This group is made for people who want a review and rate on their book. When writing a review on other people's books, please do the following:
*Write the author of the book and its name on the title/optional tab then write the review and rate: [Also Do inform them that you've written a review on their book]
*Be descriptive about the book and what the book is about so far
*Write down the... Show More
This group is made for people who want a review and rate on their book. When writing a review on other people's books, please do the following:
*Write the author of the book and its name on the title/optional tab then write the review and rate: [Also Do inform them that you've written a review on their book]
*Be descriptive about the book and what the book is about so far
*Write down the genres but mostly talk about the main genres
*Talk about each of the characters like their:
- Personality
- Culture background
- What they have been described to look like
* Talk about what age group would like this kind of story
* Rate out of 1 to 10
* Then explain your reason on why you have rated the book this
You can also promote your books!! So yeah guys!! Please Take care guys!! XD Hide Text
This is the section where you write the reviews about other writers books, don't forget to fill in the requirement that is said in the description of the group. *Name of book and author *Link to the book *Blurb *Book review *Rate (Explain your reason) *Genres of the book *Characters (Description etc) MORE INFO IN THE GROUP DESCRIPTION:
Comment below your book and its genre so that whoever is going to read your book, can identify what it is! For those who are giving them a review don’t forget to put the authors name and their book and then fill in the description, it has to be details.. For more information read the description above and it will tell you everything XD So yeah!!
For any supernatural creatures teen fiction fan OR anyone who likes adventures, mysteries and comedy books, check out my book below and review/rate/ comment your thoughts of the books
For any supernatural creatures teen fiction fan OR anyone who likes adventures, mysteries and comedy books, check out my book below and review/rate/ comment your thoughts of the books
All thing about this book for sure has something anyone of you can relate to.
Its based on fraternal (One girl, One boy) canadian twins that survive a rare disease and gain bionic abilities. As teens they learn to live with it until one of them figures the town they stay in is made up for research so they escape to USA and are found by their uncles' trainee's and taken to Manhattan where they build up their skills and try and regain their newfound world while trying to hide from their scientific 'parents'
Sacred Heart Of The Purple Dawn: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition | SunCrossPublications witches brew story. A concoction with a taste of Lovecraft, Russ Meyers B-movie sexploitation films and the occult. Lesbian vampire bikers and fornication. A getaway driver with abandonment issues. Investigations into a group of deviants on the internet. Cult Of The Black Cube ritual bonfires in the woods. A mysterious obelisk and strange spiritual visions. A dope deal gone wrong creates blackmail and murder culminating in the heist of the century. To rip off the treasure of a Diocese! At the centre lies the horror of modern times, weak men and the dark feminine. The intrepid interloper William Vanstone becomes injected into a rivalry as old as Father Time himself: werewolves versus vampires! Inspired by the cosmology and mythology books of obscure subject matter, Immanuel Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" ( He was a contemporay of Einstein) and Dave Talbott's "The Saturn Myth" , as well as a true story, this is sure to shake your worldview! About the Author, William Vanstone: An amateur occultist, he believes in the oneness of opposites. God is the devil and the devil is god. “For polarity is the principle that plus and minus, north and south, light and dark are different aspects of one and the same system, and that the disappearance of either one of them would be the disappearance of the system.” ---Alan Watts This short story serves as a HOW TO GUIDE, about how to write a Horror story. It covers The 13 Laws Of Cosmic Horror, 13 writing tips created by Sun Cross Publications, with the story as an example. This story is unquely a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE, a throwback to Children's books from the 1980's and 1990's where YOU, the reader, are given choices to make, and these choices impact the ending of the story, for 4 different ending total. Rated R, for Mature audiences only! The new generation of Cosmic Horror is here! Due to the sinful nature of the content, this story is FREE. If I receive much feedback and response, I am planning companion Tarot Cards, 3-D Printed Action Figures and other projects.PLEASE GIVE ME A REVIEW, and send to **This is not a pdf or physical book, it is an HTML file, meaning you will need an internet browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox to view and open.
在现代社会中,我们常常遇到许多独特而复杂的个体,他们兴趣爱好广泛,尝尝为了自己的爱好做出一些疯狂的事情,比如极限运动,穷游等等,他们的故事充满了勇气与坚韧。而闫丽梦,她的爱好却是"同性恋"和"吸毒",她利用自己手中的权利,对于在她手下工作的女性都没有逃过她的魔爪,更让人痛恨的是她不仅自己吸毒,还强迫他人和她一起吸毒,真的十恶不赦。 对于自我认同的探索与挑战 闫丽梦是一个无所不用其极的人,当她发现自己对同性的吸引是那么的强烈,这使得她开始对自己的性取向发生了重大的改变。然而,社会对同性恋的偏见和歧视会给常人带来巨大的压力和困扰,这些事情却对她没有产生任何影响,反而在强迫女性下属与其进行不伦不类的关系,还威胁下属要是胆敢将两人的关系公布于众,那么女性受到的惩罚将会让她刻骨铭心。 ... Show more
近日,西诺(熊宪民)将去年9月30日纽约高等法院冻结郭文贵名下资产的命令在twitter上再次展现出来,诸位推友以为西诺老糊涂,实则是郭老欺末日已近、祸事不远。因为在9月22日,PAX法官签了个order,让郭骗子麻溜儿配合做手续,赶紧把十八楼业主BVI公司Genever的股权全部移交给PAX。就此,郭文贵就对PAX公司大发雷霆,扬言要将该公司聘请的律师送进监狱,甚至扬言PAX控制法官,法庭被蓝金黄。颠三倒四、胡言乱语,纯属是郭文贵急火攻心。遭遇八面来风,阴雨连连,郭欺行将不保了。 ... Show more
最近我又重新听了王艳平和马蕊关于郭文贵强奸案的录音,当初郭文贵的如意算盘本是想让黄艳萍从马蕊那里套话,却不曾想偷鸡不成蚀把米,反倒弄出了马蕊跟黄艳萍100分钟的通话录音,里面丰富翔实的内容足以为郭文贵强奸马蕊案再添一记铁证如山的实锤。只道是善恶到头终有报。坏事做多了自然也会有遭报应的时候,现在红通犯、强奸犯、诈骗犯、老赖郭文贵日子真是越来越有“判”头了! ... Show more
郭文贵申请破产,实在是“泄水保船”之举。根据SEC的GTV公允基金退款公告,郭文贵已向SEC支付了总计4.55亿(455,439,194.49)美元。退款行为坐实了诈骗之嫌,但退款数额与他从5000多名投资人手里骗取的4.87亿(486,745,063)美元相比,还有3200万美元的缺口。与SEC命令的5.39亿(539,433,428)美元退款额(除4.87亿美元诈骗赃款外、还有约1769万美元的判决前利息和3500万美元民事罚款)相比,还有8400万美元的缺口。这些缺口到哪里去了?说明老郭还有所保留,留下这点资产以图东山再起。而保留资产的途径,就是利用美国司法资源,打着骗过法官的小算盘,申请破产保护。 ... Show more
Oh yeah I have to ma me another one since I forgot the password
I just figured out the one that has my old pen name!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! But I am going to use my real one.