League of Extraordinary Robots

League of Extraordinary Robots
When the land of the Bots and Humans collide there will be a big bang, war ensues for the ownership of the Bots land by a King name Alfred and a powerful wizard by the name of Wisker.

Wisker will capture the king's only son Prince Harry,who will inherit his thron and his wars,wisker will use Prince Harry as ransome to get king Alfred to stop the war aganist the land of the Bots,but instead the king kills his own son by the blades of his sword.With a drop of the wizard whisker's blood the Prince will rise again with extrodinary powers; only to be face with the choice of killing his father or fighting by his side.

Posts and Comments
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The story was great but did not end right and seams like it is missing part of the story still and where is the end of the story what happend?
Is there a second part of the book?

1 Comment

I had a hard time uploading the entire book,and I just wanted viewers to get a sneak peek...

Important Post

A mixture beween fantasy and fairy tale.
In the beginning of reading these amazing story I was a little bit trembling about 197 sides. But I have read this marvellous
story in a few hours. Every minute was an adventure from which I don't want miss one second! I want to recommend to everyone to read this story. One of the best stories here on Bookrix! Congratulations.


The story was great but did not end right and seams like it is missing part of the story still and where is the end of the story what happend?
Is there a second part of the book?


As with my stories on the web,most are incomplete,because it was a little difficult uploading it for some reason,but you can check out smashwords.com for Imaginary Friends and Peter Carrot-top they are complete.The Prince and the Robot,is not because I am geting offers right now for it,thanks

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