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Looking to make friends and share your ideas? Come here and feel free to be yourself. This group is for creative minds and freedom of speech. You can say anything you want but please if it is used to harm someone, stop...think... what if that person said the same thing to you? HAVE FUN!


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Hlo friends new to the group and I hope you guys support me in sharing ideas about my poem and books By: Shaik muddasir ahamed
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Hlo friends new to the group and I hope you guys support me in sharing ideas about my poem and books

20 online earning ideas By: MULAYAM SINGH NISHAD
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The crazy thing is, earning money online isn't a pipe dream. I have been doing it for nearly a decade now with my book Good Financial.

Wats up !! Il jasmine i juste joined this group ans i would love to meet overy of you guys By: jasmine meghfour
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Wats up !! Il jasmine i juste joined this group ans i would love to meet overy of you guys

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