When it all began.......... for I do not want to get caught. He turns around abrubtly and gives me a grin. "You ok?" He takes a step closer to me
To get things straight here. This aint no diary. This is simply my story. Well so far it's still happening and going on. I'm not just any 13 year old girl. I'm a witch. Ironic right? Well did I ask to be a witch? Haha yea I actually did. Specifically I messed with some "witchcraft" so thats how I became to be a witch. It's a long story. I was just 12 years old when I was in the classroom. My teacher Miss. Mully, was talking about Halloween and witches, goblins, ghosts blah blah etc etc...... I was so interested about the witches. Sure I didn't believe in any of that crap. But something about witches made me believe
"Aaliyah what is your perspective on witches?" Miss. Mully asks me. I never expected this hag to ask me anything. I was the girl who stood out, I was the girl who was the outcast, I was the girl that people talked about how weird I was. I didn't make alot of friends. I dont have very good social skills.
"I think that witches are interesting, possibly even real." That did it the whole classroom burst into laughter. Those little son of a bitc-
"Now now class, that is very rude to laugh. Everyone has detention for the day Aaliyah you can leave early" With that she smiles. Weird.........Too Weird.
That night I looked online for witch stuff, anything that could have been helpful. Nope nothing! After hours of research for NOTHING I decide to go to the Cafe to get something to eat. The cafe is named Cafe.
Kind of stupid.....
I walk into the Cafe. I see this guy, a guy I've never seen in all my years I have been in this hellcrater. He's....he's hot and mysterious! Usually the guys up here I don't really dig. They're all stuck up little snots. Did I mention they are also pigs. They will try to hit on anything in a skirt. Except me cause they know if they even try I will snap thier arms into two. My reputation is the weird, badass, crazy girl. I live for it! This guy is totally smokin' hot and I am a total sucker for hot, mysterious guys and he his hot did I mention that?! Hot! Like hot with three t's. I turn away trying not to stare at him for to long. I get my Mocha Frappe and take my seat in the corner. I'm thinking to myself "Get ahold of yourself! Don't just fall for some hot guy your in to! You don't even know anything about him. How can you think you love him? OMG I THINK I LOVE HIM! That's weird I never feel love. Not for anyone since my parents gave me up and I've been on my own"
"Hey" Says a male voice from behind me. Who the hell could this be? As I turn around I freeze. Seeing that boy...the hot one!
"Uh.....um....Hello" I try to sound calm and cool but I think I end up sounding startled. He's right here! Talking to me!
"Did I scare you?" He asks his expression full of concern.
"No. Just you know lost in" I raise my Mocha Frappe "this."
"May I join you?" He takes a seat across from me. Oh dear lord. I cant breathe! It's like his presence makes my heart spark and like I cant breathe. I never really felt this way about anyone. Except well.....Shane. I can get to him later.
"Tell me about you"He breaks the silence
"I dont even know you"
"Want to hang out sometime?"
"I dont even know you!"I scrunch my eyebrows. Yupperz, playing hard to get! I know I should just give in and accept his offer. I just dont want to make him think I'm easy and that type of girl who will do anything just for a pretty face.
"Oh? Don't you?" With that he walks out of sight. I guess I pissed him off. Works every time.
After that I just coulnd't let him walk away. I ran out the Cafe and followed him. For some odd reason he was walking into a dark alley. "Dear Lord this is not good. What if he is bad? Like evil? I sound dellusional but you never know!" I still follow him. I follow quiety trying not to make a sound not even a fraction of a sound
"Knew you would follow. They always do"
"What the hell? What do you mean they?"
"Perfect" I crack my knuckles.
"Well I guess I should tell you my name. Eli."
Daaamn! Let me say that name fits him perfect!
"Im-" he interupts me.
"Yes I know your Aaliyah." How the heck did he know who I was? Was he stalking me? Was he interested in me? Maybe he was just creepy?
ZOMG! This is probably a dream! I'm going crazy.
"Im fine! What is going on?!?" I scream
Haha! I don't scream. I don't get scared. Theres something good about him, Eli I mean. like he's everything I wanted other than Shane.
