkin holder alerts me. On my other side, out the diner window. I see a girl playing on the corner of the sidewalk. She is bouncing a ball not knowing the vehicle is backing up. She is align perfectly with the back of the truck. So the driver can't see her in his mirror. With lighting speed. I pull the girl off the street. With such quickness, the patrons had no idea I left my chair. Soon reaction is notice by the crowd for saving the little girl's life. The driver hears the commotion, coming out of the truck to investigate."Sorry didn't even see the girl behind the truck. Hope I didn't hurt your child". Its an odd response. I'm forgetting my masked appearance. But understood how he could be fooled."Not my child. Just here at the right time. I was in the diner watching you back up and the child playing behind your truck". Soon the mother comes to reunite with her child. Not knowing the girl had left her side."Thank you so very much. I was talking to a friend and the next thing she was across the street". In most cases I wouldn't engage in such a rescue. While at the same time exposing myself. My cover could of been blowned. But a child in the way of danger had an emotional impact. I felt that human nature arise within. With so much daily interactions between humans I become more like them everyday. I return to the diner to pay the bill. Once again a good deed has paid for itself. As the cook praises my alacritous rescue."Good thing you were looking out for that little girl. Hell of alot speed you got there young man to even get there in time". The cook behind the counter takes the bill and rips it in two."That one is on the house. For being the hero of the day". I put the wallet back in my pocket and head out the door. Next stop, the bar. A start of my first job on Earth. I arrive a little ahead of schedule. Thought I get here early. Maybe meet the lady I'll be working with tonight?
I enter the bar with just a little past five on my watch. Place looks empty? Yet again its still early. I'm sure the college students and tourist for the balloon races are just getting ready. I sit down, looking for the bartender or if that lady is working behind the bar. The owner of the establishment spots me down the counter."You still got two hours until work. What you doing here"? I'm kind of nervous. Not sure he appreciates me coming in so early. Replying with the best logical answer."Just thought I get a head start on my first day. If that doesn't bother you". He smiles. Giving me the feeling our work relationship is getting off on the right track. "No problem. As long you aint going to get a head start in drinking". He smiles again, filling a mug and sliding down to me."You get one on me kid. But you got a three drink limit until you start work. So don't get shit-faced and give the lady any trouble". I throw back a timid smile. A liking toward the humerous nature of this man."Don't worry. I only will have one. Thank you sir for the drink". He gets tired of my polite manners."My father was a sir. You can call me Thomas from now on". I slowly sip the beer. To make it last for the duration. Thomas engages in chit chat with the locals at the other end of the bar. Around six I finish the last drop of beer. Light from the open door turns me that direction. When the door closes. A beautiful woman, with medium length blonde hair appears. I look with careful stare, as she walks toward the end of the bar greeting the owner. She walks around the gentlemen sitting at the bar to give a hug and kiss to Thomas. It was hard to hear. But she refer to him as father before she hugged him. By the sight of things. That lady I was eager to meet. Turns out to be the owner's daughter. Its a surprised to me. This could make things uncomfortable. Since I had other attentions besides just working with her. Thomas makes his way toward me to exchange some words."Thats my daughter over there. You'll be working with her. Don't let anybody give her a hard time. Help her out and look after her. Thats your job". He puts his hand on my shoulder marking a sign of confidence ontop of me. I give him my word."You got it Thomas. Things are going to run well tonight". I make my way to Thomas's daughter. Where I introduce myself."Hi my name Lucas. Looks like we'll be working together tonight". I put my hand out to greet hers."Mary, nice to meet you. It gets pretty hectic on Friday nights. Especially with everything thats going on. So its good to get some help". Before things get started. She hands me a list of beer to bring up to the bar. Also to fetch some glasses in the storage room. After that those jobs are complete. My job now will be to assist her and keep an eye on the crowd. Which seems simple enough.
Its after seven and the bar begins to fill up with the locals. Some have the features of older folks who have lived here for awhile. Younger faces indicate new generation, with most being from the local university. Other people also arrive with many languages being spoken all at once. Many have came to see the balloon races that start tommorow afternoon. People begin sitting at the bar. I watch Mary move up and down the counter, filling drink orders from every direction. While Mary is running the bar. I make sure she has everything she needs. All night she is ordering me around, in a good way of course. To keep the customers happy and drinks filled. Most of the night. I'm clearing glasses from the bar and washing them for new service. Somehow my physical capabilities has caught her eye as she approaches me."You sure do move pretty fast. Its like you done this before". I'm listening to her and at the same time washing some glasses. "Want can you say. I like to work. Also I like taking orders". She smiles. Barely keeping it formed. As she is trying not to fall victim to my invisible charm."Well my father sure knows when good help is available. I'll tell him you did well tonight". Soon patrons are hollering from down the bar to get a drink. She goes and tends to the customers. During this whole night. I mentally noted everything in the bar. Watching the interactions of human society. Mating rituals were taking place and friendships were formed around the drinking of alcohol. I also couldn't help but gaze at Mary working the bar, serving the customers. How her figure was molded perfectly to the dimensions of this place. Her movement was on beat to the sound of the band playing in the background. I can tell she enjoys her job. I think she is meant to more in this world. After the last people leave the bar. I put chairs on the table and start cleaning the place. I head to the bathrooms. As I open the door. I'm disgusted to see how these humans have no respect. There is digested material purifried into a liquid that has spend all over the floor and toliet. What a horrible job for most who have to do this as a living. After the bathrooms are clean. She is waiting for me behind the cash register. So I approach her. "All the bathrooms are cleaned and tables cleared. Is there anything else"? She looks tired. But happy with the way business turned out."I think that will be it Lucas. Good job tonight. I'll see you tomorrow". Before leaving the bar. I decide to turn around breaking the nerve. I just decide to come out of the shell and say it."I was just going to ask. But did you need me to walk you home? I couldn't let you walk alone". She blushes."Well thank you. I'll call my father to pick me up. We only live a few miles from the bar". I feel better now. That I offered instead of walking out."Okay Mary. Well I'll be here tomorrow". I leave the bar. With hopes something could develop between us. But realize I'm getting so far from my real plans. That I should be finding a way to get rescued. Not find a way to be with Mary.
So busy about the job and meeting this woman. I never got to see about possible parts or radio sources. Since the city is large by square mileage and population. Has to be a station near this location? I'm in the heart of the city and yet still haven't made any effort to research more. For some odd reason. Being human has alot of emotional weight to carry with. The moods that these humans change into. I've experience most. But not love. Books I've read made love to be something relished. You must fight for it on rare occassions. Might not even know that person and still develop a paroxysm for that one you love. Last night in my sleep. I visualize fanasties about Mary with the blonde hair. Fixation arouses every muscle in my body. I don't know too much about her and still I have these feelings. Soon those images pass. I get focus on the mission. Today I will take a drive around the city. Going further away from the central location. Maybe I'll spot the radio source while driving? Design of the radio tower was depicted in many written literture, showing the advancement they took to invent such equipement. War photos from a few years ago showed many radio communication towers in those countries. Radio commucation played a major role during the war. Broadcasting valuable information over many miles. This exchange of information changed the course of the war. Finally I found what I was looking for. A few miles of driving. I see a sign showing the direction of the radio station. ALQ 88.3 is written below the sign. Must be the frequency? In view, a antennna appears mounted on the roof of the radio station. This station is in a secluded location. But reasonable drive to reach. By the calculations in my head. It reveals to me that this is the place where the broadcasting is coming from. I'm not sure if their technology can even deliver a signal far enough to be picked up. Right now with the devices examined. This could be my only instrument that has potential. With the time period. Its a huge invention for these humans. How this very piece of technology will advance them further into the future. Maybe a future encounter with my people. I only hope that this tower can push the limits. Somehow these primitive devices made themselves aware outside their solar system. This capability makes me believe that I still have hope. At this moment I'm glad to find what Hank was talking about. I'm very glad I meant him. Hank prepared me for what to expect out there. By just observing him and letting me in his life. I was able to gather much intel on the human species. Even for the short time it lasted.
I park the truck up to the building. Once I exit the trunk. I take the brief walk, following the short path to the door. Its locked as I try to open it. When to the side of the door. I spot a button. As I'm pushing the button. A buzzing sound can be heard inside. A man opens the door. But leaves it cracked. Just enough so he can talk."Yes can I help you. This station is on the air right now". His saying for their activity doesn't make sense. So I ask the question that has ponder me from the beginning."I'm sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to ask a question. Is the broadcasting coming from this location"? My question seems to have made the individual angry."What? Did you just heard what I told you. ON THE AIR RIGHT NOW.! So yes. This is were the broadcasting is coming from". He shuts the door in a rude manner. He didn't even give me time to ask any other questions. Especially about the facility that harbors the radio tower. I'm about to walk down the stairs. When I see a taped up paper on the building."HELP WANTED" Underneath those bold words. It states that their looking for person to run the sound boards and maintain the electronic equipement. With this in mind. I might take the employment. This gives me access to the tower for transmitting a signal. Even employed at the bar. A desire to see Mary again. This is a oppourtunity that I can't pass up. I might finish the shift tonight? But will be my last time working at the bar. Its necessary I get employed by the radio station. Might be my only way to get rescued? It will take time for a ship to get here. So the sooner the transmission is beamed out into space the quicker I can get off this planet. This job at the bar was just a stepping stone. A way to get my foot in the door. Even with the funds in the suitcase. I have to act in a normality these humans are accustomed to. Working a job was just a way to observe more human interactions. Now I have a chance. Not only to examined their equipment. But be able to work around it. Learning how those devices work. I'll understand how to connect my hardware to their technology. Only reason to get inside the station. I have no idea how it operates on the inside? These humans have been here for only a short amount of time. Compared to most of the other animal species I've read about. Still. These humans are clueless about their broadcasting capabilities. Those signals that they transmit to one another on a daily basis have made it out into space. This way of inventing leads to bigger ideas. This gives me more insight into their minds. So far its alot of confusion surrounding my brain. In efforts to get rescue and continue to know more about Mary. My human feelings are still blocking my goals. These factors keep me from the reality of my true identity and purpose. As I'm driving away from the station. I find its going to be hard telling Thomas that I won't be working at the bar any longer. Sort of have mixed emotions about departing on short notice. Yet with the chance to get rescued. There is a deep urge inside. A urge to know more about the people I just meant. But I must stay focus on the plan. Remain focus on getting rescued.
Driving back into town. I park the truck near the motel. Entering the lobby. I approach the front desk. Once again, ringing the bell for service. Like before. The old man, with such casual manner, comes from behind the door."Hey fella. Good to see you again. Hope your enjoying your stay". I have no attention of confering with the old man. At least much more than needed."If no bother can I use your phone. If available". His expression looks prepared."Sorry don't let people use the phone. Unless its a emergency". I'm about to beg the old man. But he gives in."You know. Since you been helping me out. Guess I could let you use the phone?" He opens the locked door next to the front desk, letting me in. Behind the desk, in the next room, this is where the old man lives. Thats why he is always coming out from behind that door. He shows me the kitchen where the phone is at. I've learned to use one before. I dial the number to the radio station. A voice comes through the other end. "ALQ 88.3 this is Larry. How can help you?" I get to the point."My name is Luke McDermont. Referring about the job opening. When is a good time to come in"? A pause at the moment from the other end. "Well...... I guess you can come in first thing on Monday". With silent excitement in my face. I can't believe stumbling on luck would be the reason in granting me access. My people don't count on luck. Not consider a part of our mental structure."That be great. I'll come in on Monday". I hang up the phone, thanking the old man. I'm realizing things are getting better. Should research a little on the topics of their radio technology? Designs offer different depths in broadcasting a signal. Components and electrical parts must be learned. So I have some idea what I'm doing during my interview. Need to prove I can work the equipment. I'll do some research in my room before my shift at the bar.
After some research I realize its time go. I hop into my truck. Driving toward the bar. Parking infront of the bar. I prepare to tell Thomas the news. When opening the door. I see Mary and her father are mingling with customers, laughing at their jokes. Thomas looks in the direction of the entrance. A huge smile at me as he walks down the bar."Hey Luke. I'm glad your here. Got a delivery that needs unpacking". I want to offer the assistance right away. But first its better I just come clean."Thomas I hate to tell you this". My vocal cords freeze, it takes me a few minutes to speak. He begins to get unpatient."Well come out with it boy". I finally tell him."I got a job at the local radio station". He turns around. Revealing a unpleasant expression. He shakes his head about my decision. "Thats not good. Thought you work here longer then one shift". Very slightly. I hang my head in shame. With nothing else to say. I wait for his response."Can you at least work tonight. I'll pay you later". My head raises with eyes onto his. I'm happy, but making sure not to reveal it in my facial expressions. Its good he is acting in a civil matter. Instead of becoming furious. Feeling whole alot better on the departure."No problem. I'll work tonight as scheduled". He puts his hand out."Well I heard you work pretty good last night. Going be sad to lose ya". He leaves, walking down to the other end of the bar. Thomas is right. How sad it will be to leave. I was starting to enjoy working at the bar. All the encounters with these humans. Also I have Mary's face burnt into my retinas. Yet when a plan to get rescued goes from impossible to possible, things change. I head to the back of the storage area. Up above I turn on the light. The room is filled with barrels of beer and boxes of liquor. I put the boxes on the shelves and roll the barrels to the racks, leaning them up against the wall. With the job complete. I walk out of the storage area. Before close the door, Mary is behind me."See you later Luke". I stop instantly from the sound of her voice."Yes. You as well. I'll be back at seven. Got some stops to make". As I exit the bar she follows me out. My feet stop once again to the sound of her voice."Think I can come along with you". I stutter in my mind, trying to piece together what she just had said to me."Sure?" We go outside to my truck. Happy that she is coming along for the ride. Again my human emotions have blinded me from other priorities at hand. I want to understand more about these humans. But have more pressing issues to deal with. Still I allow her to ride with me for my company. I don't have many contacts here in the city. Hank was the only person I knew. The only human I could trust. We drive to Walkers Attire. I'm picking up some presentable clothes for the new job. She talks most of the short way to the store. I'm lost by her smooth vocalization. As she talks on about her time living in Alburquerque and how she desires to see other places. Mary reminds me of someone I loved once. We reach our destination. I pull over, parking near the store.
As we walk in. I'm greeted by the same man from before. Still in the same clothes. With Mary beside me I make a quick selection, trying to complete the errands of the day. I pay for the items, letting Mary talk. I love her voice, keeping myself from interrupting her. We go back to the truck, driving to the motel. Earlier the old man ask me to fix the electrical problem in one of the rooms. Figure I get this out of the way, making the frail man happy. Tough task to run a housing facility at such an old age. All the daily problems must make him tired. We enter the motel when Mary stops at the front door."You live at the motel?. It seems all mirth that was present before had left her body. By the fact I have no home. At least on this planet. I don't lets it bother me."Yes. For the time being. Until I find more suitable place. Really didn't plan on staying long". We start to walk toward the desk and with the bang of the bell the old man comes from the door. "Luke, how are you doing? You been gone most of the day. Thinking you wouldn't return". Little laugh emerges from my thoat. "Well I had a busy day. I'm here to fix that problem for you. By the way. This is my friend Mary". I never ask for his name since I checked in. So unable to make an actual proper introduction. The old man comes from behind the desk and with her hand in his. In a courteous manner, kisses it."Well welcome to the Pueblo Motel. A friend of Lukes is a friend of mine". With errands to run. I break-up the cordial moment."Like I promised. I'm going to take care of the problem in one of the rooms. Can I get the key"? Peeking over at Mary. I realize she is staring at me. A feeling most humans have when someone is behind them. I turn to her. Shedding a brief smile. She seems to be having a good time. Interested by the enigma that surrounds me. In a way she is researching me, picking up details. Starting to think thats why she came along with me? Were walking upstairs when more questions blurt out."So were is your room? If you don't mind asking". I feel no worries of telling her the room I dwell in. So I reply."Its on the second floor, down the hall". We get to the second floor. I enter the room with the electrical problem. Near the entrance. I turn on the switch. Nothing happens. A little light penetrates the curtain. So I open it. The outlet had burn the cord. But the old man probably didn't notice it. With nothing on hand to replace the cord. I zap the lamp. Restoring power for the mean time. In the dim darkness of the room. Mary didn't realize the transfer."Well thats fix. Whats next on the list?" With a delightful smile, considering the boring activities, she still looks interested."Maybe we could go to the diner? I'm kind of hungry". She agrees. "That sounds great. I'm little hungry myself". As I'm going downstairs. I wave to the old man before leaving the motel. As were outside. Near my truck. I ask her the bold question." I would like to ask you something. If you don't mind". She stands there. Hair so smooth. Its reflecting the Sun."Are you engaged in a relationship with anybody"? Now I've done it. Its has gotten way too personal. Between two sides of myself. I'm conflicted on which side I should take. One is telling me to recede back. Don't exceed a level of intimacy that supercedes the mission. Stay focus on getting rescued. But its too late for such thinking. I'm overcome with knowing the answer to my question. So without any interjection. She replies."Well I was. But he moved away to attend college". My mind power has been overmatch. Human emotion takes hold with the words spoken. "I'm glad to hear that Mary, glad to hear that". Now the alien that lies inside of this human shell. Usually would not get so personal. But I have this attraction to hermy human feelings can't resist. Her beauty has trapped me. I'm in a state of curiousity. I want to know more about her. Even more than ever. This was not expected on my voyage to Earth. My plans are now off its present course. Still I'm aware of this. But I'm blinded by this one thing. Something I thought could never happen again. Love for another woman.
Chapter 7
"How the years pass by"
Ten years have passed and still no closer to getting off this planet. Forming a relationship with Mary disrupt my chances of a job at the radio station. I decided to stay at the bar and work for her father. At first sight. Thomas didn't approve of the relationship. Thought his daughter could do better. Also I was from out of town. Matter of fact. Way out of town. He didn't know much about me. Now to this day. He still doesn't know much about me. Later, because of my work ethic, he warmed up to the fact I was dating his daughter. Thomas never let Mary too far from eye lengths. It was Thomas's only child. His wife died after Mary was born. So his daughter became his life. Thomas and I became good friends over the years. He take me to private functions. Around his family and friends. We go camping with his buddies. Fish every weekend morning near Lake Cochiti. It was about an half hour from the city. But enjoy the drive with Thomas. Many times he ask me to marry his daughter. I never got around to it. Mary seem not to care I never propose to her. Then of course I had my reasons not to pop the question. All in all we had a great time together. Being in a human relationship made the days go by. I savor every moment we spent together. During that time. It never came to thought on the mission to get rescued. Totally forgetting I was an alien at all. But yet I still mourn the lost of her. Mary died five years ago from a snake bite. Somehow while camping in the valley. A snake got into our tent, biting her foot. She always had a hard time sleeping moving around in the bed. She must have kick it, triggering the snake to bite her. Because we were so far out from the city. She died before I could get her to the hospital. Fortuately how it sounds. She died on the day I arrive here. "Second of July. Was the day she died". Its tune I play. A song in her memory. I dabble with the guitar now and then. A few people I've encounter over the years in this city. Mary died right there in my arms. While driving back to the city. Passing the same signs I seen when first arriving here. In the fields, ten years ago. I saw balloons taking off. It made me remember on how I got here. Brings back a memory of Hank back in Roswell. Reminded me about getting rescued. It drops me back into a state I've forgotten. Even being an alien. I truly will miss Mary. But now I capture eyesight on the mission. Now the light hits me. A flick of the mental switch leads me back on track. I take decide to take another change. Reapply to the radio station as I was going to attempt before. Before I meant Mary and fell in love again. Its now 1957 and the technology has advance from ten years ago. Certainly by this time. They might have more signal strength that could transmit in shorter time? I only hope that is true? Early in the morning I dropped by Thomas's house to hand him the extra set of keys. He gave me keys to the bar and house. Odd he trusted me with the business and his home. Just never trusted me much around Mary. No answer at the door. I'll just leave the keys on the porch were he could find them. Not much time to spare. Trying to get to the station and get a head start on filling out a application. While with Mary. I managed to set myself up with proper documentation. These documents were alternated. So my name could exist on paper and not just by introductions. Driving up the dirt road. I see the anteni ontop of the radio station. Just like before. I park infront of the building. A short path leading to the door.
