Writing advice/ Writing help

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This group is for those of us who are just getting started with writing, and need some help. For those of us who have little to no experience.


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A new writer who needs help By: Seraquin
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Hey everyone! My name is Seraquin and I'm a new writer. Well... Not exactly new but I've never published my works only since I'm a shy type. That said, I need advice on what set of skills as a writer should I hone so that I'll be a better writer who will be able to post his works without any shame. Any help would be appreciated.

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Use all five senses in your writing. Your description will become more vivid to readers:) Good luck!

Not a new writer, but never published. By: Melanie
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I am not sure where to begin. The books I write tend to be a series. They tend to have a main plot and multiple subplots. Some say I shouldn't write it like that, but I can't help it. It's like a soap opera. I guess drama is the appropriate word. How would I go about getting my work edited in a way where readers would want to read it, but where I don't lose big chunks of the story? Are there particular independent publishers... Show more

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Hi Melanie. It's not a matter of "allowing" for publishers, but what they want. I too wrote a huge story. 390k words. I decided to break it up into 3 books (a la Lord of the RIngs) but its currently unpublished too, and awaiting the day I feel more comfortable putting it out... Show more

Humanity hangs in shame on Kuthua rape and murder! By: Umar
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Humanity lost and India shamed to the core for an 8-year old nomadic girl, Asifa, who was drugged, sexually abused and brutally murdered in January, 2018 by some beasts for venom with the minority Muslim Bakerwal community in kuthua. What happened next in the following months is even more disturbing and shocking; Lawyers deemed to deliver justice and politicians more often than not are boosting of development of the country... Show more

New Writer Too-Currently Keeping it a Secret By: DaNae
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Currently writing my first book! Is it normal to want to keep that secret? I feel like if I tell people or start promoting it like the blogs say I should, that it will somehow shadow it or 'taint' the process :(


Promotion doesn't taint anything, but putting your book out publicly does. Even publishing it here, I was told... and I did it anyway. But agents aren't telling me "Yes" so good bet my free book didn't help me be agent candy. But, i did get a lot of eyes on it, and the response... Show more


It's fine if you want to keep it a secret. Sometimes, though, if you give little hints about it, it will make readers curious and want to read your book after it's done. I domt think this is taint it. Its more like a tease.


I do give tiny hints on my instagram and fb business pages that i'm writing something. I don't give any details but just some hints that i have a project.




Do you, dude. Agents like debut authors (I'm told, although they seem to like the word "No" a lot more, IMHO), but if you want to self-pub, most successful ones gather as large a flock of followers as possible before they publish. Helps if the book hits the racks and sells... Show more

New Writer By: Aurora-Lee
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Hello! My name is Aurora and I am not only new to bookrix, but also to writing. I used to write a lot when I was younger, but stopped somewhere along the way. I have just recently been trying to get back into writing and was looking for a group to join.

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Best advice I can give is start with a scene, any scene that's in your head. Write it. The figure out if it's in the middle, beginning, or wherever. Set that aside and see if there's anywhere that that scene took you, and go from there. I usually have several vignettes that... Show more


Thanks Jeff. I never thought to do something like that. I will definitely be giving that a try.


I've actually written the ending in advance before, but had to adjust it. But still, it sends you off in a direction. There's lots of ways to get the ball rolling. My idea is just one of them. Good luck!

Editor's Tip By: Jordan
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Words to avoid if possible:

decide, notice, realize, think, remember, that, the, wonder, really, very, sudden/suddenly, and just...

These are flat or dirty words that don't carry much meaning and slow the reader down. Your story will benefit, if these are deleted, of course not in every case.


Thank you for that tip! I am going to do a word search and see how many times I've used these words!


Great! I hope it helps. Let me know if you have any other questions

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