Fantasy Island

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Fantasy Island is a group of fellow Indie authors and readers who get together to celebrate the genre they love so much:Fantasy! It´s a place where creative minds can get together. Why limit your creativity when you can let it grow and flourish here. It´s a place where everything is possible.Join us if you dare...


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We all know how hard it is to get published, and get your work out there. We are starting new dig... By: Deleted User
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We all know how hard it is to get published, and get your work out there. We are starting new digital print, publishing company that is accepting manuscripts.They are looking for new authors and fresh new stories in categories including:
Fantasy ( Romantic Fantasy)
Paranormal ( Paranormal Romance)
Urban Fantasy
Young Adult
Saga( Including Series)

Stories can be any word length from:
•5,000 – 10,000 (short... Show more


Great. Is there any compensation?

Deleted User

Well you have all the rights, we just distribute for you and promote, edit and design a cover that your happy with. Right now we're starting small, to see how it goes. We are accepting manuscripts, and we will send emails out to the manuscripts we will pursue. We are doing... Show more

Deleted User

For more info check out the website

Duron Crejaro

is this still a think?

Duron Crejaro

thing not think

So we have a website, were on facebook and they're a hit!Thanks for your support!However we would... By: Deleted User
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So we have a website, were on facebook and they're a hit!Thanks for your support!However we would like to start a blog for our group, and on our blog we'll have more book reviews,feature indie authors, have publishing/writing tips and have book giveaways. What do you guys think of this idea? And would you follow our blog?

thanks,Fantasy Island Group


Is fantasy island publishing still a thing?


Is It Still We'... By: raethompson17
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We've add to the fantasy island web-page with our Fantasy Island Short Stories the first short story, Prey, will posted soon. In the mean time check out our website and our add features....If you want to create a short story for our group let us know, we'd love to have it.

thanks for your support, Fantasy Island Group

@ ... Show more

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"You can't leave me" she begged. Payson had to fight the urge to glance in her direction, as the desk clerk behind the bullet proof glass barrier passed her belongs to her mother. Reluctantly Payson's eyes flickered to her, in her usual white gown a pale girl whose hollow... Show more

hey I'm Rae and I'm going to be the new Monderator for The Fantasy Island group! I'm excited to m... By: raethompson17
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hey I'm Rae and I'm going to be the new Monderator for The Fantasy Island group! I'm excited to monitor this group and to get to know you guys!Hope you will welcome me with open arms! I'm not a writer, I sometimes help halima edit or write a chapter, but I don't come up the plots characters...I'm not very creative, but I love to read and I'm great at drawing and designing anything. So since halima has taken some time off for... Show more

My Review for The Unforgiven: The Crave by D.J Kile! Faith Ruelle is a young college student who... By: Deleted User
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My Review for The Unforgiven: The Crave by D.J Kile!

Faith Ruelle is a young college student who is working as a tour guide on a southern plantation in the heart of Louisiana. She has many challenges to overcome including haunting nightmares that are set in another place and time, a creature that has lived through many lifetimes that is lured into Faith's world. This book has everything from mythical creatures, mystery, and... Show more

Deleted User

So this weeks featured book is Playing Prince Charming by Ari3ll3….can I just say Wow!
Lola Finch is hilarious enough to pull you off your feet and make you howl like a hyena while simultaneously making you piss your pants and wishing you hadn’t gulped down that root... Show more



Many have defined Fantasy in different ways, but J.C. Kelley has captured the essence of it in Beyond The Veil, An Elemental Children Novel. There are many intriguing... Show more


the books look pretty interesting i will most deff check them out

Deleted User

"When we sin again, I think I could be in love with the devil."

Congratulation to Stephanie Lawton for creating such a beautifully flawed novel.
I had my doubts about this teacher/student affair,... Show more

Welcome to Fantasy Island Lets start out, by doing something about you introduce yours... By: Deleted User
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Welcome to Fantasy Island

Lets start out, by doing something about you introduce yourself, and give us short fantasy paragrah/story where your the main character!!!!!!! I'll start....

Having a big fight with her mother again halima wandered the park circling a fountain. Tired she sat at the edge of the fountain shivering as a sinister wind brushed against her body. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize when a... Show more

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Queen Tex; Ireland

Or Brooke, whichever you prefer:) I like writing poetry and I am terrified of bees.
I can't figure out how to put my book up here... so you just have to stop being lazy and check it out.
P.S. I wanna be a pediatrician when I grow up and I LURV ice cream XD

Deleted User

It's nice to meet you Texish! You and me both, I hate bee's too! Poetry was first thing I wrote! Welcome to the fantasy Island group, you'll fit right it with the rest of the trouble makers lol! And check out our website for other cool stuff!! ;-)


I'm starinamist609, but you can call me Bethan. I'm 11 years old and an aspiring writer.

Master the Use of the Hero's Journey in Your Life and Writing By: Irwin Berent
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I am the co-creator of StoryCraft Story-Creation Software, which began in 1996 as one of the first software programs for fiction writers. Back then, when no one even knew how software could be used to help you write a story, my company was the first to coin the term "story-creation software." Now called StoryCraft New Edition, in its first major makeover in nearly two decades, the program is the only writer's software that... Show more

Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you impro... By: Zeus
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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you improve your writing skills, Click on this link to know more.

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hi By: Deleted User
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hello,im new ^~^

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