Serious Writers

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SERIOUS WRITERS is a team of authors who collectively encourage positive attitudes and strive for growth, regardless of their current level of experience. But wherever you are on your writing journey, we will make the trip as fun and enjoyable as possible. Join us and work with like minded members who share the goal of continuously improving their writing craft.


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The Lure of Easy Money in Publishing By: L. Avery Brown
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Hello, Serious Writers.

I know I've not been around a lot but I do pop in from time to time to see what's going on. Also, I like to clean up the main thread line where people post promotions and advertisements. Typically, I do this by informing the person who issued the post <why> the post has been deleted while letting them know that they are more than welcomed to repost in the proper thread.

And that, as they say, is that.... Show more

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If you discover interesting articles on writing or related subjects, you can post them here.

We will post informative and helpful information from experts in the writing field -- topics that should appeal to those who are really serious about writing. Whenever possible, each author/writer will be given credit for their work and a link posted to their blog or website. Posts from BEFORE the BookRix changeover have been archived... Show more

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J.C. Laird
Rules, Rules, Rules. 9 Writing "Rules" Examined Rules barrage writers from all sides. This post dissects a few rules and presents examples of why they might (or might not) be valid.
J.C. Laird
How to Conquer Your Crutch Words: A Writer's Resource Crutch words contribute nothing more than fluff. These obnoxious weeds creep through your work and choke its vitality.
L. Avery Brown

RE: Rules, Rules, Rules. 9 Writing "Rules" Examined. - Terrific because it reminds us that some rules are a wee bit flexible!

PROMOTIONS and ADVERTISING This thread is for all members of our group to advertise their work. ... By: J.C. Laird
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This thread is for all members of our group to advertise their work. Tell us about your books, old or new, post links, pictures, blurbs and video promos.

Also use this link to post samples of your work and request comments/reviews. In short, put your work here; make it interesting and try to grab the visitor's attention. Get some publicity for that hard work of yours.

If you advertise books with adult... Show more

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Hersh Solomon Jnr
This triage of scintillating poems takes Venus into the twenty-first century. The message of this book is: feelings are more important than being right!


This is a philosophical book about the universe and it's theories how effects on humans


Hey everyone, I’m Marcus Barnes. I’ve been writing for 21 years this year, starting out as a freelance journalist in 2003. I’ve written/project managed three of my own books (Around The World In 80 Raves, Transform: The Festival Journal and Around The World In 80 Record Stores).... Show more

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Me and Dug's life By: Grud
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can u guys get in your books in progress because I can't can u guys reply and help me if possible?

What's the Real Story Behind 'Bedlam in Paris' Trauma and Healing? By: Dr Terry J Martin
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Dr. Terry J Martin shares the story of recovering a person's joy and sense of balance after experiencing traumatic events connected to “Bedlam in Paris.” Please share your experiences and any insights you may have.

Founding Writers Program By: storyverseduo
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Hi everyone,

First of all, very excited to join this forum and the writers community. My co-founder and I are building a platform for writers with the goal of helping them get discovered, build an audience and get paid. The platform will also incorporate tools which assist writers in enhancing their stories and making them more immersive.

Since we are in it for the long haul and are just getting started, we would love to get... Show more

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