
Formerly Zylena's Element By:
User: yezall
Zylena may have control of the wind but, her life is hardly her own. Traveling to the city from her small village where she is put into the care of an assassin is only the beginning. This is Chapter One in the (almost finished) full length novel that will be available for sale soon. I hope this tempts you to read more.

Adventure, Fantasy, love
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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ❤ ︀O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k ︀➔ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-yezall-strongheart-windswept

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I loved the story it was described very well, it made you feel as if you were at the place, it's a very creative and its just a good book. I didn't really see any faults and I loved the names you used, they were very unique and fitted the story. xoxox

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ❤ ︀O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k ︀➔ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?yezall_1313939815.0657091141

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This is truly an enchanting tale, with a driving force of Zylena's search for a hidden truth keeping the reader hooked from the start. Would be great to have a follow up to this lovely story.

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Yezall, just read your 1st chapter in the begining I was not sure I was going to like but I continued reading now I will be looking for the rest of the book to come out well done
Deb B

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Your story has a strong beginning, that hooks the reader. I love how you continue to build the intrigue, and captivate the reader throughout the remainder of the chapter.
I love reading your stories, but this is definitely my favorite so far.

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Well done Yezall, this is a lovely story, I cannot wait to read more, it had me from the start

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I have to agree with the other comments here. I think the concept is great and with a bit of fine-tuning this could be developed into a terrific longer story. I thought there was a nice balance of narrative and dialogue and the action moved forward at the right pace... definitely want to see where this goes from here.

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I have totally changed that scene. I laughed when I read what I had, so unbelievable!

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I read Zylena's Element. First let me say that it's subject matter isn't one that attracts my attention for the offset, but I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself engulfed in the story. I give it 5 stars for originality and creativity. It's my hope to get to a point in my writing that I can create a whole world from imagination. Of course, there are a few grammar/spelling things, we all seem to get a snag like that,... Show more

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