Supernatural Roleplay

  • 25 Members
  • 4 Posts
  • Public Group
  • Group Language: English
Where all supernatural things, from vampires to ghosts, wherewolves to gorgons, can roleplay together. I will be updating the area you roleplay in every once in a while, so keep updated! (Roleplay place: Dark forest near the town of Corlia)

Players list:

Echo (Female, played by... Show More


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Just fill out this form and I will confirm it & add it in the Players list (The Players list is l... By: tigerstar
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Just fill out this form and I will confirm it & add it in the Players list (The Players list is located in the group description.)

Supernatural creature type:
Food (What monster eats/drinks):
Look (What ur monster looks like):
Special power(s):
Other (U don't have to fill this one out, only if u want to)


Supernatural creature type: Werewolf
Personality: edgy, but confident. Doesnt take crap but will listen if she doesnt like you
Food (What monster eats/drinks): anything
Look (What your monster looks like):humen looks like a african american/white dark brown hair,... Show more


I forgot to add name, just edit your entry and put Name: on top of Supernatural Creature Type:

Deleted User

Name: Mori
Supernatural creature type: Vampire
Personality: determined and well-meaning, even if what she does isn't good
Food: Usually Blood, but she can have human food
Looks: black hair and blue-green eyes; she's small for her age
Special power(s): Clairvoyance (the ability... Show more


Name: Jynx
Supernatural creature type: Dire Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Personality: Quiet, Short-tempter, stubborn, cold
Food (What monster eats/drinks): Normal food but most thinks he eats humans
Look (What ur monster looks like):
Human form; Bond hair, piercing blue eyes, handsome... Show more


Sorry, no time to game here. Have fun!

Name: Astrid Grace Supernatural Creature Type: Mermaid Gender: Female Age: 17 Personality: Curiou... By: DancingUnicorns
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Name: Astrid Grace
Supernatural Creature Type: Mermaid
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Curious, cute, charming, and shy.
Food: Anything
Look: Blonde, curly hair with aquamarine blue tips. Pale skin. Bright, electric blue eyes. Curvy body. Aquamarine blue tail.
Special Powers: Water and charmspeak.
Other: Father is king of seas.

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