I'm walking up the path. Brushing off any loose particles on my shirt. Combing my hair. Straighting my tie. In the paper they were looking for a handy man to maintain and repair the equipment. So happens another open of employment. I begin to believe more. Because this luck is with me again. Never leaving my side. In those days with Mary. I took the time to continue my research of everything on these humans. Even learning about there electrical and engineering procedures. It could pay off for me. Using my free time in the study of electrical components. I'm a sure fit for this job. I walk up to the front door ringing the buzzer. Again a familar voice answers the call at the door."Station hours are from twelve till three". I hand him the newspaper clipping."I'm here to apply for the job posted in the paper". He opens the door wider. Showing his face."Oh yes. Were looking for a handy man to maintain the equipment here at the station. Come on in". Once inside. We walk down a hallway. Slowly hearing a voice from the speakers located in the corners. We enter a small room. This sound is from another man behind a surrounding of glass. He is talking into a microphone. Where the sound is seal inside. We are able to hear him through the speakers. We pass the radio broadcast booth when he directs me into his office. Have a seat. My name is Larry Proxton. Head of the radio station and in charge of the hiring". I lean over from my seat to greet him. "Luke McDermont. I've been a listener for some time now". Simple ploy to gurantee me the job. He couldn't hurt by saying so. He doesn't seem to be moved comment."Well you seem to have many references from around the town. It states you did maintence work at the local motel in the city". I reply. "About ten years. My first job since moving here. Also pull some shifts at Tom's Pub". He responds some discontent for the bar."Yea I've drank there a few times. Music and the loud crowd is little unsettling for my preference". With straight consentration on the application. He shifts his eyes to my face."Luke, its pleasure to have you as a employee at ALQ 88.3". I nearly jump from my seat. Its just a overwhelming feeling that all this time. All my efforts. This very building is my conduit to leaving the planet Earth." Thank you Mr. Proxton. Really wanted to expand my resume. A chance at working here is a good way to get my foot out the door". He stares with brief hesitation about the comment I just made. "You mean, foot in the door"? He gets up from behind his desk. "Anyway be here tomorrow. Around eight thirty in the morning. I'll detail you more about the job later". He escorts me out the door, closing it behind me. I'm glad he was fooled on the exhilarated performance I just gave him. About my eagerness to work here. I begin to glance around at all the equipment, getting visual readings on the power they generate. I'm excited about working in the radio station. With access to their broadcasting devices it makes my mission of getting rescued a possibility again. I enjoyed my time with Mary. But could of been rescued by now or at least have transmitted a signal. Now that is out of the way. I get to prepare for my next move. During my time with Mary. Never had a chance to find a place. Usually slept in my room at the motel or slept with Mary in a guest room in Thomas's house. Sad to say the old man that owned the motel died last year. All this time I've known him. I never did get his name or ever wanted to know. Because I did him favors for free board. He included me in his will. The will stated. As long as it remain a motel. I could stay. New owners took over when he died, keeping the motel. They contracted me to make renovations and repairs. My only deal was that I get to live in my room for free. The new owners like the fact of having me around. They were getting a deal out of it. So without knowing much about me, they still agreed to the conditions. In the back of my mind I want to leave this location. Get away from the memories. Away from here will only help me regain my focus, I was so off-tracked from before. Now that everything is going as plan. I think returning back to the homeworld seems like reality once more.
Lately I've seen many military officers handing out brochures. In the brochure it talked about joining the army and traveling to new places. On television, a new invention to humans, a war has been looming overseas. There looking for recruits in joining the campaign. I would like to join the military with a chance at visiting new locations. Be nice to research their military strengths and technology. But anyway its not my place to interfere in their conflicts. It might cause a misdirection in their future. I could travel witihin the states. But lately my truck has been having trouble. I don't want to risk making a trip and become stuck out in the middle of the desert. I could get a new vehicle. It just that places for such commodities is out of range. At this moment I don't want to overburden myself. So I'll stick with the plan at the radio station. I head back to the motel to finish up the last of the renovations on one of the rooms. When the repairs are finished. I might look for a new place to live. Steps closer for a beginning to new life from the city. I've been here for long enough. Drawing a conclusion to isolate myself from their society. Human emotions seem to get the best of me, making things more complicated. While in love with Mary. I grew to like the attention their species gives to another. Either being for friendship or that of sexual gradification. Yet I got too personal with these humans. Wanted to know more about their society and gain positive intel to take back home. Closer examination of these humans improve my efforts in understanding about the emotional connection between one another. How so many species lost this instinct to love. I obtained detail information about the technology that surrounds them. Even with all this intel. I feel their is no way my people will ever know. Even with my technological discoveries, there is a depressing issue that lingers in my thoughts. That I'm stuck here for good. One thing is for sure. I won't put myself into a position that will overshadow this mission again. Being in a alien relationship was a new experience for me. Only problem with the relationship was the death of someone so close to you. Death drains every part from your body. It relapse a feeling when Hank died. Yet that wasn't as emotional as Mary's death. I only wish she was here to make the journey with me. At times I was going to show her my true identity and take her from this world. Bring her back to my planet. Start new chapter for her life and mine. Well no time to bring up such topics. I develop sadness when talking about her. After cleaning the renovated room. I head back to my living quarters to do some research. In the ten years I've been here on Earth my room is fill with specimens. Many samples for analysis research are stored in boxes. Carefully catalog and organized. The library constructed was a way to keep my mind busy and in touch with myself. Starting to grow more accustomed to how things operate around here. How the biological mechanisms keep everything stabled and balanced. I start to notice with all my equipment and lab set-ups. The confines of my room is making it hard to navigate through. A reason to look for new living quarters. More space would be useful in conducting more experiments, especially on a grander scale.
Its eight thirty in the morning and time to start my job at the radio station. Not too concerned about my wages being earned. Just need to get a hold on their technology. Connect my devices to their broadcasting equipement. It sounds simple. But I must carefully transport my devices piece by piece. So not to alarm suspicion. As I'm driving down the road, heading toward the radio station. I wonder in a mindless gaze. Wishing time wasn't so pressing. Knowing there is more than just Alburquerque. Other historical locations. That offer more of a glimspe into their past cultures. Better to visit these places that read about them. Right now I might have to wait. If I get rescued. Which I hope? I will return with my people to make first contact with them. Its too vital of a planet to overlook. Breaking from thought I see the anteni. Over the hilly rode I park up to the radio station. I once again ring the buzzer. Mr. Proxton answers the door. "Luke,. Come on in and lets get started". I follow Mr. Proxton down the hallway into the back of the radio station. He begins to give the tour behind the curtains of operation."Here in the back of the station. We keep the power breakers for operating the equipment". I look at the massive amounts of technological devices that power the radio station for broadcasting. Lights and buttons everywhere. Indicating the power that generates the station."Luke you'll be back here most of the time. Checking the meters and performing the usual maintence". I'm so fixated on the equipment. I barely realize Mr. Proxton was talking. I respond not knowing any instructions given. "Well it looks pretty simple to me. I think the job can be handle easily". Mr. Proxton hands me a clipboard."So here is the check list. Go over it and make sure the equipment is running up to par. I will be back in a hour or two to check up on you". With Mr. Proxton gone. I can hook up my first device to their equipment. Its small and won't be noticable. The device is a simple transponder that will mix their signals with mine. After the device is connected. I go over the checklist as told by Mr. Proxton. Even with the advancement in their technology. Its still primitive in my standards. I can't complain at this moment because its all I got to work with. The signal strength is weak. But has the ability to transmit. I just don't know how long it will take? At least until my comm systems become fully operational with their systems. This weak signal will have to do. If the broadcast makes it out into space. My signal will follow.
With my work duties done. Mr. Proxton comes back to see my progress."Well I hope everything has check out alright. Did you have any questions"? I look at the checklist again and back to Mr. Proxton. "Nope, I understand the basics of this job. So want else did you need"? He replies. "Usually you can just sit around the station and absorb your work environment. But the radio antenna on the roof has been getting some static. You might need to do some cleaning as a normal routine. Its from the droppings by the birds". My face shows disgust. So with toolbox in my hand. I head to the roof to look at the antenna. My dissapointment is short-lived. Because this gives me a perfect chance. I can get a close examination on the device that transmits the signal. When looking at the antenna it resembles something similar to want we used about a few thousand years ago. Now we use something more advance and sophiscated. I clean off the antenna with some washing fluid. Restoring the metal that lies underneath the excrements. With all the mess wipe from the antenna. It should get better frequency. This authority with access to the roof makes working here vital. Tapping right into the antenna. Knowing nobody but myself will be up here most of the time. Being employed at the radio station pathes the route in my rescue attempt. Showing good promise about the technology in this new location. I calculated about two or three months to connect all my equipment from the motel to the station. Ofcourse, it all depends on my schedule and other projects. I've been here about ten years. A few months isn't going to hurt. Yet the sooner the equipment is fully set-up. I'll be able to send a transmission. I come down from the roof returning the checklist back to Mr. Proxton. He looks over the list making sure all its correct."Well the antenna is clear and checklist complete. You can clock out if you want". I'm here for only a few hours and I get a full days paid."Sounds good. If you need me. Just call the motel". He lightly pats my back. A physical response for a good job. He leads me out of the office. As walking down the hallway I become curious. A piece of paper on a side table. I take the piece of paper. On the other side it reveals coordinates for radio towers nearby. Luck is with me once again. Looking over my shoulder for anybody around. I stuff it in my pocket. When I get back to my room a map will reveal the locations of all the radio towers from the coodinates. There could be a way of using multiple towers to transmit a stronger signal. Maybe a possible message? Finally a blueprint is forming. A way of sending actual detail information. Just need more space for such a project. More room than want I got back at the motel.
Once in my room. I take the map out, matching the coordinates of the towers. These towers from the information on the paper are owned and operated by the radio station. Also on the paper it has dates for the usual maintence on the towers. Gives me indication on a good time to visit the sites and create a complete network. Working in unison, emitting the message that will make it through the galactic abyss. Lots of time must go into this plan in using their technology. Now I need more detail on their constellations and charts of stars. Knowing this information. I can get more accurate direction to shoot a message toward the desire position. Lots of preparation must proceed. Need to get busy on obtaining the intel necessary to complete this project. Sometimes when alot of pressure is mounting on my shoulders. I like to get away from the bright lights of the city. Going east outside of the city there is hill that shows a beautiful sight in the distance. The Sandi Mountain range which the Puebloan people call, posu gai hoo-oo, meaning "where water slides down arroyo". Where the lack of lighting reveals a delightful scene of stars in the night sky. With all the planning ahead. I decide to drive to that place that gives me peace of mind. On the hill the Sun sets behind the range. Just like flashlights turning on in the dark. The stars appear. Big bright stars to the smallest dim ones. Sparkle different colors, performing a dance with no movement. I wonder if any of those stars are mine. Where my homeworld orbits. I've been coming out here more since Mary died. Never did I take her with me. Nor did she ask where I was going. After about two hours. I decide to leave with my mind finally absent of pressure. Usually the long pondering and driving puts me to sleep easier. Since the past couple of weeks I really haven't got any. Driving back to the city. I'm hardly able to see the road in the darkness. It takes my eyes a little time to adjust. My visual powers come into play, to better cope with the lack of light. In the distance. My lights hit a white square, tacked to a post. A "for sale" sign. My truck comes to a stall. Exiting the truck I move closer to the sign. Underneath the red blocked lettering. It says a house lies just down this road. Returning back to the truck. I take the path leading to the house for purchase. Several minutes pass. Soon the property is in view, flashing a memory. This property is a ranch just like Hanks. But its different. It has just one floor with no barn. Still it reminds me of a place called home. Hank made it feel like home to me. I walk closer to the porch and get a better look at the house. Through the window the living room looks worned down from no occupants. The property hasn't seen much physical presence. Years have gone by. Killing any life the house might have had. Just a rotting shell of its former construction. Wiping dust that has accumulated on the windows. I peer into a frozen room. Still unchanged by the course of time. Some furniture and appliances remain inside. But all color has faded away. No further investigation. Since its getting late. I decide to leave. I'll return later for more information about the house. I'm sure if I talk to the person who owns the property. They might give me a good deal? I head to my temporary quarters. Exhaused and pleased with my findings.
Last night while sleeping. Something scintillated in my cortex, rushing me awake. It was so quick it came to me like a nightmare. Now I wish had let it ease. It ignited a sense that something is near. Causing a frenzy of ideas to form in my mind. A blank dithery stare fills my eyes. Could it be a chance of a passing ship near the system? I'm concern if that could be the case. Have to focus and remember what the connection might be? My equipment must get moved to the radio station quickly. I may miss an open window of something actually receiving it. Once before. Were not the only ones in this part of the galaxy. Hopefully their not Merirosvots. Roughly translating to pirates. They rarely speak and have fierce attitudes. These Merirosvots have a tendency to get violent. Looking at one in the wrong way can cause you problems. They also take deep voyages into the unknown. Maybe looking for something priceless? Some of our greatest discoveries came from them. They traded for information on other civilizations they wonder into. Not very smart about what they encounter. Getting into unecessary engagements. Firing their arsenal into civilian ships for no reason. Then again. They are pirates. That is their doing and ways to survive. No indication of where they came from? Very little information on their past or culture. There so unpredictable when it comes to trading with them. Those Meriosvots attack us at one time. Right on the docking bay. Firing their weapons on those around. Yet back on my homeworld. We've trading with them on numerous occassions after the attack. Of course it wasn't the same pirate ship. Some doscile and others looking for a conquest. Even if their pirates. Its the best chance of getting back home. Because of my species. I'm valued more to my people if alive. They know my people trade well and have resources for their ships. Too much thinking about this anyway. I have to start preparing the devices. This time more will get connected. At first. I only plan on taking a piece at a time. But I can feel something is coming. I'm sure of it. I must make the dire attempt to beam the message to them. Three months turn into a few weeks. Already I'm uncertain if it could be done. A slip of paper slides beneath the door. Its a letter. Mr. Proxton had called informing me it wasn't necessary to come in. This is good news for the day. Plenty of time to visit the other sites and link the towers together. When I go to the station I'll set-up the other devices speeding up the completion time. Not going to be hard sneaking more devices pass the owners of the motel. They rarely come out. Unless the bell rings. Very shy and mysterious couple. I get my equipment together. Packing the devices and tools for the trip. Tower seven is my first stop. The schedule showed a service date for next month. So I won't be expecting any unknown visitors. Other towers might be expecting a technician at any time today. With the truck loaded. I make my way to tower seven for the installation.
Driving up close to the tower. I park the truck. Beaming the lights on the power box. The Sun has not yet risen over the mountains. With darkness still dominating over top. My hearts begin to speed up. As being alone out here has engage a emotion of fear. Especially how everything is working as plan and getting caught is not a good way to start. Zapping the gate open. I make my way around to the power box. On the power box. A padlock is securing the compartment. No problem. A simple zap from my finger burns the padlock, making the insides visible. Tampering with the wires inside. I connect my device to the power supply. This will link up with my command screen back at the motel. Only twenty minutes it took and the job is done. Feeling more calm on the time it took. My hearts rate slows down. As I exit quickly back into the truck. With the time it took to complete the task. I could fit the oppourtunity of moving my equipment to that new location. In the mirror behind me. The Sun appears, marking my departure. With no work today. I need to get a hold of the property owner to discuss a price. No price was printed on the property for sale. With my knowledge on property values. I won't pay more then twelve grand for the house and land. Its better the pirates make a landing out to that property. Provides perfect concealment. With most of the attention inside of the city. Also there is no way of landing near the motel without causing structural damage to the surrounding buildings. Trying to avoid unecessary deaths in my attempts to get rescued. With no work and one of seven towers connected. I make my way to the property for purchase. Driving up to the property. A truck is parked near the house. A man is locking up the door. He turns around from the my lights. I speak to him from inside of my truck."You the owner of the property. I took a look at it the earlier. I'm interested in buying it if the price is right". The man steps out from underneath the dark porch. He has rough features. Age of a hardworking individual. Reminds me a little of Hank. His character and deameanor are so similar. Both being from the country. He spits a wad of tobacco from his mouth."Yep. Finally making a move from the country desert life. On to bigger and better things". He spits again."I've been here most of my life and my kids grew up here. Needs some work. But thinking eight thousand is a fair price". In his truck. He had packed some items from the house."I'm staying at the motel in the city. You can reach me at the there". I hand him the cash. He looks shock that I carry that much."Damn boy! I didn't think you be buying today. Well looks like a deal to me". He hands me the keys and signs the deed over. For a old man. He sure did get in his truck fast enough. His intentions to move on from this city for good. At least someone is. Now I have to transport my equipment from the motel to my new home.
I haven't had the chance of setting up the other towers. This whole entire week was spent moving my equipment to the new location. It was hard for me to leave the new owners of the motel. With no explanation at all. But had no real work relationship with them. Many moments spent with the old man, the original owner. It was a pleasure to help him out. The new owners never took much appreciation in my work. They just like having me around. Able to be secluded in their room. At least with the old man we communicated. We played cards and talk stories about the people we've meant. Most of my stories were had to do with the voyage toward Earth. I had to change some parts, because of my true identity. But told them if available. I try to check up on them just in case. So with the new location set-up. I head to the radio station. Working there has taught me more about their broadcasting equipment. I know that this isn't the end to their technological endeavors. With time. There antenna and transmission devices will be way advance in the coming years. Maybe they'll try to contact us in the near future before we come back? There religion can only shield them from the truth for so long. Even now. Many upgrades in their telescopic equipment have peered them further into space. With the books printed in this time. They understand the cosmos a little better. When they understand their own system in detail. It could give them a layout of what to look out for. Once I arrive at the radio station. I push the buzzer for entrance into the building. One of the staff lets me in. Just like before. I walk to the back of the station for installation of my devices. I only got several more pieces to install. After that I'm finally finished with first task. Using the rest of next week for the towers. Earlier, I look at the schedule. The towers up for selection have been service already. Good for me. As I'll expect no company. I'll have time to carefully connect the devices and with days to spare. With the second device connected. I go ontop of the roof to install another. I perform my regular work duties and go over the weekly checklist. Doing my job keeps my plan a secret. With all that completed. I sit and relax in the back of the station. Daydreaming about my return to the homeworld and reuniting with my people. Sharing my experiences about these humans and carving a new future for our people. Snapping out of the dream. I clock out and head to my new home. Need to check my command screen to see the progress I'm making. Each day the signal is getting stronger. But must wait for a response. I'm feeling that my sense for something was coming might be wrong. I've not had the same feeling from before. Anyway it was good that I rush for the completion. Boredom has surfaced. Either get rescued or move entirely from this state. I walk into my new place of comfort. I take a seat infront of the command screen. To my amazement. Something has receive the signal. Information states that the signal was picked up from the deep edge of their solar system. About a couple of light years. Maybe they'll continue on toward the location of the signal? Need to get the other towers connected quickly. Reach full operation in time to send out a message. Soon I'll be off this planet, heading home.
It took all day to connect two towers for more signal strength. Only four more towers to go. After those are connected. I'll be able to send a message. Time is against me. As I get another sense that something is drawing closer than before. Need to take the risk and install more of my devices at the radio station. Once my devices are connected to their equipment. I'll have to monitor the devices on a regular basis. Only way to accomplish this. I'll have to sneek into the station at night. Get complete control of their broadcasting equipment. This will make things a whole lot easier. I leave the tower heading back to my home. Put myself to sleep by performing some more research. I over the book of constellations. Longated effort in studies. But I have finally found the star of my homeworld. Their definitions of the constellations are different. Yet I was able to pinpoint the location. So if my sense is wrong about a possible ship on the edge of the solar system. At least I have the location of my homeworld. Most of my research is done. Read a few books. Still I'm not tired. Too much on my mind. Plus, there isn't much to do right now. But wait for next day. Its better anyway. I'll take this moment to prepare the devices for installation at the radio station. While checking the devices. I start to place them in my secure case. Soon my stomach is feeling upset. All my years here. I never felt this before. My assumption? I might be under the weather. A human phase. Something I picked up. Being a human has weaken my system. It has me vulnerable to their diseases and infections. A virus has surfaced. I think? I'm not sure? I don't have any of my medication left. My stuff would have cured this by now. I'm not a doctor. Thats for one thing. At least a human physician. Really no idea how to treat this human infection? My bowel movements have been disrupted from food. I probably consume something that my stomach didn't agree with? Rushing to the bathroom. I vomit some undigested material. Feeling better. But my stomach is still bothering me. All this work and research has put a strain on my physical health. I'm thinking a little rest will calm things down on the inside. Visiting a local physician after work will give me a proper diagnosis on my illness. Only concern is. I hope this doctor doesn't discover my secret while performing the medical examination. Still I need to see a physician. Who then can give me the proper prescription. Eliminating the virus in my stomach. When things go right. There is always wrong that comes around. Nevertheless in the situation. Its the consequence of being human. Being vulnerable in your own environment. Shows the weakness these humans have. With a complex intelligent brain. It makes their physical body open to the dangers around them. I'm realizing these flaws of transforming into a human. How there constant conflictions give them pain. Which they must endure through day in and day out. But these humans mask such things. A uniform smile. Only hides there misery. Sickness, sadness, and pain is no way to live. I guess this is a life of a human. Which is hard for me to understand. Well with some rest. I might feel better in the morning. Maybe this illness won't interfere to much with my plans?
Chapeter 8
"Almost Here"
Visiting a doctor turned out to be a wise decision. He prescribe me some anti-viral medication that eliminated the infection in my stomach. Luckily he didn't see anything out of the ordinary that could of blown my cover. He was a little curious. Especially about how I could be walking around with such a infection. But he insured me on one condition. That he would not put my name in his report. The doctor recommend some time and rest. Which is wise to take such advice. Building up my energy for the events ahead. I leave the doctors office and back to my house outside of the city. I was able to finish the rest of the installations at the radio station before visiting the doctor. With that task done. I can now connect the rest of the radio towers and finally beam a message. I only have a few more towers left. Soon I'll be off this rock heading back home. Its getting dark fast. Need to make it out to the next tower. Not much time remains. As I don't want to miss the only chance of a possible rescue. Driving to the next location felt like it took hours. A constant replay of the same desert picture passing me left and right. Nothing seem to change. Time acted in a manner that I wasn't moving at all. But everything else around me continued on. Parking up next to the tower. I beam my headlights on the power box. I move fast to the gate, zapping it open. Just like before. I break open the box, taking out my tools. I'm such in a rush. I grab them. Practically without looking. Around the gate. With a quick zap. I have access to the power box. I'm working fantically with the wires and dropping sweat from my face like rain. Its taking more time to complete. Since I'm trying to knock out two birds with one stone. The other tower lies just a few miles from this location. So knocking out two towers tonight is running through my head. As I'm nearly finishing the connection to the tower. I hear a vehicle in the distance. At this moment I'm unable to locate where the vehicle is coming from. Soon a feeling of fear looms overhead. I hate that sense of fear. Being human its hard to bypass it. Like this power box. Its basically wired in. I pack up my tools and head to the gate running. Before I can get into my truck. Lights appear on my direction. So I dart behind my vehicle. A man exits, looking around for the owner of the truck. He shouts out. "Hello! Is anybody out here?" I try to think how to get out of this situation. He inches closer to the back of my truck. I go around the other direction. In my head I must avoid confrontation. But I can't let this man report what he found. Finding me tampering with the tower is only going to pull me back from my plans. I can't get arrested. Nor can I let this man go. He might expose me? I never thought of hurting a human being. Trapped, desperate for an escape. It looks like its my only alternative. With his back turned. I come from behind, putting my arm around his neck. My hand cuffs his mouth from making any unnecessary noise. Its still in my mind. What I should do? With him in a struggle. Unable to hold the man any longer. I zap his neck, knocking him out. He falls to the ground. I kneel next to the man. Checking his pulse with my fingers. I detect no heartbeat. No sign of life. I rip his shirt open. With my palm. I place it on his chest. Close to his heart. A small transference of energy. He trembles. But still no response. No more I can do for him. It wasn't my intention to kill this man. My powers were too much. Especially in my heighten state of fear. I pull myself back together. Stay focus on the mission. Thats what I say to myself. With my tools gathered. I start the truck and head to the next tower. When someone discovers the body. They might not think foul play?
