Sitting on the couch in the club I tapped my high spiked heels.
“Can we leave,” I asked my seriousness sending off onto everyone else. In the pit of my stomach I had this feeling we needed to be back at the kingdom.
“Just have fun for once Scar,” Lisa slurred drunk off of blood, I sighed and leaned back into the couch and continued to tap my foot. Looking around the gut feeling came back and I growled.
“I’m leaving.” Everyone stopped drinking there drinks and stood up with me. Walking towards the exit my dress flew after me and I took out my dagger. Once I stepped out of the club the music failed to stop blasting in my ear, and the lights still flash. Everyone gathered around me and looked confused while others that were drunk fought it off and tried to stay focus. I scuffed and flash to the kingdom’s gates. Slamming my heel into the gate it flew open and everyone entered. Halfway through the yard rouges came and attacked us, my gut feeling exploded inside of me and I cursed. Playing with the dagger I waited for one of the rouges to lung at me, once it did all hell broke loose. Grabbing the awful smell I twisted their arm and threw them into a statue. Stench worked its way up to me and I gagged, driving out the smell I continued to fight off the rouges until they were all non-moving.
“Scar are you okay,” Mike asked running towards me, I held up my hand telling him to stop and nodded. Why would he think other wise, of course I’m okay? Kicking the rouge on top of my foot off I stalked towards the main entrance of the mansion. Stepping inside you heard the clink of my heels and everyone rushed to see me.
“My lord, Scarlet are you okay,” my mum questioned running towards me then stopped grabbing one of the nurses and pulling them with her.
“Mum, I’m fine,” I reassured her as my father and the prince and king of the other kingdom came out because of the commotion. My head and eyes snapped towards them, they smelt like rouges.
“It was them, they planned this,” I accused pointing at the Prince and King. Turning around I faced all of my friends, Lisa was hanging onto Jesse for her dear life. Scanning her body I saw she had a cut across her stomach, before she could say anything to protest I grabbed the nurse and dragged her over to Lisa.
“Scar, I’m perfect, if you think this is bad look at yourself, you took all 10 of those rouges,” Lisa proclaimed and I ignored her. Scuffing I rolled my eyes and made my way back to my mum.
“Scarlet,” my father’s deep and deathly voice echoed the mansion. Snapping my eyes towards him my facial emotion didn’t change it was still mad, and serious.
“Yes father,” I asked innocently my voice like honey. He snarled hating the fact that I used such a voice, it only made me smirk. A pair of heels clicked against the marble floor while I made way towards my kingship.
“Father-dear, are you mad,” I questioned honey still dripping into my words. His face scrunched up knowing that I wasn’t afraid of him, that I didn’t cower back in fear.
“Scarlet, don’t be such a dimwit, why on earth would you assume such things, first that they planned for you’re failure, then that I am mad,” he hissed like a black racer snake would hiss at their pray. I arched my perfectly shaped eyebrow, is that what he thinks I am, his pray?
“No-no-no father-dear, you’ve gotten it all wrong I do not assume these things, I know them,” I stated the honey demolished from my voice covered by venom. Taking a step closer to my father I glared hatefully.
“Enough Scarlet,” my mother’s heavenly voice brought me back, turning around sharply I advanced over to my mother.
“Yes mother,” I told her sugar coating my words. Her light laugh echoed the room bringing a smile upon my cherry red lips. She hugged me tightly and I hugged back forgetting anything of my father. Pulling back from the hug I looked at my mother worriedly, that monster doesn’t deserve such a caring women.
“Scar, please let the nurse check you,” Hayley insisted and I groaned.
“Hay, please let me remind you that I am perfectly fine with a cherry on top,” I mocked her pleading, and stuck my tongue at her childishly and she did it back a smile developing on her small face. I heard an unfamiliar cough causing my eyes to snap towards the maker of it. Of course my eyes snapped over to the prince looking oh-so-bored.
“Am I boring you Prince,” I questioned fake concern taking over my teasing words. His light grey green eyes snapped up from the floor to me. His face mocked my father’s and scrunched up in disgust. Once again in response my eyebrow arched in questioning.
