5SOS <3

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I love the band 5 Seconds Of Summer so if you do to then Join!!!



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hi all By: jessjc3 ♥️
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welcome to my group :D

No rules

You can cuss i dont mind

And dont be an ass

~~Jess XXD <3



Im from Germany and a little 5SoS Fan.
I´ve got their Album and I love the song "Amnesia".

What´s your favourite song (-s)?

jessjc3 ♥️

amnesia and good girls its hard to decide and srry 4 the late reply ive been busy

:):):):) By: Deleted User
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hi By: Deleted User
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Deleted User

The innocent Liam is gone thou

Shindo Kokoro

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. This is why I hate not having internet most of the time. I can't keep up with them :(

Deleted User

his new single "strip that down" is very dirty

I love 5sos so much By: Deleted User
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I love 5sos so much

Hey By: Dez
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Hey guys/girls, I'm a new user....so uh...yea, bye.....


Hi, welcome to bookrix


Thank you

okay so thanks for allowing me to join this group By: Deleted User
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okay so thanks for allowing me to join this group

I GOT TO MEET THEM By: slowly> hurting> giving up
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Omg I got a kiss from Luke an MIchele .. there both my fav.. i love them for there persinality an i have back stage passes to almost everyone of there concerts an some of my friends i gave them tickets for there birthday

jessjc3 ♥️

omg really?!!?!?!! that's awesome I wish I could meet them

slowly> hurting> giving up

Lol I have vip tikects if u want

omg 5sos! By: Deleted User
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omg 5sos!

jessjc3 ♥️

IKR i love them!!!

Deleted User

me too!!!! they are so amazing

jessjc3 ♥️

Whats your favorite song/songs ??

Deleted User

amnesia and she's so perfect

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