I finish the other tower. Taking less time than before. I just wanted to get back to my house. Think about the events that happen tonight. Hard to believe. How I could kill one of these humans. Didn't know something like this would arise. Yet my thoughts and my actions were necessay to hide my secret. At any cost. But the feeling of sorrow is something I've experienced before. Twice that is. No excuse for this behavior. I could of prevented this man's death. I have mixed feelings sinking into my mind. Why being human is so hard to understand? How come I'm feeling this way? Walking into my newly acquired house. I sit back in the chair that came with the place. Dust and dirt flee from the chair, vanishing in the air. Because of the incident that took place. I decided to transmit the message later this week. With all the installations completed at the radio station. There will be no need to go into work. Calculating my progress. I think the towers connected should be strong enough. Then again. There is a chance its not enough power? Without the other towers. My message being sent could overload the comm systems and damage my devices. If that happens. I don't have a back-up plan for such a dilemma. Either I proceed on with plan. Or cancel it entirely. Probably await for another chance at a rescue attempt. Only problem. Will I have chance? Can I even stand being stuck here any longer? Severe dissapointment has hover over my mind. With morbid thoughts of ending my life. Sacrifice. Not suicide. I'll preserve my secret. Keep it with me in the afterlife. Still my mission requires me to get the information back to my people. Tell them about my experience on this world. The future goals of my world depends on me to deliver what is necessary. Its why I took this dangerous trip. I get up from my chair and check the command screen for any good news. Some sort of morse code has appear on the screen. I'm unable to deciper the code at this time. Yet the morse code is good indication that something is in this system and has receive the signal. They must be waiting for a actual response. I transmit another signal to keep them guessing and hopefully they'll come closer. Exhausted from the nights activities. I head to my bedroom. Nothing to do now. But wait for them to respond. I might wake up realizing this whole day was dream. That the man I killed is still alive. My luck can only take me so far.
I wake up with the decision to go forth with the plan of transmitting the message. Even risking the possibility of overloading the comm systems and my devices. If that happens I'll still get the message out into space. One problem about the message being sent out. There will be no way of knowing if the message will be receive. Heading toward the command screen. I look over the morse code from before. It reveals the answer to my question? Its a pirate ship. A little outside the Jupiter system, and approaching quickly. Hard to believe that I've been here for ten years and finally going home. Thats to say if all goes well? I take this time to pack up my equipment and preparations to leave. Might make a trip to the city and pick up some valuable items to take back with me. Needless to say. I have plenty of relics that I've collected over the years. Its better to stay here and wait near the command screen. Important to remain close-by. Something might appear on the monitor. Sitting in the dusty old chair. It shutters a memory in and out of my mind. Reminding me of times spent with Hank. Numerous occassions Hank became drunk and passing out in a old dusty chair just like this one. Amazing I still hold on to a memory from so long ago. A memory when I first got here and encounter Hank. A past time when I was an alien on a mission. Can't believe the transition and path I took just to blend in. I didn't learn on my own to become human. Because in a way I was taught to be one. Hank wasn't the best teacher. But he was good enough. Giving me somewhat good advice about this world and its inhabitats. Now I need a cover story to explain myself. Its on my mind about calling the radio station to inform them I'm ill. Better they not show up and arise. Sooner or later the man I killed will be discover. From that point. A investigation will be started. I must depart from this world quickly. Its not safe here. If no chance at a rescue. I still must leave this entire location. If the power of will exist inside me. Hope is just around the corner. Eventually my persistance will lead me away from this world. Wish I had my ship right now. These humans have barely made attempts to launch out of their planet's atmosphere. If trapped here. I'll have to envolve with these humans in hopes advancements come forward. Mental conflictions about giving up entirely and live out my last days on this world. Deep inside my mind a voice still persuades me to remain calm. That oppourtunities come your way for a reason. Sit and wait is a game I must play. Being patient as the ship draws near. At night when the radio station is closed for operation I will transmit the message as they pass by. With plenty of food in stock. I can hunker inside the house. Never taking anymore then several steps from the screen.
Sipping on coffee kept my eyes from falling. Was afraid to sleep. Thought I miss a possible signal from the unknown ship. Looking at the command screen reveals no response. No premonition if their coming any closer or have they left the system for good. I'm sure in time they'll make some kind of connection. Alerting me to their presence. Awaiting for coordinates and detail information to be transmitted. Entering the bathroom I stare into the mirror. I splash some water on my face. Trying to peer through the human face to unmasked the alien one underneath. Impossible. Because being human for this long doesn't reveal anything of my true nature. Maybe I'll stay in human form to make my people more comfortable for our future meeting. More adjusted. Envolved to a point that turning back into a alien might be strange for me. Unable to adapt in my own environment is something that dwells in my mind. Could I be my former self again? Will my people even accept me back into their society that I've long forgotten? Questions that surface all the time. It bothers me. Sometimes I try not to bring up such topics. But its want being human is about. Feelings and emotions which develops an individual. Missing qualities that have been absent in my people for milenna now. A famous human scientist known as Charles Darwin opened the window on evolution. He noted that traits are passed from generation to generation. A reason why humans have became the dominate force on Earth. Helps them overcome future problems that might wipe them from existence. Becoming immune to disease,climate change, and protection from predators. Reasonable intelligence became their evolutionary conquest. I myself will have to envolve like other creatures over the years, including my people. Learning to adapt in my situation has kept me alive in this changing world that I've learn to call home. If I get rescued. My time here on Earth will be remember only as a long hazardous vacation. Memories of good and bad events. Which have made me mentally more stronger. Dealing with lost, tragedy, and love has built up strength inside me physically. I'm ready for the next adventure. The finishing touches that will end my story here on this planet. The stories I've told about my explorations to distant places. This one will be the best one. A story with no monsters, global conflicts, or destruction. But one that will help my people gain something which was lost. I have gain huge amounts of information by blending into their culture. Hopefully when I come back. I'll be able to return the favor. Handing them down knowledge for obtaining some of theirs. Its still early in the day. But I can feel the night approaching soon. As the Sun moves in the blue sky. It hurries me to begin my departure. I gather certain items for the trip back home. Only items of certain importance will come with me. I'll bury or store the rest near this location for future retrival. Can't believe tonight is the night I'll finally go back home.
Its late afternoon and most of my equipment is ready. Now I prepare for the transmission. Just to make sure the message is sent clearly out to the passing ship. My comm systems will be assemble outside. When night becomes dominate. It will be the marker to start comm system procedures. Until then. I'll double-check all the equipment for perfect operation. No room for any mistakes. This is my last ditch effort to get out of here. Only wish there was time to make a visit to Hank's grave. Tell him about my accomplishments and people I've meant. Such a visit will have to wait when I return with my people. Important for them to know about this man and how he help me. Hank gave me the resources to live here in perfect comfort. Opening his home and heart to a stranger from another planet. Not caring about my attentions or plans. I could of been a intergalactic mogul that wanted to destroy humanity. But Hank wasn't that naive. He knew of my arrival here was not to harm humans. That I was lost and disoriented to comprehend what was around me at the time. Hank could of killed me. Even after I treated his illness. Hank turned to be civil. Soon a alliance build up between us. Two different species exchanging information that could answer some of our questions . Many people back home have a common path on survival. That we should form societies together instead of destroying them. Protect galactic stablity from others who wish to disrupt it. Uniting for one purpose and goal. Why I'm so desperate to leave this planet? This world is heading toward some dangerous altercations. Its important I get to my people. Been receiving transmissions from military channels. About war between nations. That its the prelude for future deadly events. Can't go into detail on the topics discuss over the lines. It could have negative results if I interfere or pass such information along. With the technological advancements being created. Many are leaning on the development of deadly weapons. Even more horrific than Hiroshima. They could use the new technology for better energy to power their society. Instead they will continue to use fossil fuels and non-renewable resources. Eventually that will run out sooner then they think. This will have a crippling effect. It will destroy everything they have built. Only solution to these problems is a galactic intervention. A visit from my people will help humans survive for generations. Spending their culture beyond their homeworld. Colonizing and settling new planets for better resources. But also preserving human culture throughout the galaxy. Without these goals. The human race will continue to live a lonely life of existence. When there is no purpose in life. There is no purpose in living. Besides a lonely, sorry existence. There are races that have became a galactic nuisance. In certain cases. Our species have committed genocide of an entire civilization. With careful consideration. Those who suffer the faint of our massive energy weapon was for the safety of other cultures. Our common "enemies" had no central governments for any peaceful resolution. We had to eradicate the species who pose a threat to galactic peace. Hard to let such a sight leave one's eyes. I gave commands to eliminate our enemies whole history. Wiping generations from the cosmic life branch. No longer do I give such orders.
Finally the night has arrived. As pieces of the comm systems are installed outside. I carefully point the antenna at the direction of the possible ship cruising through. Using the telescopic lense I built. I aim it at the planet Jupiter. This lense is too low in magnification to zoom in on the ship. But aligns the antenni more accurately. It will take a few hours to start-up the systems for transmission. The comm systems will have to build up strength for a message to be transmitted. Every nut and bolt must be properly connected for stablity. I've double-check all parts and devices for any defects. I even go over the set-up a third time. Just to make sure everything is operating at hundred percent. The command screen has flickered on. Its waiting for the power generator to reach full strength. Typing commands onto the screen. I pivet the tripod to observe the mechanisms. All systems are insync, completing the run-through procedures. At this point nothing can stop me now. Only the superior beings who created the universe can hault my progress. Bad luck doesn't follow you twice. It can't right? Some good has to come out of all this. All the planning and pressure for this very moment. It took the life and blood from my body. Mental fatigue has blossum. As from this point. I'm unable to conjured up any other options. Smart as I might be. Limitations have reach their max. Resources around are slim to none for the technology that I need. If I did obtain such materials. It would just be simple enough to build a ship. Blast myself as far as I it would take me. At least in space. It brings me more closer than just being stranded on Earth. With the comm systems powered- up. I initiate ventilation system. Which releases positive energentic particles. Detectable from space. This gives them my position of were the signal is transmitting from. Until full power is at peak strength. This energy from the device acts like a beacon. Keeps the rescue ship on course, getting near the Earth's orbit. At that moment. A message will be sent out. Then it all depends on the response from the ship. Do they follow the signal or pass on through the system? If they leave the system. I can only imagine if the message had been received. It be better if the ship makes a landing. Don't feel like having more stress building ontop of me. With hard consentration on the screen. I balance the power. Keep the systems in check. After several minutes. A code sequence appears. It has inform me that the first tower is waiting for commands. Soon the other towers will engage in operation. Still a possibility looms. That comm systems can become overloaded. Ending the whole rescue attempt. Another code appears on the command screen. It appears the devices at the radio station are operating. The power gauge is rising, building even more strength. Acceleration of the power has the generator rumbling, becoming unstable. Status report has the system still in safe operation. I type a sequence into the CPU sending out echo wave patterns to detect the approaching ship. I carefully observe the instruments. Make sure all systems are fuctional. I build doubt in myself. A shadow full of it. Which has cast over my mind. Can the systems hold out long enough for the message to transmit?
Still watching the command screen. For a bounce back from the echoe wave pattern. At first, only a small response. Now the wave pattern is being received faster. Alerting me that the ship is drawing near, even accelerating in speed. Soon all towers are connected and waiting for transmission. Signal and power strength our strong enough. As more instability is visible from the generator. Because the other towers never got connected. There isn't a smooth transition of power. This has the chance for overload. You must take action and pounce on oppourtunities that land your way. I take a quick peak at the meters. Danger levels are at minimal. Which is good for me to press the command key, sending the message. I'm just being patient on the ships orbital approach. All equipment is running. Devices at the station our operating like they should. Another gander at the danger levels shows a slight increase in the gauge. But no use of stopping now. I keep the comm systems at full power. I walk over to the generator which is shaking violently. Sparkage and small surges escape from the generator's encasement. Some worry is causing me to hover my hand over the abort key. A voice urges me to cancel the transmission. A look at the meter the danger level it shows no change. I pull my hand to the side. My hearts our jumping, developing a bulging vein across my forehead. My excitement is stalled as my command screen alerts me to a disconnection from one of the towers. I type in a code to put the comm systems in stand-by mode. Power levels decrease, calming down the generator. A status report on the problem is a loose transponder. This dilemma needs to be address. Now I have to drive a distance to the faulting tower. A waste of time I can't afford to spare at this moment. Still the transponder needs to be fixed. A loose transponder could disrupt the signal or transmit a scambled message. Can't believe this is happening? I guess bad luck tends to follow you twice. Wish this particular event of bad luck save itself for another day. I remember the tower with the problem. I rush through that connection because of the event earlier that night. I knew to take my time. But just wanted to go home. These problems resemble a parasite that totally consumes me from within. I remain focus and pack up my tools. Bursting out the door. I throw the utility pack into the back of the truck. When starting the truck. Another problem emerges. Now the engine doesn't want to turn over. I pump the accelator and turn the ingnition. It shows no results. I wait a few minutes. I've ran into this problem on many occassions. I'm patient with the primitive machine. I turn the ignition again. A timid roaring sound from the engine. Few seconds after that, the truck finally starts. Shifting into gear. I stomp on the pedal, racing to the tower. I set my wristbrand indicator. I have only a hour tops to fix the problem. Because of my desperation. My alien instincts return. The limitations have been broken free. My abilities rise from their dormant hiding space. Huge amounts of adreneline build up. This energizes my mental attributes to solve complex situations. I need my powers if the rescue attempt is to succeed.
With my brakes pressed hard. I skid up to the tower. The gate is still open from before. Nobody has been out here to service yet. With the power box open. From the back of the truck. I grab my tools. Quick fling over my shoulder. Once at the power box. I reconnect the transponder. Hooking my wristband indicator to the device. I wait for a response from the comm systems. The reconnection is complete and fixing the problem was a waste of time. Should of double-checked that in the first place. Could of avoided this whole drive out here. Packing up my tools. I hop into my truck. Throwing my tools into the passenger seat. A look at my wristband indicator. I have plenty of time to make it back. Enough time to transmit the message. I insert the key and turn the ignition. Nothing happens. Thats all I need is more problems. Wasting more time. It seems the truck's alternator isn't pulling enough power to kick the engine over. I pump the pedal and turning the key doesn't work. So I calm down. Take a few minutes like last time. Being patient. I take another turn of the key. Hank's old beater of a truck no longer has any juice. Even a zap from my finger doesn't do the trick like before. I slam the wheel. This reveals the extent of my anger. As I continue to slam and thrash at the truck. I realize something now. That this is redemption. Ghost from my past. Who haunt me now in this time. Because at this very perdictiment. I'm losing all control of myself. Unable to think logically and clear-headed. I remember that person. That individual from long ago. He is the one who got himself stranded. Ruined the mission. Shatter all the hopes back on my homeworld. About the humans that dwell and call this place their own. But this is not like my true character and temperament. I can't let these mistakes from my past haunt me in the present. Or should this interfere with my future. I'm getting a extreme headache from the problems that continue to multiply infront of me. An invisible force is keeping me from being rescued. I come up with a solutions when such problems arise. Especially those that have kept me here. But the problems get worse. Built-up aggression bursts the truck's door wide open. I blitz toward the direction of my home. Speeds that surprised me. With pure amazement glazes over my eyes. I've grasp ahold of my alien attributes. My strength. At incredible velocity. That time remain at constant pace. Yet for me it utterly slowed down. Running at light speed, making up time that was lost. Even with all this power. An expirational event crawls through my body. Bent over and puking up liquid content. I can't keep it up. I'm tired and walk the rest of the way. Little less than thirty minutes till the message can be sent. I take a drink from the bucket above the well. With the craved thrist subsided. I walk and hold the cramps that have developed on the sides of my body. As finally make the short steps back. I take a sit at the command screen. It depicts the ship close to Earth's proximity. I click the screen. Type a sequence into the CPU. Which returns the power. Soon the generator blasts on, puffing slight smoke and electrical discharges. Power builds up to the desire level. Danger meters report small fluctations. I keep the systems running. As the start-up begins. I hestitate, trying to avoid another mistake. A small, faint whisper tingles my cortex. It speaks. But not directly. More like a thought. That I would hate myself. Soon my eyes become frozen. I such a decision that came infront me. Decisions that my crew would not disobey. No matter the outcome. But could of aborted the mission. Made a decision that cost the lives of my crew. I lost a dear friend because of it. I should gather more resources and wait. A smart decision to some. Is it possible to manage sticking around here any longer? No more time to waste. My mind is made up. I've had enough being stranded here. This ship is my only rescue plan. Its no longer a rescue. But a escape from a giant prison. Being my familar environment. Around familar faces. I take out a data disk from my pant's pocket. Inserting it into the CPU. I type in the proper codes and the message is transfer into the comm systems. Now I wait. There has to be a strong enough signal to transmit the message. Another sense tingles the insides of my brain. I'm nervous. As a habit forms. One that I don't recall. I bite my fingers. Time on the counter ticks away. Fifthteen minutes and counting.
On the command screen a symbol bleeps on the star map. I command the telescopic optical device toward the open field of space. Very carefully the I track the symbol. Soon the optical device pieces together the image directly to the screen. Scans reveal my hutch. They are pirateers. It seems to be the right size. In the image I can see distinctive details about the ship. Logos on the side of the ship portrays their clan or tribe. While reviewing the image. I hear something in the right corner. Near the command screen. Its the Frequency receiver. Its making noise, picking up communication from the ship. Its fuzz with rough static. So the comm chatter has no reasonable content. Eyes back at the command screen. A morse code has been received. I cipher the code through the system to piece together the message. In short time the code completes the deciper process. They are ready to receive a message from the user. Really wanted to wait a little longer. But I start the transmission with a press of a command key. As the process begins. I see a brief electronical disturbance on the command screen. A small short in systems. Were the screen fizzed out, but return back to normal. It could be that the message contains too much data? Instead of aborting the process and recalculate my attempt at another transmission. I decide to ignore that thinking inside my mind. So onto my other alternative. To type in a sequence that will increase power. Now the antenna is broadcasting the message in bits of intel. Ten minutes remain before they leave orbit. It will take twenty minutes for a actual response from the ship. My CPU has to transfer the message. Process it through the systems. Then I can obtain the information. This message I've sent out is somewhat simple. It contains race, a short statement, and value. These pirateers can make a choice to land or leave with the intel in hand. A silent alarm appears on the command screen. Its showing the danger level. Its peak over mid range. I realize the system is slightly heating up. I leave the screen. Hunch over, near the generator's system control. Its showing some instablity. But it seems to be holding itself together. So I continue with the supervision of the comm systems. I'm beginning to like the fact everything is in full swing. It keeps me onboard with the current objective. That this is the night I finally leave Earth. I perform another check on the level indicators. All levels are spiking just little over from the last time I checked. Which still doesn't deter me from aborting the transmission. Small sparkage lights up from behind me. That flash of light scared me and still I continue watching the comm systems. Several for flashes of sparks turn me around in my chair. Then from behind the generator is acting up. As if a electrified beast was trapped inside. Desperate to escape. Just like me. I take another look at the meters. A suspenseful moment keeps me temporarly locked on the meter. As the needle holds itself back from the danger zone. While watching the needle I'm broken from attraction. I hear an alert from the command screen. It reveals that I'm being scanned by the ship in space. Their sending out small signals, revealing my location. The pirateers are trying to receive the message from me. I type another sequence. Which is uploaded into the CPU. I've finish the transmission procedure. A string of the repeating message is programmed. The antenna is working as the message is being relayed. Right now the system is intact performing in prime operation. I might be able to preserve this equipment? I'm watching the command screen. When in the reflection of the screen. A arch of electrical current develops from behind. Something is going wrong. Terribly wrong. Maybe I should have aborted?
