group of singles XD

  • 89 Members
  • 49 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
hello evryone !! this group is only for people who are single ...... :p :D.... those who are single n happy can join here?! people in realtion?! NAH NOT THIS TIME... haha


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. hey By: Deleted User
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lazy People Fact By: Suren
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lazy People Fact #5812672793
You were too lazy to read that number.

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Deleted User

haha, so true...I skipped it XD

hello By: Deleted User
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cuddle? more the cuddle? relationship worthy? no clue

<3 By: Deleted User
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does anyone think they could love me?

sorry By: Deleted User
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gtg, I have a boyfriend now.See you all around,I guess

hi By: Deleted User
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is anyone bi? i am and need a bf or gf

Deleted User

im bi

Deleted User

how old ru?

Deleted User

17, 18 in three months

Deleted User

oh. I was gonna ask u out, but I have just gotten a boyfriend on here....

Deleted User

okay cool

hey im new to this group By: Deleted User
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looking for some one who can understand my ways and my life and not get disappointed if things don't go as planed. looking for someone not too far away and wouldn't mind it they were close

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Deleted User

wonder why a big gal cannt get love? a big gals body if full of big love <3

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