Book Cover Requests

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  • 58 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
Come one, come all!
If you can't quite get the cover you want, put in a request or ask one of our friendly admins to create one for you!
Make sure that you post:

1. Ideas you want for the cover
2. Title and a authors name
3. Desired design (colours, mood e.g. happy, sad)
4. You can also email through an image that you may want turned into a cover (ask any one of us for our email address)

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Do you charge for book covers? By: Allison Jae
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Do you charge for book covers?

i would like a book cover please By: winnersho
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i'm writing a book and i would like a book cover to suit the mood of my book except i can't seem to find what i'm looking for i need help

i would like a book cover please By: Deleted User
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1.female and male back to back in a battle. female with two weapons - can provide pics, male with blue flames from his hands.
2. the crown and the flame book 1 - rochelle pieterse
3. energetic, fierce
please send email adress so i can send pics and more info if needed

I would like a book cover please By: SeanTQuigley
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I would like a book cover please


I would like the cover to have two swords laying across each other on top of a raging fire, with two demonic red eyes inside the fire please. message me if you need more information, thank you. :)


Do you want your title and author pen name on it or just the image?

I need a book cover By: dragon-lover
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I would like the cover of the book to be a boy of about 16 standing in front of a swirling portal in an abandoned warehouse. message me if you need more info.

Deleted User

How about the young male coming into the abandoned warehouse through the portal?

Deleted User

I've put the one I am suggesting in the back of the book on my profile called 'Just a Few Cover'. It's entitled 'See Me'. Take a look and tell me here what you think.


I like the idea. But the character has to be discovering the portal. The main story has the character discovering the portal in the warehouse

Deleted User

Okay, leave it with me and I'll see what I can comer up with. Does that male character suffice?

Deleted User

Okay, got you a new one. I think you'll like this one,, it's got a hook.

I need a book cover too!!!! ( : By: Deleted User
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I need a book cover too!!!! ( :

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Deleted User

Please give us some information...
1. Ideas you want for the cover
2. Title and authors name
3. Desired design (colors, mood e.g. happy, sad)
4. You can also provide an image that you may want turned into a cover.

I need a book cover!!! By: Deleted User
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I need a book cover!!! Anyone can help??

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