The electrical beast I mention earlier. Well it has finally escaped from its cage. A crack in the generator has open up. Its causing the power to flux out of control. Eyes back on the command screen. Power levels have now crossed the danger zone. Entire system overload is happening. Sequence after sequence is typed into the CPU. In efforts to shut the system down. CPU Malfunction: Shutting off User. All that random typing of different sequences. It has blocked me from any further action. I bang and smash the command board, creating more problems. Now the command screen has blacked out. Status reports and system controls have disappear infront of me. Without the screen. I have no indication of signal reception. The comm systems smoke and the antenna shakes from the malfunction. No longer able to hold position the antenna breaks from its mount. Sparks and a small fire erupt were the antenna once stood. Heat and electrical pulses from the system keep me submissive. Need to disconnect comm systems from the generator to save some of the equipment. I brave the deadly electrical blockade and make a grab for the power cord. Every step toward the cord a electrical discharge pushes me back. Life and death parade around, forcing me to make a decision. Usually I would take action without much thinking. Just pull the cord. Power supply will cut-off. End this so call dramatic event. Before it leads to a tragic one. So I summon all my will and might to overcome the electrical surge. Inch by inch my hand gets closer to the cord. Almost got a grip. Until another electrical surge throws me to the wall. Now the chaos inside the room is speading out, torching furniture and objects scattered around. Comm systems and the command screen are not spared in the hellish inferno that has spawn. They have been melted by the extreme heat. But the power generator is still active. This huge electrical surge is creating a bubble of energy. I realize that energy is unstable. A bubble is about to burst. With my quantum reflexes to the door. I try to escape the blast radius. Before I can open the door for my escape. A explosion from the generator thrust me through to the outside. My body takes another rough blow. As I make a landing into the rocky dirt earth. Like a rock hitting moist compacted dirt. But lucky enough I'm alive. I lift my face from the dirt. Blood starts to drool out from my mouth. Scapes cover my elbows, forearms and face. I think my leg is fracture or broke. As I'm slow to my feet. Putting little to no pressure on it. I shake off the gravel and dirt from my clothes. I take a look back at the house. Nothing of the actual structure remains. Just burnt wood and hot ash stand at its place. A look at my wristband indicator. Lucky as well. Still intact and works. I flicker the reset button. Since the impact powered it off. Prior data before it lapse. Had the ship moving from Earth's orbit. I have the transmission tracked down. CPU processes it through. It had been sent and the message was transmitted correctly. I read the ship's signature level. As it fades out and then vanishes from the wristband. I'm left to wonder. If they'll return for me? That is it worth their time and effort? At least I hope they transfer the message to my people. It will tell my superiors on my whereabouts. Its all a matter of time. Until I get any kind of response from them. But without my equipment. It will be hard to get one. Now its time to formulate another plan. What to do next? With such a explosion. Its for certain the proper authorities will be dispatched to the site. Only thing to do now is run, and run far from this location. With stride of their fastest animal on Earth. I take to the open desert. I keep looking back to the position where my house had been. Further I distance myself from it. It becomes dimmer. No heat from the leftover burning wood. Only a cold black reminder that a house had stood there before. While running away from the site. I laugh about the incident. Not just any laugh. But a laugh of a madman. I laugh louder than the wolves howl at night. Nothing really good came out of this. Yet I still laugh and even smile about it. They say laughter is the best medicine. No point of feeling sorrow or getting mad about what happen. Its a part of lifes daily struggle. It was my decision. I stop for a minute. The laughter before mellows out. I was running so fast. Couldn't keep my barons straight. It has gotten me lost. I circle around. I'm stunned. Have no idea what direction I came from. Peering In the mild darkness. I spot some refuge. Up some rocks. It leads to a cave. Against the backdrop. It depicts a blackhole in the vaccum of space. It resembles a hollow point in a tree. That cave is me. Since I'm completly empty inside. For some odd reason. I feel freedom for the first time. But I'm enslave to fact of how things turn out. So I climb on the ledge into the cave. There I post up against the wall. My back slides down the cave wall. As my head buries into my lap. I'm tired and frustrated about my decisions tonight. Earlier I treated the scenerio as a vacation. No care in the world. I assume that everything was going to be alright. Nor did I give any second thoughts to the consequences. Or I just ignore all logic? I guess at this point. This so-call vacation has just been extended a little longer. Only question is. For how long can I go on being a human?
Chapter 9
"A New Start"
I have no house. My equipment is gone. Samples and specimens collected destroyed. Materials and items of interested. Vaporized in the overload explosion. A history of intelligent beings from a distant world. Value information to be taken back to my people. But now out of view. Like a extinguish flame. Should of been patient and build up my resources. Instead I drove myself by impulse. Felt desperate to leave and took an oppourtunity. Well I throught about it in good detail. Knew all the facts involve. But went ahead with the plan anyway. I was a addicted gambler who had a weak hand. Calling the bluff. When folding was a better choice. Great minds build libraries. While stupid ones burn them down. A philospher from my world told me that once. A stupid mind on my part. As decimate want I constructed to the ground. Don't get me wrong. I did send a message out. Did the pirateers receive it? Its want I keep asking myself. To make matters worse. All my money was in the house. No funds for traveling or make my stay here easier. At a point in time. I had direction. Certain events and people distracted me from my goals. Can't remember want those goals were? It seems memory had perished in the explosion as well. Having conflicting mental battles. Which are trying to piece together a summary of everything. Losing touch with identity. My sense of purpose. I even lost track of the day of the week. What month our we in? None it matters for me anymore. Too late for me now. As I've fallen into deep depression. I Spawl down on the cave floor. Similar to a withered up leaf. Dried-up from the hot sun. No color or structure of life remains in it. My new lack of motivation. Resembles that leaf. It prevents me from exploring new ventures. My title and position doesn't fit my character now. In my old life. I walk with great pride. Nothing could penetrate my barrier that would impose feelings. Feelings that create problems on dangerous missions. Somehow I let outside forces break that barrier. Breaking me apart one piece at a time. Now after all this time. A ghostly voice from the past bothers me in my head. Its been constant the past couple of nights. Not letting me fall asleep. As I lay here on the cave floor. It speaks to me now. Telling me to get up from that fetal position I'm in. Stop acting like a coward. That all hope is not gone. There is still plenty of time to find a solution. So I put all my energy to full strength. Force myself to walk out of the darkness. Into a new light that will lead me from here. But no movement. As I only think of moving. My body has some wittly overpower my mind. I decide to just lay here. Tucked into a ball of shame. Staring outside the cave. From inside a constricted space. Watching as day becomes night. Faster and faster. A feeling I'm in a time machine. With no stop button. Everyday after the next. Continues to stay the same with no future. Then again. Its the future as I see it.
My eyes drift close. Always tired. No food to keep myself moving. No ambition to even take a peek outside. But there is something dripping from above. This brings me back into reality. A droplet of water wakes me up from my dream. All this sitting here. I find it to the reality. That the end is far from near. No use wasting life inside of a cave. Its been three years housing myself here. Secluded even more than before. Giving up all effort of getting back home. I thinks time to venture out. Find a way. That voice in my head has propel me. To not put all the blame on my shoulders. Staying in this cave doesn't make things better. This voice is probably right. Or maybe because I'm hungry? I've only eaten what crawls near me. Must relocate and begin a new plan. Some of my technology still exist. My wristband indicator is working after all this time. I know it works. Because being stuck in this. It was the only thing that provided some sort of entertainment. I recorded numerous pieces of music. Once on my feet. I gather up the tools. The tools to make it out of here. I'm a survivalist. I can easily trek to a new location. In my utility pack. I have maps and some supplies. Its difficult. But standing up is giving me some pain. Random activities kept me alert and in a prime physical state. Basically never leaving several feet at a time while in the cave. I did alot of sleeping and sitting down. So I limber up. Do a couple of stretchs. Bend up and down. Left to right. I stretch all muscle and joints. Finally I walk to the entrance of the cave. No signs of human activity. A blankness desert that reminds me of the time I landed here. A new start at finally getting the job done and completing the mission. Once outside the open sun. Its absent radiance is felt again. As its blinding my eyes from lack of light. The open desert is hotter. No man-made structures to shield the heat. In my utility pack. I have hydrate pills that keep me from dying of thrist. These pills will work for awhile. Until a water source can be found. Forgot the distance. On how truly far I travel from the explosion. I'm in unfamilar territory. Surrounded with other humans was alot more comfortable. To blend with the society and not attract attention. I knew those elements from talking with Hank. But the wilderness, especially Earth's natual environment, is something I didn't research well enough. While secluded in the cave. I forage what was available inside. Never walking too far from the cave, fearing for my safety. Now new courage has me adapting without the comforts of technology. Using old methods we've learned in the academy back home. In this human form. I must be extremely careful because of the fragile body. Must take each step with careful thought. Out in this lonely desert. There is nobody to help you. I could be two or three days from Alburquerque. Then again, I could be wrong? I might be stranded? Totally vanquish from civilization. Need to find the road which can lead me in the right direction. A new town or city away from the knowing faces that I've encounter. I take the map out from my pack. While walking down a small trail. I study the map. Its going to take some examination of the area to match the coordinates on the map. Have to find common landmark features to give me sense of where I'm at. I keep going north. Its the most logical direction.
To regain what I lost in the explosion. On my trek, to pretty much nowhere. I collect samples. Record my log. Update my journal. I take a few breaks. But still. It just keeps me busy. I also capture specimens on my journey. Pretty much I restarted the mission all over again. I decide to shut all the windows of incidents that took place a few years ago. So with the hot sun beating me into submission. I take a rest in a shaded corner. Hours of walking. With no particular location. It has overheated my body. I ingest a hydrate pill to regain lost fluids. Energize myself for another trek to nowhere. For now that is. With limit power source around. I keep the wristband indicator off. A resourceful use for an emergency tool. A compass obtain from the local store and pencil will suffice. So looking for a water and other resources. It will be an observation method only. Peering through the binoculars. I find nothing but dirt and cacti. I decide to set-up camp here. No more breaks. As I've became more tired than usual. Not having the endurance from years ago. Plenty of sun remains in the sky for now. I'll need firewood and materials when the temperture drops. So with the night hours away. I gather resources, littering the ground. I bring a stack of wood and branches up to the campsite. In the plain and useless desert. There is always something of value to use. I return back with more firewood. I dig a small pit for the fire that will burn later tonight. Building a fire deters predators from entering the camp. I'll probably stay up all night. Not getting a wink of sleep. Scared and confused. If leaving the cave was a good idea? What the hell is the plan? Should I return to the town? But alot of time has passed since I've been back. Also unsolve events still have to be answer for. So in a way I can't go back to a town. That brings up memories. Memories that could distract me from my mission again. Must keep a low profile in order to get off this world. A profile I should have had from the beginning. I made calculated decisions for the interest of research only. But some research was for my curiousity as well. I indulge in human pleasures that developed emotions and experiences. Experiences that open a new entry for our archives. Observations revealed new behavior that isn't exhibit in other civilizations. During my dark days in that cave. My mistakes always haunted me when falling asleep. Plenty has been learned about the errors in judgement that were made. I wasn't myself. Somehow the transformation was too much for my mind and body to handle. But I don't think a defect or flaw had developed during the transformation into human form. Either way my mind has return to me. Entering a identity that was filed away and the cabinet closed. Now night has arrived. Uprooted the sounds of the wild out from their homes. During the night. Some predators are more active. Looking for weak and timid prey. Prey that is tucked away. Asleep for tonite. Or even hunting down dinner that roams alone. At this point. I have no friends or comrade to assist me in any dangerous sitituation. My blaster was left in the explosion. So no weapon for protection. But I've retained some knowledge from the human's reading material. During the following morning. I'll construct a weapon. Digging into my primitive nature that has been avoided by most intelligent beings.
The wildlife tamed after a few hours. Retreating back into their homes before the morning sunrise. A wolf or two poked their heads into the light from the fire that burn. Never did they notice me huddled in the corner. Soon afterward. Silence forces it return. This makes falling asleep alot easier. I mostly absorb the collective viewings from the day. But tonight I'll dream of something new. I'll have a dream just like Hank. A paradise as he called it. With rest and energized for the new day. I slowly crack my eyes. I could of slept a little longer. But the shaded location is being blasted by the morning Sun. It forces movement. I head north once again. In the open desert the wildlife is vacant during the day. A buzzer or snake are the usual creatures I encounter most. Whlile roaming the desert. A metallic object reflects from the shining of the Sun. While picking it up. I notice its crudely curved. This could make for a good weapon. I look around the area some more. There is sturdy stick lying on the ground. Not natural in design. But must have been crafted or produced. Anyway this will do for a handle. Tying the ends together. I swing the primitive weapon. Just to make sure its secured. Other debris is scattered around from where the metallic object was found. Some examination of the materials reveals its from a human aircraft. But advance from other aircraft. Especially those I've seen in some reading material. On maps I look at earlier. The Rio Grande River should be around here. Not sure about the exact location. But can't be far. With no water stored. It could be hard to continue the journey. With a stroke of luck. I see the river in the distance. Can't be for certain if that is running water or a mirage? Sometimes the hot weather can play tricks with your eyes. I Might be an alien. But I also can fall victim to natures illusions as well. Even in my binoculars. This image is the same. I walk to the source of possible water. After a few paces from the source. It does turn out to be true. I've stumble onto H20. I take a drink from the flowing river. Kneel down like an animal. I drink as much as I can. A replenish of fluids from the miles trek that was evaporated from my body. I finish filling the canteens. Where I continue my journey to the to a new location. A location to rebuild my resources that were lost in the explosion. On the map. I head northeast, changing direction. Could take that trip into Utah and take a look at the Great Salt Lake. Passing through heading toward California like I talked about long ago. A quick route of the coordinates. It seems I need to head toward city of Sante Fe. In the city. I will gather up items of importance that could further my journey. With no money and attentions to stay long. I'll have to steal. As its the only way to obtain such items. From Santa Fe. I cross the Rio Grande reaching Los Alamos. Pass that city lies the Chaco Canyons. Mountain climbing will be tough in this fragile body. But will keep me concealed till I'll reach the Four Corners. A area that conjoins all four states. I'll continue the observations and research of this world. As I get away from the past memories of tragedy, death, and love. Which is fading from thought ever so fast. When I finally get away from this world. Maybe I'll be able to forget. But not totally forget all the memories. Just the ones I suppress. Those are the ones I feel most love and dire compassion for. As they were my only friends on Earth.
So many days walking in the desert sun. I resort to sleeping in the cold dry nights. A distance between me and the comforts of human life. After a few hours. I finally come up to a familar sight. Roads and signs become visible. Something I'm more accustomed to when I first arrived here. As I'm walking. I stay off the roads and more near the desert. At least until I reach the outskirts of the city. Don't want driver-bys to slow down and ask me a bunch of questions. Trying to keep a low profile. Get my resources and move on to the next location. No more do I want to blend in with human society. I think my research has uncover enough intel about these humans. I begin to tire from the journey's walk. I rest up against some solitary boulders. Because only these boulders inhabit this portion of the desert. While miles lay ahead of me. Open space with no end. A universal plain. I soon fall asleep. After several minutes I begin to dream. My dream reveals to me familar faces. These faces are my people. But just not any people. These individuals serve under me on numerous explorations. They became my brothers. All because of the dangers we encounter. Sticking together like a pack or family. My men didn't have any families or someone they cared about. Dedication to duty was their life. I myself did find that person to form a family. She died many years ago. A little after our son was born. Ofcourse. Because of my position. He was raised by the counsel and later the academy. It was my son's choice to follow in my footsteps. Exploring new worlds and learning more about the colossal universe we all inhabit. Instead of being a explorer. He joined the colonal army. Protection of our colonies and providing security for terra engineering projects. Since I rarely saw my son. This crew I speak of became the only family for me. In my command I always thought about my crew's safety. Never did I put my own goals ahead of their lives. Something came over me that time we arrive here. Especially before the explosion. I didn't want to abort the missions. My final report after my discharge always ran through my mind while stranded here. That completing the mission was a good way to end my career. Unfortuately I ended their careers and lives in the process. Yet these faces have been haunting me the past couple of days. When dreams like this reveal themselves to me. Something is lurking in reality. It could be a psychological link has open up? Someone from the past, communicating with me through my cortex. Like that voice that urged me to proceed on with the mission. To gain the strength on getting rescue and let my crew live on in memory. Dedicating this mission to them I will. Bring the necessary intel and report my findings. Tell them that my brothers did their job. With their lives. They went further than any other explorer would dare. They had a choice to remain with the fleet and pursue other endeavors. Knowing my crew. They all came aboard on this mission. Committing themselves to the same dangers I would face. These men would follow me into gamma ray burst. But during my time here. I do hear many voices. Hank sometimes speaks to me in my dreams. Or so I think? I do have visions of Mary. There is a voice that has haunted me from the start. Shortly after that connection with my son. It was strong. A feeling of happiness. One who I share conversations with that envolve us in the old times. He was my parther. But we grew into more than that. He became my friend. So now I start to wonder about these voices or voice? That maybe the navigator never died? I mean he was alive when those military personel took him away years ago. Still that can't be the case. After all this time how could he be alive? If this voice was the navigator. He would have tried to reach me. His wristband indicator was active when I last saw him. With enough pondering about the past. I start to feel a little hungry. A little money still remains in my pockets. So I stop near a gas station merged with a diner next to it.
I walk into the diner. Which reminds of a place I frequent many times. But there isn't anybody familar seated down. When entering. Only a handful of patrons turned around to find out who came in the door. I take a seat near the entrance. I pick up a menu to make my selection. As well as use it to shield my face from these strangers. In my pocket there is only ten dollars to spend. So my meal will be small and cheap. Not much in a hurry. My selections infront of me get careful examination. While looking at the menu. A waitress walks over. With fresh coffee pot in hand. "Want some coffee while you order". I push the cup. A sound is heard. Annoying to some degree and slight rudeness. She smacking gum in her mouth. It annoys me more when she speaks."You ready to order or need a couple of minutes". Barely unable to respond. Being isolated in the cave for three years. I mutter to her."Need a couple of minutes". Like before I put the menu up to my face."Well my name is Cybil. If your ready just call my name". She goes around the counter through the swinging double doors. Anxiety is causing some phobia type fears about being around these humans. Haven't had any contact. It brings confusion if I'm still in human form. Careful look at the menu. I think about having bacon and eggs like usual. But have decided to change the course. Tucking the menu behind the napkin despenser the waitress makes her way over."So have you decided what to eat?" She takes a notebook and pencil from her apron. I give her my order."Yes, can I have a steak. Cooked mid-rare. Also a baked potatoe". She writes down the order, ripping the paper from the notebook. She turns around, pivots one foot, walks behind the counter. She takes the paper. Tucks it underneath a small window. My head then faces out the glass. I peer outside. Watching the vehicles drive down the rode. My eyes slowly droop. After a few seconds I fall into a trance. While in this trance. I hear a vehicle driving. Its dark inside. But I can feel the bumps in the rode. I'm adjusting my eyes to the dark. Once my eyes are focus. I realize there is someone sedated in a gurney next to me. This dream finally reveals more details. It shows the face of the navigator. Were in the back of a truck, driving to a unknow location. I take a look at the navigator again. He looks the same as I saw him last. A jagged piece of metal is sticking out. Its being held steady with plasma. Next to the navigator lies sealed up leather bags. I can only assume those body bags are the pilots. As we arrive at the destination. Truck doors open and soldiers pull the navigator from the truck. They rush the navigator into a facility. Rusing him toward the back of the building where equipment and curtains are set-up. In quick motion the navigator is plop onto a steel table. Immediately he is hook up to tubes, devices, and wires. Many humans have gather around him. These humans are discussing topics relating to the navigator. Some is understood. But most of the conversation fades in and out. The navigator is kicking and screaming from the pain or just being put in restraints. A human dressed in hospital attire and mask enters the area. Only his eyes remain uncover. He begins breaking through the other humans surrounding the navigator. In his hand. There is a needle. A needle with a unknown substance. This is injected into the navigator's arm. Vice versa, fluids are taken from him and handed to another human. Measurements and cruel medical procedures have made the navigator very uncomfortable. I shout and demand they stop. My words are not heard. It seems my commotion as I witness these activities. Can't disrupt the human's probing inside the navigator's body. Now the navigator is sceaming with a intensity so great. That the windows would shatter if any. All of sudden. I wake up with my face planted on the glass window. Human reflection in the glass scares me pushing myself straight out of my seat. In that reflection the human is me. Calming myself down. I sit back in my seat, waiting for my meal. I think about this dream. It has a personal feeling. It was directly connected to me. This dream is trying to lead me in the a new direction. I think?
Cybil the waitress returns with my order."Your steak and baked potatoe. Would you like more coffee"? I raise the cup, indicating a refill. I begin to eat my meal. Which fills a void in my stomach. My fork and knife work ferociously on the steak. Making an irritating sound that could almost cause your eardrums to bleed. Laying the utensils on the plate. A lick of my fingers signals I'm done. I wipe my face. Then out from the corner of my eye. I realize patrons are staring in my direction. Frozen in time. Locked into their current positions. It has been quite awhile since I had a distant meal. Neglecting my ways of how a human should behave. Shortly after the silence. Conversations continue among the patrons. Without waiting for the check. I put the money down on the table and exit the diner. I continue to walk along the desert, keeping off the rode. I think about the navigator and his pain. Those cruel methods of medical madness, probing to investigate. But is it true. Was the dream something of reality or a figment of my imagination. If its something of real importance. That the events which had form into my thoughts. Could be a sign the navigator is alive. I mean we our Intelligent lifeforms. With shallow expressions. But we still have emotions. Could these humans really do that to us? Mixed results appear infront of me. Either this dream is forcing me away or leading me to the navigator. Still. I have to keep myself from random decisions which have cause enough problems already. So I'll continue on the originial plan. Heading toward Utah and exploring a new state. As I walk along the desert rode. That in this current situation. There is no actual plan. Right now I'm in the process of formulating one. Hours of walking. I finally make it to Sante Fe. Which is the oldest city in New Mexico. Thats what appears on the sign. A large number of Native American tribes resides in the state. I research books. Which had information relating to the indian population in the area. But my only priority is find useful technology and continue on with the mission. This mission once again is to get rescued. I don't want to die on this alien world and be a biology experiment for these humans. Entering the city. It has a structural difference than Alburquerque. Primitive Spanish- looking homes. But mixed with other cultures. Many civilizations had a contributing factor to the city's development. Mexican, Spanish, and Native American influences that have shaped the city. Santa Fe has also experience its share of wars. Ranging all the way from the late 1600s to the 1800s. Which has had a combination of governship. Why many cultures exist in the city's history. I make my way to the central plaza. There I see a information center. Could provide me the resources I need? Hopefully I can get the information desired. Only without the interruptions.
