<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?group_2389820644
- 18 Members
- 14 Posts
- Public Group
- Group Language: English
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- hello, i'm silverstar of sunclan, leader of warrior cats. we have several cats now, but i hope a lot of you join.
leader: silverstar
deputy: ashpelt
warriors: firetail, lightningstorm, tigersong, nightclaw, mapleleaf
apprentices: featherpaw, strompaw
medicine cat: streampelt
kits: lionkit
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hmm.............and what is this exactly about?
if you visit this diccussion, you can role play in the warrior/apprentice/leader den.
in 'subject', you can type which den you are in.
even the nursery
i visited lionkit. he was still mewling next to maplepaw, who cared for him and brought him fresh-kill. i touched lionkit's golden fur. lionkit mewled in surprise as he stared at the big(compared to him)silver she-cat and accidently knocked a stick which knocked maplepaw
i rubbed my head after i was hit by the thick branch lionkit let loose. i watched as lionkit ate up the rest of the fresh-kill.
as i was leaving the nursery i saw ashpelt and silverstar going inside the leader's den. maplepaw thought it was about the rogue problem. maplepaw... Show more
oops, i forgot to write nursery on the subject
in the nursery, kits, queens, and other role-characters can role-play
i am changing my cat.
pelt:midnight black
personality: very strong and fierce sometimes, good at fighting and loyal to the clan.
"congratulations, ashpelt." i said in a calm voice. there was firetail, silverstar, and smokepelt. i had also brought ashpelt a mouse; i had a hunting patrol with silverstar and stormpaw.
just then streampelt arrived. she helped ashpelt have her kits.
Tigersong beamed at Ashpelt. "Congratulations," She purred.
i assign cats to be warriors or apprentices here
i signaled the cats of my clan with a yowl. ashpelt, firetail, lightningstorm, lionkit, maplepaw, and lastly featherkit stood around the hghork. because it was her ceromeny, featherkit was groomed and her pelt shone. silverstar called to featherkit to come up to the highrock.
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i congrulated featherpaw. i asked to ashpelt if we could hunt with her and firetail
I walked to FeatherPaw and felt the wind in my pelt, and the hot sun on my fur.
"FeatherPaw, go and get some rest, you will train first thing in the morning."
I walked off to the freshkill pile, I just got back from a hunt, before SilverStar called for us. I sat and ate a vole as... Show more
p.s- I am a silver cat with cloudy blue eyes and a small scar on my chest, I am 12 moons and I am kind, fierce and loyal.
<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?group_2389820644