Christian writers

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We welcome any Christians into this group... Don't worry if your not Christian... We give pointers and any other things we can do to help you with your books or problems in life. We also are a very fun group and not always talk about books but we will also chit chat about other things too!!!! Please join!!!


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New Christian books on Amazon for your spiritual growth By: Emmanuel Jeremiah E
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Hi everyone. I recently release a book titled Victorious Living Devotional 2: Righteousness Our Royal Garment. It is a book that explore how God has adorned you with the royal garment of righteousness and the attending blessings that accrue to you because you are made righteous. A brief excerpt of that book, I have published on BookRix with the title the Radiant Beauty Of Righteousness On You. Check it out On Amazon, Bookrix... Show more

New book about Christian life - "Sharela's Diary" By: Sharela Koch
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Is it still possible to live your Christian faith in today's society? Where is the difference to non-Christians?
I did a 4-years self-experiment to find out:

Sharela's Diary von Sharela Koch - eBook Download - Buch kaufen Sharela is a young Christian and Blogger from Germany. In this book, she talks about her life, honestly and openly: about living your faith, searching for God and loving your neighbor. Using a pen name she shares her life without exposing her friends and family. This book combines amusing anecdotes from her every-day life with thoughts about God and the world and her most popular blog posts from the past four years. Feel welcomed by your next-door Christian!
Hello Writers I cordially Invite Everyone To Contribute To Our Upcoming International Anthology ... By: Monu Bhagat
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Hello Writers I cordially Invite Everyone To Contribute To Our Upcoming International Anthology
We are seeking Entries From all over the World. We have a very new and unique format
It is totally FREE (WE REALLY NEED YOU) KINDLY Mail Us You Name Now
Email id :

Hi, friends, how are you enjoying your Christian life with God since you started following Him? H... By: Archibong Emmanuel Etim
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Hi, friends, how are you enjoying your Christian life with God since you started following Him? Have you had victory over all things that tries to cause you worry and anxiety as you are serving the Lord? If Youou haven't, learn it from my book "Worry And Anxiety; How and Why To Overcome The Monster As A Christian on this site.

Have anyone shared testimony in books?? By: S. Mariah
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I have mine to share,...

Good to be here.. By: S. Mariah
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I’m new on here...

I have started to write ebook nowadays....
I shared my testimony in the novel too ....for the Glory of God...
I’m a FaithWriters too....

Hope some of you can check out my testimony....

Thanks a lot...

Hi everyone, I am a Christian writer from Nigeria. By: Stanley Ebosetale
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Hi everyone, I am a Christian writer from Nigeria.

Hello Everyone! I'm a Christian writer from Germany and I want to present to you my book. By: Sev. P
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Hello everyone! Thanks for this group. I want to present to you my Christian book. Unfortunately it's in German, so some of you might be unable to read it. But if you can read in German, then I invite you to read it! It's a modern version of Paul and his story reaching from being someone who persecutes Christians to a person who preaches the Gospel without fear.
... Show more

Der Tag, an dem mein Name wichtig wurde von Severina Puls - Buch online lesen kostenlos - eBook Download Wenn man jemanden für viel Geld umbringen wollte, dann wurde sie damit beauftragt. Von den Medien als Baronin des Todes betitelt, konnte sie jemanden töten ohne auch nur eine einzige Spur zu hinterlassen. Für sie war es eine normale Arbeit, die sie hervorragend erbringen konnte. Eines Tages musste sie für einen sehr teuren Auftrag nach China reisen, um die Frau eines reichen Firmeninhabers zu ermorden. Doch was war an diesem Ziel so besonders, dass sie so viel Geld dafür bekam es auszuschalten? Während der Durchführung des Auftrages hatte sie eine Begegnung, die sie komplett veränderte und die ihren eingeschlagenen Weg auf den Kopf stellte. Doch bei der einen Begegnung blieb es nicht. Es folgte eine Zeit, während der sie sich in Situationen befand, die ihr Inneres veränderten und sie ein neues Leben leben ließen in Freiheit, Liebe und Hoffnung. Doch was passiert, wenn das neue Leben, das man hat, plötzlich bedroht wird? Was macht man, wenn man konfrontiert ist zwischen Glauben und Gefahr? Licht und Dunkelheit? Zwischen dem, was man tun möchte und dem, was in...
Hi everyone! I am a Christian writer from Germany. In my latest book I present German baking rec... By: Sharela Koch
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Hi everyone!

I am a Christian writer from Germany. In my latest book I present German baking recipes - yummy and easy! Enjoy tasting!

Sharela bakes von Sharela Koch - eBook Download - Buch kaufen This book presents delicious German recipes with easy step-by-step instructions for traditional and modern favorites. From A like Apfelkuchen to Z like Zwetschgendatschi - There is the right recipe for every taste! PLUS: All recipes include information on baking temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius.   About the author: It is no secret that the popular Christian author and blogger Sharela Koch really has a sweet tooth. In this book she shares her favorite home-made cakes and sweets with you.
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