As I enter the building. There is only a handful of people which have occupied inside. Quick through the lobby. I make my way to a shelf containing books and small reading material. Just like in other material I've read. It tells a story of war and bloodshed. But also shows historical content about holy figures. When I was walking into the city there were statues and sculptures, depicting these characters. Most of the sculptures resemble wild animals that populate the planet. Either all humans, or just the ones in this city, have a love for animals. Lately the city has been trying to generate a economy based on the incomes of these drifters. It seems when the construction of the railroad system began. It was a factor in the decrease of population. People just got up and move on to new locations. Now history and art have rejuvenated the culture. Its sad to say. I can't stay here long. My objective is to find technology and build a transmission device. With loose change in my pocket. I purchase a newspaper. What has happened since my time of seclusion? Flipping through the paper. I notice these humans have finally made attempts to leave the comforts of Earth and explore the darkness of space. Its an update on the subject. About three years ago the Russians launch a phobe into the orbit of Earth. Now the Americans have made rockets. A mission is in the works. A rocket will carry a small crew to the Moon. On the next page. It reads that the United States is gearing for another war. Its making me sick. As I read about more human lives wasted for a useless conflict. I turn the page again. Its about a possible murder. That the murder happen three years ago and the police have had new leads in the case. It seem that the inevitable incident that happen at the tower has haunted me again. My name has been describe as a person of interest. That the town has reported me missing. They think there is a connection between the murder and my sudden disappearance. Also my house that exploded was somehow linked to me. More reason not to stick around any longer. Especially with my face and name being blasted in the papers. These two cities are within considerable driving distance. I'm sure the authorities have expanded their search area. So gathering the supplies I need. Is my only cause for being here. Grab and go without being notice. Leave this town without making a peep. Now as walk outside from information center. A car screeches infront of me. This car was close to hitting my legs. I back up from the car. A man with a badge comes out of the vehicle. He is a law enforcement officer. Judging by his clothing and weapon attached to his side. The officer comes around the passenger side and approaches me."Got word from the diner. A odd fellow who came in and ate without waiting for his check". This man is proud of his job. How his stance means serious business. I remain calm as he speaks again."Now most drifters in the city are here for the art and mining purposes. Yer don't look like an artist and I see no mining equipment". I respond with little words."Just passing through". He gapes at my eyes. Almost ripping them apart, trying to get a hint of my character."Well I'll be watching you. My advice is to find what your looking for and move on". Once again I respond with few words."I understand officer". He tips his hat and returns to his vehicle. Carefully watching me as he cruises around the street. That encounter is good indication to continue my trek to the next location. I don't think the officer suspects anything out of the ordinary. But can tell its not going to be the last encounter.
Take the advice of the officer. Keep rolling along like a tumbleweed in the wind. I must avoid another interaction. He might already be trying to pick up more details about me. Just lucky he didn't ask me for my name. I would have hesitated in a effort to fabicate a false one. With the Sun retreating behind the background. It be a wise decision to sleep here in the city. Following morning. I'll depart to the new location after stocking up on supplies. First I need to find a suitable location that can conceal me. Not much money for a room. Its better decision to stay outside. I don't want to leave a paper trail. Enought things have already tied and tainted the name of Hank's son. So for the time being. A dark corner under a staircase will hide and protect me until morning. I have a tendency to look up in the night sky when something is bothering my mind. I peer into every star in hopes to find the answers that avoid me. In some cases. I imagine when looking at the darkness of space. A passing ship would appear. A ship from my homeworld. Here to take me back to a place that I've almost forgotten. I'll be glad to return. Being around people I've forgot and cared about in the past. Remembering those places which have fallen from memory. But thats only my imagination. My people know protocol. To send a rescue mission without any status I'm alive would be useless. Funny as it sounds. I don't blame them for not even trying. During the planning phase the higher commands wanted another ship to accompany us on the voyage. Remaining in the outskirts of the system for a emergency rescue if needed. I told my superiors not to bother. That the crew and I would have no problems. I mean this exploration to another distant planet could be no different then other missions. A secondary ship would be more people to command and more lives to govern over. I had confidence in my crew. That we alone could get the mission accomplish. My crew believe in me. They wanted to make history. I wanted to make history for myself. One more thrill for my last exploration. As morbid as it might be. I think my crew was glad they died. Died knowing I was there along with them. But the navigator was alive when taken away by the military. My instincts tell me I should investigate what happen to him. Maybe he didn't die? Some impossible chance. He might still return with me. But where is the navigator being held? Once again. Being human has cast feelings in my mind. Compassion for others has me veering off my path. Doesn't matter. Must make amends with those that I have wrong. Its my fault. Only I can correct the situation. I'm sure when I fall asleep all will be gone. Mistakes which have kept me here for all this time.
My eyes open. I realize that I'm not under the staircase. I'm in a cargo bay with sealed-up body bags. Navigator strapped to a gurney beside me. It feels like the same dream. Movement is felt. So I'm not stationary. A sense of turbulence. Finally its clear. I'm on a plane heading to somewhere. Tires streak on the runway. We come to a hault after a few minutes. Cargo bay door opens up. Military soldiers pour in. They grab the navigator and the bodies. Taking them to a half-circle facility opposite direction. Used to store planes and other large objects. Above the facility is marked "Hangar 18", words that burn right into my mind. Like before, the navigator is wired and probed by the medical personel. So tired from the transport. He doesn't even put up a fight. Besides his prior injuries, the crude examination from these humans add to his misery. They try to communicate with him. Flashing light in his eyes, checking for responses. He watches the humans cut open the pilots, extracting organs and tissue samples. Hard to believe I'm dreaming and able to witness these events. I can experience the past. But I'm unable to interact with those involve. Watching my friend go through these horrible treatments. It makes me sick to my stomach. My feet feel like there cemented to the ground. An illusion which is preventing me from saving the navigator. While watching all this activity. A group of men dress in suits and wearing dark glasses appear out of nowhere. With arms crossed, they whisper and discuss something that is hard to make out. Deameanor and character suggest these are the men in charge. They order and dictate the medical personel, directing them on the procedures. Some of these figures dressed in suits get close to the navigator. In harsh, almost unaudible tone. They demand the navigator respond to their questions. Being uneducated in the human's language he probably hears nothing but gibberish. The navigator looks confused. He speaks in a language I haven't spoken in years since arriving here. I'm unable to understand the navigator. Soon the men in suits power on a fixture above my friend. A bright light beams onto the navigator's face. Once again they demand he answer their questions. Questions include his name, home planet, and purpose for being here. They continue the interrogation. But their voices start to dim ever lower and lower. I hear my friend speak. I don't know if to the men in suits or me. So I listen hard on the words spoken. Soon he turns his head toward where I'm facing. The navigator speaks a phase over and over again. I understand what the navigator is saying."Auttaa Minua, Auttaa Minua". Now these humans become very aggravated. But I'm invisible to them. So even louder than before they demand a answer. But the navigator just keeps repeating the same words. Totally ignoring the men in suits. He keeps his eyes right on my."Auttaa Minua! Auttaa Minua"! With no progress. These men leave the room. They let the medical personel continue their examination. After finishing up the examination. My friend is moved through an exit door. Before he is gone from view, the navigator droops his head over the gurney. Speaking those words to me once again. Doors close. He is finally gone. Now the dream fades away and the room turns black. Only a fraction of light from above remains focus on me. As I try to figure out the question. What could those words mean?
A slight poke on my arm wakes me up from my sleep. Then a voice that sounds roughly familar follows next."I told you boy to move on out of town". Its the officer from yesterday. I explain myself."I'm sorry for not taking your advice. But was little timid to walk in the dark. I was waiting for first light". The officer in charge has a disgrunted look on his face."Usually when someone goes against my orders. I don't tread too lightly". Now some uncertainty rises within. Is the officer going to get into personal questions that I can't answer? I wait for his verdict."Well to avoid paperwork and ruining your day. I'll give you another chance. Take my advice. I don't want to see you again in this town". He enters his vehicle. Gawking me down as he turns the corner. No use of sticking around. Even with the need for supplies. I have a better shot of moving to a new location for supplies and avoid being a suspect. So I gather myself for the long trek to the next destination. Physically I'm not up for the long walk. But not much of a choice. While I'm walking. Its still lingering in my mind about those words spoken by the navigator. Its hard to distinguish from my dreams and reality. I hear a faint voice from inside. Its that voice that monivated me to leave the cave. I still have no indication were the voice is leading me? Is it even leading me at all becomes the actual question? Could I just be dillusional and totally out of mind? I know being human has had some effect on my mental state. Irrational judgements and fatal errors have made numerous uncomfortable situations. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me? That voice in my head could just be mine. I'm becoming infuriated in trying to figure out this puzzle. A puzzle with an answer. Yet leaves alot more questions. So difficult to know the truth. But as I think about this. What else do I have to lose. My life, career, and reputation is already gone. All of sudden the voice speaks."Auttaa Minua, Auttaa Minua". I yell on the inside. "What do you want from me! Please give me an answer"! The voice mellows out. I silence all thought. Waiting for the voice to return. But I hear nothing and keep on treking. As I'm walking. I repeat the words in my head. Playing over and over like a recording on a record player. I try to put the words together toward my mental dictionary. Knocks me over like a wrecking ball. These words that have plague me, pounding on my mind have finally revealed the answer."Help Me, Help Me". Its true. He is reaching out to me. Either in a past time or the present. He needs my help. Is the navigator trying to assist me? Is he dead and leaving a trail of bread crumbs? A metaphor for clues leading to his whereabouts. But maybe if I find the navigator. It could lead me to the equipment that was stolen from the ship. Its also possible that the equipment is working. Only problem is how can I find this secretive location? If I think hard enough it might be visible in my dreams. It sounds crazy. But I'll try to communicate with the navigator."If your alive. Please give me a sign. A little more help would be appreciated my friend. Needing light in this dark corrider I'm trapped in". In the direction of the town I just left. Sirens are roaring down the road. That officer finally wised up and put my face together with the story in the newspaper. No other alternative. But to hide like usual. So I duck behind some foliage. At least until its safe to come out. While hiding in the foliage. I think to myself. Realizing my friend and that mysterious voice are the same. Since the navigator was hauled away all those years ago. He never left my command. Doing his job in leading me to him. Navigating a safe passage.
Chapter 10
"Finding the Truth"
Walking for about an hour. I still hear the sirens in the next town. At this time the threat is gone but its not over. I'll stay clear from the roads. Might be smart to avoid the public as well. Especially with the cops on my trail. Lately a strong feeling from within has me hypotized. This propels me to find the answers to these visions in my dream. I'm thinking if I continue on my journey. More clues will start to get unravel. It seems the more I keep dreaming about the navigator. His story reveals more. But I can't keep waiting for the same dream to occur everytime I fall asleep. Must be a way to locate physical evidence from that night. I might just come up empty on any evidence? But I'll keep trying to find my friend. If he is still out there? If he is still alive? If I do Locate the equipment taken from the ship. In the command module there was a emergency beacon. This beacon acts as a flare if the comm systems failed. But at this distance. Its hard to tell if there is enough power to make it that far. It was only constructed for short range missions. I'm sure if I find the navigator. Anything that still remains of the ship. Is probably stored in the same location. Its the only chance I have to get off this rock for good. Any longer here. I'll be another part of human history. Yet nobody back on my homeworld will even know about my existence here on Earth. Even the humans have no idea that an alien walks amongst them. Should I just turn myself into the proper authorities? Giving them intel about my people and purpose of being here. They could help me in my efforts to get rescue? But the dreams deter me otherwise. These people who have my friend. Don't have the patience to listen to my story. They'll imprison me or perform crude methods of examination once I turn myself in. There is a chance when I do find the navigator. These hostile figures will be there. As I'm walking away from the town. Ideas in my mind begin to fade in and out. Still I can't tell if its myself or the navigator giving me such ideas. But something from within is whispering to me. The tranquil voice I can't make out. Is it the navigator? Pulling me from my present course. Or invisible force, guiding me to turn around. Head to a new direction and find the anwsers. Uncover the solution to my problems. Now this new dictation that hovers over me. Is somehow trying to unveil the truth. Its becoming my only way of getting back to the homeworld. I was a alien who got transform into a human. Losing all touch with myself and true purpose. But lately I'm becoming the commander that had vanished so long ago. I'm focus. Using my knowledge to piece together the story about my friend. In my heart. A connection of pain has grown inside. It has strengthen from whatever journey it took to reach me. Yet during my time here. His pain wasn't felt earlier. He could be dead and disposed? But mysteriously his energy still remains. It wonders in the darkness toward the light. His energy must have been secluded? Just like me. Only it had waited for me. Soon my mind or this voice reminds me. About my wristband indicator. I wanted to save the power for an emergency. I guess this is an emergency? A thought has occur to me. I could be within range to receive a signal from his wristband indicator. I activate my the device sending out a transmission. I hope this works?
Roughly an hour clicks by. As a little wind picks up along the desert landscape. A small storm in the distance has formed. Some sand and loose leaf material begin flying around my body and face. (Beep) A faint signal beams back to my indicator. It picked up a trace signature of the navigator's wristband indicator. Little intel on actual location. Just a new direction and different objective. Find out the mystery that haunts my dreams? Instead of going to Utah. I'll be heading toward Arizona. It will be miles before I can make another attempt at using the indicator. With no power supply to recharge. I must ration its use. I'm surprise that the navigator's device has still retain power? To save me time. I could hitch to Arizona. A place called Phoenix. I will send another signal when I arrive. Really need to vacate the whole state of New Mexico. I've stirred up quite a reputation since arriving here. But not all my experiences were bad. I found friendship through Hank. Yet brief and short it was. I learned more about humans. Also I've had a sexual encounter. Which felt strange. Its better I keep that in my own personal inquiries. Besides the sexual part. I also took in information about their social structure and daily duties. How it keeps their society functional. In literature and other reading material. It contained alot of chaos. But more interactions with people. I have a different outlook. That within the small and barely unseen. There is order. Only when you look from outside is there chaos and destruction. Meaning not all humans have the same points of view. Most are trying to live for a better tommorow. Why others have more negative purpose on the world. For complete order and control. They have to unite as one nation toward one goal. With all that I have experience. One thing that is so vital and important to the human nature. Is love. Love is more than friendship and sex. Its about a deep connection that only those two in love can explain. Its even consider to be complicated and hard to accomplish. In my world. Emotions play no importance in the balance of our society. Only to explore, expand, and expire when the moment comes. In the horizon. All light is falling. Time for me to seek cover for the night. With not much shelter around. I guess the baron ground will do. I'll construct a pit and create a fire for security. Recently the dreams haven't been a nuisance. Actually I encourage those visions. It will only help my objective. Find the navigator and locate any equipment that survive the crash. But being in the open has me wary to fall asleep. Especially with the police and wild animals that are roaming around. I have regret lately. Even on this world. A name is very important. I've disappointed my late friend Hank. Tainting his son's name. Using it as a cover to disguise my true identity. With the wind getting stronger. I use the leather jacket as a blanket. I visualized and remember. That day I purchase this jacket. I remember Mary told it made me look handsome when I wore it. Mary is a name that lifts me into a new state of wellness. Soon tired eyes give in and shut for the night.
Another morning sunrise has awaken me for the start of a new day. But just not any ordinary day. An attempt to find once and for all the truth behind these visions of a familar face. A friend who sacriface himself for sake of all back home. If I had refuse to go on the mission. He would have hesitated to proceed. Only his pride would press him forward to go on the mission without me. But when I agreed to the mission. Even though it being my last. It made him more encourage to accompany me to Earth. Since storm is picking up. I better find the road. This gives me the chance to catch a trucker driving on the empty road. It could save me time treking all those miles and evade the storm. My plan is to follow the signal that has been intregated into my wristband indicator. When I get to the checkpoint. I'll transmit another transmission to find out the exact location. Soon lights are beaming on me as I'm walking down the rode. I wave my hands. standing in the path of the incoming truck. It slows down a few feet from my position. I go around to the passenger side to ask for a ride."Excuse me. Would it be possible you can take me as close to the New Mexico border? Trying to reach Arizona". He looks at me hard. Burning a blaze of sight. He tries to penetrate the cloak that covers me."I guess that is possible. I'm heading toward Jemez Springs. Its as close I can get ya". On the map. This location is relatively near the border. I can walk the rest of the way. I give him my answer."That will do fine". I hop into the seat. We begin to move. While were driving. I take a quick look at this man. Soon I'm unable to gulp my breathe. Before I enter. It was darker inside. Only heard a voice inside the vehicle. With a little focus from the passing light poles. I get a more detail of this character. The trucker is broad shoulder and has crooked hands. He has a scar, running horizontally across his face. On the side facing me. I make out a lifeless white eye. Color gone from the incident that disfigure him. With police probably not far behind. This anonymous man is my only assistance. We drive miles on the road. Never do I spot any other vehicles. A couple of occassions. I took a peeked at the trucker. I'm sure he noticed I was looking at him. But kept focus on the road. After awhile he gets tired of the silence and speaks."You mind if I turn on the radio. Keeps me awake on the long deliveries". I"m surprised of his appearance. How the soft spoken, polite voice, asked me for my permission."Well, it is your truck. So I don't mind at all". He turns the knob, tuning into a radio station. Over the radio. I hear the sounds of Elvis Presley. A distinguished figure in the music business. He has sold thousand of records. At least thats what I read. With the tunes playing. A mood changes. This trip doesn't seem that strange anymore. I'm sure behind that hideous scar. There lies a gentle individual. A man like any other man that I've encounter. Doing his job, supporting a family back home. His thoughts remain locked to the open road. I watch the Sun slowly rise from behind the mountains. A sight that I've now witness hundreds of time. But there is sure beauty of watching it on another planet. Exactly the importance of watching the Earth's sunrise. It blossums the entire ecosystems that inhabit the planet's surface. Painting color on an absent canvass. The sunrise is beautiful, compared to the sunset. Rising of the sun brings life. I'm so anxious to report my findings back to my superiors. A open-dream that tugs on my cortex. Ofcourse only my internal thoughts contain the information. All my logs and journals were vaporized in the explosion. After driving for few hours. He makes brief stops for delivery. Soon he pulls to the side of the road. Shutting off the engine. His soft spoken voice speaks again."Hey I'm going to get a little sleep before moving on". I can't help staring at the man. But I'm more calm around him from before. I reply. "I'll sleep to that. Wake me when we start driving again". I nestle into the corner of the door. I try to get comfortable as possible. Maybe by tommorow will be close to Jemez Springs? Really wish I wake up in my quarters. On a ship heading home.
That voice from within awakes me. Soft tone, hardly able to hear the words. I notice I'm no longer in the delivery truck. No sign of roads or the disfigured man. Just a dark empty space with a small fraction of light shining above me. I pause for a moment. I try to focus through the dark infront of me. Now I hear footsteps coming forth toward the light. I stand, prepared if confrontation develops. Balling my fist. I wait for something to launch at me. As it gets closer to the light. I can make out a figure in the dark. I relax as the figure turns out to be my friend. He looks calm. In no pain at all. In prior dreams the navigator was being restrained and tortured. Going under a rigorous crude examination. Now he towers over me. Like a great statue of our time. He gestures for me to follow him. We are side by side. He then excorts me into the dark empty space. Moments later. I wake up. But I have to still be dreaming? Still no truck. Where is the disfigured trucker? I close my eyes. But I'm still here. Where that is. I don't know? I'm scared now. So I try to move. But I can't. Its dark. But I soon realize I'm buckled down on an examination table. I can't see it. Yet I think a small incension has been made on the right side of my chest. Now lights turn on from above. I look down at my chest. Right about the incension. In my restrain position. Curtains surround me. Its also cold and smells like decay. Hard to describe. It can be a number of things? Either being an old building or actually something must have died here. A small odor of bleach or disinfectant is fuming from the floor. Dried blood still accumulates on portions of the ground. Staining a memory. Evidence from a prior event. Pieces of bloody tissue scatter around my gurney. A feeling that something or someone was operated on. Maybe the navigator? I'm aware of how the dream feels like reality. My hands still look human. Matter of fact. I still feel human. Then I sense it. I hear someone coming up to the closed- curtain. I see a slight shadow forming behind them. A hand pushes through the curtain. This figure. I presume is a man. Enters standing at the edge of the table. He is dressed is surgical attire. A ugly green color drapes to his ankles. A mask covers only his mouth, revealing nothing but eyes. Gloves cover his hands. Maybe to protect him from me? He moves around the table. Then he inches closer and closer. Off to the side is a another table but smaller. A cloth is dressed over a tray. Probably hiding primitive medical instrutments. Like predicted. This man pulls the cloth revealing medical tools. I hate when my alien instincts come into effect. He grabs a blunt object. Which resembles a small hammer. He taps the hard bone joints of my legs and arms. He then pulls out a tape measure. With this he gets a accurate measure on my height. During this examination. He carefully writes all his findings into a book. He takes out a sharp curved hook. Which is attached to a thin metal handle. He begins to poke around my teeth. Causing slight discomfort. I tighten up in the table a few times when he hit a sensitive part of my teeth. He turns around to the small table. After some delay. He finally holds up a small surgical knife. A alacritous of fear fills my body. He approaches me. All I see is eyes. As he moves around the table. At no point does he look away. I even plead with him. "Please let me go". But I'm unable to talk any logical responses. A movie with no audio. As I'm part of silent film. Were the audience has no verbal output to describe them my fear. This masked doctor. Even though he is human. Has a terrifying feeling about him. That he isn't here to cure one's illness. Now he rest the sharp edge of the knife along my finger. He is careful with the knife. He only scapes off a little skin tissue from my finger. From there the skin is place into a glass tube. He plucks a sample of my hair off my head. "Ouch" Wow I actually felt that. With the hair. He alsos places in a tube. The good doctor leaves, pushing through the curtain. Once he is gone. I begin to loosen the restraints. There I break free with no problem. A little trick I learn from the magician. As I'm about to find an exit from this place. Out of nowhere these men in suits burst through the curtains. They quickly pull a hood over my head. They take me from the table. I scream for anyone. But nothing comes out.
