That Girl

That Girl
One day, she's Saylor Remington, princess of Jackson High.
Now, she's That Girl. You know, the one everyone was talking about last fall? The one who's oh-so-private nude was posted all over the Internet? You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words...?
Hers is only one: slut. She was-

A.) a virgin
B.) hopelessly in love
C.) kind of naïve

So, maybe Saylor wasn't all she was chalked up to be. Maybe she hadn't done ecstasy with Lucas Jones, notorious junkie. And maybe she hadn't hooked up with Greg DeMarco in the girls' bathroom. But that doesn't mean she's not a slut, right?
Wrong again.

When she meets Cutie No. Two, she thinks this is it. She's found 'The One', complete with foot-pop kissing, charming smile, and white horse. Perfect, right? Her racy picture seems thousands of years away, until it catches up with her.

That past trailing her and reality setting in, Saylor Remington begins to think about her life: from her friends, to her crushes, to maybe even her life once she gets away from her past and hometown.

Posts and Comments
Important Post

This is getting so good. I'm not even done. You've definitely got the suspense and excitement down!! :D

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Jay Babee

HOLY CRAP I love this already. Saylor is amazing (that 'jesus christ it's peach!' conversation had me cracking up so hard). PLEASE PELASE let me know when it's updated, I'm pretty much dying for more.

Important Post

LMAO! R u trying to seduce my brother? lol is there a possible connection between Frankie and Saylor...? /:)

1 Comment

Oh c'mon we all know ur brother has the hots for me lmao no i'm not trying to seduce ur ten year old brother lol

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