girlclub talk about girl stuff and anything else no boys allowed

  • 68 Members
  • 41 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
its for all girls and if they need any advice ask and post and u can talk about anything else but theirs some rules

1. be nice.
2.u can curse but don't say it that much because some people don't like cursing that much but u can curse. really nasty topics
4.have fun talk about girl stuff again nothing... Show More


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hi By: Deleted User
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ya shour no boys


so, if im and ftm, can i join. kidding yeah right By: Deleted User
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so, if im and ftm, can i join. kidding yeah right

What do you mean nothing things boys would do? Or don’t talk about inappropriate things?...... By: Deleted User
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What do you mean nothing things boys would do? Or don’t talk about inappropriate things?......

Family By: Primrose Burrell
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Love heals but sometime love breaks us down. Miracles happen and sometime they don't. I can't tell you that if you love again, you won't hurt any more. I can't tell you that if you love again, you will never cry yourself to sleep. Because if I do I would be lying. Since the moment you joined BookRix you became family, from the moment you sent out your friend request and we accepted you became my/our brothers and... Show more

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