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So Im pretty sure that there are a few people like me who wants suggestions on the next chapter to their story. I publish on an app called wattpad and currently working on this new book which I why I need some ideas.


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Dialogue By: LittleScribbler
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I'm having trouble with this block of dialogue. Is it clear on every line who is speaking? I don't want to use he said, she said etc for every line of speech, so I have used the character's action in some of the lines.
"I wonder where all the good/smart writers have gone?" Billie grumbled glancing at Edgar, hidden behind his paper at the other end of the breakfast table.”
"Eh, what?" he said, peering over the... Show more

Born To Stand Out By: asmaugm
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The is the description

Elisha was hated for being black and having anorexia. She was the only 100% African in her school and she was darker than a normal dark person.

She wore black lenses and had really white eyes which made her unique but one bully led to another and she ended up being a victim.

Her entire school hated her until the end of high school. She lived in an orphanage with her little brother until university and... Show more

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Hi Asmaugm
What a great subject you have chosen; bullying and racism are huge problems still. Perhaps you could search the internet for stories about how victims in your character's situation dealt with her bullies. I'm sorry I can't help any further, but I wish you success.

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