The Open Critique Book (Free Book Swap)

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Stitching together the creative community!Looking for some recognition you deserve? Want a book to critique on?Well, look no more! Bookrix is filled with undiscovered talented writers! Come join the group and start posting your books on the wall for others to to see! Please do try critiquing on other people's work too to return the favour! Remember to give some constructive criticism! Being rude is... Show More


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The impatient doctor By: Jasiya
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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you impro... By: Zeus
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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you improve your writing skills, Click on this link to know more.

"They're Rugby Boys, Don't You Know?" by Natalie Vellacott Christian True Story By: Deleted User
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Hi, My book is free to download on here. It is about my true experiences encountering a group of street teens addicted to a solvent called "rugby" in the Philippines. I hope you enjoy it... :)

Feedback would be greatly appreciated! By: Deleted User
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It would be greatly appreciated if I could get some feedback for Callous Fate.


Dr. John Smith is a prestigious psychiatrist who has heard it all over the years but his new client Nicholas “Nick” Scratch claims that he is the Devil. But after experiencing several violent demonic attacks, Dr. Smith wonders if his client is telling the truth.

Fearing for his soul, Dr. Smith races all over Boston in search for a solution... Show more

Callous Fate Dr. John Smith is a prestigious psychiatrist who has heard it all over the years but his new client Nicholas “Nick” Scratch claims that he is the Devil. But after experiencing several violent demon...
Would love some feedback on the short story I just posted- Nights Like This. I would be happy to ... By: taysti111
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Would love some feedback on the short story I just posted- Nights Like This. I would be happy to return the favor.

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Deleted User

please put the link of your book and the synoposis so it's easier for them to see:)

Stitching together the creative community! Looking for some recognition you deserve? Want a book... By: Deleted User
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Stitching together the creative community!

Looking for some recognition you deserve? Want a book to critique on?Well, look no more! Bookrix is filled with undiscovered talented writers! Come join the group and start posting your books on the wall for others to to see! Please do try critiquing on other people's work too to return the favour! Remember to give some constructive criticism! Being rude is just plain mean and uncool :)

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