ENNEAS - Hero Quest

The Hero's Journey in the Enneagram By:
ENNEAS - Hero Quest

"ENNEAS - Hero Quest" was extracted from the book ENNEAS (Subtitle: Das Enneagramm Gurdjieffs - Sein universales systemisches Prozessmodell.) and deals with the Hero's Journey in combination with the Enneagram.

This fusion of Gurdjieff's Enneagram with Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey", contains the key to designing your own development and transformation processes.

Thus the Enneagram becomes a practical instrument of thinking, learning and personal inner growth. On a "more secular" level, the logic of the Enneagram, combined with the archetypal Hero's Journey, provides novels in particular with a solid foundation for an exciting narrative structure used in such successful films as Star Wars, The Lion King and The Lord of the Rings.

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