Movie Writers

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This is a group for all script/screenplay writers. Here you can discuss, promote, and review scripts. Or if you are interested in learning how to write and format a script the right way, this is the place!


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Blaker Snyder Style By: Drighla
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I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the Blake Snyder based writing style for scripts. I've been taught to write that way since I was fifteen for acting schools and production companies and was just curious as to the thoughts of those not so confined to my genre of script writing. :) Thank you.

Comand Line (Blake Snyder Stylized) By: Drighla
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This is a story I cam currently writing in the styled format of Blake Snyder's worksheet to see how it turns out. I have quite a few of these for my job in general. However I just wanted to throw something out there as a test run on a fun little log line and get some feedback and see how people might use this format or look it up. Here is a link to the... Show more

Command Line (A script draft) A script styled story that can hopefully be drafted in such a way it can be converted into both at any point during the writing process. Here is the story description/log line: A psychological expe...
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This is more of a draft that can be used as a base to write a script or a book off of it easily. That's why it is in the Blake Snyder format. If it writes well to the Final Image I will probably look into writing a book out of it. For now this is the idea board and testing area... Show more

Format By: Dravid
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I am having trouble getting the format of my books correct, help! I write in a screenplay variation type of presentation. All my tab spacing disappears.


Have you tried They have a free scriptwriting area that allows for amazing formatting and pretty good format transfer to Microsoft Word :) They also have some pretty intense stuff for if you go serious, but that costs. I wouldn't advise paying for it unless you are... Show more

Anthony Haven

As Drighla said, you may want to use Celtx. I have it as well as Practical Scriptwriter. They are both set-up in the correct format. Although I would lean more towards Celtx as PS does not allow you to print or export without having the digital license.


Hi guys. I use Celtx. When I first downloaded the program, it was free. Not sure if it costs these days.

Here at Bookrix, uploading the Celtx file into create a book is sketchy. I get the entire file, but I have to manually go into edit for character caps, ALL indents. It isn't... Show more

Working on something new By: Deleted User
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The Paperback Company's film department is writing the screenplay for the sequel to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and will be finished soon.

Hello! By: Deleted User
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Hi everyone! My name is Rookie, and I am a manager of the Paperback Company. We sell our own books, holiday stuff, and FILMS!

Anthony Haven

Hi Rookie! Glad to have you apart of the group and part of Bookrix. Hope your time here is a good one.

Deleted User

Thank you! And Merry Christmas!

Keys to writing a screenplay By: Anthony Haven
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Step Outline your screenplay.

A step outline is essentially a step by step breakdown of your story. By planning your story structure in advance you will save yourself a whole lot of time in the "rewriting" stage of your project because no matter how good you are at screenwriting, all writers have to learn to love rewriting.

Movie Outline uses "Steps" instead of "Scenes" which may confuse some screenwriters who are used to using... Show more

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Deleted User

Great one!

Welcome! By: Anthony Haven
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If you have anything you are working on, feel free to post it here.


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