night children

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for those with a mind nobody understands. those who stand out and away from the crowd. those who belive in the unbeliveable. those who beleive in the night.


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$200.00 Cash Prize for the winning entry!
If you have design talent then this contest is for you! I need a cover for my free e-book "Judgment Day"
Submission deadline is October 15th and the winner will be announced on November 1st.
Entry details are available on my author Facebook page at:
While you're checking out the details, please take a moment to "like" my page too! (Doing so does... Show more

the end By: Deleted User
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so guys the end of my story has finally come and i'm just so excited. the last book of the series has all the books in one, so you don't have to go back and read all of them if you haven't.


Society of the Grim: The End what is love to Samantha? what is life to Samantha? The ups and downs of her relationship with Abyss will reveal much more than the answers to these questions. He will come into her life and set ...
Hey guys, I've updated a new chapter on Frankenstein's Plastic surgery clinic. If you want to che... By: red.rose.mikaela
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Hey guys, I've updated a new chapter on Frankenstein's Plastic surgery clinic. If you want to check it out, leave a comment or add it as a favorite, then please visit my profile page. Thank you!

Hey By: Deleted User
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Ya'll should join my group called Freedom.

We all know how hard it is to get published, and get your work out there. Fantasy Island Publishi... By: Deleted User
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We all know how hard it is to get published, and get your work out there. Fantasy Island Publishing a new digital print, publishing company that is accepting manuscripts.They are looking for new authors and fresh new stories in categories including:
Fantasy ( Romantic Fantasy)
Paranormal ( Paranormal Romance)
Urban Fantasy
Young Adult
Saga( Including Series)

Stories can be any word length from:
•5,000 – 10,000 (short... Show more

Fantasy Island Publishing Digital Print Publishing
Hy everyone! I've updated my 2 books Ghost Stories and Urban Myths Collection with new, I hope, t... By: red.rose.mikaela
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Hy everyone! I've updated my 2 books Ghost Stories and Urban Myths Collection with new, I hope, terrifying stories. Read them, leave a comment telling me what you think.
I must warn you though, they might give you nightmares.

Please check out me and reddness's book Eco-Perfect. We have worked so hard on it but no one seem... By: ♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣
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Please check out me and reddness's book Eco-Perfect. We have worked so hard on it but no one seems to be reading it. Please check it out. I included it in the booklist. Thanks! Make sure to favorite it if you like it! :D

Here is the link also:

For those who don't know me, I am red.rose.michaela/Mihaela Bogdan, and on 4th November 2012 it h... By: red.rose.mikaela
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For those who don't know me, I am red.rose.michaela/Mihaela Bogdan, and on 4th November 2012 it has been a year since I join bookrix.
First of all, I would like to thank those people who had read my books, added as their favorites or left me positive comments and critisisms to help me be a better writer.
Secondly I would give you a kinda bad news: My books, all of them, are not avaible to be read no more because I choose that... Show more

January 11, 2001. Backstage West ARTICLE TITLE: Breakdowns Scammers Plead Guilty Written by Laura... By: Deleted User
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January 11, 2001.
Backstage West
ARTICLE TITLE: Breakdowns Scammers Plead Guilty
Written by Laura Weinert

Fifty-eight-year-old Manhattan Beach resident Valerie Fee, the ''mother and wife of actors,'' and 21-year-old actor-turned-hacker Chad Horton, of Macon, Ga., pled guilty as charged at a preliminary hearing on Jan. 8 for the criminal case involving the illegal theft and sale of breakdowns over the Internet.

Horton, also known... Show more

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