Everyone has a secret. Whether it's something silly or something deep and emotional, this group is for you to confide in. Share your fears, your loves, and even your darkest secrets if you'd like. This is a nonjudgmental and supportive group.
Care to get a secret off your chest? Tell us your secret, whether it be that you like so-and-so, or something deeper and darker than that.
REMEMBER: The secrets you read here are just that: secrets. Do not go around telling everyone someone else's secret, and do not use that secret to hurt or embarrass another person.
A secret? Most people have many. My secret is that i fear irrelevance. What if my life never amount to anything? I'm a drop in the ocean, but I want to be noticed, remembered. I don't want to wake up one day and realize that my entire life will amount to nothing and that I'll be forgotten after a generation or two.
Fine, I sleep with a stuffed animal. two actually. Laz and Stevie. Stevie is a monkey and Laz is a pink dragon with hearts all over. I sleep with them because they make me feel less alone.
What are you most afraid of? Spiders, maybe, or maybe snakes, or maybe the fear that everyone is judging you? Whatever your biggest fear may be, just remember that no one is here to judge you.
I like a so and so... Do NOT tell exept that everyone on bookrix can see it... Whatevs! He is so smart and nice and helped me before he moved away...