“Scarlet, go somewhere and stop being the monster you are,” my father ordered and I looked at him appall taking over me. He just ordered me to do something. My eyes flashed in challenge and I firmly stood in place.
“Father-dear, go somewhere where people want you, somewhere not here,” I retorted and my mother gasped, slowly I turned around and saw a knife to her throat. A breath got caught in my throat and I flashed behind my father carefully removing his hand from my mum’s neck.
“You wouldn’t do that in front of guest now would you Father-dear,” I questioned death lingering my words as I took his weapon and used it against him, poking the knife at his chest.
“Scar, put the knife down,” Mike begged and I ignored it, I am tired of my Father threatening my mum.
“Father, I only have one Mother, I don’t wish to lose her with that said if you ever go near her again with anything sharp or anything that can cause harm to her I am not afraid to end your life.” My father turned from predator to pray within an instant, knowing this his commanding eyes turned frantic and fearful.
“Scar, put it down,” Jack said and I slowly lowered the knife so it poking at his stomach.
“That’s not what I meant Scar,” Jack exclaimed and I dropped his knife, everyone became relieved until I pulled my own dagger out of my pocket and slid it across his chest watching the crimson blood soak his white dress shirt. Stepping away I wiped my dagger off on his sleeve and walked over to Jack. He looked disappointed but happy at the same time. Looking around the room everyone else had those two emotions mixed. What an odd bunch, I thought to myself as I put my dagger away.
“I put it down J, what do I get,” I questioned leaning my head on his shoulder.
“Fruit salad and a glass of wine-blood,” he stated and I smiled my favorite. I only suck up to Jack because he’s the chief. Clapping my hands together all of the maids went back to working and all my friends gather around me.
“Scar get yourself checked out, you don’t see what we see.” I scowled and the worst came to my mind.
“MY DRESS IS RUINED,” I squealed and frantically looked down to see blood and a lot of cuts in my brand new dress.
“Really Scar, that’s all you think about is your new dress,” Lisa questioned and I nodded frantically, she sighed and grabbed my arm pulling me into the kitchen. Sitting down on the stool I wondered who sent out all of those rouges, shaking my head I watched Jack cut the fruit into squares. Noticing we were in the kitchen he slid down my wine-blood and I thanked him. Taking the glass I took a sip and stood up. Stalking into the living room I saw the prince and King talking to my father trying to calm him down.
“Just give him a minute or two,” my mum explained into the silence, and then came a low growl from my father.
“Or a week,” I chimed in and took a sip of my wine-blood.
“What are you doing in here,” my father sneered as I sat down in a couch away from him.
“I live here don’t I father-dear,” I questioned sarcastically. Crossing a leg over my other I settled into a comfortable position and took another sip of my drink. The wine mixed with blood slipped down my throat soothing it. My father began to get up about to lung when I rolled my eyes and waved my pointer finger side to side.
“I didn’t come in here to bother you anyway, so King Gavin why are you here on such a beautiful night ruined by the distasteful viewing of my father,” I asked skeptically, my honey voice in disguise. Slowly he looked up from the maroon colored rug and searched my face.
“Business,” he answered not offering anymore. I rolled my eyes at the typical political answer and stood up and sat next to him.
“What type of Business,” I pressed wanting to know more. His glare hardened and looked away.
“Honey, go back to the kitchen Jack has your fruit salad,” my mothers soft dulcet voice wavered. Concern washed over me and I stood up clicking my heels as I walked towards her.
“What’s wrong mum,” I asked my eyes watering on the verge of tears, she never keeps things from me. She shook her head and pointed towards the kitchen.
“Mum, don’t lie to me, you can’t. Please mummy, tell me,” I begged my voice breaking at the thought of her lying to me, we’re in this together.
“Princess, your fruit salad is done,” Jack called and I was oblivious to it watching my mum shake.
