Horse Lovers

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This is a group for teenagers that love horses. I know I love horses. They are just so magnificent.


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animal protection By: fridoliny
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For those who are interested:
There is a German group in which you will find the latest actions:

And for the other:
There is an action against the new fashion jewelry in China, animals living under plastic Containing a liquid nutrient and oxygen did Allows them to live up to 2 months.
This is cruel and Should be condemned by the international community.
Here you can... Show more

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Ponies By: Flying Changes
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You should search Yakut horses on Google. The y look like ponies though they are big. Also I am sad because a pony I ride is colicy because of the weather. I hope he gets better. GTG

Animal Cruelty By: Flying Changes
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My family has a pony and a foster horse. Both of the horse and pony were abandoned. The pony was left in a field with her mother. She is green but very gentle. Right now she has sore teeth and very bad heat. The horse came from a humane society and had to be fostered so we took him. I want to stop animal cruelty. It is very cruel and mean. Also it is mean to send horses/ponies to slaughter. It is the cray cray horse breeders... Show more

Atavism By: Flying Changes
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There is a horse rescued from a feedlot in Fallon,Nevada with other pregnant mares That were going to give birth in a few months and the foals usually get crushed and die when they are being transported. She has an extra hoof on one of her legs. It is called atavism. It can be surgicly removed. Sad :(

Deleted User

Omg!!! That's terrible!! :(

Flying Changes

I know. It is terrible. Killing foals and beautiful horses. They even kill drop dead gorgeous horses. Terrible. :(

Deleted User

killing horses oh my gosh terrible!

do not get on goggle plus they are get people for it lee they got Chris By: Deleted User
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do not get on goggle plus they are get people for it lee they got Chris

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Okay. Hey unblock me, please.

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