"Your scared arent you?" He steps closer to me
"You know me and I know you" He continues.
All I can do is gaze at his amazing brown, chocolate fudge eyes they have a hint of gold in them.
"I-I dont know" I answer weakly. Honestly I'm trying to wrap my mind around the idea that he might kiss me. He is going to kiss me right? He has too. What the hell am I saying?
"Well I have to admit your pretty cute when your scared" He sounds amused. I stare at him. He has a scar on the side of his face. I wonder how he got it. He's like a dream. If I wake up he'll be gone and just a distant memory. This is why I dont get close to people anymore.
"Yea I am stubborn and wait did you just call me.....cute?" I laugh nervously
"In a good way" he smiles
"Um thanks?" Right now my emotions are confused. I think he's confused to. Honestly what IS going on?
Without warning our lips meet. Finally! HELL YEA! He kissed me. I could do my victory dance. Those of you who dont know my victory dance is the snoopy dance. I LOVE that dance. But I would look totally weird if I did that. He pulls away.
Right now im stunned and shocked.
"Well that was something" He finally says
"Yea..." I try to turn my head. Were still close together I can feel his breathe agianst my skin. Agian I cannot breathe. His presence is like a drug to me.
Without hesitation I trace is scar. He doesnt move he just waits for me to finish.
"Oh.My.Gosh. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" My voice cracks. I am actually in love with him. I feel like I know him. Like REALLY know him.
He stays quiet not saying anything which is starting to drive me crazy. As you can see I like people answering me right away. Ugh! WOULD HE ANSWER ALREADY!
"Your so different" Is all he says then he sighs. "Be careful theres somethign awful awaiting for you in the future. But we will meet agian." Everything just turns fuzzy.
And what did he mean that something bad awaits me? This aint no freaking yoda movie. This aint even a movie period! He was gone before I knew it. The kiss was gone, our moment was gone, my life was gone. Already I miss him. Isnt life full of crappy things?
For awhile I went crazy agian. After the kiss and what he said. I didn't get him at all! He kisses me and then he leaves. He's pulling that shit from "New Moon" Seriously! What is up with guys doing that? Cant they find something else thats melodramatic? I guess not. And girls are supposed to be the dramatic ones! Days pass and pass. And I decide to try some witchcraft. It didn't work out to well. I turned out to master the dark arts. Sometimes it made me lose my anger and then sometimes it made me empty. Like there was no emotion in me. So i've been a witch for awhile now. Its been. It's been 4 years and in that 4 years I dont see Eli. I see him on my 16th birthday. Why does karma end up biting me in the ass? I didnt want to see him then the other part of me wanted to see him. I still love him.... I dont think he loved me. He is the last of my problems. Ever since he was gone I still have been the outcast in school. And as he said something bad would happen I guess he meant me turning into a witch. School is practically the same. 2 more years left. Till I'm gone. Technically I would have been gone but I just had a feeling Eli would come back for me. Turned out I was right but he was just 4 years late. My heart broke when he was gone. I felt like I knew him. Who he really was. For once I thought I had something perfect. That something that was perfect ended up leaving me on the first day! The FIRST day! Im a wreck. Literally. Well he left me the first ten minutes. My life is fucked up. How come NOW he chooses to come back? I needed him and he never came.
"I can see you" Eli walks my way. Back to my crappy 16th birthday and dealing with Eli.
"Obviously" I move my hair out of my face. So I can see him better.
"Im back" Is he stupid or something?
"Obviously" I repeat
"You some kind of fucking robot?" What the hell is his problem? "I come back when I wasn't supposed to, so I could see you and the best word you have to say is obviously?" His voice is strong and full of anger.
Exucse moi? He is getting pissed over nothing! I havent seen this kid in 4 years and he has the nerve to be pissed at me? Does he not understand that I was in emotional pain when he left? I dont know why but I guess because I was just so into him it hurt my soul and heart. Maybe were soul mates? NO! I dont belive in crap like that. But then agian I didnt entirely believe in witches and here I am as a witch. Typical me.
