Books Made Into Movies

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Dedicated to listing, reviewing and talking about books that were later turned into movies, and the process involved.

Spawned by the recent release of Eat Pray Love.

With a 2006 publication date, Elizabeth Gilbert's bestselling book, Eat Pray Love, became a blockbuster movie less than 5 years after the book was released.


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I finally finished the first part of Xo and I need some feedback. Thank you to whoever cares to r... By: writergirl
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I finally finished the first part of Xo and I need some feedback. Thank you to whoever cares to read this and then reads my book.


Sence I do not know which one is the correct link I'll do both.

I think my book would make a great movie. based on true events. By: thelegend84
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I think my book would make a great movie. based on true events.

I want to know your guys' opinions on the book and/or movie. Tell me what you think! Liz By: megzy143
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I want to know your guys' opinions on the book and/or movie. Tell me what you think!

Please if you guys can I would love to hear what you have to say about my book, you can find it a... By: books411
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Tower Prep on Cartoon Network is going to be cancelled and they need all the help they can get to... By: books411
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Tower Prep on Cartoon Network is going to be cancelled and they need all the help they can get to save it. This is the best show on CN! All of us fans of tower prep need to stand and help! This is our last chance to save it. And they need all of the help they can get. If you have a Facebook or Twitter please if it isn't to much to ask like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter and we may be able to save the show! If you... Show more

In my childhood I definitely connected to book characters like Ramona, Margaret, Nancy Drew and m... By: ambersims
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In my childhood I definitely connected to book characters like Ramona, Margaret, Nancy Drew and many others.
Who in literature did you connect with while growing up?

What's really fun about some of the characters I liked, was that they were later featured in Hollywood movies! Of course, they always seemed slightly different than I... Show more

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I can remember reading "Matilda" by Roald Dahl as I was growing up and wishing I could be her best friend. Then, when I was young, Matilda the movie came out and I believe I watched it over 100 times. Sometimes, when it comes on TV to this day, I will sit down and watch the... Show more


I read alot of Winne the Pooh as a kid. I have and will always love those books and the movies. They are enjoyable for people of all ages.


Post number three wind up here, lol?

Well. Growing up. The nuns MADE me read stuff that I loathed...The Lives of the Saints (totally bored me, except when they got thrown to the lions), "What Every Catholic Boy Should Know" (yawn), "A Wrinkle in Time". That one grabbed me :-)
... Show more

I posted this on the general forum, but I thought that this was group appropriate :) Have any of... By: Deleted User
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I posted this on the general forum, but I thought that this was group appropriate :)

Have any of you read "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" by Steig Larson? I have not yet, but I've heard only great things about it. If you did read it, did you like it?

The official movie trailer was released yesterday and it looks AWESOME. Will you guys see this movie?

The group has been around for a bit, but I just became the admin for it and I would like to invit... By: evercaptivating
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The group has been around for a bit, but I just became the admin for it and I would like to invite you all to join the group.

Classic Books group(renamed), but here is the current link,

Discuss classic books.
Talk about the authors.
Challenge yourself to read some of the best books in the world.
Meet others that share the same love.

It's still new, so we can make this group... Show more

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