All Things Unseen

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All things that others reject as non-existent. If you have a belief in your heart, be it faeries, dragons, magic, elves, mermaids, or creatures of the night, this is a home for believers in the Unseen.


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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you impro... By: Zeus
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Hello beautiful people, in case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will help you improve your writing skills, Click on this link to know more.

I believe n fairies By: Justam
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I dont say to anyone what i really think or feel. I believe fairies are real

Introducing my new book. By: Ingeborg Kazek
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free download

Your opinion is requested for my book bellow: By: Sunkara Bhaskara Rao
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My Wife's Friend. "James.. not a boy?" "James. I love her. She came last Saturday here. Your wife gave her full day company. James is my sweet heart." Abraham said.   "What James? James... not a boy?"   "No, she is a prett...
Cassia Beckett about 1 minute ago Depression sucks! But, when its over I feel better than I... By: Somebody That I Used To Know
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Cassia Beckett

about 1 minute ago

Depression sucks! But, when its over I feel better than I ever did in my whole life!
Stay optimistic people, there always is a way! Dwelling on what went wrong will never make things right. Your an awesomely amazing matter what...since I don't know you personally I can say that with absolute certainty! The only thing I see you as is a human, who has a past and a future. Never... Show more

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