"Im sorry. It's just that i havent seen you since that day in the woods and Im so fucking shocked to see you agian" I looked at the ground. Not my best choice of words. But strong enough to make him wince. He thinks he can just walk in here and act like everything is ok? Well thier not.
"Oh" That was all he could say. What the hell? I cant deal with this right now. So I walk away. I dont know where Im going but its better than being here right now. My heart aches. Fuck love. Im pissed. Did I mention I carry guns? I pull out one of my guns and run into the woods. What can I do?? Kill myself? Kill an animal? Or kill someone? Love makes you do crazy shit. What the fuck am I going to do?
I load the gun. I start shooting the trees and anything I see. I hear something... it sounds like footsteps. Instead of talking I get close and shoot. I hear groaning. I rush to see what the fuck I shot. Oh.My.Fuck. OHMYFUCKINGSHIT!
"Eli?" I bend down next to him and cry.
"Aaliyah" Eli says in strained voice. It pains my heart. i cannot belive I just shot him.
"I didnt mean to shoot you! I am so sorry! Eli I dont know what to do. Add what the hell are you doing out here?"
"Not your fault. I just wanted to be there for you. I was... I was following you." He his closed. Oh shit! He better not die!!!
"Eli! You CANNOT die on me! I love you and you cant die yet!" I shake him. I pull out my phone and call 911.
It didnt work I tried to help him. I guess I didnt have enough power. Thank God an ambulance came in time. I walk inside the room Eli is in. I hold is hand and hopefully wait for him to wake up. This is all fault. Im the one who had to shoot random shit. I feel Eli move a little bit. He opens his eyes and stares at me. He stares as if he understands my life. Like he can see who I am and the pain I have been through.
"Hi w-where am I?"He tries to sit up. I lay him back down. His chest was badly wounded. He got shot 3 centimenters left to his heart. Thank God I didnt shoot him in the heart. He was bleeding alot. The memory was too much pain.
"Uhmmmm the hospital. But everything is fine ok? Dont worry." I make a false smile. Everything was NOT going to be ok. I just shot the guy I love. Ooooooo. Did I just say love? What I meant to say is....is that I um. Nevermind.
He just keep staring at me. I cant stay here any longer. But I dont want to leave him. After all I am the one who shot him. I am the one who lost my temper. And I am the one who was shooting random shit. Not my smartest choices.
"I can leave if you want" I fidget
"Dont. I really. Need you" Eli grabs ahold my hand and grins. He is just so damn gorgous. And sweet and and and.......so much more. Eww! I sound like a lovestruck twot. I need to snap out of this. I need to find out the real reason that Eli is back and how come he let the bullet hit him. This isnt just about him getting shot its about whats going to happen. And something tells me bad things are going to happen. Eli may be the cause of these things. I know I love him with all my heart. But the heart wants what the hearts wants. But does it always mean its what you want? And if its what your need? I cant just follow my heart I have to go with my gut and logic.
If only I knew everything. Things would be alot better.
My phone rings and so I pick it up.
"Heller?" I answer
"Hey, we need to talk" His voice sounds really serious. I wonder whats wrong with Eli. He's still in the hospital. The nurses said he would need time to recover. I bet that they wanted me to leave so they could have him all to themselves. So unfair!
"Sure. We can talk right now"
"Im not sure if it would be right to talk about something serious through a phone call" He still has that serious tone. What the hell?
"Just talk to me" Im starting to get pissed
"Fine." He takes a deep breath "Everything is a misunderstanding. Everything. Us. The kiss. What I thought we felt. Im sorry but it was a misunderstanding. I just cant be in a relationship like this." I hang up so I dont hear what else has to say. He was right. That was not the right thing to do, to talk about that through a phone call. My heart is feeling really werird. Like its swollen. So much for love. So much for loving someone. He said he needed me and I was there. When I needed him there was he there for me? No I dont think so. He cant control anything. And right now Im bout to bust someone in thier head.
Publication Date: 04-29-2011
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