"Wake up, wake up". A soft spoken voice talks to me. Followed by a lite shoving of my shoulders. Its the trucker. Alerting me that the police have set-up a roadblock."Seems der checking the vehicles up the road. If you got something to hide fella. I suggest you leave or sit tight". He takes out his identification card from his wallet. Everything I practically owned was in the house that exploded. So if I stay. Especially without identification. I'm going to jail for sure. We get closer to the police. As decisions in my mind urge me to make a choice. With no way out of this situation. I grab onto the door handle. Ready to leave the truck and continue the rest of the journey on foot. I sit and wait for the right moment to vacate. Only when the officers are searching the cars infront us. Is when I burst from the passenger side door. I count in my head. "1,2,3..." I run into the open desert. No idea where I'm going. Besides the police. There is the morning Sun. Its still tuck away below the horizon. It acts as a lighthouse. With me as the ship. This light will guide me to safety. I can't believe the driver allowed me to sleep all day. How long have we've been driving? Is this Jemez Springs? As I'm running. I don't see any indication that they heard me exit the vehicle. No sirens or officers in pursuit of me. I'm safe from any danger. Once again my identity stays a secret. Deeply locked within this human shell that has became my shelter for past ten years. My emotions are sinking low. It has burden me with heavy mental weakness.That when I think the story is about to conclude. Something steps infront of me to hault my progress. But I won't let this halt all the progress I've made. It will only make my efforts more bold in finding the truth about my friend. I slow down a little. Knowing that I'm out of distance from the police. I trot about thirty yards. My hands placed to my sides. Soon I just start walking. I take complete circle around my environment. Its too dark. So I continue to follow the sunrise. But as I'm walking in the desert. There is a feeling something is following me. Sirens begin to wail. The trucker never closed the door. Which could of alert the police. I look behind me with nothing in sight. Exhausted from the separation. I put myself between the officers. Again I get the feeling. I turn around. Nothing at first. Until its too late. Its right ontop of me. Clawing my arms, biting my hands. I'm protecting my face from this mysterious creature. All I know about this animal. Is that its fleecy and black. With little light outside. Its hard to make out what is trying to kill me...or eat me. We begin to roll around the dry desert ground. It feels like sandpaper rubbing against my clothes. Once again this dark creature regains the advantage. Snarling and opening its mouth in attempts to bite my face off. Only thing revealing about the creature. Is the color and contrast of its teeth. This "it" is really a jaguar. Just like the same creature Hank shot. I'm sure of it. Teeth stained from the remaining prey left behind. A mouth with a fetid smell. After some struggle. I start to get the upper hand. With its front legs in my grasp. I take my feet and press them against its chest. Now I have some leverage. With my legs cocked back. I fling the creature off me. Quickly rising to my feet in the process. In the mild darkness. There is no sign of the jag. So I head to anywhere but here. While running I keep looking for the jaguar. That same beast which almost killed me. An impossible irony of revenge for Hank killing his fallen relation? In the action of running and peering behind me. I trip over my own feet. I hit my head hard on a rock. Which was buried deep. But exposed in the desert floor. Complete blackness develops. Followed by a cannonade of past and current events. This will be the deepest sleep I've experienced. Until I wake up from this current episode. I'll realize that this very incident will lead me to the truth.
Chapter 11
"The Truth Discovered"
They say when you wake up. You remember only about five minutes of an actual dream. Usually its the end of the dream that you can recall the most. In my case. I've been asleep for awhile. But now I can finally open my eyes. Its blur and cloudy. The bright white light above. Makes it difficult to recognize my surroundings. Looking around. I know that I'm in a room. How did I get here? I have no recollection of being in a building? Negative memory of what happen in the first place. A little headache has developed in my mind. Intense damage to my cortex has made things fuzzy. Soon other senses arise. My sense of smell is picking up traces of rubbing alcohol and other cleaning chemicals. Very familar odors? Noises are heard from outside the room. But my hearing is out of tune. A mixed of footsteps and commotion getting lounder and fainter. I try to rub my eyes to regain focus. My arm feels heavy and weak. Matter of fact my whole body has lost most of its motor function. I think about moving my arms, legs, and even trying to speak. No reaction to my mental commands. After a few minutes there. Is when I feel the slight movements in my fingers and toes. Panic and fear fog over me. How much time has passed? The police might have been tipped off? Still I can't move from the bed. I calm down and relax to regain complete mental focus. Since that is all I can do. Closing my eyes. I consentrate to remember what was lost. But everything is scramble. I hear sirens and people talking. But nothing else. I'm unable to piece together this broken memory. As I investigate my surroundings. A man enters, wearing a long white coat. I close my eyes and cracked them. Just to keep a watch on this man. In the top right pocket he has a pen and some other unknown instruments. At the end of my feet the man grabs a clipboard attach to the bedframe. With the whole image of the man out of focus. I never saw the other figures enter behind him. Because my eyes are closed. I only see there black clothing.They seem to be discussing my injuries. It comes to attention. I could be in a hospital. Soon my senses begin returning to normal. I keep my half-shut eyes locked onto the people infront of me. After twenty minutes or so. The doctor and unknown figures leave the room. With doors shut. I open my eyes fully.
With the sense that the men are gone. I again continue to examine the room. Machines with flickering lights stand to my right. They are making beeping sounds. On my left is a liquid-filled bag with two tubes hanging below. Tubes run from the bag down to my right wrist. Needle- like projections have been injected into my veins. With no idea about the consequences of taking them out. I leave the foreign tubes into my wrist. With deep, relax thought process. I command my arms to move across my chest. Soon my arms strecth. Using the muscles that have been dormant. Crack of the joints that have been locked up from no movement. Slowly but surely. I get up in a sitted position. Using my arms. I move my limp legs over the side of the bed. Mustering up the strength to force myself upright. I almost fall over. But my muscles in my legs tighten up. Equilibrium regains stability. I balance the weight in my legs. With my legs over the side of the bed. I roll my neck to release any kinks that have built-up. Hardly no strength left in my legs. As move like an old human to the window. Out the window I see streets, houses, and long roads with passing vehicles in the distance. It looks so alien and mysterious. I think hard to unearth any memories of these images. With a lifeless face. I seek answers from the horizon. I snap out of it. Still baffled about how I got here. Walking to the bathroom is a pain staken effort. It takes me almost ten minutes to reach the door. A mere distance of about ten yards. I enter the bathroom. Which I take a moment to catch my breathe. Almost drain all my energy just walking one end to the other. Eyes deep into the mirror. I move and touch my sweaty face. A gliche in my cortex electrifies a inner pulse through my body. Memories of my people and these humans flash in my eyes. Now everything is returning to me. I remember all that was forgotten to me in that brief moment. I must have suffer a severe trama to my brain? Feeling the back of my head is a scar. Not very long. But runs wide and narrow. These human doctors did a good job on my injuries. I can't remember everything. I was looking for something or someone? I have no idea what had lured me near here? My mind is still working on some bits to the puzzle. I'm sure all will be fine and all will be remember. Type of injury to the brain can cause some memory lost. In this weaken state. It be wise for me to remain in bed. Falling back asleep. So not alarm the medical staff. They could think I'm still in a coma-like state?
With nothing to do. I look up at the ceiling. I wonder how long I've been in a coma? Is it even safe to stick around this hospital. Possible the police already have been contacted. But I can't leave in this condition. I don't have the strength to even make it to the bathroom. So I lay here with the power of my mind trapped in the body of a fragile and battered human. Weak and helpless. I still have this human resemblance. Which gives me the advantage. I doubt these medical professionals have the slightest idea of my true identity. Still the police are a factor to deal with. They could be coming or already have been here? So far nobody knows that I've awaken from my deep sleep. In my head I formulate a plan to get out of here. Without being notice would be nice. I think about the possible escape routes to take. Going out the window is a good plan. But not a great one. I don't think my body can take anymore damage which it has already has suffered. Going out the way I came in. Seems to be a better solution. Need to exit this room. Being calmed and relax. I'll make myself immune to their physical presence around me. Blend in with the crowd and have them escort me from this building. I take a slow walk toward the door. With a weak grip on the door knob. I open it. What was fuzzing commotion has turned up a volume of clarity. But the staff just keeps to their duties. At the end of the hallway. A police officer is posted down the hall. He is sitting in a chair. Down the other end shows only a window. With no logical escape. I have to be mentally invisible to make a clean get away. Only one way out now. Have to slip by the guard. Need to be quick and silent. I wait for a congestion of people to fill the hall. Picking a perfect moment. I hop into a crowd of nurses and doctors. Soon this crowd of people. Move pass the sights of the guard. He seems not to pay much attention to the people moving infront of him. Now I'm clear of view from the guard. As I walk to the direction of the stairs. With the bright fluoresent lighting shining on me. I can't focus on the signs hanging above the corridor. Being half-blinded. I somehow make it to the door. Which leads to the stairs. Down to the lobby. I take my time and avoid more injury. Carefully I place one foot at a on the step. With a grip of the staircase handrail for support. To speed up my escape. I grip the handrail with two hands. Picking up pace. I count down the floors. "9, 8, 7,....." I stop on floor five. Need to take a rest. Soon after a few minutes. I hear a door above me open. Over the rail. A head pops over."Hey you! Stop right there!" The officer I passed by earlier hollers. Soon I see him run down the stairs. With the break cut short. I make my way down the next floor. Going faster with each step. I'm going so fast. I forget to place my feet and tumble down. I cradle myself. With each tumble I protect my head. After two floors. I finally stop, hitting the wall. A impact with such force that the whole hospital could feel it. Pain runs across my body. I'm immediately dazed, trying to regain direction. Somehow I become shallow toward the pain. If I remain here. I'm done for. Soon I hear a voice. Nothing from the outside. But that sounds familar. It speaks within."Keep moving. Don't stop". This voice repeats the same words. It keeps going on inside of my mind. Like a group of nats that fly overhead. You swing and ignore them. Yet they never go away. To stop this voice. It will require from me to obey what it ask. So obey I shall. My life may depend on it?
I'm slow to get up and my vision is that of a intoxicated human. I should know. I've experience that condition before. My legs tremble from the pain in my back. Now the officer has time to catch up to me. I run to the next floor. Almost jumping steps to create distance between us. But I'm in such pain the pace begins to slow. At one moment the officer almost grabs onto my hospital gown. His grip slips. I'm able to break free from capture. I'm still banged up from crashing into the wall. So he isn't too far from me. The officer reaches for my arm this time. I turn around with a closed fist and take a shot at the officer. Barely connecting with the officer's face. In the act of punching him. I take a bad step backwards, falling over. To avoid another tumble. I grab the officers shirt. Now both begin to tumble down the stair. I try to use the officer in breaking my fall. Now we reach the end of the stairs. Near the door toward the lobby. Somehow during the fall. We never got really hurt. Just some bumps and cuts. But while on the ground. I was able to take the officer's baton. From there I press it up against his throat. Only slightly enough to pass him out. With the officer subdue. I take his pistol. For a minute. I make sure nobody else is coming. With the area secured. I walk out the door. When opening the door. I see there is a small crowd of doctors forming a circle. They are talking and laughing amongst each other. Near some glass doors. Is a desk housing a security officer. He is seated facing the entrance. I hop into a nearby wheelchair and in hopes of just rolling out the door with no altercation. With little noise. I roll the wheelchair right pass the guard. I look only at my escape. Even when the guard questions me."Are you going outside with the wheelchair? Hospital policy states no wheelchairs outside of the hospital". Before I can get to the door. A police car pulls up front. Lights flashing and sirens roaring. I roll the wheels of the chair backwards. As I turn the wheels of the chair around. I'm surrounded by several officers. That officer I put into submission earlier. Speaks from behind me."Alright buddy. Take it easy and put the weapon on the ground". With the gun between my legs. I carefully push it off the seat. There I place my hands behind my head. I know fighting them is a foolish idea. I'm way too weak to fight these officers. So without resistance. I let them take me in. He places cuffs around my wrist. Small amount of hatred have developed in his eyes. A anger toward me. That if it wasn't for outside forces. He most likely would kill me. I guess no person ever gets the best of him? It was overshadowed before. I'm becoming myself again. Slowly, but in time. I will push these human emotions aside. These primitive feelings that have long expired in my people. I now know these emotions can block you from other pressing issues. One of many reasons that have kept me stuck here. All pain, pity emotion, and strong hearted feelings for these humans. Will have to vanish. I'm focus only on getting off of this world and returning to my people. Especially since I feel so close to the conclusion. A final ending to an hellish start.
I'm taken back to my room. But this time with the door locked and guards posted outside. Unfortuatly the situation has become elevated and heated. A very high temper of unbelievability ignites inside of me. How come I always find myself in these kind of situations? At least with Hank. Any thought of danger never presented itself much to me. I begin to miss my Earth-friend. Enjoying the times in knowing the positive side of the human race. Now I've experience the lunacy of these intelligent beings. Their wars, conflicts, and social problems that plague them all around. They don't have a clue on the ramifications that await them in the future. Especially if certain issues don't get fixed right now. But enough of this talk. I'm trapped, hungry, and have no idea where this place is. Judging by the police outside and around the building. My identity must have been uncover. Could of explain the guard outside earlier? Still there is a lapse of time that I can't remember. How did they find me? How long have I been in a coma? It seems these past events that have accumulated over time. Have finally caught up to me. The death of Hank, a murder, and the explosion of my house. Those events alone could give them details on my true identity. Hopefully nobody from the night of the crash have been informed. Men in camo uniforms that stole my ship and took my crew. I fear them the most. Some have appeared in my dreams. Which create an array of nightmares. In those dreams the navigator warned me about these men in black suits. That if I encounter these men. That I will also suffer the same faint as him. Even though I have little information of what actually happen to the navigator? In my present situation. I have to count on this human disguise to shield me from these men. But I'm curious if these men in black suits are the same from my dream? This could all be an illusion. Which is causing me to panic. But why panic? I've encounter deadly creatures from other worlds. Save certain races from annihilation. Even form truce and alliances with other civilizations. But with the possibility of never returning home. It paints the current expression on my face. I now hate the fact of waiting on a certain moment. A moment when I find the truth. Years ago when I arrived here. Getting rescue didn't bother me much. With all that is happening now. I can't wait to get off this planet. So difficult to find a human being of higher statue. Someone who has a reasonable mind of thought. Just maybe I might finally encounter such a human? One who will hear my story.
I wake up from hours of waiting. No human ever enter the room. My headache from my injury has passed on. I feel its time to make another escape. But the lack of energy. Forbids me not to. Better to save such energy for better use. So my mind. I penetrate the wall. Through the wall I sense the guards outside. Like before they remain posted near the door. I fear getting up would cause noise. This could provoke the guard to come inside. Not trying to deal with abuse. Something to avoid. I don't know if these men will act in appropriate manner. So I stay motionless and quiet. In my head. I try to hatch an idea to get out of here. It be better to wait and let them make the first move. Soon outside the room. A guard gets up. I can see the silhouette of the man standing up behind the tinted window. Another man is to the side of the door. I don't see much of this figure. Also the conversation is muffed. So it hard to hear through the door. When door begins to open. I quickly shut my eyes. A peer through the crack of my eyelids. I see a man in a black suit. A doctor and soldier are standing near the man. Once did he gander at my direction. But I don't think he seen me looking. Whats having me deeply trouble. Is that the dreams are actual realities. A soldier dressed in army attire and the men in black suits. Its making some mindful sense of everything. These dreams. These events that have transpire over the years. I can't even picture what the navigator went through. If he lived beyond the crash. After some brief chat with the doctor. He escorts him out the room. Now in comes another man in a black suit. Completly identical to the other man. Behind that black suited figure comes in two more soldiers. They are armed with side pistols and rifles. The black suit man who just walked in is holding a metallic briefcase. He places the briefcase on the food tray to the left side of my bed. He opens it and hands a needle filled with a translucent liquid to his counterpart. Sweat is building up on my brow. When the figure with the needle approaches my arm. I leap from my bed. Releasing energy that wasn't there earlier. In the corner. I'm surrounded by armed soldiers."DON' KILL HIM! We need him alive". Through the line of soldiers both men in black suits come forth. Both men show little difference. Difficult to hear on which one is speaking."This will go whole alot smoother if you cooperate with us". He comes with the needle in hand closer to me. But is holding it in a manner of offering it to me."Its a sedative that will calm and relax you for the transport back to our base". With not much of a option at this point. Also with using this as a possible escape plan. I hold out my arm for the injection. What they don't know is. That I can form a quick tolerance to their drugs. I have to stay relax, lowering my blood pressure. He injects the needle into my arm. Soldiers grab my shoulders. They lift me from my bed. There they lay me down on a gurney.
I'm being wheeled down the corrider. Some effects from the drugs are kicking in. With strong mind-power. I'm resisting the depressant which was injected into me. But its becoming hard to mentally dilute the sedative. Now were outside. As the Sun shines bright. It totally blinds me from these men and my surroundings. There not careful with me. As they practically toss the gurney into the the back of the truck. As soon as the doors close. I fall into a brief drug-induced sleep. My eyes opening every twenty minutes or so. Each time showing a new image into the picture. I'm still in the truck. Soldiers around me. This time for sure. I know I'm not dreaming. Yet this whole scenario was experienced in my dreams. A phantasm from before. Which warned me of things to come. Not sure if the drugs are causing it. I begin to laugh. Laughing because these men might be leading me to my objective. A possibility of meeting up with my old friend. Dead or alive. Just knowing the outcome of the navigator helps my cause. Gives me answers to the questions that have buried me from the start. Still I have a feeling of slight deja vu. A recurrence of events that I've seen before. Zero movement from my body. Muscles loose, no reflex. Probably because the sedatives have doped me frozen solid. Restriction of my lungs makes it impossible to gain suffient oxygen. They have restrain me tight to the gurney. Narrowing the blood flow. I try to remain relax and keep my heartbeat at a minimal pace. A faster heartbeat makes the drugs in my system spend quicker through my body. Nearly an hour of driving. I feel the drugs are losing their effects? With the lack of physical strength. I hope my strong mental powers keep me safe. Keeping me lucid and in control of this dreadful situation I find myself in. I'm too close in finding a way from this world. It just happens. I have no plan or idea when I arrive to the base. I just have a inner voice that leads closer to the truth. A voice that keeps me alive and mentally in shape. Its a voice that has coached me into safety. Even when I'm about to fall in complete despair. This voice soothes and comforts me back into a clear state of mind. A friend who is always there from the beginning to the end. If the navigator is dead. Only his body has been killed. His mind still flourishes. Able to communicate to me through my dreams. Producing images that will lead me to the future. A future that seems to be happening now. It has hurled me into a new chapter of an outrageous story. Stranded, lost, and trapped on this alien world. But what I have learned from this unfortuated event. It will have to become useful. I know these humans alot better now.
With the understanding of their emotions. Their thought process has been inherit through memory and transformation. Using this aquired skill to think one step ahead of them. So I lay in the darkness of the truck. Its hard to keep my eyes adjusted and open. I figure the best way to prepare myself. Is to take a quick nap and wait. When I rest and dream. My best plans get unfolded. When we arrive. I wll have the advantage. A surprise attack. I will confused them, escape from their captive hands. Patience is the key to everything from this moment. I know this. Because my dreams have veered into the present reality. A whole picture is drawn out. Burnt into my eyes, clear as day. It only made things more complicated when the navigator screamed and thrashed around. So I close my eyes and remain silent.
About an hour or more passes. I really can't tell. I've stop paying attention to the time awhile back at the hospital. Since leaving. A trance develops. As I keep my face straight toward the roof of the truck. Unable to focus and gain control. My eyes open for brief moments. But close shortly after. Now I sense the truck turn off the straight course. Its a graveled path. Very rough road from before. Almost like its off the map. Besides from taking a different route. I have also regain physical focus. I'm awake and alert. I detect the truck's speed is decreasing. Some of the soldiers around me begin to move. I think there getting ready to make a stop. Could be that this location is well-hidden from view? Maybe there trying to throw my senses off track? It doen't matter anyway. I welcome the chance to arrive at this unknown location. If my equipement is here. It becomes a lifeboat to get off this world. Ofcourse this lifeboat reference is a choice of words to use. Most of the equipement that I couldn't retrieve from the moment of the crash. Was confiscated by the military. I know this. Because what I've learned about my dreams. Is these events have merged together. Giving me detail information. I have to play koy and mindful of my actions. Listen to learn and learn to listen. Obey my captors and they'll help me in my escape. I can kill my way out of this perdictment. But its better to avoid that option. Could hurt our reputation as a non-threatening species. After several minutes of driving. The truck comes to a stop. Doors open up and a blinding light pours in. Its dark now. Its seems that artificial lighting is beaming right on me. A way to conceal from me this location. I'm pulled from the back with the gurney's wheels extended. In haste they rush me to a large object. With so much going on at once and the drugs in my body. It has me a little misdirected. Now I've get my point of visual control. As I'm being loaded into a plane. Not any plane. But a cargo plane. This plane there taking me into. Is alot like the one in my dreams. Possible the navigator made this very journey I'm about to take? Whatever the case might be. I'm in the gurney. No help or rescue. A flip of the coin determines my chances. Two roads to take. But unfortuately I'm not driving on this trip. I can only wait and see what happens next. While in the plane. My heartbeats have jumped slightly. Soldiers buckle in and prepare for flight. In a matter of minutes the cargo plane's door closes. Artificial lighting from outside fades out. Only the emergency lighting inside is on. A red color that gives the area a gloom feeling. I feel the plane turning around. As it moves a snail's pace along the airstrip. Soon the plane begins to speed up. It increases acceleration for lift-off. Minimal turbulence and the plane is in the air. A sound I've heard before. But since arriving here. I haven't experience the human's flight technology. I can honestly say. Its my first time on a plane. Amazing I can create sarcasm inside myself in easing my problems. Silence fills the room. Besides the plane's engine running. Its relatively quiet. These soldiers say little to nothing. All of sudden, from behind the gurney. I hear a door open. A delay pause and the door closes. Hard to imagine what else is in store for me? Without warning or sense of alarm. A needle is injected into my arm. I hear a voice command another. "Give him one more sedative when we get near to the facility". Staring at the ceiling. I watch as my surroundings melt infront of me. A decomposing reality that no longer exist. Everything starts to get dark. In the beginning there was light and vibrant color. Now it all turns into a dark empty void. I feel I'm going to wake up in what these humans call hell.
