Hamilton High is not a place for the faint-hearted. Anything from sex tapes to drug deals gone bad happen behind those closed doors...

Lucy Edwards- the girl you will never understand. The girl you have trouble looking at, yet can't tear your eyes away from.

Nicholas 'Nix' Keating- the boy you want. The boy who wants to understand that girl.

Amy Herring- the best friend. The best friend who wants the boy.

Kingsley Abrahams- the stoner. The stoner who does not care; the stoner who will never care.

Amanda Nichols- the beautiful blond. The beautiful blond that stoner might actually, just barely... sympathize for.

They're the people you see everyday. They're the kids you want to know, even be, yet can't wrap your mind around. Follow them, through the year that changed their lives.

This Book is Part of a Series "Hamilton High"
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An electric debut novel about love, addiction, and loss; the story of two girls and the feral year that will cost one her life, and define the other’s for decades

Marlena by Julie Buntin https://myfreekindle.blogspot.de/2017/07/marlena-by-julie-buntin.html An electric debut novel about love, addiction, and loss; the story of two girls and the feral year that will cost one her life, and define the other?s for decades Everything about fifteen-year-old Cat?s new town in rural Michigan is lonely and off-kilter, until she meets her neighbor, the manic, beautiful, pill-popping Marlena. Cat, inexperienced and desperate for connection, is quickly lured into Marlena?s orbit by little more than an arched eyebrow and a shake of white-blond hair. Download this ebook, kindle here for free, just with a click. Premium ebook, bestseller, google, amazone
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Ug id wish you would just finish this book!!! Its so intriguing i wish i knew what happened to all the characters :(

1 Comment

I agree please finish this!!!

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Deleted User

I love it but I want to know what happens to Amy and Darin or Amy and Matt, Nix and Lucy, and if Kingsley and Amanda fall in love. D; Why do you have to bring me so much misery with wondering these questions?!?!

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Deleted User

its really nice , real good job :)

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Update to High. Big part of the story, even though it's poorly written and in need of much more detail. Hoping to add more later if I'm not a zombie of sleep-deprivation. Anyways, enjoy guys! :D

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So, I just added a bit more, but I'm not quite sure it's actually literate considering I am almost comatose... If it breaks down into Spanglish, just tell me. Anyways, hope to add more soon, and enjoy my lil minions :D

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Another update to High, for anyone interested :D

1 Comment

yes i just got finished i wanna no wat happens......plz? :)

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