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Dragons, ancient gods, old civilizations, etc. Crazy about something please join and talk with others just as crazy about something they love. Please state your fanatic group.


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Life is to short for worring. So why don't we escape into our worlds of monsters and freedom. Whe... By: Abbie
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Life is to short for worring. So why don't we escape into our worlds of monsters and freedom. Where we can be magical and control what goes on. That would be the best thing ever in this world.

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Deleted User

to Armania!!!!!!!

si mi vi fan di darastrixi, wer greek/roman ithquenti vur wer zezhuanth romans By: Deleted User
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si mi vi fan di darastrixi, wer greek/roman ithquenti vur wer zezhuanth romans

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Demigods, witches and wizards, christian, and many more By: Abbie
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Demigods, witches and wizards, christian, and many more

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