Girls Only Girl Talk

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This is a group where you can write book reviews, talk girl talk, and just be yourself! if you need advice, I will try and satisfy it, but then again, maybe not. It depends on the question. Girls just wanna have fun!!!!


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Words that matter. By: Annie
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I write really personal blogs. Please do visit and let me know what you think.

Thank you and have a nice day.

haiiiiiiiiiii By: Deleted User
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hi girls

hi By: Deleted User
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hi people

Hey ( : By: Deleted User
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Hey ( :

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Deleted User


What do I do By: Deleted User
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What do you do when you love someone but they don't wanna be with you


ik that it sounds cruel to say so, but maybe you should just forget that person. If they don't want you that just sucks for them since they clearly don't know what their missing by being with you. But i guess really that depends on what your life is like with that person. How do... Show more

Deleted User

Nvm we are dating now


OMG thats soo great Congrats. See all your worrying for nothing lol.

Deleted User

Ikr lol

Ughhh when you have your period and you can't eat the food you crave By: Drama Kween
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Ughhh when you have your period and you can't eat the food you crave

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Deleted User

Aww!! feeling sorry for you btw what do you wanna eat i will eat that for u lol

Crushing hard By: Deleted User
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So my friend likes this kid but doesn't think he likes her I told her to get to know him more but she to scared and won't ask him. What should I do to persuade her

Deleted User

Tell her all the good things about being in a relationship..... ^.^

Deleted User

I'll try

I have my period and no pads. Any tips on what to do ? By: Deleted User
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I have my period and no pads. Any tips on what to do ?

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Wow! Use some tissue quick! Until you can purchase some pads or tampons.

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