I have started to write a book again but this time it has small poems about LOVE in Hindi language , Please try to read it and give some suggestions and comments for me to improve and i will keep updating new poems daily
Okay, ladies. How many of you actually keep track of when you have you periods? I know that I don't.... My 12 yo little sister hasn't started yet, however, she has recently been given advice from a MD to find an app to help her keep track of her periods when they do start. So far I have found two different "extensions" for the chrome browser (If you use the internet explorer browser, I HIGHLY suggest going and downloading the... Show more
Okay, ladies. How many of you actually keep track of when you have you periods? I know that I don't.... My 12 yo little sister hasn't started yet, however, she has recently been given advice from a MD to find an app to help her keep track of her periods when they do start. So far I have found two different "extensions" for the chrome browser (If you use the internet explorer browser, I HIGHLY suggest going and downloading the chrome one. It's much faster and easier to use!). One was called "My Menstrual Calendar" << That >> The other one was called "Smart Period Calculator. I have checked them both out as of today... The former, like I said, was crap, but the latter seems to be okay. I guess I won't know more about it until next month...
So, down to my question(s). What do you use? How do you keep track of your periods? Have any of you had any luck finding an app for keeping track of your periods?
Hey, I just created a group for tech support. I have been learning about websites and have worked with computers since I was 9 or 10. I know more about computers than most of the kids at my school. So I figured why not. Plus I was needing help with understanding something and I tried looking for a group for that, but was unsuccessful in finding any. Please help me spread the word while I look for more techies on this website!
Hey, I just created a group for tech support. I have been learning about websites and have worked with computers since I was 9 or 10. I know more about computers than most of the kids at my school. So I figured why not. Plus I was needing help with understanding something and I tried looking for a group for that, but was unsuccessful in finding any. Please help me spread the word while I look for more techies on this website!
Depression sucks! But, when its over I feel better than I ever did in my whole life! Stay optimistic people, there always is a way! Dwelling on what went wrong will never make things right. Your an awesomely amazing person...no matter what...since I don't know you personally I can say that with absolute certainty! The only thing I see you as is a human, who has a past and a future. Never... Show more
Cassia Beckett
about 1 minute ago
Depression sucks! But, when its over I feel better than I ever did in my whole life! Stay optimistic people, there always is a way! Dwelling on what went wrong will never make things right. Your an awesomely amazing person...no matter what...since I don't know you personally I can say that with absolute certainty! The only thing I see you as is a human, who has a past and a future. Never forget that life faces you with many trials and tribulations, and the whole point of being you is to become even more amazingly fabulously you than anybody else...if your feeling low, just remember that nobody can ever be as perfectly 'you' as you are, the bastards cant even compare! If anybody ever asks you if you would rather be somebody else...you better say fucking no...you really don't need anybody else's issues.