Poetry, Song lyrics, Etc.

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This group is for people to post song lryics, poetry, and other things they enjoy! ^.^


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Stolen Waters This eye can tell a story; I can't say sorry for every single thing I did, I could... By: Deu' Angel
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Stolen Waters

This eye can tell a story;
I can't say sorry for every single thing I did,
I could yield to reason yet again,
Found my way into its depths,
To feel pleasure,
Then to know suffering, struggle and defeat.

It's taste sweet as nectar,
Beautiful flower, Blossoming day and night,
Wrestling yet so gently,
Playing to its tunes,
The seduction of my soul,
To stop........

But fall reaching the bottom of a fiery-red abyss.
© DEU' Angel

TORN By: Deleted User
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I saw you standing at the back of the club,
Ripped jeans and a cigarette bud.
My friends told me that you were no good,
That you “break hearts more than anyone could.

Spider Web By: Deu' Angel
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Not all webs he built were made to catch,
Fleshy, naked and silk knitted,
Enveloped with vulnerability,
A heart that saw no darkness.
He fell deep and hard,
Tangled, caught and trapped within,
And if he lets go, he will come apart,
So he remained invincible.
He stood above his web,
In perpetual silence ripping his mind,
He bled almost instantly,
My, Oh my.
He tried to be him,
So he closed those eyes living the memories,
It was but a wild... Show more

Grace by Deu' Angel By: Deu' Angel
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The grassy sky didn't flourish because it had to,
Neither did Air fill the void because it could stay,
The Waters never ceased to flow,
Living organisms continually to thrive even at the dawn of extinction,
Mercy is no guarantee, but yet so, it is shown,
For life itself is full of Joy in abundance,
Believe it so, if you feel it unmerited,
Though thy Soul maybe found wanting,
For a Father has nothing but love for his child,
He shall... Show more

Ruffled contemplations" is a collection of three poems that I have brought for u guys this time. ... By: Deleted User
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Ruffled contemplations" is a collection of three poems that I have brought for u guys this time.
It is all about life, struggle and the last one is about romance..

"The numerous questions stall our way in the broad daylight while the very few answers remain lurking in the darkness." ......

"To reach to the shore even if I see everywhere around me the water brimming,
To get out of the darkness even if I see a single ray of hope... Show more

"The next door" by Deu' Angel By: Deu' Angel
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My soul wanders in thine heart,
As thine doest mine,
For where can we build our flame if we be apart?
To take into one's arms but to loose one's heart,
Feelings begot blood that turned ill-fated flood,
Behind closed doors we slaved in sorrow,
Now at death's door we live for the promise of tomorrow,
Ever is right, but so is forever,
Birds, flowers, oceans and trees,
A thousand years to live as we please....,
And now that our flame... Show more


Lovely! Do you have a collection of these you can put into book form?

Deu' Angel

Thanks. I'm currently working on it.


Wonderful - I look forward to seeing more!

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