“Honey, go nothing’s wrong,” she lied her voice on edge, sucking it up I looked over her my concern eyes piercing through her. Turning around I walked into the kitchen and slid into the stool taking a huge gulp of my wine-blood. Jack took a bowl and sat next to me placing it in front of me. I bit my lip some of me wanted to dig into the fruit and wipe cream while another part of me wanted to throw the bowl at my father. Jack as if he knew what I was thinking slid the bowl away from me.
“You can’t do that again,” he explained then slid it back to me while handing me a fork. I silently laughed and took a strawberry covered in wipe cream and ate it. Yummy.
“Lisa do you want a bite,” I asked with my mouth full of fruit. She smiled at my sudden mood changed and shook her head knowing that if she took some I would hate her.
“Why did you offer,” she questioned rolling her eyes sitting on the other side of me. I shrugged while taking a bit of melon.
“I love you Jack,” I exclaimed loudly but it came out nothing like that because my mouth was full. I finished chewing that then hugged jack.
“Lisa did you find out why the rouges were sent,” I asked slowly losing my appetite at the thought of the smelly corpse. Finishing all of my fruit salad Lisa explained all that she knew but it was still nothing, basically they left no fingerprints for us to use as clues.
“I’m going to take a shower,” I told them while looking around. Taking a finial sip of my wine-blood I stood up and flashed upstairs to my room. Inside was a maid folding my bed of scarlet red, once she saw me she apologized and walked out. I called after her and she turned around appearing in front of me.
“Thank you.” she nodded and smiled then turned back walking down the hall. Stepping into my room I wonder why I have a bad gut feeling about the Prince. Even though I’ve known him since I was younger I know absolutely nothing about him. Shrugging it off I walked into the bathroom. Turning on the shower I waited for it to heat up. Looking into the mirror my eyes widen in shock. I looked down and poked one of my many cuts on my stomach. Why haven’t I felt it yet, I asked myself then undressed. Studying the mirror my need for a shower only raised. I stepped into the glass shower and instantly felt warmth of the water take over me. All of my sore and tight muscles began to loosen. Washing my body I felt better with all of the stench and blood off me. While I was shampooing my hip length raven black hair I got another gut feeling and sped up using my inhuman speed. Turning off the shower I stepped out and dried off. Running across the room into my walk in closet I picked out one of my one shoulder dresses and slipped it on. Flashing downstairs I heard shouting in the living room.
“Father, would you shut up, I was enjoying my shower until all this bedlam downstairs,” I growled while walking into the living room starring at my horrid father.
“Scarlet this doesn’t concern you,” my mother’s airy voice creaked.
“Then who does it concern,” I questioned my father with a death glare, only if looks could actually kill my life would be great.
“King and Queen, I’m sorry but my son and I need to get back to the kingdom,” King Gavin explained trying to get away from whatever they were talking about. If curiosity killed the cat, I’ll get one of my dogs to find out. Stalking out of the living room I ran up to Lisa.
“Lisa, we have some werewolf guard’s right,” I questioned swinging into her room. She slowly nodded and got up from her maroon bed.
“You know, I can always help with snooping around Scar,” she offered her innocence slowly rotting away. I shook my head and took her arm and then ran down the stairs towards the guarding headquarters. Walking into the room uninvited all of the guards stood up in defense mood and I held my hands in a surrender motion.
“So, you all have great hearing right,” I questioned a smirk playing on my cherry lips. They all nodded some more cautioned then others. Lisa arched an eyebrow with me and we looked towards each other than towards the guards. Blake our number one werewolf sighed and turned around walking away from us. This isn’t the first time we needed their… help.
“You won’t get caught Blake, all you have to do is listen then report to me what you heard, simple,” I explained with puppy dog eyes. Lisa looked over and saw what I was doing and joined, her big brown eyes melting into Blake’s soul.
“Please, Blake,” she chimed in her lip quivering. He finally broke and I smiled, ah we did this to him last time also.
“No sneaking out,” he asked reminiscing about the last time he ‘helped’ us. I shook my head and bit my lip from laughing at his misfortune. We made it halfway through the lawn when my mum came out and yelled at us.
“He’ll do it,” Drake his brother stated. I saluted them and flashed to the kitchen. Sitting on the stool I starred at Jack’s back waiting for him to notice me. When he turned around he smiled and out of the wine and bagged blood.
