Chat Room

  • 9 Members
  • 2 Posts
  • Public Group
  • Group Language: English
This group is where you can meet new people on Bookrix. Need to add people to your friend list? Well, this is how you can! This is how you can mingle on Bookrix!!!!!!


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Hello, my name is writergirl8, and I am the founder of Chat Room. Talk to people on Bookrix and ... By: writergirl8
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Hello, my name is writergirl8, and I am the founder of Chat Room.
Talk to people on Bookrix and get more friends. I made this group for people to find other people.

Mingle! =;-)


hi my name is Terrex

This must be new? Tell me, what book are you working on now? Is it for bookrix or to send to pu... By: Deleted User
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This must be new?

Tell me, what book are you working on now?

Is it for bookrix or to send to publishers?

Have you found a publisher who likes your work?


This group is new. Please read my new book Motel 6

Deleted User

is the book?

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