Role Play: The Kissing Games

  • 10 Members
  • 2 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
This is a role play group called: the kissing games. its about a girl named Bella who is in love with a boy named Troy but what happens when he kisses her and then runs? open roe play any charecters welcome just stay withen the storylines one best friend i play bella one crush one sister one bro stuff liike that this has no limit to how your charecters act some people may not want to read for 18+... Show More


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Is the story still goin on By: Deleted User
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Is the story still goin on

Hey! Brent said opening the Limo strech for me (yep i play bells) thanks i said as i slid easily ... By: supers
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Hey! Brent said opening the Limo strech for me (yep i play bells) thanks i said as i slid easily into the car i was wearing a VERY short purple dress with black and white tiger stripes and i was georgous, not to brag or anything. brent slid in beside me his had resting on my knee he kissed me passionatly until we arived at the prom.

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"This is soooo lame!" I said in a bored tone pulling Tracy away from the guuys i think i should brake up with brent i stated grimly all he wants are my looks

Deleted User

IC: "Girl, I've thought you should dump him the first time you looked at each other." I laughed. "You need to find someone that wants you for you. Like Greg." I couldn't help but use him as an example. He and I. The puzzle of our lives, and us two together made it complete. I... Show more


I walked up to brent and pulled him away from the others and spoke quickly " Brent your a good guy but i just dont think your right for me,"i said softer as i pulled off my corset, i turned around hesitated dropped the corset in a puddle smiled and quickly walked to tracy, "i... Show more

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