Role Playing Group

  • 28 Members
  • 12 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
Ranging from dragon to angels to vampires we have it all! join in for the role play of your lives even start your own roleplay for others to join!


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Ok i look like a gray alacorn blue and green hair
ill start it
*walks to ponyville*

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*Draws a picture of rainbow dash and vinyl*

rainbow dashes husband

you are lucky and you switched your pic to vinyl i love it


Thanks and i got it with me at school

hi By: Suri's Library
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hi i'm new to the group :P
if you want to role play just message me.
all my characters are in my bio
you can choose anyone (they all girls)

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Okay, before I begin with all the rules and explaining and whatnot, let me just say: this isn't l... By: Deleted User
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Okay, before I begin with all the rules and explaining and whatnot, let me just say: this isn't like normal Role Play. It's exactly what the title says-a writing war. i did it with a few of my friends and had fun, so I thought I'd share xD plus, I'd never done it with more than one person at once, so this should be interesting.
Here's what makes it different: Instead of controlling just one character, you are able to control... Show more

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I stared, mesmerised, at the dragonflies that danced on the outrims of my little oval of grass where I lay. It was the first peaceful moment I had experienced since I became a werewolf. The thought back harsh memories of my sister's and my kidnapping as well as the unsettling... Show more


Jezzie and Jackson continued to walk on the rocky paths they had found within the marsh. "When are we going to set camp?" Jackson snarled at Jezzie, making her turn around and stomp her foot on the ground.
"Shut up! You have asked me that fifty times in the past two hours! We... Show more

Deleted User

Elle looked at Avalon like she was stupid. "Where are they?"
"Out scouting," a different girl replied, jumping from grass oval to grass oval. "John stormed off and Derick chased him. I did the scouting." Mori pulled on her gloves, something she always did when she was freaked out.

Is anyone gonna reply ? Or are you just going to sit there and do nothing ? Please post!!!! >. By: Remembrance
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Is anyone gonna reply ? Or are you just going to sit there and do nothing ? Please post!!!! >.

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Lol okay I've posted something XD I hope we're all going to post constantly again :)

POST!!! By: Remembrance
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Sorryy!!! I didnt expect abyone to answer my posts anymore cause there was some time where nobody wrote anything^^ I wrote in a few

You live with your family in a secret country called Revox, there are four main states that you l... By: supers
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You live with your family in a secret country called Revox, there are four main states that you live in the first is AquaLympha then there is Terra the third is Ignis last is Caeli which translate into Water, Earth, Fire and Air you are born into one of these groups and are living peacfully until one day all of the groups are forced to move into one which is called Elementa meaning all Elements you must learn to be compatable... Show more

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I spat in disgust, he tried to cast a spell apon me!?! how dare he,

"Gaurds!" I called redric came running along with two gaurds they grabbed his arms and I stood up clearing my mind and putting up a magic block i stepped up to him my face just inches from his

"Young sir I do... Show more


I nodded thoughtfully and then started playing with my dagger. "So, when will you go to the queen?", I asked as I stroked along the blade with my fingers. I could just join her after checking my traps and we could go together to help Queen Bellani with hunting.

Deleted User

IC: "Well that was a fail." I huffed, sitting in my chains. "Come visit me!" I shouted to the Queen, a smirk breaking across my face. "At least I have someone to keep my company." I sat there for a while, until my smile dropped. 'I wonder if she'll come see me'

So, I know I just made an RPG. But I assume we're pausing all of the RPG's until Kamizuka comes b... By: Deleted User
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So, I know I just made an RPG. But I assume we're pausing all of the RPG's until Kamizuka comes back. So this is to occupy ourselves for three weeks.


You were just taken into the prison of Elements. That is where they experiment on you to see how your powers work. They do tests and give you shots, x-rays and anything else they can think of. You get brought to a large cafeteria once a day for food at lunch and then sit in... Show more

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why isn't anyone writing? XD Fine then I'll do. I'm too bored to wait :P

I looked up as I head a slithering noise.
The ground was covered with ice -unquestionably Paramore's merit- and a warden slid on it coming to our direction.
I jumped, getting to my feet and doing a... Show more


No, you were right. xD


okay then XD

You live in a city called "Brightest Element" because everyone there gets and element when they a... By: Remembrance
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You live in a city called "Brightest Element" because everyone there gets and element when they are born. (Time, Love, Spirit, Fire, Air, Water, or Night) There are a few special cases that have more than one. Those who are the special cases have to keep it a secret or else the government will contain them and take their powers away. Will you run and hide? Will you stay out and live like everyone else? Or will you tell and be... Show more

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Mia laughed softly. "It's not funny! That hurt," she said, grabbing her head. "OW!" She pulled her hand back quickly and sighed.


I couldn't help but start laughing.
"I know that it hurt!", I said, rubbing my chest where she had bumped into me.
"Are you okay?", I asked again, now sounding a bit worried.


"Yeah, I'm fine," she said and got up, making sure to not hit the lamp this time. She flicked it off before walking outside and into the sweet morning air.

Story Line You're in a broken world. A cruel world where hardly anything lives. But you are the ... By: Deleted User
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Story Line

You're in a broken world. A cruel world where hardly anything lives. But you are the one of few that survived. Survived what you ask? The war. A terrible war between one side of the world to the other. Now the earth is broken in two. There is a bridge keeping the two connected and a truce has been made. For now. You have found out about a secret government that is being made underground and they are planning on... Show more

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Deleted User

"Do you think you could make it until we get there?" Amber's voice was high with worry and fear. He was afraid the only family he had left was going to die. "I'll make it." Willow sighed back, clutching her side while she leaned on her brother for support. Blood was dripping... Show more

Deleted User

IC: He woke up, everything was dark and his entire body ached. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and he could see silhouettes of tall people walking about. He tried to move, but noticed that he wasn't able to move at all. He was held down, and his head was kept in place. He... Show more

Deleted User

"Uh..Amber?" Willow was frowning at something in the distance. She couldn't tell what it was yet. "Yeah?"
"Do you see that?"
"See what?"
"Them." Willow could see now. There were two men, both very muscular and scary. With guns. And they were coming straight at Willow and Amber.... Show more

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