Zombie Apocalypse Support Team

  • 24 Members
  • 10 Posts
  • Public Group
  • Group Language: English
This group is made for fun, we can share stories (Books) or role play. Just nothing other than zombie/lurkers/crawlers/walkers/all of the above.


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Since this is a zombie group. Are any of you willing to review the first chapter in my book. if y... By: Deleted User
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Since this is a zombie group. Are any of you willing to review the first chapter in my book. if yes then click on my profile and it should be there

Any fellow preppers? By: death.before_dishonor
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Anyone else who is preparing for the end of days?

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Deleted User


Run By: Deleted User
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Run has been updated!

hi all By: Leandra A
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hopefully i'll be able to think a good plot ^_^

Deleted User

lol I hope you have a good time!

Leandra A

thanks ;)

Deleted User

np ttyl

I declare a roleplay!!! By: Deleted User
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I declare a roleplay!!!

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Deleted User

*starts to twich and sweat*
dont take her...

Deleted User

*looks back at you*
Who are they trying to take??

Deleted User

take me not her not my sister

hey fellow zoms! By: Necromancer
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hey fellow zoms!

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Deleted User

nigga please I wanna relax

Deleted User

lol byez bitch XD

Deleted User


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