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Lets be part of a big world project. Lets be a equal group with many many members and amazing stories in life from many other people.
Lets get to know others life and stories of all kind of people with different nationalities, religion and and and...
Help to make this group big noticeable and working. Invite all kind off people and lets do everything together.
Because we are not the same, but we are,... Show More


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Cheers for the invite, Storyreada! By: alcalm
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Yo Storyreada cheers for the invite to your group!!! I dig the vibes to what it about and thought it like some political vibe, defo heavy, it got some serious vibes as all over the planet, there's always some dark political stuff kicking off innit!!! Guess Greenpeace got the right idea saving the world and all, in dust we trust, always big ups to them!!! ;)

Image has been craeted. By: Deleted User
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Do you like it ?

To Storyreada By: Deleted User
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I am really, really sorry for leaving again, forgive me.

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Deleted User

I am okay, thanks for asking... but something is happened, one of my friends uncle is in hospital and my other friend is having some personal problem in which she is taking break from this site....


Oh no ! I wish you all good luck :O

Deleted User

Thank you my friend, I wish them luck *sigh*

Test :o By: Storyreada
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Do you all have so many test like I do ? I just finished them luckily :D


yea i had an anatomy test today :) but i will had more on the coming days :(


I wish you good Luck :)



How do you write your book? (Survey) By: Storyreada
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Do you start writing your book with a fix plan or do you just start writing and write everything that comes into your mind ?

Deleted User

I make a incomplete plan and start writing and my ideas come though the prossess.


Me too :)

Deleted User

Thta's great, we are same in this issue :)

Tirrifying night yesterday: By: Deleted User
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It was very terrifying night yesterday, there is an restaurant below my 10-story-building and I live at 5th floor, at 10:45 pm, very one was told to evacuate from the building as it was threat that building might catch fire.

The Fire was in the chimney of that restaurant, the reason of that fire was that the restaurant owners never ordered their stuff to clean the grease from the chimney in result, the grease got full up the... Show more

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Oh no ! Good that nothing happened :O

Important to share: By: Deleted User
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have really bad life, I mean, I am 27 and I still can’t do I want, and that unbearable. Last year something happened, I was victimized by dangerous scammer but God saved me as I was caught by my family being in touch with such criminals, I am deeply sorry but I wasn’t aware what I was getting into, so when my family found out about me chatting online secretly, then banned me from using the computer for about 4 months.

From... Show more

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Deleted User

Sorry but you can't do anything for me :(


I'm very sorry for you :(

Deleted User

Me too :(

Hey By: Deleted User
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new here, and just stopping by 2 say hey

Deleted User

Hey to you forever :)

Deleted User

hey :)


Thanks for entering our group. We're happy to meet new people :)

Deleted User

Yeah :D

"They're Rugby Boys, Don't You Know?" by Natalie Vellacott Christian True Story By: Deleted User
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Hi, My book is free to download on here. It is about my true experiences encountering a group of street teens addicted to a solvent called "rugby" in the Philippines. I hope you enjoy it... :)

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