Chapter One
"Jessica, listen. He asked me out just the other day. It's no big deal. We haven't been dating that long.It's not like I've been hiding it from you." She talks. "Yes. It's not bad at all. And you knew that I've liked him forever. Of course I would say yes." She talks. "No. I don't think I do. Do you love your boyfriend?" She talks. "Oh. Well, that's good. I'm glad you're happy with him. I hope I can be happy, too." She talks. "You're such a good friend. I can't believe that you actually hang out with me more than your other friends." She talks. "Aw. Thanks. You're awesome, too." She talks. "You're welcome." She talks. "I don't know. I think this Friday. But, he really hasn't talked to me all that much today." She talks. "Really?" She talks. "Ugh! Well, hold on. Let me e-mail him." She talks. I wait. "He still hasn't said anything back. What should I do?" She talks. "Uh, I'm scared now." She talks. I gasp. "Hold on. He just e-mailed me. I'll read it to you." I gasp again. "Dear Paula, I really don't think this is going to work. I won't see you ever, so I'm going to have to break up with you. And I'm not sorry at all. Bye. I will never love you." I start to cry. "Not cool." Jessica talks. "Yea. You were right. It is bullshit. Bye." She talks.
Chapter 2
"Jessica, do you really love Bryan?" She talks. "Oh. How long have you two been dating anyway?" She talks. "Really? 1 year? Dang! Well, I hope you have a fun date tonight." She talks. "Yea. Go ahead. I won't bother you tonight....Hopefully." She talks. "No, no, no. Go out. Have a fun time. It's not the end of the world. I barely even know him, so oh well." She talks. "Yes. I am serious. How well do you know your boyfriend?" She talks. "Fine. Go get ready. I'll call you tomorrow." She talks. "Okay. Just stay on the phone while you are getting ready." She talks. "Yea. So, where are you 2 going, anyway?" She talks. "OMGEEBERS! That new place that just came out! I've been wanting to go there forever." She talks. "You know what I mean." She talks. I laugh. "Well, fine. But, do you really want to be going there? I mean, you told me your plans. And it was too much information, but still. Your stomaches are going to be hurting! You might actually hurl." She laughs. She talks. "Okay, fine. Wow. Did you notice that I say 'okay' a lot?" She talks. "And you didn't tell me this, why?" She talks. "Sure. Now, get ready. I'm ending this conversation. You need to be ready for this big night! Getting rid of the big V!" She talks. "Bye." She talks.
Chapter 3
"Jessica, how was the date?" She talks rapidly into the phone. "That is so great! I'm so happy for you!" She talks. "Ewww. Too much information." She talks. "Okay. Well, I hope that you 2 last forever, but I don't know. It seems like it's going to end soon." She yells. "Okay! Sorry. Just trying to stick with the truth here. Der." She talks. "Okay. Well, I'll see you tonight." She talks. "Okay. Hold on. Don't go. My computer just got and e-mail from my ex-boyfriend." She talks. "Yes. The one that just broke up with me." She talks. "Okay. I will." She talks. "Here it is." She talks. "Dear Paula, I really love you. I don't know why I said those things to you. Will you please take me back?" She laughs. I laugh. "Yea right." She talks. "Okay. I will." I type. "Well. Now I'm really happy. That just made my day." She talks. "Yea. Totally." She talks. "Yup. I love me, too. Just not as much as you do." She laughs. She talks. "Yea. I guess so." She talks. "Of course. I'll go-" She talks. I hear a beep. "Hold on. I'm getting another call."
THE END!!!!!
Text: My own. Do not copy. For the One Conversation Contest.
Publication Date: 06-09-2011
All Rights Reserved
To friends and family.