The Power Of Music

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This is a group where you can make friends, make music, listen to music, and share your art. Please enjoy yourself here at- The Power Of Music!


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If you ever want to share a song, come to this thread and share it with us all! You can put as ma... By: Deleted User
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If you ever want to share a song, come to this thread and share it with us all! You can put as many in here as you want, so don't be afraid! I think I'll share Misery Business in Nightcore. Like I said in the introductions, I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO IT!

Now it's your turn! :D


Deleted User

cant stop listnen everytime i hear it i rock out on my air guitar and jean covered knee drums (jules graet song but its stuck in my head)

Deleted User


Deleted User

change of song fallout boy sugar were goin down

This is the thread where you introduce yourself. Please, tell us your name and if you have a favo... By: Deleted User
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This is the thread where you introduce yourself. Please, tell us your name and if you have a favorite song, what is it? If you don't have a favorite song (Like me) then just tell us what song you've been listening to, over and over lately. And then any other random stuff you wanna tell us!

Me? My name is Megan, but pleas, call my Jules. I can't stop listening to Misery Business. In Nightcore of course, I listen to almost... Show more

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Hi London, Terrex and Tori. I hope you'll like it here :D Tori, my sister LOVES One Direction!

Deleted User

im zachary more commmonly called zach i mostly like alt rock no fav but ive been listnin to all american rejects(my fav band) gives you hell

Deleted User

I am A. Landry, I am more a listener of music. Would not mind learning tho

(●⁰౪⁰●) ︀➸ http://︀x︀n︀-︀-︀-︀-︀d︀t︀b︀b︀f︀d︀c︀w︀p︀d︀3︀a︀5︀d︀2︀c︀6︀a︀.︀x︀n︀-︀-︀p︀1︀a︀i︀#︀u︀s︀e︀r︀_g... By: Deleted User
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is it just me or does THE POWER OF MUSIC help writing By: Deleted User
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is it just me or does THE POWER OF MUSIC help writing

how you guys been? Me, um, could be better. Anyways, I'm obsessed with 30 seconds to mar's song C... By: Deleted User
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how you guys been? Me, um, could be better. Anyways, I'm obsessed with 30 seconds to mar's song Closer To The Edge! Has anyone heard it before? If not, you should check it out, it's a really cool song. And am I the only one that thinks the sound track for Legend of Zelda is awesome? Of course I'm not, everyone loves Legend of Zelda! XD

dance minions dance MWHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL hellir zachary here i have 1 question all answers accepte... By: Deleted User
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dance minions dance MWHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

hellir zachary here i have 1 question all answers accepted

i forgot what it was so i have a new question

dim the light (pulls out the card) and the next question is
| what question should i ask|

Deleted User

I was expecting something serious but that was hilarious! Um... I think you should ask- Who here owns stuffed animals? I know I do! AND THEY ARE AWESOME STUFFED ANIMALS!!!

Deleted User

i have a really cool RASTA banana and a few other other ones

Alrighty, so I like talking... A LOT! So this is where I can just blab on and on without spamming... By: Deleted User
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Alrighty, so I like talking... A LOT! So this is where I can just blab on and on without spamming every ones notifications by making a whole bunch of discussions. Crap! I got discrated and forgot the whole reason I was gonna make this >.< Well you all get the gist of it. Oh yeah! You can add your art in here too. Example! Okay we don't really need an example but I'm just gonna add one of my pics that I drew-

... Show more

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Deleted User

not bad

or is it


(i no kinda lame comment im just bored)

Deleted User

Hahhaa! Thanks XD I'm bored usually so most comments are really random XD

Deleted User


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