Mentoring Young People

  • 14 Members
  • 7 Posts
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Dear Creative Friends:

I am old. I teach Rhetoric & Composition at Florida Atlantic University. I was a journalist for 25 years before bagging it and starting on this (very new) creative submission journey. I love young people and would like invite some of these beautiful 18 and 20 year olds who are writing in here, who are starting out in their writing lives, to join with Elders (I mean Wisers, not... Show More


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Looking for a new moderator for teens group for my replacement I really need to find a replaceme... By: Deleted User
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Looking for a new moderator for teens group for my replacement

I really need to find a replacement for me for the Teen Writing and Teens group. As I will be leaving bookRix.

I have decided it is not a site for me. I can get feedback on my writing in the group I own on yahoo and on my site. That's what I joined here for-I have never cared if I won any contest. All I wanted was people to read my work and comment. That way I would... Show more

The time is here for all lost books, written for teens (ages 12-16 yrs.), to report to the new gr... By: Deleted User
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The time is here for all lost books, written for teens (ages 12-16 yrs.), to report to the new group home of “Teen Writing and Writers”. Anyone aged twelve to adult may join. The one stipulation, you must abide by, is you can only post books for the genre 12-16 years old. Teens that join and write for a younger/older genre can post a message asking for reading of the book/poetry on their profile.
I hope to see many faces and... Show more

There is a 13 year old girl missing from a town (Colorado City, TX) just 30 minutes away from my ... By: mf Harris
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There is a 13 year old girl missing from a town (Colorado City, TX) just 30 minutes away from my hometown. She has been missing since Dec 27 and her name is Hailey Dunn. No matter how far you are from this little town even if you are in another state or heck even another country by now I am begging for you to be vigilant and pass this on. When law enforcment were first contacted about this they would not issue an amber alert... Show more

Hello, my name is Michael Carr and I am 23 years old. I just recently joined and post... By: amped103
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Hello, my name is Michael Carr and I am 23 years old. I just recently joined and posted my first short story to leave the confines of my notebooks. I have been writing since high school but, I've always been too nervous or shy to show my work to anyone, other than my closest friends and family. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts or comments about my work, feel free to leave me comments or send me messages. It... Show more

I recently posted some of my stories into this group's list. Read and give your thoughts on them ... By: Deleted User
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I recently posted some of my stories into this group's list. Read and give your thoughts on them when you can.


Since many young people out there have a difficult time making decisions. Here is a hypothetical ... By: webster7
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Since many young people out there have a difficult time making decisions. Here is a hypothetical scenario up for discussion.

My Diary - May22nd

Next week – summer vacation! I can’t wait for Saturday!
I think I’ll meet the guys at Speedy’s garage. I got this cool retractable box cutter. We’ll probably go out Saturday night and streak some cars. Nicky has it in for the Science teacher for always calling us down for noise. If I... Show more

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