More turbulence is felt, my eyes remain lazy. All I remember is a needle being injected into my arm. Another sedative I suppose? Yet I have no memory of any visions or dreams. My mind has been too doped up. Either they have no medical knowledge of what there doing or they just don't care. I hear rubber hit the runway. Feeling the plane land as it decreases in speed. We make a slight turn and continue in a forward direction. Soon the plane comes to a complete stop. Soldiers inside stand from their original position and the cargo door opens. Soldiers near the door exit and remain on guard. All other remaining soldiers escort me from the plane. Extreme precaution and protection has been made. They must know something? I can't be sure at this moment. I remain calm and relax from before. It has kept me alive up to this point. These men haven't been physical with me. So I don't resist or get physical with them. We exit the plane with the light fixtures in the building forcing me to shield my eyes. But I resist to close them. Trying to memorize the area and people around me. Random chatter from some direction is being heard. These sedatives have my ears buzzing. A ring that is becoming an annoyance since the drugs wore off. Then the soldiers rush me through a door located in the back of the structure. Only indiviual lights are above me. Spaced out feet from each other. Pattern after pattern of the same lights go by. As they wheel me down the tunnel. I think were in a tunnel? It seem forever. But we finally reach the end. These soldiers who have indured the whole trip with me. Remain at the door. Another group of men take me into a caged structure. A lift activates. We slowly retreat down. Another tunnel, carved through rock, is taking me to another part of the facility. I don't remember this part being in my dreams? No warning from the navigator has prepare me for this. These men who are escorting me now. Have different attire on. Not camo, more like overalls or jumpsuits. Clothing more suited for a mechanic. They seem armed or at least most of them. Now the lift stops at the bottom. We exit the lift. I'm pushed down a corrider, through another door. I'm wheeled into the room and the gurney's brakes are engaged. Around me is a medical set-up. Instruments and device lay on the table. Yellow tape marks the position for placement of the gurney. I'm in a room so white. It be impossible to cover every spot. A small, reflective glass window, is the only feature on the wall. Weird as it seems. I'm not afraid. I keep calm and relax. This is entrapment, or a decoy to scare me into exposing my secrets. I act as any human would. Stick to the fact that I have no clue what there going to talk about. I hear something now. Up toward the vent above me. A dampen sound was heard. Like human voices in the next room. This bleary commotion goes on for several minutes until the door opens. I feel this is the time. That either I'm going to live. Or that I'm doing to die. Find out the answers to my questions. Which could be the easy way or the hard way for me.
Chapter 12
"The Secrets Out"
They say before the moment of death your life is played out infront of you. Past to present events that speed pass you like stockcars. A highlight reel revealing your accomplishments and mistakes. Ofcourse its all in theory. Nobody can just come back from the dead to inform you of what they saw. But its a nice thought. If it did actually happen. A last glimpse of love ones you'll leave behind. All reality gone. With the only existence remaining. Your energy or soul. Free to float on another plain of time and space. Able to see and hear others without them knowing your there. In my mind. I imagine Hank is watching over me. At the right moment. He'll step in and help me in getting free. But I know of the human mind. We, I mean they, think that there is an afterlife to their end. Another chapter, a new start. A chance at finding the answers to all the questions that have bother them in life. It seems death is a huge part of human culture. To finally reach the end is a milestone within itself. It is also written that in the end. You get to meet the creator. A god of ultimate power and destruction. A being of such magnitude. That he could disrupt the planet's orbit with the touch of his finger. Now I also have my own civilization. A million times more advance than these humans. But even in our infant stage of society. We to believe in such things. How the cosmic evolution is so unique and similar. Our people had a religion that brain-washed entire regions in the concepts of a god. It wasn't until we stepped into the dark abyss of space. That we came to a new understanding of how the universe works. That our planet was older than originally thought. We realize about the biological influences that really gave us insight about a theory for everything. We wanted to learn about other lifeforms. On other worlds. These humans will also understand the secrets that have been eluded from them. Science takes alot of trial and error to become an actual theory of fact. In due time these humans will turn a new chapter in their lives. Only question that remains. Are these humans going in a direction of technological greatness or failure. If I get rescue. A future for these humans won't become relevant until I return. While in the gurney. Unable to leave this room. I watch as my reality gets twisted into their primitive past. Torture and cruel ways of punishment to those that are innocent. I've read about this in many literature and writings. I can cooperate with my captors. Saving me from pain. But if I reveal too much information. It could put my people in danger. But I have to play by the rules. Either way. These men will get the answers they want.
A thought develops within my mind. I figure if I answer their questions. In return they might be able to help me? It could be because of the navigators lack of knowledge in the human's language. It probably contribute to his possible death. These humans have interrogation methods that might have killed him. Maybe in their minds the navigator was playing dumb? Not giving these men the right response. Sometimes when under pressure you end up taking things a little overboard. I'm sure his captors didn't mean to harm him. After observing and visualizing the prior events. Included those in this present time. I now understand. My crew and I did enter their world without proper notification. I need to insure these humans that were not a threat. With new concepts about these humans. I'm able to communicate with them. It seems I'll get my chance. As a man comes through the door. These certain individuals are who the navigator warned me about. The men in black suits. Now this man in the black suit grabs a chair posted up against the wall. He sits next to the gurney. For my records. I'll refer to this man as "number one". I await for the man to make the first move. In his hand. He holds a folder containing papers. Papers of what? I can't tell? He ruffles through the folder. He then brings out a stack of papers from the folder. Ten minutes pass before he gets started."My name is Agent Foster. I work for a special agency. Along side the military". This man is not like other humans I've encountered before. His facial features have a bland and pale look to it. A feeling like this man doesn't see the outside very often. Similar to his character. He must have a profession that is dark and mysterious. Dark black shades cover his eyes. Dark suit with dark shoes cover the rest of his body. Only thing that isn't dark on the man. Is the white dress shirt underneath his dark jacket. Hard to get any details inside the man's thoughts. Like his clothing. His mind is dark as well. Once again he speaks to me."Do you have any idea why your here? Because the reason exist in this file". He puts the file on my chest. A somewhat sinister grin appears on his face. At this time. Its the only emotion that leaks from this man's character."In that file. You'll find all the events that lead up to your capture". He grabs the file from my chest. Then reads me the details that are written."It says you claim to be Lucas McDermont. That you reside, for the most part, in a little town located in Alburquerque". He waits, locking his eyes to mine. I can't tell if he is looking at me or not. Like behind those glasses reveals two dark empty spaces. He continues, closing the file."Are these questions that I've ask you true and correct. Also be careful about your answer. Fooling around with my intelligence. Could lead you into more problems". I choke up a little. Nervous about my response. What I should tell this man? Deep within. I have a feeling. That this man might know more than I originally thought. But for some reason. I keep to the cover story. A cover story which has kept me safe. Safe until now. With earnest response. I answer his question."My name is Lucas McDermont. I live in Alburquerque, New Mexico. Theres a little town within the city". After my statement. He rises from his seat. While standing. He returns the chair. Place it back up against the wall. He turns around. Exits out the door. I don't know what I did wrong? But it doesn't look good.
About an hour passes before the door opens again. What looks like the same man. Enters the room. He takes a seat. The one up against the wall. In his hand is a briefcase. He puts the case under the chair. Then he folds his hands. Which he places in his lap. He then leans back into the chair. He continues the interrogation."My name is Agent Green. The other agent from before is my second in command". I knew this wasn't number one. His face looked older. Also this man was having trouble sitting in the chair. I have no attention of putting these men in my mental records. So for this moment this man is "number two". He bends down to retrieve his briefcase. He opens it. Pulls out some documents and folders. He carefully reads over the documents. Marking certain areas on the paper with pen. After that task. He then peeks over his glasses. By pulling on his shades. Something familar reminds me of this man. A deep past memory which is hard to remember. Could he be from the crash site? Those higher commands that I witness from a distance? He speaks again."I'm here to help you. All you have to do is cooperate with us". He gets up from his seat. Number two circles the gurney. A man of envious nature. Mean resentment for the information I know. Which he does not. He continues the questioning. Resting his hands over my shoulders."Now from this point on. We need to have a fair balance between us. No more lies. Just give me the truth". His voice begins to elevate after the last sentence. Once again. It comes lurking back. I tried to resist it before. But human emotion has return. Fear. Afraid of what this man is about to commit. Trembling from his near presence. A physical human tremor shivers through my spine. His affirative attitude highlights his position. He seems to be the head of this operation. That it is certain in this room. He is not here to play games. Its better to remain silent. Unless I'm questioned. Only speak when spoken to. If I talk too much. I could give away secrets. Also I have to retain some control in this submissive state. My information that is stored in my mind. Is of important value to these secluded individuals. Surprise action. As number two puts his face to mine. Then he continues on."We have found out some recent evidence. Which proves your not Lucas McDermont". He backs away and turns around. Where he pulls out a piece of paper from his briefcase. I still remain silent. I let the man speak. "I found out some interesting things about this so call name you assume to be. It states here; Lucas McDermont, died in World War Two. D-Day of 1944. Apparent mortor shell fire. He rescued four men that day. Statements from these men. Had him pulling them off the beach during the invasion . Awarded the Purple Heart. The military confirms this twice". He pulls out another sheet of paper from his briefcase. Again he reads to me what is written."Now here in my hand. Is a piece of paper that is illegal to have. As well as a disgrace to this man's name". Once again he pulls out other papers from the briefcase."Here are some forged documents. Filed under the City of Alburquerque. You lived at this address under the stolen identity of Lucas McDermont. A soldier of the United States Army. For about ten years you worked under that name. A few locations have records of you working for them". He points with his finger at a certain spot on the paper."Have you worked at this local hotel listed here"? There on the paper is the place I was employed at. Which also serve has living quarters. He continues on about the other places I've worked."Also you've held a job at a nearby bar. Owner Thomas Kelly claims you worked under him. Even dated his daughter. ALQ.88.3, a radio station on the outskirts of the city. They have you on a payroll account. Even an application for hire". From the briefcase. He pulls out one last paper."Now we have this warrant. Issued by the police department for your whereabouts. Also they wanted to questioned you. About homicide of an technician who worked for the radio station". With a long pause after his statements. He continues with the closing of his interrogation."Another question we have for you. Who are you? There is no records of any other Lucas or Luke McDermont living near these locations". After a few minutes. He turns around toward the door. He opens it. Before leaving. He ends the conversation with these words."Think about what I've said". I slowly turn my head from the door and into the bright light hanging above. I think hard about some of the information he shared with me. He knows the truth about me. No playing dumb. Accept the facts infront me. A small secondary thought looms behind my cortex. That staying alive. Might be just as important as returning home.
A long wait, and just being bored, has put me to sleep. Dreaming has become very difficult since my capture. Falling asleep into a dark endless hole. With no color or mental picture to guide me in the right direction. So I wake up. Here, strapped to the gurney. No sign of the agents. I yell for the men."Agent Foster, Agent Green! I'm ready to answer your questions". Not a good response. Since it makes me looks desperate. Need any logical assistance I can get. If it keeps me alive, to play by their rules. Then so be it. I've endure more grueling efforts to get back home before. After minutes of yelling for the men. They finally enter the room. Number two takes a seat against the wall. Number one or Agent Foster stands next to the gurney. He shows more comfort and confindence in the words he speaks."Were not here to hurt you. But only to ask you certain questions. Questions that give us a better understanding on your attentions". His deameanor and attitude towards me is way different from the other agent. He doesn't want to harm me. Has no plan on killing me. I'm more of prize if left alive. Less important if dead. After a brief silence. Number one loosens the restraints."For your comfort in this interview. I'm taking you out of the restraints. Don't! Make me regret this". I hestitate for the moment. Shocked that they trust me enough to be free within this room. Especially knowing my attributes and strengths. He ask me a personal question. Something that hasn't been spoken in some time."What is your real name? Whats your rank within your society"? I respond."Commander Ebe On'Ce, from the First Regiment; Exploration and Recovery". He marks something on the clipboard in his hand. While doing this. He request my permission. "Do you have a problem if I record this interview. Something for our report". I don't see much harm in doing so. Any information I give will be of no importance to them. So I give the agent my permission. "You may record". Number two makes a gesture with his hand. Telling someone behind the mirror to start the recording. Agent Foster, who for some odd reason I'm beginning to like. Begins the interview."Where do you come from? How did you get here"? Agent Foster slowly paces from side to side. Looking carefully at me. I don't keep him waiting. So give him the answer. "A planet called Argon. I crashed here about thirteen years ago". Not taking much time in between questions. He continues."Were you involve in the crash of 1947? A crash that happen in the deserts of New Mexico? A place called Roswell"? I gulp nothing but air. I only now have determine. That they know everything. So I reply."Yes I survive that crash. A crew of three including myself. We were on a mission to explore your planet. Our ship malfunction. We crashed landed on your planet". Once again he writes notes on the clipboard. I can only imagine what kind of things he is writing about me. Everything from the time we enter the system to the problems that happened on the ship. It seems the interview is over. As minutes pass. Which feels like an hour has gone by. Foster continues to write. While number two leans up against the wall. I start to feel hungry. Being bored usually craves my stomach to feel this way. I ask a request. A way to break the silence."Do you mind if we take a break. I'm feeling starve. Haven't eaten anything solid for days". He places the clipboard on the gurney. Number two signals to someone behind the mirror to cut the recording. They both exit the room. As I'm left alone to ponder. What will happen next? I hope there satisfy with the results?
It feels like a whole day has passsed. But I wouldn't know? Its been awhile since I stepped outside. It could be day or night? So far during the interview. I gave them what they wanted to hear from me. Nothing that could put harm to my people. Lets face it. These humans haven't even send anyone into space yet. Still I haven't got any closer to the end of the story. What happen to the navigator? I've answer their questions. Should I ask my own? It could cause some major problems. Again, the other side of my mind tells me otherwise. What problems can arise by asking a few questions? Walking back and forth from one end of the room to the other. Its making me tired. Also because the lack of food in my stomach. It has left me with no energy. I wonder if I'm even going to be taken care of while in their custody? Soon I hear a noise behind the door. In a defensive stance. I back up. Waiting for a possible attack. Not knowing what new face might appear? From behind the door. A soldier has entered. Dressed in a plain, blue jumpsuit. No weapon, only a tray in his hands. On the tray is an assortment of different food items. A pitcher of an unknow brown substance next to the food. Utensils and a cup are placed neatly to the side. I pour myself a glass of the brownish liquid. Which to me looks like iced tea. I'm right. Its iced tea with a pinch of lemon juice. As for the food items. Sliced beef smothered in brown gravy. Steamed vegetables with melted butter. Carrots, string beans, and peas all mixed together. Dinner rolls have a plate of their own. A range of different jams and spreads are arranged around the plate. While looking over all the food. I don't even notice that the guard is still posted inside. I look at the soldier. With a verbal attack. I fight them with my kindness."Thank you for the food". Turning towards the mirror."Thank you as well." After the comments to the soldier and the others behind the mirror, I begin to eat my meal. Soon the soldier leaves the room. With plenty of time to spare. I enjoy the meal. I take my time eating every portion. Savoring each flavor. As it could be my last meal. Maybe the reason they left the room? Doesn't matter. I continue to eat after the thought. A slight, but very small smile reveals itself. How the euphoric moment can stimulate my senses by eating food. But its good and keeps me craving for seconds. I finish the meal and relax in my seat. Holding my stomach. Which has grown twice as large from before. Only for a few minutes did it look alien to me. Not to I took a piece of the beef, vegetables, and all the other items. That it taste familar. I push the plate a few inches from me. I stay seated, calm and relaxed. Now I wait for my possible execution. My final breath of life. An end to my story as we know it.
Soon after my meal had settled in my stomach the door opened again. Enter this time, only one agent. Agent Foster. Thats the agent I'm more comfortable with. He sits across from me. During the moment he enter the room. I was ready for somekind of confrontation. He motions me to take a seat."Ebe is it. No mind do you. If I call you by your first name?" Being under the identity of Luke or Lucas for all these years. I've grown accustomed to being called by that name. I prefer if you call me Lucas. It has suit me very well". I give the agent a cocky attitude during the response. He proceeds with more questions."A huge sheet of offenses you've accumulated over the years". He takes a file from his jacket. Lies it on the table. With a slow touch of his finger. He opens the file. He points to a name. Gabe Rute is written on the paper. Under the name is an address. Its a street and avenue I remember. Its from a little town located in Alburquerque. But name is completely oblivious to me. I become angry. Only as a self-defense technique. Physically outnumbered. I need the powers of my mind to overcome the situation. I respond."Whats is this oppose to mean? Someone I know?" I toy with his ego and mind. Let him do most of the talking. Agent Foster continues. Jogging a memory by the explanation in details."Well you might not know him. Yet you did encounter him. About three years ago. He was murder. No reasonable explanation, no signs of foul-play". He takes out some pictures of the man. Pictures of him with his family. Soon he spreads the pictures out over the table. Then shows other pictures behind the ones he just showed me. There are new pictures of the man lying on the ground. He is wearing a uniform that I remember. It was the man I killed. The agents had mention it earlier in the interview. About some unsolved murder. But I've been pushing out those human emotions. Those descriptions they laid out infront me. It didn't cause a mental reflex. But soon these pictures start to pull the rememberance of that horrible night. I knew such an event would come back to haunt me. Yet this wasn't murder. I only meant to subdue him. Knock him to ground. I take the picture of the man and his family. Briefly looking at that picture. I take the one with him dead. Dead, lying on the ground. I carefully start to peer deeper into the photograph. A small dose of emotion airses in my facial expressions. I can't hold it any longer. A small, barely visible tear falls from my face. I doubt the agent saw the tear. Still my grief is hard to hide. Longer I hold it and stare into the picture. Foster could tell I feel the pain of killing the man."So were you there the night Mr. Rute was servicing the radio tower. A record of employments states that you worked at the radio station. Also, at the night of Mr. Rute's death. You all of sudden called in sick, disappearing without a trace. Right into thin air". He gets up from his seat and heads to the door. Near the door lies the briefcase. I didn't realize they left it in the room. He retrieves another file. Places it on the table and opens it infront of me."If you look closely at the medical examiner's report it states; no visible marks or abrasions were on the body. No signs of foul play. It also states that the possible death was a heart attack". He comes closer again and places his finger at a section of Mr. Rute's health."Right here. It states that Mr. Rute was in good heatlh. Had montly visitations. Didn't smoke. So heart attack is out of the question". He lifts his finger from the medical report. Both hands are placed in his pants' pocket. Giving me an explanation."Another theory that the medical examiner gave. Was that his heart could of just stopped beating". He looks up at the ceiling. Playing the part of a confused person. "Yet the only way to stop somebodies heart. Is a high electrical current. But he was too far from the tower to be electrocuted. So how did you kill him"? Being in that coma and not using much of my mental attributes. I think it be hard to demonstrate such powers."I can't. It be hard to explain". He goes for the door, opening just slightly enough to slip through. Before he exits the room. I hear these words. "It be for your best interest to find a way of how you did it". He closes the door. Now again I sit and wait. Head down, buried between my legs, falling into deep thought. I try to pass the time. As every minute becomes my last.
I've decided to black out the distraction of time. Its giving me a headache and the numbers in my mind have made me dizzy. So I sit at the table. Locked to the door. I barely make a move. Now the door opens again. I prepare for soldiers to leap in and take me away. Once again its Agent Foster. This time he is in panic. A change of character. No longer is he plain and bland. But a life has emege from the darkness he dawns. Also he has no shades on. In Foster's eyes. I can tell something is about to happen. That he needs to act quickly. My cooperation could mean life or death. For both of us. At this point I haven't reveal myself as being an actual alien. Only my words have gave life to my true identity."So how did you kill Mr. Rute. You need to show me. I'll explain it whats goin on after you perform...whatever you do"? I gather any residue of power that still exist in my body. Being in human form for this long has weaken my powers within. Not using such attributes can numb your abilities. I ask for his assistance in this experiment."Please. Can you place your pen on the table". His words become lost for a moment. Responding with a befog question."Whats that going to prove?" I laugh. But soon I become serious."Just take a seat. Don't move a muscle. I'm going to use some of your energy". I grab his forearm. He can't feel it. But I'm absorbing some of his internal energy to float the pen in the air. Foster grabs my arm now. Not pleased with what is going on. "I feel something. Is that normal"? He shows some retreat. Feeling my current transfer through his body. A shock of light fills the room. Once the light fades. A bright shield of energy has the pen trapped. Floating in the air. I move the pen around the room. I can only keep it going for several minutes. Until the pen finally falls back on the table. His hair is little fazzled. Only a scared look remains on his face. A snapshot of the event that took place. He comes out of it. Straightens his suit and combs back his hair."That was impressive. I'm glad we got that out of the way". He stands up. Opens the door. He pops his head out. After checking the hallway. He comes back into the room."I have to tell you something. My superior, Agent Green. Knows your an alien. He just hasn't told the commanders that operate this facility. They think that your a Russian spy. Agent Green wants you dead". I knew from the start. Number two had foe on his face the whole time. This Agent Foster seems more interested into the alien that exist underneath this human disguise. I listen to his instructions after the warning."Tell more on record about your whole story. I have the audio rolling. We got only a short amount of time. So be quick". During his verbal instructions. He was rigging up a mic to clarify the interview. I get close to the microphone. To make sure my words are well recorded."How do I begin. It was long ago. Almost thirteen years". I chatter away. Straight from the start. I don't know why I did it? A preservation of my encounter here on Earth. I guess? Some intel that could put my people into danger. I also told him the people here on Earth. How Hank took me in. A time when I was in alien form. From there. I express in full description of my first sexual experience. How I drink and socialize in the bars. Working, doing odd jobs. I even went to my heart. The one that pumps more erractically when I say her name. One heart that beats for Mary. A woman who show me the soft, gentle, and kind nature these humans can exhibit. During the story of Mary. I could feel him. Agent Foster somehow mentally transmitted a emotion right to my cortex. I'm frozen infront of him. A brief pause between us. Finally a human conscript. He can help me get rescue.
