
Melanie Martinez

My favorite quote is by a famous singer called Melanie Martinez. It is 

actually from her movie, which features her songs from her K12 album. 

Thus, the film was named K12. But, it is pretty long. 



I remember feeling trapped in rising heat, and there were plastic or cardboard cutouts all 


around me, and my gums' roots were pushing out my teeth, and the voice of a thousand 


angels said to me, “It’s temporary.”


Maybe that should be my mantra as I step into what will inevitably be the worst years of 


my life. Ah yes, off to a world in which girls are to only wear pink dresses and boys blue 


pants. Well, I dyed my uniform and embroidered flowers on the sleeves.




I like it because it describes the pain of high school. It describes stereotypes 


that are still happening even though we are on the brink of 2023.  I like how 

she edited her uniform, to show she will not be the same, and that she is 

determined to stand out in a society that frowns upon women being anything 

more than housewives and mothers. In her movie, Ms. Martinez has a song 

called Drama Club, in which she says: “They try to feed you lines that you 

have to memorize, You always hide behind your Wizard Of Oz disguise. 

Do you even have a brain? You’re sticking to a page. You’re faking all your 

pain, yeah, your bleeding on a stage.” 

She means to point out that these young girls are following along in what 

society says they have to be, and not speaking their minds. Her whole movie 

seems to base off of that, and the troubles that kids have in high school.


So, it also runs back to the main idea of the quote she says in the beginning. 

It may or may not have been intentional, but it seems to all center around the

 fact that she: 

  1. States the troubles of high school and how it feels.

  1. The stereotypes of women.

  1. How she tries to stand out and push against it all.

I also like to live this way, and I feel this way. High school is hard.

That's no lie. Whether its the pressure of how you look, like in her songs

Orange Juice and Strawberry Shortcake, or even bad or misunderstanding

Teachers, like in Detention or Principle. (Not saying anything against this school.)

I feel pressure on how I look every day, so when cameras became required I 

Tried every possible way to not show my face or make myself look better.


Makeup, filters, backgrounds! Anything to not have judgment. I want

People to like me. Then the pressures of grades and everything, it’s 

Just so much! Though no stereotypes happen at school, I still feel them 

Around me. Toxic things said by toxic friends, like “Dumb Blond.” and

Other hurtful things. I can not say I have ever been pressured to be a  “housewife”

Or anything, but I still think it’s an issue and something to live by.  

I try to stand out and be myself, not what other people expect me to be.

And trust me, that’s harder than it might seem.

So yes, I live by this very long quote, and I decided long ago to live by it.

Remember, “It’s Temporary.”


Publication Date: 01-13-2023

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