“Loyal like dogs, ears like dogs, teeth like dogs, I’m starting to think werewolves are dogs, but I like dogs so nothing wrong with that,” I told Jack as he poured me for wine-blood. He laughed and shook his head, probably picturing the guards as little puppies running around. . Lisa came into the kitchen and sat down next to me.
“You know Scar, you can’t be getting into any trouble,” Lisa lectured me in her motherly voice. Rolling my eyes Jack handed me the glass of wine-blood.
“Lisa didn’t you know, Trouble is my middle name,” I exclaimed and took a sip of wine-blood. Closing my eyes I held out my hand and imaged a doggie bone. Opening my light grey eyes I nodded satisfied, joke time. Taking my wine-blood and bone in hand I looked at Lisa and told her to come with me. Flashing to the guarding headquarters we walked in. I took a sip of my wine-blood and sat down on one of their couches.
“Princess Scarlet, do you need anything,” Drake questioned confused to why I was sitting next to him. I shrugged and took another sip acting casual. Swirling the dog bone in my other hand I scanned the room to see all of the werewolves eye-balling it. I knew it, they are dogs. I jumped up from the couch and point to all of them and laughed.
“I knew it, I just knew it,” I exclaimed and Lisa burst into laughter. All of the guards looked at us like we were crazy.
“You guys are like dogs, are you guys’ quarter dog, quarter wolf, quarter human?” Blake huffed and grabbed the dog bone throwing it out into the hall, one of the guards went after it and I pointed to Blake.
“Exactly,” I exclaimed, Blake looked at me like I was crazy.
“Do you want me to do you this favor or not,” Blake questioned and I instantly shut up and gave him the challenging look.
“If you do this for me I’ll give you a dog treat,” I offered and flashed back to the kitchen without listening to his reply. Sitting on the stool I laughed and sighed in exhaust. Taking a sip of my wine-blood I looked at Jack wondering why he is in such a good mood.
“What happened at the club,” I questioned knowing that happy mood, something happened and he liked it. His face lit up and he walked around the island to sit on the stool next to me. I smiled and he told me his story, I laughed at the funny parts, said aw at the sweet parts and fist pumped him at the great parts.
“What about you anything interesting,” Jack asked half knowing the answer.
“Jack, my job isn’t to flirt with mindless humans, it’s to protect my kingdom and vampires, I protect werewolves and witches also, but that’s only because I have this odd connection to them I can’t figure out. It’s like… I don’t know,” I explained hoping he would just get it instead of asking anymore questions. He did get it and nodded.
“You’re very loyal to everyone I don’t see anything monstrous about you. Your father is just messed up in the head, and I have a secret I heard from one of the maids,” Jack declared smiling waiting for me to ask ‘what.’
“What is this secret you heard about him. Is it gossip or rumor,” I whispered leaning closer to him, secrets should always be whispered even if werewolves live with you.
“Neither gossip nor rumor, the plain truth, he isn’t your father,” Jack whispered and leaned back looking at me for my reaction. Sitting there I was dumbfounded the most, glad he wasn’t my father, confused to why I call him father, and astonished to how I never found out.
“That’s a big secret,” I squealed with wide eyes. Jack tilted his head and pushed the glass up to my mouth intending me to drink it. With my light grey eyes still widened I took a regular sized drink of the wine-blood. It soothed me some and my eyes tiredly went back to normal. Lisa stormed into the kitchen looking half angry half sad.
“We never went back to the club,” she whined pacing back and forth on the other side of the marble island. I arched an eyebrow at jack and he nodded.
“We have to get Scar to kiss at least one human,” Lisa proposed, I screeched and shook my head frantically. Everyone ran into the room looking for trouble. But then again Trouble is my middle name.
“Well while you all are here, we are going back to the club and she screeched because we are MAKING her kiss a human,” Jack explained and everyone high fived each other.
“Gross, humans are all, gross,” I squeaked thinking of the first time I kissed a human. Yuck.
Publication Date: 12-31-2011
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