I can feel it now more. Its a feeling of friendship that I formed with Hank and many others. That this man who hides behind suit and shades. Has loved ones as well. Family and friends beyond this place. He seems fascinated. But hurries me to continue."Please explain some of your technology. Give me insights of our future". I babble topics related about their years to come. My time here exploring their world. I yarn out theories and concepts way above their understanding. He draws closer to me. Not in a physical manner. More like a mental movement toward me. Can't explain it? Impossible for a human to process these kind of attributes. Maybe this is a sign of their evolution to come? I have found help in an unlikely source. A person from the beginning that wanted to harm me. Now has form an alliance toward my rescue. At this moment. I take all the help I can get. Keep my friends close. But my enemies closer. Read that in some literature. Year ago I had no idea what that meant. Until now. There is a reason I was lured here. A meaning to it all. Those who kidnapped the navigator were the individuals that would lead me back home. I sense an energy that isn't felt in most humans. He realizes that its important I return back to my people. Information is important in all societies. No matter how advance a civilization has become. It determines the outcome for wars. Improves the modern devices we use today. Gives us the scientific concepts for new ways to live in the future. Information is a way the species envolves. Just to spread the word along to another. It had to be coded or crypted to preserve the information from unwanted eyes. This Agent Foster believes the information I have to offer is vital for their survival. Even without our help. These humans will envolve their own advance technology. But how long will it last or benefit their species? During the interview a blast rattles the room. Underneath us I felt it the most. Sounds of a fire alarm can be heard outside the door. As well as footsteps down the corrider. Loud voices are directed people out the building. With all that is going on. I don't even hear the cries from Agent Foster."GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE"! He grabs my arm. Where he leads me out the room. Once out the door. we stand in the corrider. No light at all. Just the red bleaking emergency lights. Which keeps pace with the alarm. He runs toward a sign marked elevator. We turn right. I don't know too much about these lifts. I guess primitive transportation in elevated up or down levels. On my world. We just call them elevators. As the lift opens. I resist going in. I ask a logical question. "If there is a fire. You think its wise to be using the lift". He enters. Pushing a random sequence of numbers on a keypad. Agent Foster insures me its safe to enter."We got some time before the lift is shut down. Its the quickest way". After several seconds. Lift door closes and takes us down. Down to what? We stand there side by side not saying much of anything. I only can wonder what else is store for me? Another blast is felt, causing the lift to swing from the cable. That blast had bash the lift into the walls. We both are flung against the lift. Soon the cable snaps. We hit the ground hard and fast. All I hear is the cable. As it smashes ontop of the lift. Loud, drowning out the other noises going on around us. We must be on the desired level.
I get up stunned. My vision fogged. Smoke lingers around me. Small fires at each corner of the lift are burning. Extreme heat from the fires forces me out out the lift. Agent Foster is still on the ground. Is he alive? I stumble over to Agent Foster and turn him over. Blood runs from a small abrasion on his forehead. I place fingers on his neck. I detect a pulse and glad he is alive. Now I need someone to lead me from this wreck. I pull his body from the damage lift. Next I lean him against the wall of a narrow hallway. From where Foster is leaning. There is a straight path from the exit of the lift to a door at the end of the hallway. A small gliche flickers in my mind. Flashing a past memory. A repeat event. A early night that scamble me to find a solution to my current situation. When we crashed in the desert near a ranch. A ranch occupied by my friend Hank. I return back to the problem at hand. With all my remaining strength. I hoist Agent Foster over my shoulder. A man twice my height and weight. I'm impressed in this weaken condition. That I'm able to carry this human. Somehow I make it to the end of the hallway. Where I turn the doorknob. The result adds to my physical strain."Its locked. What else can go wrong"? I put Agent Foster down against the wall. He shows response. Only groans and aches from the pain. With more damage sustain to my head. It has caused an unbalance on my telekinectic powers. So zapping the door is out of my arsenal. So I limber up my sore muscles. Crack my stiff bones. I backstep giving myself space between the door. I lower my shoulder. With full speed. I ram over the door. I think Agent Foster created a diversion to escort me to this location. Behind this door. Something of importance was being housed here Even during my rough approach toward the door. I felt a ghostly presence. An energenic force that only feels like that of the navigator. While in the this secret room. The bright lighting attached to the ceiling. Sways side to side from the recent explosion. Monitors and devices surround the massive room. With high ceiling. This room is spread out wide from every corner. Scatter paperwork and other miscellous items litter the floor. Could be that the staff was evacuated when the alarm sounded? At the other end of the room. Another door is visible. Its seems to be latched from the other side. Which keeps the contents of this room secured and safe. Something was placed down here for a reason? I walk around in a circle. Then spot something stationed in the dark. A sound of flowing fluids in a tube can be heard in the corner. Tickering with some switches on a console. A light source emerges from above the strange object. My eyes widen. As I'm shocked and relieved at the same time. My legs soon give way. Like a runner in a cross-country race. Who can no longer make it to the finish line. So I collapse from my discovery.
Chapter 13
"The Reunion"
Years ago, before we left the homeworld. I told myself to make a safe return. That the navigator and me would spend our time soaking in the loathes of the natural beauty back on the homeworld. Watching our very own sunset retreat behind the long stretch of mountains that dwarf anything here on Earth. We would talk up a storm to the sunrise. Watching the sight with amazement. Like the day was going in reverse. We would talk about old times and new. I could share these moments with my son. About my many adventures and voyages through the star systems that fill the nightsky. Finally a chance at making up lost time. I'm not even off the planet. But I have so much on my mind. With all that I've learned and research. It be good to share them with him. Now this little lifeblood I left many years ago. Is full grown now. Able to understand about what my position demanded of me. Yet the navigator and me have been in all kinds of trouble. We've been captured and tortured. United different clans into a diplomatic society. We prevented a galactic war from causing ultimate destruction. Created a huge fleet. Been stationed at different colonial outposts. We have span lightyears from our homeworld. I remember. Because a special recon team was stationed near a colony close to the Sol System. A probe returned with the information that exploited the truth behind Earth. Once I got confirmation from our superiors. We started the journey. I wished there was a way to rewind the clock. I would probably made a different choice. A choice not to accept the mission. But that would promote another to my command. An unknown commander taking over my ship. Giving orders to my crew. I'm sure the navigator would retire with me if that had happen. It just seem to me that this mission would make an imprint in our archives. So that was the reason to accept. Now I remember back on the ship. We totally forgot everything that seem to bother us. While on our way here. We had some free time. We decided to play a game. This would bring out primitive, animalistic instincts buried inside us. We would need such aggression to play this game. A game much played like these humans football. But the ball we used was actually a living organism. Objective of the game was to make it to the other end of the playing field. If you held the ball to long. It would attack your hands. It was pretty dangerous. One of our crew members lost two fingers while holding the organism. No worries. We were able to surgically attach them back onto his hand. Ofcourse this made the game interesting. My friend, the navigator, would win all the time. After the game we would cook the homeworlds favorite food. Turns out that favorite food was the game ball we used. Can't much explain how the game got started? Played before the birth of our modern society. I wonder if we still play that game? A album of memories of the navigator and me. Now here he is. Both of us finally reunited. I speak to him."Its been a long time. I'm here to take us back to the homeworld my friend". Standing up. I find it hard to see my friend. Trapped in this encasement of clear flowing fluid. Machines are hooked up to the glass cylinder shaped tank. A monitor is set-up near the left side of the tank. I can tell from the clicks and sounds its making. Its indicating a heartbeat. Other machines are stacked up ontop each other. I sense a slight connection. But whatever was there before is now gone. I touch the glass and try to connect with my friend. Maybe for the last time?
While touching the glass. It feels cold. Just not cold to the touch. More like a dead freeze in the telekinetic sense. His heart might be pumping. But his lifeforce is not felt. Could my dreams have fooled me? Did I really make that connection with him in this quest to find the truth? A connection which has lead me to this place. I'm standing infront of the tank. I sadly gaze at my friend. Absorbing his face into my collective memory. I would like to bust my friend out of this glass prison. A glass encasement that he has called home since we've arrive here. In a way. We both went through a hectic time on this planet. Only difference. Is that I had some freedom to wonder the environment. While he was a prisoner of his own. Unable to understand the language these humans speak. He must have felt scared. Wondering if he thought I had abandon him? That I was never going to rescue him."I'm here friend. Were finally going home". I talk to him. But I know he can't hear me through this glass enclosure. Its an assurance for me. A familar face. One that hides underneath this false one. Hearing footsteps behind me. I peek down to notice Agent Foster up and alert again. I've cooperated long enough with these humans. I need some answers of my own. So I demand them."Did you know anything about what happen to my friend?" By Foster's age. I doubt he had knowledge of any events of that night. Or the others that followed. Agent Foster limps over to my side. Using my shoulders as support. He speaks."I wasn't even in the agency when they found him. At the time it was under different authority. Mostly the military in the beginning". I believe him. Even from the start. There were no lies in his eyes. Just like Hank. I trust this man. Almost with my life. So I ask the question. One that has haunted me since I got the premonition of the navigator's existence."Is he alive? Does he have any rational thought in that tank"? Agent Foster digs deep into what he knows. Thinking carefully of the right answer. He checks the equipment. Giving me the status of my friend."I'm not sure. His heartrate is normal. But brain activity shows zero response". I gander back at my friend. Trying to figure out the best solution. Take him back the way he is or shut-off his life support? I need more to satisfy my curiousity."Give me details.Tell me what you know". Foster steps toward a desk. Retrieves a clipboard."The data reveals he slipped into a coma several years ago. Only way to perserve his body was preserving him in cryro fluid". He flips through the clipboard."But states here. That the device wrapped around his wrist began to flicker on. Also he showed signs of activity. Like he was waking up from the coma". I realize now. It explains why I had receive the visions. How I retrieve the telekinetic connection from him. In his panic state. He tried to reach out to only one who could hear his cries. He reach out to me. A possibilty he must have sent out a signal to contact me. I turn to Agent Foster. To find out if the navigator was treated properly."How did he end up in the tank". Foster's expression is a face of disgust."Maybe the interrogation went a little rough? The methods Agent Green uses are a extreme. You know Agent Green was one of the commanding officers from the crash site. He has been addicted to this incident from the start". He closes the clipboard. He lets me know another piece of information. Probably not on record?"It was his idea to construct this facility and the agency. He had a feeling that a fourth passenger existed. Somehow escaped the wreckage". He begins to walk. Using his good leg to drag the bad one. This man should get medical attention. But he compromises further injury. Just to give more to the story."I think you ought to see something". He motions me to follow him. To the opposite side of the room. From where the navigator is being held. It turns out to be what exactly I need to leave this planet for good. What has taken years to find out. But took only days to reach.
Foster and me are now standing infront of a tall curtain. A curtain that circles something huge. Foster steps to the side. Where he pulls a rope. He keeps pulling until the curtains draw back fully. What a surprising sight to see. Its the command module. After all this time. Still it remains intact. Just the way I left it. I walk around the module. Sliding my hands over the exterior. It feels warm. A warming sensation that makes it feel alive. Over on the top. I see that there is an opening. This opening once had the escape hatch covering it. I climb the ladder leading to the inside of the ship's module."Is it alright if I enter". Agent Foster follows me up the ladder."Sure. Its yours anyway. But we have to hurry". I'm sure the diversion bought us some time. But Foster is right. I have to hurry. Once inside. Sensors flicker the lights on. I make my way to the front of the ship. A screen appears on the command console. I remember. This is my seat. I commanded the crew from here. Gave them orders. Orders that lower us into the planet's atmosphere. Eventually leading to the deaths of the pilots. I take a seat. In an attempt to regain what has been lost inside of me. I need this right now. A true sense of my purpose. To command. Be a leader. Come forth with a plan to finally leave this world. " I got it". A push of the button on the command console lowers a switchboard. I flip the switch to the top left. Which activates a compartment behind me. Inside the compartment are the emergency beacons. I put the beacons into my pocket. Even though the beacons won't work for a long distance S.O.S. They still might serve a purpose. I can't use the comm systems. Since they were destroyed in the explosion. But this ship, or at least whats left of it. Can still be of some use. If I bypass the electrical systems. I can gain access into the back-up power supply. I will then construct a makeshift radio tower. This way I can get a confirmation on any free roaming signals out in space. Maybe that pirate ship reported their findings and my people could be on their way? If I get confirmation that a ship is coming to my rescue. I can use the command module. If the remaining thrusters work. I still can make it out of Earth's orbit. Using the module as a lifeboat. Then I drift to the outer edge of the solar system. Meeting half-way with the rescue ship. It sounds impossible. But forgot that they designed the ship to be use in a number of ways. If I had the time. This module can be turned into a ATV, an all terrain vehicle, to roam foreign landscapes. While looking over the emergency check-list. I use the tutorial to further explain the procedures involve in making this module a lifeboat. I forgot my training from my youth. Things taught early in my years at the academy. When you don't use it, you loose it. I've never had to do this before. So everything must perform accurately and by exact specifications. Any little flaw in the alteration of the module could become disasterous. Could get me killed? I double check all equipment and start the bypass program. Try to harness the power needed to run the transponder. For more power. I'll use the nuclear fusion cells which are in the explosive device. Same device that failed before. Even if its not operational. It still is useful. Lets just hope this works.
A slight smile emerges from my face. Almost finished with the last of the procedures. Just need to connect the last two wires and I'm done. Sipping and soldering the wires. It doesn't register the fact all alarms and sirens have halt to a stop."The alarms are off. Whats the time frame before they notice were gone"? Agent Foster runs to the entrance we came through. He secures the latch. Their he begins to stack heavy items up against the door. He turns to back my direction and says."We got a half hour tops before they realized were not accounted for. I suggest you get the hella outta there friend". Somehow humans emotions get the best of me. My hands stop working. I'm stuck on that word. He called me friend. I've tried to block out these feelings of weakness. Certain emotions that can cause me to loose focus again. But its hard to resist such primitive senses of reflection. Our people utter little to no facial recognition of their attitude. Either that be positive or negative. Since arriving here. I have develop love for these humans. I've live to understand them. By becoming one of them. So its hard to get rid of such emotions. They have been a part of my character for quite some time now. These emotions could carry over to a new start of life back on my homeworld. In this trance of thought. Another type of siren starts roaring. Agent Foster looks around. He knows the type alert status being sounded."Thats the code red alert. They'll zero in on our position soon. They have to return and secure this sector". Agent Foster pulls his sidearm from his holster. He looks prepare to defend for my escape. There are changes in amount of time that remains. It rushes me to begin the transmission. Sending a wave of signals to pick up anything radiating in the system. Since I've lost my equipment. Maybe my people have already been broadcasting a code? A code sipher into a signal. Waiting for my response. Transferring all power to the transponder. Its ready to receive signals. Now I'll flip the switch in hopes of retrieving a transmission. Several minutes pass. Then the command screen reveals a signal being tracked. A signal that bounce back from the outer Ort Cloud. I run it through diagnostics. This will start decryption of the code. (Information Loading) The computer is scanning and analyzing the data. I yell from the inside of the ship. To inform Foster on my progress."This might take a few moments. I'm sending a signal out now". I type in a sequence on the command console. Simple message, informing them I receive their transmission. While this is computing. I rig the module for take-off. A check on the fuel gauge. It has plenty of ions left in the tanks. Enough ions to propel from the atmosphere. I pull on a lever above my head. I detach any useless weight for departure."Damn, its stuck". On the screen. A warning appears. (Fuel Tank Support: Brace Malfunction) Looks like the braces have to be remove by hand. Moving to the back of the module. I locate the ventilation systems.This leads right to the electrical box that controls the release of the braces. With the release of the fuel tank. This drops weight off the module to convert into a lifeboat. I inform Agent Foster of my situation."I've got a small problem. Got to cut the wires to release the braces from the fuel tank". Agent Foster turns his head to the door."Well make it quick. I hear them coming". Hes right. Loud commotion and boots are heard from the emergency staircase. Could be a dozen or more troops? I squeeze into the vent system. For a moment I become stuck in the vent. This human body was not calibated to fit the vent system. I struggle and become exhausted. Physically I can't continue. Now mentally. I begin to fade. But a feeling emerges. A presence I haven't felt since I came here. Now I hear a voice. It sounds different. Still a familar voice. But I sense its not the navigator. Its another voice. One that speaks from the grave."Have to hurry boy. No time to waste der". This voice hurries me through the vent. At this desperate time for escape. I don't question it. Nor do I try to figure it out. This voice will either lead me to through a path of death. Or a sucessful resolution to the story.
Its a tight space crawling through the vent system. Soon I come to a right bend. Down that bend lies the electrical box. I grab and push off the sides of the vent walls. This way it slides me down to the other end faster. I reach the objective. Once the electrical box is open. All the wires protude out. I cut the red wire securing the braces to the tank. I hear metal hit concrete. Which indicates the tank was released. BOOM! An explosion outside of the module. That couldn't be the tank? Quickly I exit the module. Lets hope Agent Foster wasn't hurt. Small whispers of smoke leak from the cranks of the heavy latched door. Soldiers outside are using something to blast the door open. Agent Foster stands. After taking a look at the damage to the latched door. He turns to my direction."Your running out of time Luke. Get that ship working". I enter back into the module. Where I sit myself infront of the command cosole. I flip switces and push buttons. Once more I go over the procedures for emergency lifeboat. All is operational. Only thing to do now. Is to wait for the CPU. After some computing and processing. My ship's CPU gives the clear to flush out the thrusters. (Initiate Thruster Burn) I'm so thrill to find out the ship hasn't been tamper with. Like they really never touch it. Ofcourse it doesn't help sitting in this room all these years. Without much activity. It has built-up resin in the canisters. So I flush out the thrusters. By doing this procedure. It makes the module lift without any resistance. With the thrusters clear. I then take the beacons from my pocket. From there. I load them into the garbage shaft injecter below near my feet. I've never tried this before. My life depends on it.
When the beacon flares hit the ceiling. It will blast a hole. This will make it easier for the module to pass through. This for sure. Is my only way from this world. I hit the injector button. It shoots the beacon flares into the ceiling. From above. I can hear huge crunks and pieces of the ceiling hit the module. Two was probably too much. That probably blasted a hole big enough for two ships. Then from outside. They make another attempt at the door. I poke my head out from the module. There second attempt finally gains them access. Soldiers pour into the room like a break in a dam. Agent Foster shouts."GET OUTTA HERE"! His voice penetrating the thick metal that surrounds me. While preparing to take-off. The command screen alerts me. That it has finally completed the coding of the message. Perfect timing. But now I'm having trouble reading it. Its in the language of my people. Some of the content I have retain. Still I can't believe this. I've forgot my own language. Its from spending all my time here with these humans. A couple of places is where I did my research. Where true love kept me off track from the current objectives. With straining effort. I make out majority of the code. But several words give me my mind a working. Which have been absent from my vocabulary. Its from talking this human dialect for so long. But soon I understand it. Its a confirmation code. That my people are near. A rescue ship is accerlating toward the planet. A press of my finger on the command screen. Opens the protective shield. This could be it. I'm finally going home.
With control of the throttle. I maneuver the module around. While looking out the vacant glass port. I see Agent Foster. Behind him are a cluster of soldiers. There by his side is Agent Green. A red color fills the visible flesh of his body. I can't hear the words coming from his lips. But I can hear him screaming. Waving soldiers toward my ship. But our story is far from over. Agent Green as it seems. Will become an obstacle when I return. But glad I was able to get pass the first of many between us. I pull back on the stick. Which pushes the module off the ground floor. In a slow and short hover. I give them one last glimmer of evidence. That another being from a different world was here. Before I engage the main drive. I see Agent Foster wave a copper plated, circular object in the air. My eyes become frozen. A relic of my past has return. Its the medal that I gave to Hank. A data disk that contains information of my people and homeworld. How did he obtain it? He must have discovered the ranch and Hank's body? Now this man. Agent Foster. Holds the most important gift offering ever given. More truly important than anything they have ever received. This will form the alliance of our world to theirs. Well at least this wasn't a bad start to our first contact with them. But I plenty to talk about. With somebody that has been missing from me. But I never forgot about him. Its my son. With thoughts about him. I hestitate no longer. Pulling back on the throttle. I engage the main drive. Back to the place I call home. Getting away from these wars and conflicts of human society. A society I still don't understand. But in due time. I will begin to fully know these humans in detail. Help them in their cause for a better future. Avoid the routes these humans might take in the years to come. Which could exhaust all reserves of fuel and resources. But we need their help. Just as much as they need ours. They have the access to explore further into the galaxy. It be sad to wait for the human race to end. Wait for them to perish, and then colonize their world. I have definite faith that humans can topple these fusillade of bad ideas. If they find the information stored in the disk. It could save them? They could contact us in the near future. When their technology becomes more advance. All this will start a bridge of galactic proportion. It will lead us all into the beginning of time. So as I push my way out of Earth's atmosphere. Its making me think twice. A question that will be ask during a meeting with my superiors. A collaboration of ideas. From some of the most expert minds. These expert minds will end the debate for good. Is the human race worth saving?
To Be Continued.......
Publication Date: 01-24-2013
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