Hurray for Holidays!!!

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Who's ready for Valentine's day?! If any of you are doing anything for Valentine's day, I would l... By: Deleted User
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Who's ready for Valentine's day?! If any of you are doing anything for Valentine's day, I would love to hear what you're doing. What I'm doing is pretty much nothing 1. because I have school but, I won't be there because of Contest for Choir. 2. I've never had a valentine to share with. So if any of you would like to be my Valentine, I would love to be yours!

Love you guys!!!XD


hi my names Faith, and well what where doing for Christmas is getting annoyed for sure. Everyone ... By: Faith.Raven
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hi my names Faith, and well what where doing for Christmas is getting annoyed for sure. Everyone is going to come to our house this time and it's so stressful to get everything ready, well it's annoying letting some of my cousins share my room. there an annoying bunch don't know when to give someone a break. so everything is still everywhere waiting to be ready. wish me luck people^_^ xD

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Deleted User

Good luck!:D

Hey Everyone!!! So, I'm finishing my two books before I start a new book, but I was wondering if ... By: Deleted User
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Hey Everyone!!! So, I'm finishing my two books before I start a new book, but I was wondering if I should make a holiday anime book or a holiday vampire book. I don't know!!!!!!!!! I'm having some ideas for both but... I need you guys to vote for what kind.

Please comment on what book!
I can't decide!

Thank you:)

Christmas Time! So as you see I am already setting Christmas decorations up and listening to Chri... By: Deleted User
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Christmas Time!
So as you see I am already setting Christmas decorations up and listening to Christmas music, but, I wanted to know what music ya'll are listening too. What's your most listened to Christmas music? Mine, in order is, Grown up Christmas list, The Christmas song, and The Wintersong. I Think my favorite music is Christmas music. I'm not sure. I'll have to get back to you on that one. Anyways, I would love to here... Show more

I had turkey, (of course), Ham, bread rolls, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, Sweet potatoes, mashed ... By: Deleted User
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I had turkey, (of course), Ham, bread rolls, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, Sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and banana nut muffins. Of course, I did eat a little bit of everything except for the cranberry sauce. I'm not a big fan of cranberry but am of blackberry and blueberry. So, yeah, I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving and I would also love to hear what you guys had... Show more

My mom is trying to make a decision if we should have Thanksgiving at our own house or if we shou... By: Deleted User
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My mom is trying to make a decision if we should have Thanksgiving at our own house or if we should go to my grandmas house. I think that we should have Thanksgiving at our house because My grandma just turned 70 and now she's having some problems with her heart. So, if you have an dessert ideas for Thanksgiving that I could use or try, please comment on what you think I should make. :-)

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