Weil Menschen für Menschen sterben müssen

Weil Menschen für Menschen sterben müssen

Wer ich bin?

Eines der wenigen Kinder die noch existieren. In der Welt in der ich lebe wurden die Menschen immer Älter. Es gibt ein natürliches Gesetz. Menschen müssen sterben, damit neue Menschen platz zum leben haben.

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Important Post
Deleted User

Long Branch, NJ

I found her comment about schools being made up of individual students to be
truly illuminating. Obviously, she had done her homework. A more incompetent
syncophant one can hardly imagine. A train wreck in an administration full of

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

Important Post
Deleted User

Brooklyn, New York

Trump created the DACA issue by canceling it, he owns it and appears to have
done it solely for political gain. The parties had a solution and Trump or
more likely Stephen Miller, decided they could get even more and end family
based immigration. That is a fairly dramatic demand with no consideration of
the potential adverse economic impact on the country.

If you want to open jobs to US citizens cancel the H-1b... Show more

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