This book will give you the key to the most awesome power within your reach!
Put your mind-power to work and be all God wants you to be!
There are no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself, when you put your mind-power to work.
The techniques provided in the book are simple and invaluable. They are not merely theoretical in nature, but are backed by numerous real-life cases in which the techniques have proven highly effective.
How can we convert our weaknesses into our strengths; hindrances and obstacles into our most powerful assets? It is by having substantial control over our thought process-in effect, our mind. We know that it is emotional intelligence, the quantum of which determines our individual success in life. This book dwells extensively upon understanding our self and then the methods to improve upon our weaknesses and shortcomings.
A book that provides you with the diagnosis of your own mind and the remedies to your limitations. Doing so, enables you to reach for the skies. It provide a firm foundation to those students, who aspire to embark upon a successful and rewarding career. The books are complementary to each other. Reading and imbibing the techniques suggested, guarantee curricular and professional success. A worthwhile investment that would go a long way in developing careers.
The Commenters-Book Project Group-
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This group is for the biggest collaboration project that I am making. The Idea is simple, although I think no one has ever don’t this before and this is how it goes, it’s a public book, it’s based on making comments publicly, I got this idea from my old work that I made here months ago (prank book) ...this book will have 6 or 8 chapters.
The prossess is like this, I’ll post a topic and others will... Show More
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This book will give you the key to the most awesome power within your reach!
Put your mind-power to work and be all God wants you to be!
There are no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself, when you put your mind-power to work.
The techniques provided in the book are simple and invaluable. They are not merely theoretical in nature, but are backed by numerous real-life... Show more
Inviting to read my new book how to become a leader.
Inviting all to read my FREE E-book NICE POEMS
Okay, as we all are e-book readers and writers, what do you think about e-books and how they compared to real paper-books?... are e-books better to read then real books, and if e-books are better in any way, tell me how they are better then real books?
Have a point there, and very good one.
I think they both are great in their own way, I found E-books more easy because you can read any book you want, I mean for instance, you're at some place and you feel like reading a book, where are you going to get one? Well, you got your cell-phone, so it means you got lots of... Show more
Okay, this might be little hard question, tell me what makes a great story?.... characters, plot, the way it's written, the way it moves or everything?....what makes it a great story that you probably will recommend to your friend as well, so?
A great story is realistic and not rushed. You know you could have a great cover but once I read I start regretting it. A great story builds and takes you on a journey,helps you see the sights and enjoy them. Finally,you safely reach you destination, the end,safely.
A story arc that grabs the readers' attention right on the first page, follows through with logic, action, and goal, and wraps up by concluding all the elements that need to be concluded. But just as important is proper spelling, grammar, and formatting. A book with horrible... Show more
When the author puts emotion into the story, or talks about something in the story from life experience. When the author uses very descriptive words, and also leaves them in suspension at the end of every, or almost every chapter.
Okay, this one is for the writers, tell me all please, what was your first work as a writer and when did you write it? what inspired you to become a writer?
im not as such a writer but i like writing quotes and thoughts i wrote a book or two when i was little but i don't know y i stopped may be becoz of study or something now im writing but i don't have that much time to complete and continue so i just read books
My first was a poem that I wrote for my crush. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself,I was 13 or 14 I think. It was impulsive but the words had just flowed truthfully. Oh,and it rhymed. I was embarrassed but regretted nothing. It was then that I knew. I wrote others,not to... Show more
I was in the fifth grade. The day was overcast and cold. I was in the mood for a story to suit the weather that also had a lot of adventure in it. Went to the library. Nothing. All the ones that fit my requirements I'd already read. So...I went home and wrote it myself. It was... Show more
Okay, now tell me my fellow users about what book make you entertain, in other words, what genre you pick or like the most, which type story fascinates you the most?
Hmm....romance esp. a tearjerker. I love the emotions an they help me when I feel stressed because they drain me emotionally. Kind of like a form of therapy. They help me understand the choices people make and the reasons. I am able to think beyond my nose, makes me open minded. :-)
Historical action/adventure, epic fantasy, science fiction, humor, mystery...pretty much everything except standard romance novels and do-it-yourself or self-help non-fiction.
I like romance but I honestly don't care what type of book
Cool, and true Mrs. Colella and about what you said that we need paper, let me give you an example of my own, suppose you're siting on a bench, reading a story on your ipad or cell-phone, what if you accidently dropped your ipad or phone on the ground and it broke, when if you... Show more
Cool, and true Mrs. Colella and about what you said that we need paper, let me give you an example of my own, suppose you're siting on a bench, reading a story on your ipad or cell-phone, what if you accidently dropped your ipad or phone on the ground and it broke, when if you drop a book, it won't broke, same as if your phone gets dead while you were reading a story in it, book can't be dead because they doesn't have any battery to it, so we need paper. :)
And about the future of e-books, I think it can evolve, I have a new look/ vision for e-books, characters can have their who separate page by a link attached to their names in which the whole information of the character could be told, it will be easier for the read to memorize who the character is and what is back-story is.
Second thing should be (I hope someone hasn't done this either) color paper. It could be any image or color background of the content of the written story. You go trough some websites and see that some of those are colored backgrounds and the contents are written in various colors, example is my website, I have a black background with different colored contents on every page of it.
I've seen the colored background on website text, but don't think I've encountered it in any of the ebooks I have on my Kindle bookshelf. Interesting idea. ')
Thank you very much Madam. :)
That's what I am trying to produce.