Inspiration is my Dedication

  • 29 Members
  • 4 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
Inspiration is my Dedication is a group mainly to, inspire yourself, inspire others, or be inspired through reading or writing. This group will help new users inspire others or even inspire themselves, but to be inspired is up to them, LET YOUR IMAGINATION FLOW EVEN MORE WHEN YOU JOIN INSPIRATION IS MY DEDICATION!


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Inspiring book By: Deleted User
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This book will give you the key to the most awesome power within your reach!
Put your mind-power to work and be all God wants you to be!
There are no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself, when you put your mind-power to work.
The techniques provided in the book are simple and invaluable. They are not merely theoretical in nature, but are backed by numerous real-life... Show more

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Did you hear about my new book! Its rarely done but I thought you should check it out! I hope you like it. Also by the end of November I should have 3 books ready for you to enjoy! Why don't you check out "COMA" today!


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If you all joined the group "Inspiration is my Dedication" I am proudly to announce that we are having a writing contest. You must write a book about the supernatural and you must have a main character. The author with the most outrageous but very interesting supernatural book wins! Be yourself with it and be a natural.

-ARC (Inspired2Read)

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