Heart Broken

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Have you ever Love some one but there never love you back well here a club when you not felling ok and your not in a good mood


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this is to you and i made this as i friend because i feel your pain and what you went through, so... By: Faith.Raven
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this is to you and i made this as i friend because i feel your pain and what you went through, so you know i hope this make you feel better. xD


pickles pickles dance to the pickle song By: Deleted User
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pickles pickles dance to the pickle song

Nope i only love people who are fictional so i cant be hurt by them By: Deleted User
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Nope i only love people who are fictional so i cant be hurt by them

love it By: Ashon Thadon
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love kind of books made to show the other side of love

Hey guys ya'll should join my group. By: Deleted User
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The group is called Freedom.

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what group are you and i will join

xD By: Deleted User
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i made this trailer for the book finding sky: please i would really like some feedback^_^ By: Faith.Raven
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i made this trailer for the book finding sky:

please i would really like some feedback^_^

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