Give vampires a chance

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  • Group Language: English
Give vampires a chance is a group that would read and discuss books about vampires.


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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you impro... By: Zeus
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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you improve your writing skills, Click on this link to know more.

Who wants to help me write a vampire book? By: Principessa di Bitches
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Who wants to help me write a vampire book?

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Principessa di Bitches

You can start different plots, and we can decide what plots would be better for the book


OK, I have a couple ideas first one being a covenant of vampires who have been living in the shadows in hiding from humans who hunt them. They are just about extinct and the few vampires who remain are tired of the way things are now and want to do a mass recruitment in order to... Show more

Principessa di Bitches

I like that, that's really good :)

Hey everybody By: Tay
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Hey everybody

??? By: Deleted User
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same here fantasybabe

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